Not to mention that Jin Tai Sui and Du Nangzi didn’t expect it. Ox King God is even more impatient. His eyes are full of spite and panic.

After that, two roars of anger to the extreme came from Jin Tai Sui and Du Nangzi.

The God Ox King is the Demi-God of Heaven Temple, and even their companion. Ye Fei’s move to kill the God Ox King not only compromised the majesty of Heaven Temple, it was also a fiercely attack. The faces of Jin Tai Sui and Du Nangzi. “Devil. Nie barrier! This seat wants you to die, die, die, die…” Jin Taisui’s hair stands up in anger, and his strong anger caused him to burst the golden shirt all over his body. Behind him, a mighty Golden Lion illusory shadow appeared at this time, with his head raised and roaring, and the terrifying sound waves shook the entire Fengyun City violently


But soon, in Fengyun City, countless arrays and Martial God prohibitions erupted at the same time, forming a special defense Formation, and blocking all the sound waves.

At this moment, Du Nangzi green’s eyes suddenly burst out with a terrifying poisonous light, and screamed: “I know, damn little devil, you actually have the supreme Cultivation technique, you can control the four ancient heavenly powers. If you hand over this cultivation technique, the old lady will leave you with a whole body!” Du Nangzi is extremely fierce, and she is a rare Poison Master among martial artists. Not only is the whole body poisonous. , As she breathed out a breath, a terrifying poisonous cloud appeared in the starry sky, multi-colored, very beautiful, but any martial artist who saw this poisonous cloud felt a tingling scalp


It was really that poisonous cloud was too poisonous. I saw that the place where the poisonous cloud floated was the starry sky, and it was corroded with signs of decay.

“What, this kid actually has a supreme cultivation technique on him. No wonder he can easily control the four ancient arts and break the Divine Realm, hahaha, and Ox King of the Ox King. “Jin Tai Sui laughed wildly, didn’t take Ox King God’s taking seriously.

But his golden eyes are full of fierce light and deep greed.

Ye Fei beheads the Ox King god, this is a huge provocation that Heaven Temple will never allow, not to mention that Ye Fei even possesses the supreme cultivation technique, whether it is martial arts or Heavenly Venerate martial arts , This is all Martial God yearn for something even in dreams, as Demi-God, even more so.

Therefore, Jin Taisui did not care about the joint action. He might fall into trouble. He suddenly turned into a terrifying Golden Lion. His mane suddenly exploded, forming a terrifying profit. The sword, like a torrential rain, blasted towards Ye Fei.

Du Nangzi was also coldly shouted, she suddenly controlled the poison cloud, clinging to Jin Tai Sui’s mane, and instantly quenched these sharp swords with terrifying poison.

Those sharp swords formed by golden mane suddenly became more terrifying poisonous swords, like heavy rain, which completely covered Ye Fei’s entire starry sky.


Ye Fei has an indifferent expression. Facing the union of the two Demi-Gods, he did not retreat halfway. In fact, he cannot retreat either!

Since the moment when God Ox King beheaded, he and the beam of Heaven Temple have been formed.

The dazzling sword light is even brighter. Suddenly, Ye Fei shoots out the sword quickly, the immortal Sword Soul burns, and the Promise Sword bursts out a more dazzling starlight. With the wave of the Promise Sword, this piece of starlight soon It became a nebula again, and finally condensed into a howling Star River of swords.

The sword is so powerful that I am angry and murder! Ye Fei Divine Sword waved, the eight dragons resonated, between Heaven and Earth. At this moment, there seemed to be a magical gossip pattern. There was a momentary pause in the time and space, and at this moment of pause, a surging sword river had already It filled the entire starry sky and at the same time destroyed the joint poison of Jin Tai Sui and Du Nangzi

sword completely.

“How…how could it be possible?” Jin Tai Sui was really taken aback. He originally thought that Ye Fei’s beheading of the Ox King god would inevitably consume a lot of money. How did he know that Ye Fei left? It is the path of despair, the majesty of true essence, rare in ancient and modern times.

This is a Road to Supreme that can make you desperate, and even your opponents despair!

At this time, when Ye Fei became a body of war demon, he finally brought out the power of the road of despair to a certain extent.

“Eight-pole Heavenly Dragon!” Ye Fei roared, he drove four Taikoo Tiangong, blasted forward, Tiandingzhen God, Longzhen Nine Heavens, Asura Shenquan, Tiansheng Magic Skill!

Four ancient heavenly kung fu, four different powers, unexpectedly reached some kind of wonderful unity at this time. The howling Tianlong also turned into the terrifying Martial Dao Tianlong at this time. Shattered the void and also shook Star River. Suddenly, all directions, countless stars seemed to be attracted, like meteors, whizzing from a distance. Du Nangzi’s face was frosty, and his originally charming face suddenly turned into a green and poisonous face. At this time, she turned all the meteorite stars that she attracted into strange

poisonous stars.

Then one after another poisonous star, surrounding Ye Fei, crashed Self-destruction, and thousands of highly toxic substances appeared. In this scene, not only countless martial artists saw the discoloration change. Ye Fei was also complexion greatly changed, and then suddenly became a huge murderous intention.

Martial artists who use poison are weird. For Demi-God who use poison like Du Nangzi, they must either not be guilty. Once offended, they must be killed on the spot, otherwise, it will cause no end of trouble.

“Tiandingzhen God!”

Ye Fei suddenly showed a huge murderous aura, and then the majestic true essence burst out from within the body, and instantly condensed into one The mysterious war tripod with three legs and four ears, the world of Dingzhen, and Ye Fei, form a war trip space by itself, and completely separate all around the exploding poison stars.

“Junior, don’t give me kneel down and die!” Jin Taisui did not sit idle. Seeing Du Nangzi using the most powerful poisonous power, his eyes became cold and he suddenly played the Golden Lion Clan. Strong Lion King Fist! Then came Lion King’s roar, the Lion King sword!

The three types of Taikoo Tiangong were actually controlled by Jin Taisui at the same time, and they blasted Ye Fei together. In an instant, Ye Fei’s war tripod was sunken, and numerous potholes appeared. Du Nangzi smiled even more delicately. She was like a poisonous butterfly. A pair of poisonous wings appeared behind her. With just a slight flap, among the exploding poisonous stars, countless poisonous stars changed at this time. It became a terrifying poisonous fire, melting the starry sky, and appeared a green poisonous fire.

Chapter 1791 All the evildoers are out

“It’s over, this Ye Fei is completely over. No matter how strong he is, it is impossible to face the full strength attack of two Demi-Gods at the same time!”

In wind and rain, many martial artists are shaking their heads, which is a pity for Ye Fei. It feels too unwise. Before he became a god, he went to offend a great influence like Heaven Temple.

The scene of Ye Fei beheading the Ox King god is indeed shocking, but when I saw that Kim Tai Sui and Du Nangzi did not follow the rules, the two Demi-Gods joined forces to kill Ye Fei. Most martial artists, in their hearts, believe that Ye Fei will undoubtedly die.

Heaven Temple’s reputation is not blown out, but killed!

“Not good, Brother Ye is in danger, you let me go, I’m going to help him!” When he saw Ye Fei being enveloped by poisonous flames, Dongfang Yu looked pale. But there was no retreat. Instead, he broke free from the young girls who were holding him, and had to charge ahead and fight alongside Ye Fei.

This also shocked the young girls of Tianling Continent. There was even a nervous shout from the sky above Wind and Cloud City, “Dongfang Yu, you are crazy, this is Demi-God’s masterpiece battle, you are not even Imperial Capital, you go up to die!”

“My martial artist, how can I be afraid of death? Brother Ye is my friend and even my brother. He is fighting to the death. How can I stand by, a real man, death is a dead ear, why should I be afraid !” Dongfang Yu’s complexion was firm, and at this moment, he resumed the North King of Fighters, that can support both heaven and earth, and never admit defeat.

“Thinking about the rain, I’m leaving, many thanks for your care for these years.” Dongfang Yu Blood Essence Combustion has already rushed out of Fengyun City.

The empress who came to think about rain suddenly trembled in her heart.

He didn’t even use Imperial Capital, but he dared to join the Demi-God battle that Wu Imperial Capital did not dare to join. This also made the women of Heavenly Spirit Continent all in ones heart trembled.

Si Yu’s face is even more ugly, and he scolds angrily: “Dongfang Yu, you come back to me and enter my door, that’s my family member! You unruly bitch, go out , You will only die with that Ye Fei!”

“Die together, haha, what’s the matter? We martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent, we can live without life, but dignity, never let others trample, Martial Emperor no, Demi-God, no!” Behind Si Yu, a cold voice suddenly came.

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