“Little Martial Emperor, dare to be arrogant in front of the three of us Demi-God, you are a wicked obstacle, you are really bold, crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

“hmph, good The arrogant little demon, who allowed you to come up, don’t roll down yet, kneel on the ground and talk to us!”

bang! Ye Fei was not given any chance to excuse, when Ye Fei beheaded Heaven Temple The messengers of the three Demi-Gods, already in their hearts, had a killer heart towards Ye Fei. At this time, the Demon Emperor who was the only one to hinder them was also urgently transferred to the Human Race Xiongguan. Of course they will not let this opportunity to stifle Ye Fei.

However, before beheading Ye Fei, they even wanted fiercely to humiliate Ye Fei, and let other Human Race martial artists see how miserable it would be to oppose their Heaven Temple.

Chapter 1788 Challenge Demi-God

“Kneel down and speak!”

Finally, three Demi-God voices formed a terrifying sound wave , Shook the world, and also shook all the space where the Sky Spirit Inn was located. Countless women, under the divine might of Demi-God, were forced to kneel down, even in the Heavenly Spirit Continent, but in front of Demi-God, they still have no way to resist. The only thing that makes people wonder is that Everyone knelt down, but there was a Little Luoli in the field, patted Dragon Tortoise, eyes

God innocent and curious looked towards the sky, “If Xiao Guo Guo is captured by these people, This Dragon Tortoise, will it be mine?”

“roar roar!” Upon hearing Little Luoli’s words, Dragon Tortoise’s scared face turned white. The subconsciously wanted to escape, but Little Luoli’s palm seemed to possess a strange magical power, so that Dragon Tortoise could not escape her palm, and could only be patted.

Dongfang Yu looked at Little Luoli and suddenly felt like have one’s hair stand on end. Thanks to Little Luoli’s blessing, Dongfang Yu was also on the court, the only thing not in the Demi-God imposing manner Two people kneeling down.

Ye Fei was also a little shocked. He couldn’t help but take a deep look at the little girl. He was relieved when he saw that she was playing with Dragon Tortoise and didn’t mean to hurt Dongfang Yu.

Then, a soaring flame of war has already ignited from his body. Ye Fei’s mighty and terrifying formidable power actually resisted the three Demi-Gods and jointly released the divine might. He One step towards the sky, not at all staying in Fengyun City, but striding out of Fengyun City by the meteor.

“I don’t want to destroy Wind and Cloud City, I am not afraid of death, and fight outside my city!”


sword light burst out like a sky With the dazzling starlight, Ye Fei completely broke free from the imposing manner of the three Demi-God. Instead of kneeling down, he directly challenged him in front of martial artists in the city. He challenged the three Demi-Gods.

Even if Fengyun City gathers are the most powerhouses on all continents, Ye Fei’s actions still shocked countless people. It also made three Demi-Gods from Heaven Temple come into being Kind of anger.

“Very well, you are going to die, this seat will fulfill you today!”

It was not Ye Fei who walked out of the city first, but the tall and sturdy with horns. man, in his hand, is holding a thick magic axe.

At the same time as he appeared outside the city for an instant, Demi-God horns suddenly waved the magic axe in his hand. Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, the starry sky shook, and the howling light of the magic axe shone towards all directions. The ray of light blasted the suspended meteorite into a pile of dust.

This is the terrifying of Demi-God. They have become gods in half, and they are Number One Person under Martial God.

“hmph, the little Martial Emperor, dare to challenge me to wait for Demi-God, junior, you are really crazy, and very stupid!” There was another majestic voice, resounding through Universe Starry Sky.

The Demi-God with scales also moved. He was holding Trident, the whistling true essence, and at this moment, an infinite sea was formed, surging forward with great momentum, the terrifying waves, and the storm The Martial God forbidden law in the city is activated to resist the waves.

“Hey, my little brother is so young, how can I bring about one’s own destruction against my Heaven Temple, your servant just wants to show mercy, it’s all right!” Demi-God, the snake-waisted girl, has a charming face. Exhales like orchids, but her eyes are full of viciousness, and the light of jade green blooms in her eyes.

When she spoke, these divine lights actually filled the entire starry sky, forming a special poison domain, completely sealing off this world, and also cutting off all Ye Fei’s possible escape road.

“Not good, that is the Divine Realm, which is stronger than the Heaven Grade field. Only Demi-God can understand the Divine Realm. Brother Ye, despite the breakthrough Martial Emperor, is one enemy three. It’s almost impossible to win!” Dongfang Yu was very anxious, and wanted to rush forward to help Ye Fei.

Little Luoli also stopped beating Dragon Tortoise. Instead, he held Dragon Tortoise in his arms and forced Dragon Tortoise to eat the sugar bottle gourd and said: “Don’t worry, Heaven Temple is strong, but it still has a face. Yes, at most only one Demi-God will take action. The other two are just fighting!”

“Jin Tai Sui, Du Nangzi, this kid’s life, hand it over to me, he killed me Ox Demon Race One of the half-step evildoers, I will let this demon pay his life now!” Bullhorn Demi-God suddenly roared in anger, his eyes turned blood red in an instant, and he clearly entered a state of violent violence.

Du Nangzi and Jin Taisui looked at each other, and at the same time stepped back and said: “Okay, Ox King God, your fate is yours, and the credit is still equal to the three of us!”

” Since you think you can kill me, today you three, save your lives! Kill, the ultimate sword!”

The sword light is mighty, the killing intent is soaring!

Ye Fei waved the Promise Sword and the howling sword light formed a dazzling starlight, which then became a huge Taiji Sword formation, Suppressing the Heavens and Earth, and also directed the three Demi-Gods in front of him at the same time, At the same time suppress the past.

Jin Tai Sui and Du Nangzi changed their faces at the same time, and their eyes could not help but show a touch of shock. The Martial Emperor itself is very different from Demi-God in strength, and the Martial Emperor will undoubtedly lose.

Who would have thought that in the face of the oppression of the three Demi-Gods, Ye Fei would dare to attack the three Demi-Gods at the same time. The god Ox King became more furious. He held up the god axe, his sharp axe suddenly became as huge as a mountain, cut off the Star River, and slammed into Ye Fei, only to hear a loud noise from the ka-cha. In the past, the nearby starry sky was cut in half, and then suddenly exploded. The formidable power of this explosion was already comparable to the self-destructed of a Martial Emperor. When I saw this axe, at least half of the hundreds of Martial Emperors hidden in Fengyun City had an astonished expression


“The Demi-God hit, really terrifying, such a god axe, simply cannot be resisted by the Martial Emperor!”

“I don’t know that Ye Fei, the demon saint, can be in Ox Under the attack of the King God, how can you support it?”

As Ye Fei killed two Martial Emperors in the City of Trials, his fame has long been passed to Fengyun City and attracted countless The martial artist, watching this extraordinary battle outside the city.

But undoubtedly, in the hearts of many martial artists, they are still not optimistic about Ye Fei. In the end, the gap between Martial Emperor and Half Divinity Realm is too big. Just a Divine Realm that Demi-God can condense is enough. Let most Martial Emperors feel desperate. Only Ye Fei, he is still fighting intent soaring to the sky, the boiling fighting intent, and even his whole body, burns a layer of purple-golden flame, followed by the horrible sword light as fierce as Sun, Moon and Stars, with The power of the war demon, with the power of the Promise Sword and the stars, blasted the heavens and the earth, and also smashed the god axe from the Ox King

, instantly bursting a deep gap.

And Ye Fei’s whole person, just following the gap, wielding the Promise Sword, the whole person is incarnation into a Purple Gold star, shattering the void, and crashing into the Ox King god’s body.

“Compared with this seat, junior, you are a courting death!” God Ox King was completely furious, and found that the god axe was hit by Ye Fei, and this person’s body suddenly shook.

Above the starry sky, a multicolored Divine Ox has appeared, stepping on the sky with four hoofs, stepping on the starry sky with four deep traces. But the most terrifying thing is the double horns on Divine Ox’s head, which are like two sharp axe blades that can hit Star Fragmentation Chen and break the gods and demons.

moo! Outside Fengyun City, many martial artists just heard a terrifying roar that shook the Eight Wilds, and the four kicks of God Ox King, already stepping on the wind and thunder, appeared above Ye Fei’s head instantly, I stepped on it fiercely, and in an instant, all around the starry sky of Ye Fei was stepped on and exploded, forming a terrifying shock ripple.

Chapter 1789 Breaking the Divine Realm

Just seeing this blow, all Martial Emperors in Wind and Cloud City already had 80% of their faces pale. The Ox King god might be trampled to death at once, Ye Fei was surprised, and sighed for the violent power of this Demi-God.

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