
All martial artists who saw this scene with divine sense were all shocked. You know, even though Ye Fei stepped into the Martial Emperor at this time, he hadn’t passed the Martial Emperor’s robbery yet, and his realm was not stable.

Even so, Ye Fei is still by the strength of oneself, the real Martial Emperor, the boss of the tiger clan, was severely wounded and screamed. If this allows Ye Fei to successfully survive the martial emperor, the realm will be complete If it is stable, how terrifying should Ye Fei’s battle strength be raised.

“This kind of evildoer should not die in the hands of the tiger clan, he should go to the Human Race Xiongguan, he should fight to protect our Human Race!”

“Yes, tiger Race, bully intolerably, are you so stifling our Human Race geniuses? Are you not afraid that the powerhouse of Human Race will hold you back!”


The answer to many martial artists is yes The two tiger race Martial Emperor roared in anger, “Shut up to Lao Tzu, this Human Race untouchable. It is the most wanted criminal of the Heaven Temple Hall, and even the spies of the Wu tribe. Whoever kills him can obtain Heaven Temple. Reward, everyone, come with us, kill this spy!”

I found that the two people could no longer hold down Ye Fei. The tiger clan boss’ eyes flashed with cunning and resentment. Not only did he frame Ye Fei as a spy on the spot, It is also trying to mobilize those mighty Heaven Grade quasi-emperors in Battle Spirit City to besiege Ye Fei together.

Many foreign quasi-emperors who heard this began to stir.

Many Human Race quasi-emperors have changed their faces. No one didn’t expect that as Martial Emperors, the tiger clan is so despicable. In order to stifle their Human Race genius, it is simply a means.

“Stop them!”

“Yes, we can’t stop the Martial Emperor, but we can unite and block other foreign quasi-emperors!”

I don’t know who yelled. Suddenly, the entire Human Race quasi-emperors in Battle Soul City became furious, feeling that the Tiger Clan did too much this time.

Just don’t wait for them to do it.

hong long!

The sky trembled and Heavenly Dao was furious! At the end of the void, the huge mountain of thunderbolt is completely formed. It seems to have gathered all the power of Heavenly Tribulation. At this time, it is also carrying the Supreme power of destroying Exterminating Heaven and Earth, suddenly flying out of the void, like a mountain of gods. , Ye Fei and every inch of space in the entire Battle Soul Canyon were completely crushed


At this time, those foreign powerhouses in Battle Soul City, let alone enter the canyon, just feel the breath of the Thunderbolt Mountain, they are look pale, scared witless.

“Oh my God, this is the sacred mountain robbery! Damn it, how can we forget, he is a man abandoned by the heavens, once they save the robbery, it will definitely be heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!” The Martial Emperor of the tiger clan, his face also turned pale at this time, it was really too terrifying.

Don’t even look at the sacred mountain, but it is a huge mountain that covers the entire canyon. Even if the Martial Emperor is hit by such a sacred mountain, it will definitely break bones and die, and the death is extremely miserable.

critical moment, the two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan simply didn’t care about beheading Ye Fei. They just worked hard, united with each other, tried to resist the fall of the mountain, and escaped here by the way. The envelope of Heavenly Tribulation.

“Where to go! You think you can kill me, don’t you think you can kill me? Now, I will give you this opportunity to save the calamity together and see who of us dies first! Kill!”

When the sacred mountain of the void fell, Ye Fei also felt scalp numb and scared witless, but he not at all flinched.

Martial Emperor’s robbery, sooner or later, you have to face it. Rather than face it alone, it is better to pull these two tiger race Martial Emperors to fight the robbery together.

He didn’t die and counted as earning him. If he died, he would have two backs.

“Eight polar dragon!” Stepping into the Martial Emperor level, Ye Fei’s true essence becomes more vigorous, directly from the river to the sea, which also allows him to have more and stronger With the ability to control multiple Taikoo Tiangongs, Ye Fei was even more straightforward in order to keep these two Tiger Martial Emperors, and released two eight-pole Tianlongs in one breath.

After that, Ye Fei saw an incomparable gigantic sacred mountain, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, crushing it against him with the power of destroying everything.

“Ah, Ye Motou, you must die!”

“We will be ghosts and we will not let you go!”

In the Baji Tianlong Blocked, the two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan had no chance to escape the sacred mountain. They were both red-eyed, cursing and roaring at the same time, and were forced to join forces to attack the sacred mountain. They also virtually helped Ye Fei. Shared a lot of pressure from Heavenly Tribulation.

This is exactly the effect Ye Fei needs. For such a terrifying Martial Emperor’s robbery, it must be very difficult for him to live alone. But with the help of these two Martial Emperors, he will face The pressure of Heavenly Tribulation will undoubtedly reduce a lot.

Even more how, Ye Fei also has an advantage that the Martial Emperor of the tiger clan does not have. That is, he has the immortal Sword Soul and can specifically absorb Heavenly Tribulation! “Indestructible Sword Soul, o I wake up!” Ye Fei roared in his heart, critical moment, he has nothing to hide. Suddenly, the immortal Sword Soul was awakened to form a terrifying matchless destruction vortex, and then Ye Fei, as a whole person, had raised the Promise Sword, like a shining star, and in turn,

at a very fast speed , Crashed into the mountain.


At this moment, even the sacred mountain condensed by Heavenly Dao shook slightly, and the two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan looked at Ye Fei in amazement. After passing through the sacred mountain and rushing into the interior of the sacred mountain, the old monk sat down as if in a certain position.

“Oh my God, this kid is really crazy. The Force of Tribulation inside the mountain is more than ten times larger than the outside. Isn’t he afraid of being bombarded by Heavenly Tribulation?” “No, big brother, this little demon is not stunned and will definitely not ask for death. I know, the inside of Heavenly Tribulation is definitely the key to resisting the mountain. As long as we rush in, we can resist this horror. Sacred Mountain Tribulation!”

Chapter 1776 Diwei Invincible

The second child of the tiger clan has never used his brains. He prefers the pleasure of tearing up the women and children of Human Race with bare hands. But at this time, seeing Ye Fei’s actions, he actually “has an idea” and saw through Ye Fei’s way of saving the catastrophe.

The fact is true. Facing such a huge mountain of thunderbolt, simply resisting from the outside, even the Martial Emperor, may be crushed alive. But like consuming from the inside and absorbing the power of the mountain, the result is different.

After all, Ye Fei has the immortal Sword Soul, which can absorb the power of Heavenly Tribulation. Unfortunately, the second child of the tiger clan doesn’t know this, and actually assumes that the inside of the mountain is actually the mountain. The weak link of the robbery. In addition, after Ye Fei rushed into the sacred mountain, facing the sacred mountain alone outside, only the tiger boss and the second were left. They suddenly felt the pressure doubled, especially the tiger boss, who was just by Ye Fei. The Octopus Heavenly Dragon was wounded, and before he had time to escape to heal his wounds, the terrifying Divine Mountain Tribulation had been suppressed. At this time, the tiger boss had already regretted it, and he shouldn’t have rushed in and hunted down Ye Fei while Ye Fei was fighting, so after hearing the second child’s words, he saw Ye Fei rushing into the mountain, the tiger boss “Hmph, the boy just broke through the Martial Emperor, his realm is not stable, and he dared to rush into the sacred mountain. It doesn’t make sense, we two real Martial Emperors,” I can’t rush out, I understand. If you want to resist the sacred mountain, you must rush into the sacred mountain, Ye Devil, you just wait to die, hahaha!”

I think I have seen through Ye Fei’s calamity. According to the plan, the tiger clan boss also roared triumphantly, and even burned his Martial Emperor blood essence again, roaring, two huge gods tigers had already exploded with power at the same time, smashed the sacred mountain, and rushed into the interior of the sacred mountain.

bang! bang! bang! Inside the sacred mountain, lightning and thunder, whistling thunderbolt, forming a thunderbolt world more terrifying than a volcano, instantly enveloping the two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan, that feeling , As if the whole body was electrified at once, just rushed in, the weaker tiger cock, half of the tiger’s body that was already electrified

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