It’s numb.

The tiger clan boss also screamed, and was scorched black by the tribulation thunder everywhere.

“Where is the mitigation, rushing in is clearly courting death! The second child, you pig head, you have killed us!”

The tiger clan boss He was so violent that he was confused for a while, believing the tiger clan’s second child, he really rushed into the sacred mountain.

“Fuck, this Old Hu, there is a problem in his mind, do they dare to rush into the sacred mountain?” Ye Fei also looked at the two Martial Emperors who rushed in in shock.

You must know that even if there is an immortal Sword Soul that can absorb the Force of Tribulation, he is also numbed by the infinite Thunderbolt around him at this time, if it is not relying on the part of the Thunder Tribulation liquid accumulated before He could continue to repair his injuries. He could not hold on for a long time, and either escaped or was hacked to death by Heavenly Tribulation.

The two Martial Emperors of the tiger race have nothing on them. Since there is no treasure to resist Heavenly Tribulation, nor the immortal Sword Soul of Heavenly Tribulation absorbed; they dare to rush in like themselves Inside the sacred mountain.

How is this different from jumping into a fire pit naked?

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the confusion of the two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan, but Ye Fei’s act of rushing into the sacred mountain alone is too easy to cause misunderstanding. Imagine that even a junior who has just broken through Martial Emperor and has not even passed the Martial Emperor’s robbery can easily rush into the sacred mountain. It seems that they are still meditating in the cultivation. There is no reason why these two veteran Martial Emperors cannot rush. Enter the sacred mountain, also cultivation inside, and even took the opportunity to kill Ye Fei, not to give Ye a chance to fly through the martial emperor.

It was this kind of misunderstanding that caused the two Martial Emperors of the tiger race to get excited, and then rushed in, and even tasted the bitter fruit of Heavenly Tribulation strikes in an instant.

Originally, the Heavenly Tribulation inside the sacred mountain only struck Ye Fei alone, making Ye Fei miserable. At this time, two Martial Emperors of the tiger race suddenly rushed in. The Heavenly Tribulation inside the sacred mountain suddenly divided into The three forces blasted towards Ye Fei, and two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan. Ye Fei’s eyes also lit up suddenly, and he looked at the two Martial Emperors with emotion and said, “Two Martial Emperors, you are really good tigers. It’s okay to help me fight the sacred mountain catastrophe, but you still take the initiative. I rushed in and helped me share the power of the sacred mountain with my life. I was able to save the calamity this time. Thanks to you guys!”

“What did you say, shameless Ye Devil, you dare to use us to save the calamity, damn it, damn it completely, roar!”

The tiger boss was so embarrassed and angry that he spouted a mouthful of old blood on the spot, but he didn’t wait. His blood spurted out, and the infinite thunderbolt got in along his tiger’s mouth. The electric tiger clan boss convulsed all over, and the whole tiger head was scorched black.

Afterwards, in the sacred mountain, there was another scent of barbecue, floating far away, but the tiger clan’s second child was too weak to resist everywhere’s tribulation thunder, and he already had a small body. Half-cooked by Heavenly Tribulation.

The second tiger clan who discovered this, was scared to death on the spot, and the tiger roared, and even the tiger clan boss ignored him, roaring, and turned around to escape from this sacred mountain.

“Second, don’t go!” The tiger clan boss complexion greatly changed, and his tone suddenly brought a touch of panic and fear.

“haha, it’s late, let’s die!”

Ye Fei laughed heartily, if the tiger clan boss and cock are always together, he will survive the martial emperor. Killing them also takes a lot of effort.

But at this time, the tiger clan’s second child was afraid of Heavenly Tribulation and escaped from the mountain alone. This was the best opportunity for Ye Fei to defeat them separately. He immediately ignored Heavenly Tribulation and waved Promise. The sword slammed to the tiger clan boss.

“Roar, the tiger roars the mountains and rivers! I am dead, and I will be perish together with you!”

The tiger boss, angry roar, knew that he couldn’t escape, so he immediately took all The Martial Emperor blood essence burned to form a crazy blood tiger, teaching the world, tearing the infinite thunderbolt inside the mountain into a huge gap. “Eight-Eight Dragon, send you to the West! kill kill kill kill kill!” Ye Fei looked indifferent, using the immortal Sword Soul to absorb all around Heavenly Tribulation, and at the same time he exhausted all his strength, once again controlled the five ancient heavenly powers, hit eight The extremely heavenly dragon, the terrifying heavenly dragon, shakes the heavens and the earth, and even this sacred mountain that shakes, all show traces of terrifying cracks. In the end, many martial artists who watched the game only heard a loud blast from the inside of the mountain. The mountain formed by the tribulation thunder has been blasted out of a huge thunderbolt cave with infinite Heavenly Tribulation power. Gushing out at the same time, there was also a huge, scorched corpse of a god tiger. “The big brother actually died, Ye Fei, the devil! My tiger clan will never let you go, Heaven Temple will never let you go, just wait to die!” The tiger clan yelled and was sad again. , It was fear again, and he had no choice but to rush into the sacred mountain. He was already seriously injured. At this time, he was the only one left, and he did not have the courage to fight Ye Fei.

So in full view, the tiger clan’s second child resisted the shame and grief, but rushed to the Battle Soul City desperately, and tried to rush out of this terrifying Heavenly Tribulation.


Ye Fei’s face is indifferent, surrounded by endless thunderbolt and lightning. The terrifying Heavenly Tribulation still locks him in, but it can’t lock the amazing murderous intention in Ye Fei’s heart, “Brother Zhang, Brother Chen, Brother Liu, Brother Li…you are alive in the sky, now you can open your eyes, look at me, and take revenge for you! Kill!”

The bright sword glow, like a ruining meteor, carries Howl, with murderous intention and anger, cut off the mountain and the injured body of the tiger’s old 2nd layer.

Touch! The head of a huge divine tiger, with flying blood light, rolled up in the sky, and was shattered by the infinite Heavenly Tribulation beam of light shattered by the sacred mountain. In the heavenly Heavenly Tribulation beam of light, there was a The youth wearing a black Purple Gold robe, carrying a Promise Sword, like a purple-golden War God, bathed in the endless Heavenly Tribulation, exuding the amazing Martial Emperor power.

Chapter 1777 Blood Debt

hong long long!

As the sacred mountain shattered, the death of the two Martial Emperors of the tiger race, even Heavenly Dao, could not help Ye Fei at this time. The sky full of thunder sea began to recede and quickly returned to the void. Return to the vortex of the Eye of Heavenly Dao, but do not wait for these thunder seas to return.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Ye Fei took another step, carrying the dripping Divine Sword, and rushing to the Eye of Heavenly Dao at the end of the void again, and started to compete with Heavenly Dao all around the chaos Force of Tribulation.


Such a move made Heavenly Dao furious. The sky and the earth were shaking, and the end of the void, Heavenly Dao’s eyes released a terrifying pressure, as if to The entire battle soul space was crushed and collapsed.

That is Heavenly Might, the existence that makes the soul of martial artist tremble.

While feeling this Heavenly Might, Ye Fei sneered, unceremoniously, and released his imperial power. Suddenly, there was a wave of hiding the sky and covering the earth, shaking Heavenly Tribulation The terrifying power resisted this Heavenly Might and shocked the hearts of all martial artists present.

“Oh my god, he just broke through the Martial Emperor. The emperor he produced can resist Heavenly Might!”

“This is the terrifying place of peerless evildoers, unless Demi-God shot, otherwise in Martial Emperor Realm, peerless evildoers are invincible!”

Many martial artists are sighing, looking at the gorge within the valley, the two corpses of the gods have become black , Many foreign quasi-emperors, at this time, had a great fear from the heart.

in the sky!

I don’t care about the eyes of others, Ye Fei is mighty and mighty, like a sluice, strong and arrogant blocking the front of Heavenly Dao’s eye, letting countless lightning bolts whizzing through him His body rushed into Heavenly Dao’s eyes behind him.

And in this process, Ye Fei Motionless As Mountains just urges the immortal Sword Soul heartily, absorbing the Heavenly Dao power contained in the thunderbolt.

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