The emperor is right. Since some people don’t want us to pass the test, then we have to pass this test. When the time comes, look at the faces of some people! “

Speaking, Ye Fei was already walking towards the Martial Spirit monument with a cold face, sending a true element on the spot, activating the Martial Spirit monument, and the Martial Spirit monument was suddenly released with rays of light, and there was a mechanical cold. Voice.

“Human Sovereign asked three times, first asked, what is the strongest in this world? “

“Then it needs to be said, of course, Martial God is the strongest! “Xue Yue didn’t even think, just opened the mouth and said. Inside the Martial Spirit stele, an angry roar suddenly resounded, “Wrong, a bunch of rice buckets, you don’t know about such a simple question, and the pressure deserves to be increased a thousand times! “


The Martial Spirit monument vibrated violently. Ye Fei and the others suddenly felt like a mountain was pressed against their bodies, and their steps sank, the weakest. Dongfang Yu, who was crushed, could only squat in place with a horse stance. He immediately glared at Xue Yue.

Breaking the army was even leg raised, moved towards Xue Yue and kicked over, Ye Fei He Difan stared at the Martial Spirit monument with a green expression.

“Brother Emperor, I suddenly had the urge to smash this Martial Spirit monument! “Ye Fei was very upset, but he heard clearly that this Martial Spirit monument can actually be used to curse people. A sneer flashed across Di Fan’s face, said solemnly: “Interesting, I don’t think Human Sovereign asks three times. The final test is not military.” force, but wisdom! It’s a pity that I can’t help me. The Temple of Human Sovereign is both the Temple of Human Race, and Human Sovereign is also the co-lord of the world. In the eyes of Human Sovereign, the strongest in the world is naturally human!

“That’s right! Ruzi can be taught! Remember, the strongest in the world is always human. We are born weak, but we have unlimited potential! Remember, man will conquer the sky! The sky is what everyone wants! “In the Martial Spirit stele, there was a voice of praise.

This made Di Fan’s face finally look a little better. Ye Fei and the others looked at him. Didn’t expect Di Fan to be able to Easy to answer Human Sovereign’s three questions.

“Human Sovereign’s second question, who is the strongest in this world?” “On the Martial Spirit monument, the first question disappeared, and the second question soon emerged.

Seeing this question, Xue Yue doesn’t even think, he must answer it, but he won’t wait for him to speak. Already kicked over, “Don’t talk, Dongfang bastard, cover his mouth! “

“Broken the army, you kind of say it again! “Dongfang Yu was furious, but he hurriedly took out a piece of rag and stuffed it into Xue Yue’s mouth.

Ye Fei quickly pretended not to see it. He was really frightened by Xue Yue’s open mouth. I’m afraid, if I answer another question incorrectly, the pressure will increase to ten thousand times. Dongfang Yu will be squeezed out immediately, and others will immediately reach the critical point of endurance.

“Difan, you answer! “Ye Fei finally looked towards Difan Dao, his face sinking like water, and he quickly fell into deep thought, but the more he thought, the colder he sweats on his forehead, and finally, he shook his head helplessly: “I can’t answer this question. I only know that the supreme is the strongest under nine heavens, but I don’t know. In our Human Race, which supreme is the strongest, I can’t answer this question, brother Ye, you What? “

Ye Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head. He knows a supreme name, such as Du Tian Di Zun, which must be very strong, but he cannot guarantee that in this world, will there be stronger than Du Tian Di Zun The existence of.

So Ye Fei looked at Xiang Pojun again, and broke the army immediately with a bitter face, thinking for a long time, still shook his head, and finally looked towards Dongfang Yu. “Don’t look at me, although I know a few Humans Race is the supreme name, but I am not sure, they are the strongest in the world! “Dongfang Yu also smiled bitterly.

Chapter 1799 Catastrophe is imminent

“Hmm…” At this moment, Xue Yue thought of something, and suddenly struggling violently, even more vomiting. Drop the rags in your mouth.

“You are too smart and think too much. What is hard to guess about this question? This is the Human Sovereign Palace. The strongest in the world is naturally Human Sovereign! “

“Shut up! “

Seeing Xue Yue trying to answer again, Ye Fei, Difan, Breaking Army, Dongfang Yu all changed their expressions, raised their feet almost at the same time, and kicked them.

Xue Yue’s answer is too to have no shame, too shameless. This is where the answer is. It’s obviously flattery, and it’s so obvious. It’s so vulgar.

But when you hear Xue Yue’s words, Martial Spirit The monument was overjoyed, and repeatedly admired: “That’s right, the strongest person in this world is naturally Human Sovereign! It seems that you younger generations are not all edible, well, listen to my last question! “

Ye Fei and Difan were both dumbfounded. They didn’t expect. Apart from cursing people, this Martial Spirit monument actually likes to be flattery. Who made this thing? But in my heart Depressed and depressed, hearing the Martial Spirit monument took out Human Sovereign and the last question in the three questions, everyone’s mood immediately became tense again. At this time, the Martial Spirit monument, the voice is no longer cold and mechanical, but a A high-pitched voice asked loudly: “Now, you tell me, in this world, who is the most handsome?

It’s strange, why don’t you talk, don’t be shy, answer my question loudly! “

Seeing that Ye Fei and the others didn’t mean to speak, the Martial Spirit monument became anxious. It seemed that someone would be able to answer this question.

Ye Fei still did not speak. He really didn’t know how to speak, and also not knowing what to do, as well as Dongfang Yu and Pojun. Even Difan, as a natural Saint, was completely sluggish at this time, unable to figure out the meaning of this last question.

“…hahaha, if I estimate the time is good, these people should almost reach the last question of Human Sovereign’s three questions, right? “Beyond the ladder, Lu Li smiled. Although he can’t see the scene inside, he can imagine Ye Fei and the others dumbfounded at this time.

“This leftover from before the disappearance of Human Sovereign Three questions, one is more profound than a profound mystery. The first question is that only the real Human Race powerhouse can affirm from the heart. Our Human Race is the World Protagonist, and it is naturally the strongest! “Wu Gang looked at the ladder, but also revealed his memories, “But the second question requires a certain strain to extend from the first question and comprehend that Human Sovereign in the past is actually the most powerful house of our Human Race, and it is Human. The spiritual leader of Race! I was thinking hard for three years before I found the answer to this question! “Lu Li interjected: “I’m better than you. It took me a year and a half to understand the essence of this problem. In fact, Human Sovereign is encouraging us to catch up with Human Sovereign and surpass Human Sovereign, so that we Human Race, change Getting stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, the last question is too difficult. I have thought about it for a full ten years. I didn’t expect Human Sovereign and his senior’s specific meaning. “

Speaking of this, Lu Li and Wu Gang both sighed, not just them, the first two questions of Human Sovereign’s three questions, as long as you are a little smarter, you can guess the final answer.

Only the last question is too profound mystery, not to mention Lu Li and Wu Gang, it is the entire Human Sovereign Hall, and none of the Martial Gods from ten tens of thousands of years can answer it.

Even in Heaven Temple and Human Temple, there is a special Martial God who is always studying this question, struggling to find the last answer to Human Sovereign’s three questions.

This is also Lu Li and Wu Gang, The reason why Ye Fei and the others are willing to participate in the Human Sovereign three questions, they know that as long as these three questions come out, let alone peerless evildoers, the top ten Divine Physiques are here and they will definitely not be able to answer.

Now the two of them are just waiting patiently. Ye Fei and the others failed to clear the level. They are also very patient, just outside the ladder, sitting cross-legged for cultivation.

Time is also fast In a blink of an eye, three days passed. They did not see the silhouette of Ye Fei and the others failing to pass the level. Instead, they sensed an extremely powerful aura and rushed over from the Human Sovereign hall. .

“It’s Martial God! “

“I don’t know which Martial God is coming to my Human Sovereign Hall as a guest?” “

Lu Li and Wu Gang did not dare to neglect. Although Demi-God is known as the half-step Martial God, it is this half-step that determines that one is in the sky and the other is underground. Come to the Human Sovereign Palace, is a majestic man with a mighty look. He dragon walk tiger steps, simply ignoring the many restrictions of the Human Sovereign Temple. In just one breath, he walked from outside the Human Sovereign Temple to the ladder. When he saw the Human Sovereign Temple The ladder went deep into the void. Tiger God’s eyes,

cannot help flashing a deep surprise. “It’s all now. Could it be that the Human Sovereign Palace still refuses to give up and wants to crack the Human Sovereign three questions, but Unfortunately, the third question is too esoteric. When the Human Sovereign Palace and Martial God survive, they cannot be cracked. Now the Human Sovereign Palace does not even have Martial God, only a group of Demi-God pitiful who cannot break through Martial God are left. person

, you want to open the Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace and get the chance to ignite the sacred fire, but it is difficult! “Tiger God’s face was taunting. Of course, he came here this time, not specifically to satirize the Human Sovereign Hall. Seeing Wu Gang and Lu Li, his tiger eyes flashed a fierce light, said solemnly: “you two, Immediately end the assessment of the Human Sovereign Hall, and let that Ye Fei get out by the way, the god must himself,

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