Until, the Thunder Tribulation fluid transformed by the Immortal Sword Soul has reached its limit, and the all around Force of Tribulation is basically disappeared, Ye Fei stopped fighting the Force of Heaven. Absorption of Tribulation.

Indestructible Sword Soul also rarely hiccups, as if he is full. Ye Fei finally understood why the ground of the Battle Soul Canyon was always dark, hard and barren. In fact, the entire Battle Soul Canyon is a land specially prepared for the Martial Emperor. The relief here is not only Heavenly Tribulation. The formidable power will weaken a lot, and the land here can also bear the amazing destructive power caused by the martial Emperor.

After that, Ye Fei felt the countless double envy and shocked eyes in Battle Soul City. He couldn’t help but smiled slightly, he certainly knew why everyone was envious.

The martial artist who can come to the battle soul space has only one purpose, that is, breakthrough Martial Emperor!

Only due to the strength of the battle spirit and the limitation of its own talents, many martial artists, even in the battle spirit city for several decades, a hundred years, it is difficult to capture the battle spirit, let alone breakthrough Martial Emperor is out.

Ye Fei, if it weren’t for Xiaocao’s Divine Beating Whip, it would happen to be all Divine Soul, the nemesis of the battle soul, he is also impossible to catch the battle soul smoothly, let alone a short time, the entire battle All the battle spirits in Soul Canyon were all shot up.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart moved again. He stepped out of the Battle Soul Canyon and came directly to the sky above the Battle Soul City, facing countless people’s eager, envy, admiration, and awe eyes. .

Ye Fei slowly said, “I still have more than 20 Law Fragments in my hand. These fragments are useless if I keep them. If you need them, you can go to the City of Trials and find I buy it!”

“What, more than twenty pieces of Law Fragment! How could it be possible, the total number of battle spirits in Battle Soul Canyon is only in their early thirties, doesn’t that mean…”

“The entire battle soul of the Battle Soul Canyon has been burned by the Ye Martial Emperor!”


If Ye Fei, let the martial artist present, There is a kind of Five Thunderbolts. It’s unbelievable. Ye Fei is not the first one in the breakthrough Martial Emperor in the battle spirit space, but he can burn all the battle spirits in the battle spirit space in one go. Ye Fei is definitely since ancient Number One Person of times.

“It’s no wonder that he was a man who was abandoned by the sky, and he was able to break through the Martial Emperor so smoothly. He actually burned all the battle spirits by himself!” He Chongtian was also told by Ye Fei. Frightened, and then, in his eyes, rays of light of excitement and excitement suddenly burst out.

“brother Ye, I don’t know if I can buy your Law Fragment?” The crane soared into the sky, looking at Ye Fei excitedly and nervously.

“Of course! As long as it’s not against me or prejudice against our Human Race, I welcome powerhouses of any race to buy the Law Fragment in my hands. Of course, I don’t want treasure, I only accept spirit vein!” Ye Fei is nodded indifferently.

If people don’t offend me, i will not offend others. This is Ye Fei’s principle of life. Although he became a mortal enemy with the Tiger Clan, Ye Fei didn’t bother to target these foreign races as long as other foreign races did not provoke him and did not have prejudice against Human Race. Hearing this, He Chongtian was completely relieved. What he was most afraid of was that Ye Fei was the martial artist with the supremacy of Human Race. He had a grudge against them, and Ye Fei’s answer obviously made He Chongtian let go of worry. , I immediately opened the mouth and said in a deep voice: “There is no problem with the spirit vein. I can now collect five hundred spirit veins and buy a piece of Law Fragment!”

” Brother Crane is really happy! However, it is not the time to trade, and I still have something to do at the moment. After finishing this matter, it will not be too late for us to talk about the trade!” Ye Fei shook his head.

After that, his gaze passed through the battle soul space and looked towards the direction of the city of trial. He did not forget how the three tiger Martial Emperors ambushed him.

It must be a trial of the City Lord, secretly leaking secrets, and deliberately telling his location to the Tiger Martial Emperor, strictly speaking, those companions who followed him in were not only dead in the hands of the Tiger Martial Emperor, Even died in the hands of the City Lord of the trial!

“It’s time to find the City Lord to test the blood debt!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with a cold light, and suddenly he took a step from the battle spirit city to the battle spirit space. Entrance.

With his breakthrough Martial Emperor, the moving distance of the Great Void Step has also been greatly improved, even though the Tiger Martial Emperor has destroyed the Teleportation Formation Platform here in advance.

Ye Fei just took a look, and suddenly, in his hand, the Promise Sword had burst out with the incomparable light of Divine Sword, smashing through the void, shattering the world.

The entire battle soul space was smashed into a huge crack, and outside the crack, it happened to be the sky where the City of Trial was located.

At this time, the blazing sun is in the sky!

The entire city of trials is even more solemn. Countless martial artists gathered on the square outside the City Lord Mansion after receiving orders from the City Lord.

There is a stone pillar in the middle of the square. Several City Lord Mansion guards are tying the captured Zhou Qiang Wuhua to a stone pillar. Trying the City Lord, standing at the top of the stone pillar, pointing at Zhou Qiang below, and saying solemnly to the martial artists gathered around: “Have you seen it? This is slandering this City Lord and disrespectful to this City Lord. In the end, Zhou Qiang colluded with demons and despised the majesty of this City Lord. This City Lord has to bear it again and again

, it is really unbearable, can only be in public, and kill this person alive, warn others from following bad examples !” “Come, move torture!”

Return of Chapter 1778

“Move torture!”

In the City Lord Mansion, several of them hold their arms, The burly executioner walked up to the stone pillar indifferently, and put down the tray and countless cold torture knives.

When I saw those torture knives, many martial artists in the square had a chill from their hearts. They were not afraid of death, but they were afraid that they would be cut alive. This feeling is definitely better than death.

“Zhou Qiang, now do you admit that you, together with the Demon Ye, deliberately slandered this City Lord and corrupted the reputation of this City Lord!”

Try the City Lord proudly Standing on the top of the stone pillars, like an emperor, looking down at the humblest beggar on the ground, the imposing manner of the Martial Emperor, and the power of the City Lord, many martial artists did not dare to breathe.

Zhou Qiang’s face was desperate, but he didn’t ask for mercy. Although he was greedy for life and fear of death, he was not a fool. He understood that he had offended City Lord too harshly. Even if he was begging for mercy, City Lord would definitely not. Will let him go.

In this case, Zhou Qiang was stubborn for a while, and shouted: “Try the City Lord, you damn old killer, kill if you want to kill, grandfather Zhou Zhengyi, the title is not for nothing. Yes, Young Master Ye will definitely take revenge for me too!”

I said so, but looking at a pile of torture knives in front of him, he was about to cut his body alive, and countless trays were placed on the ground. About to put his flesh and blood. Still speaking hard words, Zhou Qiang’s legs trembled, and he urinated his pants on the spot.

But the martial artist present, no one laughed at him, on the contrary, everyone was in awe.

“Look, this is called a kind of vain. I’m so scared to pee my pants. I can still insist on justice. In the name of Zhou Zhengyi, the name is not in vain!”

“Hush , Quietly, didn’t you see that City Lord’s face was blue…”

Seeing Zhou Qiang’s death is approaching, he refused to beg for mercy and tried the City Lord complexion ashen, “Very well, count you There is a kind! Come, cut off his tongue for this City Lord first!”


The sky trembled and the void shattered.

A light of terrifying matchless Divine Sword, at this moment, smashing void, from the battle soul space, has been smashing through the space of the city of trial.

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