After listening to Dongfang Yu’s Legendary experience, let alone Ye Fei, even Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao did not consciously sympathize with Dongfang Yu.

Ye Fei also asked hesitantly: “Dongfang Yu, so you are married? Then this is your family affair, I seem to be inconvenient to do it anymore.” “Fart kiss, I Dongfang Yu At any rate, he is also the North King of Fighters, a dignified man. When he fights in the world, he will die without hate. Besides, the customs of the Heavenly Spirit Continent are different from ours. In the Heavenly Spirit Continent, once a man gets married, he must meet each other at home. That’s not keeping your husband

Tao, you will be despised as a bitch and be spurned by others! This kind of rules, Dongfang Yu, I absolutely cannot accept!” Dongfang Yu hair stands up in anger, the more I speak, the more angry , The more angry the more I want to kill the broken army that hurt him.

Ye Fei took a deep breath and was shocked by the weird customs of the Tianling Continent, but at the same time he finally understood why he asked Zhou Qiang about the situation in the Tianling Continent several times. Hey, he even hid his face with his sleeve.

Obviously, according to the customs of the Tianling Continent, someone like Zhou Qiang who shows up and returns to swindle is a proper bitch. As for Dongfang Yu, who repeatedly tried to escape, it was even more typical of not keeping his husband.

“Brother Ye, what do you say this time, you have to save me from the Sea of ​​Bitterness!” Dongfang Yu said extremely depressed.

“Okay, if you want to go, no one can stop you, but before leaving, I want to see the female Lord in your mouth.” Although I sympathize with Dongfang Yu’s experience, but Tianling Continent Ye Fei’s peculiar customs and the female Lord’s ability to bring Dongfang Yu without a summoning order into the Human Race battlefield also made Ye Fei’s heart moved, “Since this female Lord is so capable, why should I pass her? Inquire about Zhao

News about Yu and Lu Qing?”

“You still want to see her?” Dongfang Yu was startled.

The female guards standing around, but with joy on their faces, they mustered up their courage and shouted: “Come on, hurry up and surround these two bastards!” “It’s the opposite. Let’s inform Lord and let Lord come back to teach him!”

Chapter 1787 Demi-God is coming

With Ye Fei’s shot, the entire Tianling Inn is countless. The female martial artists of Beijing are surrounded from all over. Most of them are beautiful, and they are more imposing manner out of the ordinary, and they are more attractive than women.

Ye Fei discovered a very peculiar thing, that is, these girls, the cultivation seems to be the same kind of martial arts, and the younger and beautiful the girl, the more martial arts cultivation base is. Is vigorous. They at first shocked Ye Fei’s Martial Emperor’s power and were suppressed by Ye Fei. Once they reacted, hundreds of beautiful girls joined hands at the same time, and their breaths and even their true essences echoed each other, connecting as one, forming a strange The combined attack is enough to cause a huge threat to Martial Emperor.

It’s just that these girls were angry, but none of them dared to really rush to fight Ye Fei. First, Ye Fei’s strength is unknown, and second, the little Lord in their mouths stood beside Ye Fei. At this time, they were even more eager. Looking at Ye Fei, no, to be precise, looking at the shiny Dragon Tortoise lying on Ye Fei’s shoulder.

“Little Lord, hurry up and stay away from these two bitches, they are both bad guys!” A woman reminded loudly, as if she was about to rush over and take Little Luoli away.

Ye Fei eyes shined, immediately not even think, give Dragon Tortoise to Little Luoli and say: “Dragon Tortoise can play for you, but you can only play by my side, yes, I teach you A novel way to play!”

While speaking, Ye Fei has dropped Dragon Tortoise on the ground, and when Dragon Tortoise habitually bounces, Ye Fei continues to shoot with his hands.

Little Luoli’s eyes turned round, and then hurried to Ye Fei’s side, curiously patted Dragon Tortoise. Dragon Tortoise also burst into tears on the spot. In addition to Xiaocao, there was another little girl who didn’t expect to use it as a racquet.

But in order to delay time, Ye Fei can only make Dragon Tortoise wronged temporarily, and saw that Ye Fei has the ability to let the little girl stay by his side obediently, surrounded by hundreds of beautiful girls , The eyes are full of incredible colors. Dongfang Yu was also taken aback on the spot, and then his eyes lit up, knowing that as long as the little girl is by his side, he and Ye Fei can attack and retreat. Dongfang Yu is completely relaxed, and then Then I remembered and asked: “By the way, Brother Ye, why did you come to the Human Race to fight

and you even broke through the Martial Emperor!”

Dongfang Yu was full of envy. To know the breakthrough Martial Emperor, but all Heavenly Martial Continent martial artists, the greatest desire, Dongfang Yu is no exception.

“Speaking of which is a long story. I will talk about it later. It is the female Lord who brought you to the battlefield of Human Race. How much do you know? Does she have a lot of power in Wind and Cloud City? I have something to do. , I need to ask her about it.” Ye Fei lightly saying. Because there are many people around, he didn’t say too much in detail. Dongfang Yu is also a smart person. Knowing that Ye Fei must have encountered something tricky, he nodded and said: “Siyu is indeed very powerful in Fengyun City. She is not only the Martial Emperor, but also the Direct of a Vice Palace Lord of the Human Sovereign Hall. Disciple, I can

enough to break through Heaven Grade Zhundi, and she is also her help, but unfortunately, I can’t accept the customs of the Heavenly Spirit Continent.”

Said here, Dongfang Yu looked depressed.

Ye Fei was secretly surprised, lamenting Dongfang Yu’s feminine fate, and being able to chase after a female Martial Emperor attracted by Martial Sovereign Realm, Dongfang Yu is also very powerful.

When the two were talking, many beautiful girls, due to Little Luoli’s special identity, were afraid to rush to attack Ye Fei. They could only quickly report what happened here through the sound transmission mirror. , Report to the female Lord.

Only the sound transmission mirror information has not been sent out.


The sky of the entire Wind and Cloud City is shaking violently. It seems that there is a peerless powerhouse, from the outside, rushing into Wind and Cloud City at the fastest speed, and then straight to the Sky Spirit Inn. Rushed over here.

“Siyu came back so quickly?” Dongfang Yu was taken aback on the spot.

“Not an elder sister!” Little Luoli, who was patting Dragon Tortoise, suddenly raised his head and muttered in surprise. It’s just Dongfang Yu and Ye Fei, no one heard. When he felt the imposing manner approaching quickly, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly developed a kind of alertness, and he shook his head in a deep voice: “It is not the female Lord who is here, it is the three Demi-God who are here, Dongfang Yu, you protect Dragon Tortoise and this Little Sister, I will meet the half of these three Heaven Temples


“What, Demi-God of Heaven Temple Ye Fei, how did you provoke the Demi-God of Heaven Temple?” Dongfang Yu also quickly felt that the three breaths in the distance were not the Martial Emperor, but the mysterious and powerful Demi-God powerhouse.

This kind of powerhouse is only available in Human Race Xiongguan, Heaven Temple, and even a huge monster, even many Martial Gods, dare not easily offend it.

“What, Ye Fei, he is the demon sage Ye Fei, the super demon who killed the trial City Lord and the Heaven Temple messenger!”

I heard Dongfang Yu calling After the name of Ye Fei, I noticed that the three Demi-God’s breath camers were unkind. Suddenly, many beautiful girls around were pale with fright. Looking at Ye Fei, it was like seeing a certain scourge.

Dongfang Yu was even more shocked, and then he was speechless, said with a bitter smile in his heart: “As expected of Brother Ye, wherever I go, I will cause trouble.”

Demi-God is very fast.

Just breathe, they have already crossed half of Fengyun City and appeared above the Sky Spirit Inn, which are three powerful Demi-God imposing manners.

The first one is a majestic man with curved horns, the one on the left is a fierce man with scales, and the last one is a feminine woman with a water snake waist.

The three Demi-Gods have very different personalities, but they all wore the uniform golden shirt of Heaven Temple, and moved towards the bottom with a cold expression. Then, the eyes of the three were almost at the same time. Ye Fei is locked.

“You are Ye Fei? The great demon who killed the Trial City Lord and killed my Heaven Temple messenger?” The three Demi-Gods spoke in unison.

“Yes, I am Ye Fei, but I am not a demon. I only pursue it. People don’t offend me, and I don’t offend me. Who if offends me is Demi-God, and I will kill it too!” Ye Fei faced the three Demi-Gods without any retreat. Step by step, he walked toward the sky and then toward the three Demi-Gods.

The expressions of the three Demi-Gods changed, and then they were completely angry.

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