It is my own effort. I have added this Human Sovereign palace. “

“That’s right, since we have agreed to the formation, we will definitely join the Human Sovereign Palace, then we can’t say nothing! “Xue Yue was also touched, and said in a deep voice.

“The Human Sovereign Palace is down, then let us make it resplendent! “Breaking the army is confident and no longer mind the decline of the Human Sovereign Hall.

Dongfang Yu is also nodded. The middle-aged Demi-God also looked at everyone in surprise, and his expression was rarely serious. , “Don’t worry, the history from the Human Sovereign Temple out of Martial God, will not be inferior to other temples, only stronger than them, otherwise I would not turn back and join the declining Human Sovereign Temple, you see, that is

For the assessment of the Human Sovereign Hall, walk up those steps, and then push open the door of the Human Sovereign Hall, even if you pass!

hong long!

The middle-aged Demi-God seemed unremarkable, but his strength was unexpectedly strong. He just waved his hand, a terrifying hurricane, I have already brought Ye Fei and the others, and have blown through countless ancient palaces in an instant, and finally stopped at the end of a glorious Heavenly Palace.

There is the main hall of the Human Sovereign hall. Just enter the main hall, With Human Sovereign’s approval, you can become a member of the Human Sovereign Hall.

Di Fan has no hesitation. He is a born Saint. He has always been meticulous in doing things and he must do what he says. Since he has agreed to the battle, he must Entering the Human Sovereign Hall, he will never break his promise.

The same is true for Xue Yue and Pojun. In the end, even Dongfang Yu stepped onto the long ladder and tried to walk to the distant place. Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace.

Ye Fei also raised his foot and stepped onto this ladder. He just stepped on the first step, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

He was surprised to find that what he stepped on was not a step, but a peculiar space!

At this time, his whole person was plunged into this infinite space, all around it was dark and divided. I don’t know the direction, and there is no matter. It’s purely an eternal emptiness.

For another martial artist, facing such a special space, maybe lose one’s head out of fear and worry about sleepiness. Here, I just made a random move. Ye Fei not at all did that, but he was very patient. He just kept walking into nothingness, one day, ten days, twenty days, 30 days.

So, half a year has passed. Even many determined martial artists lose their patience and wonder if it will be futile to continue this way. Ye Fei’s brows are also slightly wrinkled, but he still doesn’t stop. Still walking forward continuously.

This is another half a year’s time. Even Ye Fei has gradually lost patience with this boring walk. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. , All around is no longer a dark emptiness, but a vast starry sky.

The starry sky, terrifying ancient wild beasts, in groups, shining rays of light, gather into a strip of stars. , At the moment Ye Fei’s feet stepped into the starry sky from nothingness. That starlight drove all kinds of strange ancient wilderness The beast, with a terrifying fierce light, killed it from a distance.

“Eight-Eight Dragons!”

Ye Fei did not leave her hands, and directly urged her strongest attack. Eight heavenly dragons condensed the eight realms, and at the same time controlled five ancient powers. In spite of the encirclement of countless ancient wild beasts, he instantly rushed into that terrifying starlight belt.

Then there was the roar of the Tianlong, and the roar of the ancient desolate beast before it died.

No desolate beast is Ye Fei’s opponent. Under the Octopus Heavenly Dragon, that huge starlight belt was quickly torn apart by Ye Fei to form a huge crack, and then Ye Fei’s figure Passing through this light belt, he suddenly entered another scarlet land. The ones that appeared in the Scarlet Earth were no longer ancient wild beasts, but powerful wizards wearing black robes. When they found Ye Fei stepped into this space, they immediately performed witchcraft and became the images of various gods and demons. The bird’s head human body, some with eight legs and hands, some on the back grows a pair of wings, some control water and fire

, some motivate Celestial Phenomenon, and some condense puppets!

“Kill! The ultimate sword!”

Ye Fei looked indifferent, and suddenly raised the Promise Sword again, the sword light soared into the sky, the enemy chieftain’s head fell, countless wizards, Under his sword light, it suddenly turned into a ball of blood mist, bursting into the air, and more wizards roared.

“Normal barriers, die!”

Between Heaven and Earth, a terrifying Black Hole Vortex suddenly appeared, the attraction is so great, like a rare beast mouth, suddenly Pull Ye Fei’s body from this space into another peculiar space. But outside, what the middle-aged Demi-God saw was Ye Fei’s figure. From a step, he suddenly strode across hundreds of ladders and entered a more powerful ladder space. . His face suddenly changed, “He turned his eyes away, this kid turned out to be a peerless evildoer

!” “What, there are still peerless evildoers now, come to participate in the assessment of our Human Sovereign Hall, Wu Gang, It seems that your acting skills are not good. You should be a little more downcast, so as to scare people. “Besides the ladder, there is a powerful Demi-God. This person is also an older powerhouse, but compared to Ye Fei

The people who beheaded the Ox King god, the imposing manner is at least ten times more aggressive. In other words, this Demi-God alone can block the siege of ten ordinary Demi-Gods. When I saw this person, Wu Gang’s expression also changed, and then he yelled, “Fuck, you have to pretend to be beggar, you pretend to be a beggar, but these juniors are very shocked. Before, there were 99% martial. Artist, when I saw the decline of the Human Sovereign Palace, I turned around and left.”

Chapter 1797 Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace

“hmph, it’s better if they leave, I Human The palace of Sovereign wants absolute elites, not short-sighted mediocrities. It’s just a pity. If these guys had come to the Human Race battlefield 500 years earlier, we might have accepted them. But now, the stronger the evildoer, the more we will be. Be careful

!” The youth of Demi-God looked serious. Hearing this, the expression of middle-aged Demi-God Wu Gang suddenly changed, and then he sighed: “I understand your worries. Since the disappearance of Human Sovereign, the last Martial God of our Human Sovereign Hall, in 500 Years ago, the status of our Human Sovereign Temple is in jeopardy. Heaven Temple has always wanted to replace us and let the Human Race battlefield from the Three Temples to the Two Temples. Lu Li, you doubt it. These people, maybe Heaven Temple deliberately sent us to test us?”

“This possibility cannot be ruled out. Although I have checked, their transmission order was obtained from Lingsiyu, but the woman The most misleading thing, we need to guard against it, this may be the beautiful man’s trick of Heaven Temple!” Lu Li looked serious. Wu Gang hesitantly said: “With their talents, even if I don’t lower the difficulty, it won’t be too difficult for them to pass the assessment. Do you mean, do you want me to open the last level? Just in case I really break that level. Don’t talk about Heaven Temple, it’s the temple of humans, and I won’t let this opportunity to annex us

Yes!” “Haha, the last level? Are you laughing at those three questions? Since Human Sovereign disappeared In the past ten tens of thousands of years, how many peerless evildoers, how many Martial Gods, neglect sleep and forget about food, have not been able to solve the problems in our Human Sovereign Hall, if they can solve these problems, I will treat them Three bows, back

Come and worship them as a teacher!” Lu Li was very confident.

Thinking of the abnormalities of the three questions, Wu Gang was also secretly nodded, thinking that what Lu Li said was very reasonable. He raised a flag and waved at the distant ladder.

hong long! The ladder vibrated, and suddenly the entire ladder changed its direction. It was no longer the glorious Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace extending forward, but directly into the void, seeming to enter another inexplicable Space, and in that space, there is also a strange palace exactly the same as Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace.

It’s just this scene, Ye Fei who has been dragged into the ladder space to test, not at all found.

“Kill! Octopus Dragon!”

Ye Fei fighting intent is like fire, and the intent sword is as bright as stars, fighting against the wizard who captured him into Dark Space, and those outside Ordinary wizards are different. This wizard who caught him into the black sky is very powerful, and his skin is faintly shining with bright silver rays of light.

Obviously, this is a silver-skinned wizard who is close to the great witch, equivalent to Human Race’s Demi-God powerhouse. As soon as he enters this space, the silver-skinned wizard initiates the witchcraft and transforms into A silver giant with several dozen meters high, his huge body is his strongest weapon.

hong long!

The silver giant’s fist slammed into the Promise Sword, and the Promise Sword was trembling. Ye Fei was the whole person and flew out.

For a general martial artist, facing such a terrifying wizard, it is estimated that his confidence has collapsed long ago, and he chose to retreat or give up the assessment.

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