After that, there was a terrifying matchless imperial prestige, covering the entire city of trials and the square where the City Lord Mansion was located.

Ye Fei carried the sword and walked out in the sky with a cold expression. When he saw Zhou Qiang being tied to the stone pillar and about to be plucked alive, Ye Fei’s heart felt a strong anger. It burns like a flame.

“Try the City Lord, you are so brave, in the battle soul space, you let the Martial Emperor of the tiger race ambush me, even if you are in the city, you still dare to kill my men alive!”

Ye Fei took one step and appeared in the sky above the square from the void. The terrifying emperor, like a mountain like a sea, was full of anger. Hearing his words, the martial artists all over the city were also shocked.

“What, the City Lord tried to collude with the tiger clan and assassinated Ye Fei?”

“It’s no wonder that the City Lord wanted to hunt down the whole city, and Zhou Qiang was alive. Obviously, I want to kill people and kill people.”

The trial of City Lord was originally aloof and remote, so majestic.

He didn’t expect to kill him. Ye Fei was still alive under the chasing and killing of the three tiger Martial Emperors. At this time, it was the breakthrough Martial Emperor. He was killed from the battle soul space. .

The boundless fear and anger suddenly made the City Lord of the trial violent, “Sickness! Stop talking nonsense! You have repeatedly slandered the innocence of this City Lord. Today, this City Lord will personally take action and destroy it. You wicked demon, Ye Devil, die for this City Lord!”

The entire City Lord Mansion was shaking. When the City Lord was tried, a simple bronze lance appeared suddenly. Under the urging of the Martial Emperor, the lance soon rays of light ten thousand zhang, forming a terrifying blood spear light, piercing through Sun, Moon and Stars, and then assassinating Ye Fei.

Obviously, in order to deal with Ye Fei in the Trial City Lord, he also thought of many ways. Among them, this Divine Item lance was a weapon he obtained from the tiger clan. With the increase of Divine Item, the battle strength of the trial City Lord doubled in an instant, and the howling lance penetrated the entire sky of the trial city, and a terrifying Nihility Zone appeared, and Ye Fei, this Shi stood in the shattered emptiness. He didn’t fight back, even went to try

the blood spear stabbed by the City Lord.

He just raised his hand and slammed the next shot. The majestic true essence of the sea has formed an Azure Dragon claw that shields the heavens and the earth, which not only smashed the blood spear of the trial City Lord The light smashed the chain that sealed Zhou Qiang on the stone pillar in an instant.

“Lord, you finally came to save me!” Zhou Qiang was moved in tears.

“Damn, you are just a junior who just broke through the Martial Emperor, how dare you look down on this City Lord!” Trial City Lord thunderbolt furious.

The last time Ye Fei was beaten behind closed doors, he was a great shame as the City Lord. This time he was supported by the Divine Item of the Tiger Clan to test what City Lord said. Ye Fei cannot be killed. “Kill, Bloody Battle All Directions!” The City Lord of the trial roared up to the sky. Suddenly, at this moment, he burned his own Martial Emperor blood essence. His speed became faster and his strength became stronger. The simple bronze lance, The horrible blood light that penetrates the sky and the earth bursts out, enough to completely pierce a star into powder

Finally. Ye Fei’s expression was also moved for the first time, secretly nodded and said: “This trial City Lord, although the methods are despicable, but the combat experience is really terrifying, but unfortunately, you should not offend me, let alone forget. As a Human Race, you like to be a tiger so much, then you will go to hell,

Be a real ghost! Kill, Tianding Town God!”

bang !

The emperor is mighty, Star River is shaken. Seeing the blood spear stabbed by the City Lord of Trial, Ye Fei directly displayed the ancient heavenly art of Tianding Town God. The true essence of his whole body was condensed into a mysterious war tripod with three legs and four ears, destroying the world, destroying myriad things !

Tianding Zhenshen, not only can be used for defense and warding, but also the strongest weapon to kill.

The Taikoo Tiangong, in the quasi-emperor realm, can only play a little bit of fur. Martial Emperor Realm can already play three to 50% of the formidable power. Only Martial God can fully play the Taikoo Tiangong’s formidable power. This is the case. When Ye Fei used the Martial Emperor Realm to display the Tianding Town God once again, the divine might distributed by that Zhanding still shakes the square outside the City Lord Mansion and sinks several dozen meters, completely It has become a deep pit, and in the deep pit, the City Lord of Trial is full of blood, and it is extremely difficult to use blood

to support the ground with a spear, and his face is full of horror and fear.

“How is it possible that he was able to break through Martial Emperor, he could release 50% of Taikoo Tiangong’s formidable power, I hate it! I want to kill him, I must kill him! Kill!”

In the end, it was the City Lord who had survived a hundred battles. Even if he knew he was defeated, he did not beg for mercy when he tried the City Lord. Instead, he plucked up the courage and madly killed Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei also dignified towards the trial City Lord nodded and said: “Don’t worry, I will use the strongest strength to give you a death…”

“Stop, Who are you, dare to kill Lord of the entire City, are you going to betray the Human Race battlefield!” There was another roar of anger suddenly over the city of trial. Afterwards, is a man wearing a golden shirt and carrying a powerful imperial prestige, appeared in the middle of this battlefield with one step from a distance.

Chapter 1779 Heaven Temple

Faced with the imposing manner of the two Martial Emperors, Ye Fei and the City Lord, this golden robed man, without fear, appeared in an instant In the middle of the two fight.

He raised his hand and slapped it. The terrifying Emperor Prestige crushed the space and formed a special cuboid prison, confining Ye Fei and the City Lord of Trial together in place.

“Heaven Temple’s Tianluo great hand seal, you are the messenger of the Heaven Temple!” The City Lord of the trial recognized at a glance the immemorial arts performed by the visitors, which is the famous martial arts of Heaven Temple. , In the heart of despair, there was a strong desire to survive. Without waiting for Ye Fei to speak, the City Lord of Trial has spurted blood and looked like he was seriously injured, angrily roared covered in blood: “My Envoy, you have to call this City Lord the Lord! This City Lord is the trial. Cheng, although he dare not say that he is conscientious, he is also dedicated to his duties, selfless and hateful

The little demon of Ye Fei does not distinguish between right and wrong. Repeatedly slander me, even more frantic, beheading Baihou, making me Human On the Race battlefield, I lost a member against the General of the Witch race. Now he still thinks you can kill me. If these demons are not eliminated, it will be a disaster for me on the Human Race battlefield!”

Trial City Lord was full of grief and weeping, the more he spoke, the more sad, the more scolded, the more angry he was, thinking that he dignified Lord of the entire City, the last time he was beaten by Ye Fei could only hide in the City Lord Mansion, it would be an incomparable shame. The Heaven Temple messenger arrived in time, he might be killed by Ye Fei.

In the trial of the City Lord, an incomparable gigantic anger and aggrievedness suddenly appeared.

“Heaven Temple? Are you the powerhouse from Human Race?” Ye Fei moved his body and suddenly stepped out of the prison of the all around cube, staring at the golden robed opposite with indifferent expression. man, this is a middle-aged man with a strong breath.

He is not only a Martial Emperor, but he also exudes an extremely dangerous aura at all times. Obviously, this is a very powerful opponent, and the backing behind it is extremely powerful.

Human Race is not a monolith, but is divided into many different forces according to different races and different continents.

Among them, Heaven Temple is a foreign race Martial God, and a small part of Human Race Martial God is a joint Great Influence.

In it, there are countless Martial Emperor experts. According to the information obtained by Zhou Qiang, the trial of the City Lord is from the Martial Emperor of the Heaven Temple. For this reason, the trial of the City Lord is particularly biased towards foreigners. Even Baihou was allowed to cheat during the trial battle.

“hmph, knowing that I am from the Human Race Xiongguan, from the Heaven Temple, you junior, don’t quickly try the City Lord, apologize and admit your mistakes, what are you waiting for, do you have to take this personally? I escorted you to the Human Race Xiongguan, do you ask you a crime?”

The golden robe Martial Emperor was very annoyed.

He came over because he heard the news of Baihou’s death and came to investigate. Of course, it was an investigation. But when he learned that Baihou was beheaded by Ye Fei, the golden robe Martial Emperor was there. In my mind, Ye Fei was judged guilty.

In the end, Baihou is a half-step evildoer nominated on the silver list. For these geniuses on the Wind Cloud List, the powerhouse of Human Race Xiongguan attaches great importance to it, and it is the goal of many halls to recruit.

Don’t talk about Baihou’s talent, just Baihou belongs to Heaven Temple, but he was beheaded by Ye Fei. This is something the golden robe Martial Emperor absolutely cannot tolerate.

Not to mention, when he rushed over, Ye Fei was so rebellious. The assassin of the trial City Lord, the golden robe Martial Emperor’s heart, couldn’t help being even more angry.

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