He has made up his mind that no matter whether Ye Fei pleads guilty, he will escort Ye Fei to Human Race Xiongguan for the most cruel criminal law.

Hearing the Golden robe Martial Emperor’s opening, he tried the City Lord to be wild with joy. It instantly reacted. The golden robe Martial Emperor was definitely on his side. The so-called investigation was only to punish Ye Fei. Just an excuse.

He was suddenly embarrassed from the very beginning and restored the majesty of Lord of the entire City, but still did not give Ye Fei any opportunity to speak out.

The Trial City Lord suddenly spoke in grief and indignation, and moved towards golden robe Martial Emperor, he thumped and knelt down in the air, “Please also envoys, be the master for me!”

“Hey, Get up quickly, you are also Lord of the entire City anyway, don’t worry, you have any grievances, even if you say it, this seat will be the master for you!” The golden robe Martial Emperor also waved his hand hypocritically and tried City. Lord had been automatically blown up and stood up again.

“Reporting to Your Lord, this City Lord has two grievances. One is that the Devil Ye is in the City of Trials, behaving, distorting facts, slandering this City Lord repeatedly, and relying on his battle strength. Strong, twice in a row, wanting to kill me, this is a big evil!” “Also, Bai Hou is the Wind Cloud List expert nominated by the Silver List. In the future, I will be the rising star of the Human Race, resisting the Wu Clan. This Demon Ye killed Baihou because of some small grievances, and caused me to lose a powerful Heaven’s Chosen on the battlefield of Human Race. This is how my relatives succumbed to the treacherous rape of the adversary.

It’s really the shame of my Human Race! I also ask the envoy to uphold justice and surrender this treacherous arrogant!”

The words of trying the City Lord are not only To frame Ye Fei, more, it is to block your mouth, otherwise he openly framed the Human Race genius, or a peerless evildoer, the Human Race powerhouse of Human Race Xiongguan will definitely not let him go.

In the end, Heaven Temple is not the only one to resist the witches in the Human Race Xiongguan. The golden robe Martial Emperor was also very satisfied with nodded, simply did not tell Ye Fei the real camera meeting, this person has already stared at Ye Fei with a colder look, and shouted: “What a demon! It really is treacherous. , People and gods are angry! What are you doing, now kneel down and hurry up

Acknowledge your mistakes to the City Lord of the trial, and then follow me to the Human Race Xiongguan and accept your punishment!”


Ye Fei did not speak, but stared at the golden robe Martial Emperor coldly, and at the trial City Lord that slandered him. He was watching, waiting, watching them Any slander of themselves, wait for when they reveal their true colors.

Reality is always full of irony. Ye Fei originally thought that the powerhouses of Human Race Xiongguan were all iron-blooded men who were able to support both heaven and earth, but he was wrong.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are people, there are grievances!

He saw it, and his heart ached. “This is the battlefield of Human Race? Countless ancestors used their lives and blood to build this killing field. Are they fighting for power, are they fighting for power? No, they throw their heads and sprinkle their blood, not for themselves, but It is for the Protector clan to protect the people we love

the people we love, the people we respect! And you, have tarnished this honor, you are not worthy of being called the Human Race powerhouse, no, you simply You can’t be called, you, or you, you are just foreign slaves and lackeys of Heaven Temple!” Ye Fei roared, his voice, like thunder and lightning, shook this world and countless The heart of a martial artist.

Chapter 1780 Anger and Killer

Which one can enter the city of trial, which one is not the powerhouse of the cream of the crop of their respective continent, they are not fools, of course they can tell who is who non.

It’s just that it’s one thing to know in my heart, but dare to say it, that’s another thing. Only no one thought that Ye Fei would be so direct and bold. He would point to the noses of two Martial Emperors and tell the truth about this drenched with blood.

The entire city of trials, countless martial artists, couldn’t help making noise.

And hearing this kind of noise, both the golden robe Martial Emperor and the Trial City Lord changed their faces, followed by a panic and rage. If such a thing spreads out, it will be to the Trial City Lord and Heaven Temple. , Will be greatly disadvantaged! Before Ye Fei could finish speaking, the golden robe Martial Emperor from Heaven Temple had already roared to the utmost anger, “This kind of nonsense is simply impossible. You are not enough to slander the City Lord. You dare to slander this seat. Defaming the Heaven Temple where we were born and dying for Human Race, I see you as…


“Shut up! What is the shame of Human Race? What I’m talking about are these two things. Shameless, old dog who sells their clan for glory, what qualifications do you have to ask me wrong, what face do you have, and point fingers at me, you Heaven Temple dog, it’s best not to provoke me, men can’t deceive, I’m angry and kill !”


The sword intent soaring, with Ye Fei’s anger, with Ye Fei’s madness, and with Ye Fei’s fighting intent and killing intent, teaching the world, Jianzhen Void.

Simply did not give the golden robe Martial Emperor a chance to intervene, Ye Fei has already waved the Promise Sword, releasing his strongest sword, the ultimate sword!

This sword contains all Ye Fei’s sword dao essence, “Tai Chi Sheng, Liang Yi Xian, Four-Party Formation, Liuhe Performance!”

This is the ultimate sword!

The howling sword light shook the world and the hearts of the two Martial Emperors.

Golden robe Martial Emperor has never seen such a powerful sword, such a crazy person, facing the powerful Heaven Temple, that is, Martial God, must retreat a few steps, it is difficult to compete with Heaven Temple.

And Ye Fei ignored the majesty of Heaven Temple, drew his sword brazenly, and killed people with anger. This is how arrogant, no, this can no longer be described as arrogance, this is simply frantic and outrageous. !

“Junior, I see you courting death! Try the City Lord, join me, kill…”


The sword power rose into the sky, mighty and powerful.

Sword, no stronghold one cannot overcome, sword, invincible, invincible, sword, it would rather break but cannot be bend, sword, anger kills!

Ye Fei wields the Promise Sword, the brilliant sword light, like the stars, like the moon, like the scorching sun, and like the Star River, finally, between Heaven and Earth, all rays of light disappear, only A brilliant Taiji Sword formation, with howling and fierce fighting intent.

One sword breaks the sky, one sword punishes the gods and demons! Even though the golden robe Martial Emperor came from a terrorist force like Heaven Temple, even if he had fought with the witches for hundreds of years in the Human Race battlefield, when faced with Ye Fei this terrifying sword, his soul was shocked and feared. Afterwards, the boundless rage turned into a great hand seal of Tianluo who controls the world,

master the world, seal the world, and try to trap Ye Fei to death in this inescapable net.

This is the martial arts of Heaven Temple, powerful, overbearing, and full of killing intent.

Countless martial artists just saw a cube prison, centered on Ye Fei’s body, constantly compressed, it seems that there are signs of condensing from space to an origin.

And when the space is compressed into the origin, the Ye Fei in it will inevitably be crushed to pieces and become a cloud of dust in the universe.

But that’s the case, it’s still not enough to test the City Lord. No one knows the power of Ye Fei better than him. This is the invincible Heaven’s Chosen titled by the Gold List. It also overwhelms countless Martial Gods. Celestial Demon, if such a demon grows up, the entire Human Race battlefield must be Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

“hehe, but he will not have a chance to grow up. He has offended Heaven Temple, offended the tiger clan, and even offended this City Lord, this City Lord must have his life, he must have his Life, this City Lord, will never allow him to grow up!”


“Bloody storm!”

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