“It’s just a pity that your strength is strong, but it is still not as good as the war demon. What about Demi-God? If I am a demon, I will fight to break through the sky and kill the gods and demons! Kill! The power of war demon!” Ye Fei yelled, and then the whole body burned with dazzling purple-golden magic light. At this time, he has completely become a real war demon. He has incredible power in every gesture. This power makes Ye Fei feel that even a star can be crushed with one punch. Fist, without any martial arts moves, it is simply the power of the fleshy body

. Ye Fei’s fist has been continuously colliding with the iron hoof of the Ox King god.

“You are not even Demi-God, you can actually train into a fleshy body comparable to Divine Item! This is your support? This is the confidence you dare to wait for Demi-God as an enemy. Ridiculous, so ridiculous, now, I will let you know, Demi-God’s terrifying! The horn of war! Kill!”

Found that Ye Fei could not be trampled to death, the Ox King suddenly roared, his head The horns flew up suddenly, forming two hurricane-like axe blades, which instantly slashed towards Ye Fei.

“Wuji Sword, smash me!” fighting intent soaring, Sword Soul burned, facing the War God horn cut by Ox King, Ye Fei clenched the Wuji sword extremely violently, forming a terrifying With a bang, the star of the sword slammed into the flying horn of war. Suddenly, the starry sky was completely destroyed by the collision of the Promise Sword and the horn.

Then there are two figures, like burning lightning, violently killed out of that piece of nothingness. Continue the crazy collision.

“Junior, this seat wants your life, the horns of the sky, the horns of the devil!” Ox King is extremely angry, he is a Demi-God anyway, if he is like Ye Fei Wu Imperial Capital can’t beat it, that’s a loss of face.

So, after discovering that pure power could not break Ye Fei’s war demon defense, God Ox King finally broke out with all his power.

He regained his body, and the sharp horns on his head were held tightly by him, forming two natural horror soldiers, which can fan Star Fragmentation and destroy Exterminating Heaven and Earth.

This also shocked Jin Tai Sui, who was watching the battle. “Ox King was actually forced to use the strongest Primordial Art of Ox Demon Race, the heaven and the earth cut the gods and demons! This requires two control at the same time. You can only practice Supreme Heavenly Kungfu!”

“hmph, I also blame this kid for being too enchanting. He is not even Demi-God, but he can practice Divine Physique comparable to Martial God. It’s no wonder that the Ox King God was forced to do his best!” Du Nangzi also looked horrified. Ye Fei’s battle strength, Demi-God, was shocked.

But Demi-God is Demi-God after all. When seeing Ox King using all his strength while driving two Taikoo Tiangong, both Jin Taisui and Du Nangzi smiled triumphantly.


But while they were smiling, the terrifying dragon roar suddenly spread out across the starry sky. Ye Fei finally no longer hid his strongest martial arts.

The Octopus Heavenly Dragon, with eight radiant lights of the realm, instantly suppressed time and space, and also suppressed this world. It is stronger than the Ox King God. The moment the Octopus Heavenly Dragon appeared, the body also had a moment of health. pause. Also took advantage of this point to pause.

Ye Fei loudly shouted, like the roar of a heavenly dragon, like a roar of a war demon, and eight heavenly dragons. Suddenly at this time, eight different worlds are formed, among which there are Tianding, Divine Dragon, fist and magic light , Burst out, shocked the entire Universe Starry Sky.

Also shocked Jin Taisui, Du Nangzi and the three Demi-God powerhouses of Ox King God, especially Ox King God. He couldn’t believe it even if he killed him. Ye Fei was trained to be comparable to Martial God Forget about Divine Physique, what’s even more terrifying is that Ye Fei can still control four Taikoo Tiangong at the same time.

Even if he was Demi-God, when he felt the terrifying divine might contained in the Octopus Heavenly Dragon, Ox King looked pale with fright. In a hurry, he used all his strength and put his hand He slashed out his horns, and for the rest, he could only open Divine Realm and retreat behind the crazy moved towards.


Ye Fei’s eyes showed magic light, suddenly like a mad war demon, it was not enough to strike out an eight-pole dragon, he was cruel, and suddenly broke out Divine Soul, again It was an Octopus Heavenly Dragon, and the body of the god moved towards Ox King blasted over.

Boom ka!

At this moment, even the starry sky was completely shattered. Everyone just saw eight terrifying dragons, forming eight terrifying worlds, continuously hitting Ox On the King’s Divine Realm, the originally dazzling Divine Realm was shattered by the divine light that was hit, and the scope of the domain was rapidly shrinking.


In the Divine Realm, there was the furious roar of the Ox King. At the moment of crisis, the Ox King even burned his Demi-God blood essence. This supported it, and did not let Ye Fei also smashed Divine Realm.

Ye Fei’s complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. He knew in his heart that he still underestimated Demi-God, and the biggest difference between Demi-God and Martial Emperor is that he has Divine Realm!

As long as the Divine Realm is not broken, Demi-God will be invincible and unbeaten!

This is very similar to the Purple Gold Tai Chi created by Ye Fei cultivation. Strictly speaking, Purple Gold Tai Chi is a weakened version of Divine Realm, while the real Divine Realm is tens of thousands of times stronger than Purple Gold Tai Chi.

The Wuji Sword God back then was also suffering from a serious injury and unable to condense Divine Realm. Only then was he suspected of life and had to acknowledge allegiance to survive.

But Ox King is not Sword God of Promise, but is a real, peak state Demi-God. Therefore, even if Ye Fei exposes the Octopus Dragon, he failed to kill Ox King on the spot. God, it’s just that Ox King God consumes a certain amount of blood essence.

Wake up to this point, Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst into an astonishing anger, “Don’t say you are Demi-God, you are Martial God, dare to provoke me, and you must pay enough The price, kill!”

Thinking for only a moment, and found that the Ox King God used Divine Realm to block the attack of the Octopus Dragon. Ye Fei simply raised the Promise Sword and rushed to the Ox King God in one step. In front of Divine Realm, he raised his sword and hit it. The astonishing weight of the Promise Sword once again burst into a horrible sword light comparable to the stars.

Even in the eyes of many martial artists, what Ye Fei smashed is no longer a sword. It is simply an extremely bright star, like a rainstorm, continuously blasting on the Divine Realm of the God of Ox King . At this time, Ye Fei even brought the tyrannical power of the war demon to the limit. In his hands, the Promise Sword has completely turned into a star. It can powder the Star Fragmentation and smash the sky. No matter how strong Demi-God’s Divine Realm is, it has its limits. When Ye Fei smashed wildly, breaking this When it reached the limit, the Ox King god hiding inside could only screamed. On the spot, Ye Fei was hit by a sword

half of his body and Ye Fei stepped on it.

“By the way, God Ox King, what did you just say, you seem to say, Martial Emperor defeated Demi-God, it is ridiculous?”

Ye Fei fighting intent soaring to the sky , Suddenly with a sword, moved towards the head of the god Ox King, it was cut down.


In the starry sky, there was also a bloody, tumbling huge head! It fell in front of Jin Tai Sui and Du Nangzi. “Now, it’s your turn!”

Chapter 1790 The Battle of the World

“Ox King was dead, and he was killed by a Martial Emperor!”

“Demi-God, unexpectedly lost to Martial Emperor?”

“Too terrifying, he deserves to be the peerless evildoer of the Gold List title, he deserves the name of the devil saint!”


The death of Ox King makes the martial artists of Fengyun City scared witless, Jin Tai Sui, Du Nangzi, and complexion greatly changed, full of shock and disbelief

要I know that even if it is a peerless evildoer, at most it will be invincible in the Martial Emperor Realm, but if they face Demi-God, they can only protect themselves. Few peerless evildoers can kill Demi-God in turn.

Ye Fei broke this rule. Not only did he withstand the full attack of the Ox King god, but in the end he was in full view, regardless of the majesty of the Heaven Temple and the two Demi-Gods still standing here. It turned out to be directly beheading the Ox King god.

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