Chapter 1795 Temple Assessment

Like the Heaven Temple and the Human Temple, the Human Sovereign Temple is also a great influence on the Human Race battlefield. Except for a very small number of martial artists who enter Fengyun City, those who are confident in their own strength and ambitious will choose to become free martial artists and enter the Human Race Xiongguan alone.

The remaining 99% of martial artists will eventually join a certain temple. At the same time, these temples will unite to form an army of temples, marching to Xiongguan, and fighting with the witches.

Of course, temples have strengths and weaknesses. The number of Demi-Gods and the battle strength of Martial God will affect the ranking of temples. For example, now, the strongest is Heaven Temple, followed by Human Temple, but Human Sovereign Hall, ranked last.

These do not require Ye Fei and the others to deliberately inquire, Dongfang Yu, who came first, already has a certain understanding of these temple forces.

With the Earth Spirit Orb and Law Fragment he obtained, Dongfang Yu finally has the confidence to continue to chase Ye Fei and the others without being left too far.

“Brother Ye, you see, the Human Sovereign Palace is in front of me. I wanted to come a long time ago, but unfortunately I have been under house arrest before and I have no chance until now.”

I entrusted Ye Fei. Of the blessing, Dongfang Yu finally didn’t have to hide in the Tianling Inn, befriend his wife and child, and become a girlfriend. He was very excited along the way and had freedom like liberation.

Difan and the others are also happy. After all, although they have promised to join the Human Sovereign Palace for a while, but the Human Sovereign Palace will not accept them, it is better to say that this is good, there are With Ling Siyu’s recommendation, they can at least directly start the assessment of the Human Sovereign Hall.

Just after really entering the Human Sovereign Hall, Ye Fei is faint, always feeling something is wrong, all around the building, must not be brilliant, the Spiritual Qi in the Human Sovereign Hall is also very amazing, unexpectedly Ten times stronger than Fengyun City.

Moreover, the Human Sovereign Palace is a city of its own, floating in the Universe Starry Sky, forming a war fortress stronger than Wind and Cloud City. Only the martial artist of the Human Sovereign Palace can enter this fortress.

It stands to reason that such a temple should be a gathering of powerhouses, people coming, people going, Ye Fei finally realized something was wrong: “Weird, it’s not like Ling Siyu, Human Sovereign Hall And Heaven Temple, the Temple of Humans, and the three major temples? Why do I feel that the Human Sovereign Temple is very deserted?”

“It’s more than deserted. Look at those palaces, many of them are dusty, obviously No one has lived in it for a long time; and we have been in for so long, and we haven’t even seen a gatekeeper!” Xue Yue was also surprised and couldn’t help complaining.

“Could we come to the wrong place?” Di Fan was originally not surprised when Mount Tai was overwhelmed. When he saw the depression of the Human Sovereign Hall, his expression changed.

Baojun and Dongfang Yu have a firm face and said solemnly: “Maybe this is the test of the temple. In short, we must join the Human Sovereign temple!”

“Strange , How come I feel like I’ve been trapped?” Ye Fei felt a little entangled in his heart. He came to the Human Sovereign Hall. First, Emperor Fan expressed his intention to join.

Secondly, Ling Siyu actually told him that the Human Sovereign Palace was actually built by the Ancestral Dragon continent and the Martial Gods of the Tianling continent. Therefore, the martial artist of the Tianling continent came to the Human Race battlefield. Generally choose to join the Human Sovereign Palace. This also gave Ye Fei a keen interest in the Human Sovereign Hall.

It’s just been sent in for a long time, without seeing a living person, Ye Fei is unavoidably mumbled. I almost wanted to wake up Xiaocao to help him feel whether there were any living people in this temple.

“Look, someone is flying here.” Dongfang Yu’s eyes were sharp, he saw a tyrannical silhouette flying in the distance.

It was a middle-aged Demi-God who was about to leave the Human Sovereign Hall and go out to do business. Suddenly seeing a large group of people coming in outside, this middle-aged Demi-God was also taken aback, and then hesitated He flew over and asked: “Are you from the Human Temple or the Heaven Temple?”

“Neither, we are here to join the Human Sovereign Temple.” Difan said politely. “What, that’s very good, it’s been ten years. Except for those girls in Tianling Continent who are nostalgic, people often come to participate in the assessment. Our Human Sovereign Hall has been for ten years and we haven’t seen a potential martial artist come over. Come on, everyone is welcome. It’s very simple to join our Human Sovereign Hall.

As long as we pass the assessment, we will be senior and junior brothers in the future! By the way, what is your talent? Is the top genius level? Of course it would be even better if it was peerless genius.”

Middle-aged Demi-God is very enthusiastic, and the requirements are even lower and outrageous. At this time, I am afraid of Ye Fei and As if the others ran away, they quickly drove Ye Fei and the others into the Human Sovereign Hall. It felt like catching a duck on the shelf.

Not only did Di Fan’s face change, Ye Fei’s face also became quite ugly. The other temples are all beautiful, and if you go out to Imperial Capital, you have to bow your head, but the Human Sovereign temple gives people a kind of illusion, for fear that no one can be found.

What’s even more outrageous is that this person also said that for ten years, no other martial artist has come to the Human Sovereign Hall to test. Ye Fei quickly tentatively asked: “Senior, there seem to be very few martial artists in the Human Sovereign Hall. Is it difficult to assess the Human Sovereign Hall?” “It’s not difficult, it’s not difficult at all! As long as you are a top genius, you don’t need to be real. As long as you can stay in the Human Sovereign for ten days without being expelled, you will pass. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you are not a top genius. I will secretly give you a few restorative medicine pills later, you

As long as you clenched your teeth and persisted in the past, you can join the Human Sovereign Hall smoothly!”

Speaking, the middle-aged Demi-God really took out a lot of medicine pills and each gave a bottle of medicine pill. , The fear is that Ye Fei and the others give up halfway.

Ye Fei was speechless on the spot. This Human Sovereign Temple looks different from the magnificent temple he imagined. It doesn’t matter if the assessment does not require clearance, it even openly encourages cheating.

At this time, even the most dull Xue Yue has become extremely confused, and the broken army asked calmly: “Dare to ask Senior, how many Martial Gods are there in the Human Sovereign Hall?” “Haha, Junior Brother, please relax. My Human Sovereign Temple has been established for more than 100,000 years. There are not many disciplines, but there are very many Martial Gods born. I calculate, the lower Martial God is estimated to be 3000, and the median Martial God is almost the same. There are 700-800, and the upper Martial God has also broken 50. The Human Sovereign of the previous dynasties is even closer to the Supreme level.

On the powerhouse!” The middle-aged Demi-God was quite proud.

This remark also immediately dispelled Xue Yue and Pojun’s doubts. Even Dongfang Yu became relaxed, but Ye Fei finally felt something was wrong. Difan, who was not far away, suddenly asked “Dare to ask Senior, how many living Martial Gods are there in the Human Sovereign Hall now?” Ye Fei suddenly woke up, and hurriedly looked towards the middle-aged Demi-God, only to see the middle-aged man of ten thousand zhang who had just been blowing pride. Demi-God, suddenly resembling an eggplant beaten by frost, shook his head in a very embarrassing manner: “Now, in our Human Sovereign Hall, there is no Martial God yet, but you can rest assured that our Human Sovereign Hall once came out

Martial God, if there is no ten thousand, there are eight thousand. You better decide whether to join my Human Sovereign Temple. The chance of becoming a god is before your eyes. You must know how to cherish it.”

Middle-aged Demi-God earnest and well-meant advised, if you don’t join the Human Sovereign Hall, you will suffer a big loss and you will definitely regret it later.

But Ye Fei always feels that it seems that when he really joined the Human Sovereign Palace, he suffered a big loss and was fooled.

Di Fan and Xue Yue looked at the broken army with anger at the same time, “Damn the broken army, you pit us! This is the powerful Human Sovereign palace you said. Joining will bring you the most glory. Strong temple! We shouldn’t have promised to go to Zhenzong with you!” A Martial God does not have a temple, can this be called a temple? Not only Difan and Xue Yue were angry, but Pojun was also depressed on the spot, and quickly explained: “No matter what my business is, I was also pitted by the Great Sect Master!”

Chapter 1796 Ladder

I can’t blame Emperor Fan and the others for being angry. It’s actually that before coming to the Human Race battlefield, the days before the Human Sovereign Temple was said to have fallen into the sky, what is the strongest temple in ancient times, Human Sovereign in the past, it is the Supreme level. His powerhouse, it’s just that he forgot one thing a while ago, that is, the glorious Human Sovereign palace in his memory, which has been in ancient times.

The current Human Sovereign Temple is just empty. There is no Martial God who sits in the Temple. The middle-aged Demi-God who is responsible for the introduction can’t fool Emperor Fan and the others, too. With a sigh, he turned to leave.

Ye Fei suddenly stopped him, “This Senior Brother, before you leave, should you take us to the Human Sovereign Hall for the assessment?”

The middle-aged Demi-God was surprised Looking at Ye Fei, “You know that the Human Sovereign Hall has fallen. Do you still want to join?”

“Ye Fei, the Human Sovereign Hall has become like this, are you still willing to join?” Di Fan and the others were also surprised. After learning about the status quo of the Human Sovereign Hall, even them inevitably retreated. “I am different from you. I have entered the six Holy Sects and the declining True Martial Saint Court. Among them, I understand that Saint Court may have fallen, but the martial arts of Saint Court will never fall! If there is no Martial God temple, it can continue to exist, and even if it is recognized by Heaven Temple and

human temple, then there must be a reason for its existence!” Ye Fei smiled lightly.

He doesn’t care about the decline of the Human Sovereign Temple. The only thing he cares about is Human Sovereign! After all, the beast seal space on his body is actually the Human Sovereign Seal!

Ye Fei also wants to figure out what is the relationship between the Human Sovereign Seal and the Human Sovereign Hall. Besides, if he doesn’t want to join the Human Sovereign Hall, he can deliberately fail during the assessment. Wait for Ye Fei to come up with this method. Hearing what he said, Di Fan’s heart was already shocked, as if he was awakened by Ye Fei, and suddenly he solemnly saluted Ye Fei: “Brother Ye, you are right. The temple is down, it does not mean the temple. The martial arts will also decline! The true powerhouse depends on the strength of the temple, and

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