Behead him, and put his body in a big costume! “

“What, Ye Fei? Could it be that long and honest black robed youth? “Wu Gang’s impression of Ye Fei is very good. Although he can’t let Ye Fei join the Human Sovereign Hall, but hearing that Ye Fei offends a real Martial God, Wu Gang can’t help but worry about Ye Fei.

Lu Li also changed his expression. Facing the Tiger God, he didn’t have stage fright at all, but he said in a deep voice, “Tiger God. You can’t be mistaken, the inside is just a few juniors who just broke through the Martial Emperor. How dare they dare to provoke a Martial God like you? “

“hmph, they don’t just provoke the god, it’s the Demi-God of our Heaven Temple. The little demon also kills and kills. For such a vicious person, if the god doesn’t kill him, His corpse put on a big suit, where is the majesty of my tiger clan, and where is the prestige of my Heaven Temple? “

“Since Demi-God can’t take care of this little demon, that god can’t say it, so he can only take action personally and send that little evildoer on the road! ”


The tiger god’s murderous intention broke out, and then, without seeing Wu Gang and Lu Li, he had to walk straight up the ladder, enter inside, and kill Ye Fei.

Wu Gang’s face suddenly paled, and he stopped in disbelief: “If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it! Tiger God, did you admit the wrong person? Then Ye Fei is just a Martial Emperor, how could he do such a thing? “

“Fuck you shit, how can the god admit the wrong person? I’ll ask you, does the kid named Ye Fei look honest and timid, very simple and honest?” “Tiger God solemnly asked.

Wu Gang heard this for a while, “How do you know? “Hmph, the god knows more than just that, he just turned to ashes. This god recognizes him. He is hiding in the city of trials. It is not convenient for me to kill him. Since he has come to Fengyun City, he dare to ignore Heaven Temple. That god kills him, it is justified! “

Chapter 1800 Sorcerer God

“Why don’t you speak, speak quickly, answer this last question quickly, a group of rice buckets, you can lose one or two Breakthrough Martial Emperor, such a simple question can’t be answered. If I were you, I would be hit to death, and I wouldn’t be ashamed of coming out like you!

“If you can’t answer, then you don’t need to answer, just get out! I can’t answer such a simple question, I’m upset looking at you! “

“Hey, the world is really going down, people’s hearts are not old! The current Human Race is really inferior to one generation. Human Race is worrying! “

Faced with the last question, the Martial Spirit monument was full of expectation. It seemed that I was eager for someone to answer it, but after seeing Ye Fei and the others did not speak, the Martial Spirit monument suddenly cursed again. Ye Fei’s blue veins on his forehead have risen.

Difan’s Saint Purple Qi broke out on the spot. If it weren’t for the hard work of Pojun and Dongfang Yu, Difan would definitely not say anything. This Martial Spirit monument was smashed.

“I see, in this world, the strongest is Human Sovereign, so the most handsome should be Human Sovereign! “Xue Yue repeated his old skills, regardless of everyone’s despised eyes, and once again patted the flattery of the Martial Spirit stele.

The Martial Spirit stele immediately stopped verbalizing, and the entire Human Sovereign Palace was quiet. But. Soon, an astonishing coercion was suddenly released from the Martial Spirit monument.

“The flattery is a good shot, but unfortunately, you, the flattery caught the horse’s leg! “The Martial Spirit monument made a silly laugh.

With the laughter, the pressure of all around the space also increased rapidly at an extremely terrifying speed. The weakest Dongfang Yu could not bear it at first. Before the pressure was raised to the limit of ten thousand times, Dongfang Yu was already groaned with blood from his mouth and nose, and was about to be squeezed out by this terrifying pressure.

Ye Fei was taken aback and quickly launched a battle. The demon body rushed to Dongfang Yu’s side, and the blazing golden rays of light instantly enveloped Dongfang Yu.

bang! The pressure of the Human Sovereign Holy Palace seems to have a peculiar spirituality, when you notice it When Ye Fei sheltered Dongfang Yu, most of the pressure that was originally pressed against Dongfang Yu instantly fell on Ye Fei’s body, even with the body of war demon, Ye Fei’s whole body was full of purple-gold rays of light , Has also become rapidly

It dimmed.

Dongfang Yu’s heart was shaken, then his expression firmly said: “Ye Fei, you leave me alone! My strength is inherently weak, and I don’t want you to lose the chance to pass the assessment because of me! “There is no chance. There is simply no solution to this last question!” We are impossible to answer this question, and even I suspect that those Martial Gods are also impossible to answer these questions! “Difan’s face is gloomy. In fact, Human Sovereign’s three questions are not difficult, but one is more tricky.

Difan is born Saint and wants to answer the last question. It is also extremely difficult. Of course, the most important thing is the terrifying pressure released by the Martial Spirit monument.

An incorrect answer will increase the pressure tenfold!

This also leaves the martial artist simply without time. , One answer and one answer to try, Martial Emperor basically got the wrong answer three times, he would be expelled, Martial God estimated that he could only persist four times and would fail.

Xue Yue sighed even more depressed. : “I originally thought that the to have no shame touted Human Sovereign would definitely pass the test, but now it seems that I was thinking too simple. “

“Then what do we do now, we all promised the Great Sect Master that we will join the Human Sovereign Palace. If we fail the test, what face do we have, and return to the Sky Formation Sect? “Po Jun suddenly said dejectedly.

His words also made Di Fan and Xue Yue’s expressions very ugly. As Saint, Di Fan has always performed performances.

He said that if he joins the Human Sovereign Palace, he will definitely join, but Human Sovereign asks three times. It’s too abnormal, not to mention Saint, it is Deity facing it, and despair.

“It’s all mine Wrong, I shouldn’t talk too much and say the answer indiscriminately! “Xue Yue is even more condemned. If he doesn’t rush to answer, everyone can stick to it, but once the answer is wrong, the space pressure of 10,000 times is the Martial Emperor, and there is no way to stick to it for long.

With Fei’s desperate power asylum, Dongfang Yu was finally able to persevere under this terrifying pressure. He heard this said with a bitter smile: “It’s none of Xue Yue’s business. In fact, apart from Human Sovereign himself, simply no one can answer! No matter what we answer, the fate of failure is inevitable in the end! “

Difan, Xue Yue, and Po Jun all sighed long. They are not fools. Since the Human Sovereign Palace does not accept them, it is naturally impossible to give them the possibility of clearance.

Obviously, this Human Sovereign three questions is an unsolvable problem that makes Martial God desperate. Just looking at this last question, Ye Fei is depressed, but at the same time, it is inevitable that he is a little weird.

“Where did I seem to hear this kind of mean tone, and this last question, I seem to be able to answer…”

Ye Fei has a weird face, but he feels all around The pressure is getting more and more terrifying. Even if his fleshy body is comparable to Divine Item, it is difficult to stick to 5 minutes of time, especially since he still bears the part of the pressure belonging to Dongfang Yu.

Think of this, Ye Fei I don’t hesitate anymore, I can only loudly said: “I know, the most handsome in this world is Wang Bai! “

“What did you say, what you just said, hurry up and say it again! “The silent Martial Spirit stele is active again, and the tone seems to be with a certain strong eagerness.

Ye Fei’s complexion can’t help but become more weird, but he can only darken his face, and said again: “This world, the most The handsome man is not Human Sovereign, but Wang Bai! “

bang! The Martial Spirit stele shook violently. Just when Emperor Fan and the others thought Ye Fei had answered wrong, the Martial Spirit stele suddenly grew stone hands and feet. It was a tearful cry: “Oh heaven, earth, the four eyebrows that have been plagued by the sky, how many years, someone has finally answered this most abnormal question right, boy, you are very good and very good. Eyes, yes, the most handsome in the world is Wang Bai, and the shameless is also Wang Bai. That old yin, narcissistic maniac, because of this perverted problem that he stipulated, I am trapped here. thousands of years, can’t move a step, now it’s alright, I’m finally free, hahahaha… Never see that narcissist anymore, hear his voice…wu wu wu… “

The Martial Spirit monument cried and laughed. Suddenly, from the inscription, struggling to jump out of a stone-skinned man, the man dashing eyebrows, with a strange triangle symbol on his forehead, like a nebula spinning rapidly .

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