Emperor Palace is the seven Palace Lords! “

“Sorry, I’m a mediocre person, there is no good thing, I will never do it! This Human Sovereign, if I say it’s wrong, I won’t be it. Say goodbye! “Ye Fei said, turning around and leaving. It’s like this kind of thankless, unprofitable Human Sovereign, whoever loves to be it.

“Human Sovereign please hold your steps! “Three Vice Palace Lords, also immediately, blocked Ye Fei’s way.

“Why, I don’t want to be, can you still force me to be?” “Ye Fei’s face is dark, and he is ready to escape at any time. The three Vice Palace Lords said with a bitter smile: “You are Human Sovereign, how dare we take action against you, it’s just Human Sovereign. Don’t forget, Human Sovereign Heavenly Palace was destroyed because of you. The Tiger God of Heaven Temple also died because of you. Once you leave here, the Vice Palace Lord of Heaven Temple will definitely kill you with all your strength! Dare to ask Human Sovereign,

With your current strength, might it be possible to withstand the pursuit of the three middle Martial Gods? “

Ye Fei’s eyes, unconsciously aiming at the huge tiger corpse of the tiger god, it is inevitable that some guilty in his heart, the death of a few Martial Emperors, Demi-God, Heaven Temple may not care , But a Martial God died. This beam seems to be too big.

Di Fan suddenly persuaded in a deep voice: “Brother Ye, the three Seniors were right. Now Heaven Temple is dead. A Martial God, this hatred is too big, Heaven Temple will surely anger us, once we get out of the Human Sovereign Temple, we will all have life concerns! “

“Well, I can stay in the Human Sovereign Hall, but this Human Sovereign, I won’t say anything! “Ye Fei looked resolute. Finally, under the pressure of Martial God, he decided to stay temporarily to avoid the limelight. Then, Ye Fei walked towards the huge corpse of the Tiger God.

Since the Tiger God is already there. Death, then the treasure on his body, you must not let it go. And seeing the new Human Sovereign, he did the looting, and seemed to be extremely skilled. The three Vice Palace Lords all covered their faces with sleeves and pretended I didn’t see it.

Heaven Temple.

Experts are gathered, and there are countless powerhouses. Not only 90% of foreign powerhouses gathered here, but also many Human Race powerhouses are attracted, and Heaven Temple is also joined .

The guards of the Heaven Temple are the three middle-ranked Vice Palace Lords of Martial God, and ten lower-ranked Martial God Elders. For example, the Tiger God is Heaven Temple Ranked 10th Elder. There are nine subordinate Martial Gods who are stronger than him. At this time, these subordinate Martial Gods are all gathered together with ugly faces, staring at the Heaven Temple, a sculpture with dim rays of light. This sculpture is a tiger. The Divine Idol of God, worshipped by countless tiger experts, has already possessed the divine nature, but at this time, the Divine Idol was actually broken. No more

there is no trace of divine light!


“The light of God is gone, Martial God is dead! Didn’t the Tiger God go to the Human Sovereign Hall and kill the Human Race untouchable named Ye Demon? How could he fall? “

“Could it be that the three old farts of the Human Sovereign Hall shot?” “

“hmph, impossible, even if they bring out the Human Sovereign robe and the Human Sovereign sword, they can only force the Tiger God back, but cannot kill the Tiger God! “No matter what, the Tiger God died in the Human Sovereign Hall. This is a fact, and it is a shame to my Heaven Temple!” We must not sit idly by, the old man suggested, immediately send the Heavenly God battle book to the Human Sovereign Hall! ”

Chapter 1805 Solar Warship

Heavenly God War Book!

This is the highest war book in Heaven Temple. Generally speaking, it can only face powerful gold Great Witch, Heaven Temple will issue such a battle book to carry out life and death challenges, such as the first time that the Heavenly God battle book is issued for the Human Race battlefield.

But the Martial God present, who There was no objection. In the end, the current Human Sovereign Temple does not even have Martial God. If it were not supported by the huge prestige of Human Sovereign, many Martial Gods of Heaven Temple would have long waited for the Human Sovereign Temple to be replaced by Human Race. Therefore, it has become the dominant human race battlefield.

At the same time, the accidental fall of the Tiger God also made the Martial Gods of Heaven Temple feel a threat from the Human Sovereign Temple. This threat is very likely. This is the opportunity for the re-emergence of the Human Sovereign Hall.

As a foreigner of Martial God, many of them even despise Human Race and treat Human Race as pigs and dogs. Of course, they will not hope that they can unite the entire Human Race. Human Sovereign Palace, regained the opportunity to rise.

“I agree! “

“Send the Heavenly God battle book, put pressure on the Human Sovereign Palace, let them surrender the murderer, and make up for our loss! “

“hmph, it’s better to let them give the Human Sovereign robe and the Human Sovereign sword! Leave it to us, Heaven Temple! “

…Heaven Temple moved quickly. Almost half a day after the death of the Tiger God, it was led by a Vice Palace Lord, and nine lower Martial Gods followed at the same time. They drove With a huge solar warship, the warship uses infinite treasures to create a glorious starry sky island. Behind the island, it drags the dazzling sun and blooms with infinite divine light. .

Such solar warships are usually controlled by Martial God against the witch race. At this time, Heaven Temple shows such giant warships. The purpose is nothing more than to deter the Human Sovereign Hall. , And at the same time take this opportunity to completely step on the Human Sovereign Temple.

“My god, that is the sun ship! Only by patrolling the battlefield or fighting with the Witch tribe can it appear. Could it be that the Witch tribe will launch a large-scale attack again? “

“It’s not the Witch Clan, the ship of the Heaven Temple is headed for, it seems to be the direction of the Human Sovereign Temple, there are ten Martial Gods on it! “

When the battleship of the sun flew over Fengyun City, the martial artists of the entire Fengyun City were shocked, especially the Martial God who felt the existence of Martial God above, not Martial God, but ten When I was in this position, many people’s hearts trembled violently.

One Martial God started the warship, it can be said to be patrolling, but ten Martial Gods, driving the warship together, there is only one Possibly.

That is war!

“Could it be that Heaven Temple is going to fight the Human Sovereign Temple? “Heaven Temple’s actions also shocked many Martial Gods in the Human Temple. Inside the temple, an old voice was heard immediately, “What the hell is going on, even if the Human Sovereign Temple has fallen, it is also a symbol of my Human Race, and Human Sovereign in the past. , And once for Human Race, born to death, regardless of gains or losses! What is the reason for Heaven Temple?

Dare to take action against Human Sovereign Temple? “

Soon there was a well-informed Martial God, saluting to the void: “Back to the Vice Palace Lord, according to my friends at Heaven Temple, it seems to be the Tiger God, who died in Human Sovereign Temple, Heaven Temple was furious, and even the Heavenly God battle book! “

“What, Heavenly God War Book?” Heaven Temple Is this true? The Human Sovereign Hall does not even have Martial God now, how do they resist? “

Many Martial Gods in the Temple of Humans are showing the look of shock. In the Temple of Humans, upon hearing this news, the old voice soon became silent.

“If the Human Sovereign Temple rises, the status of the Human Sovereign Temple will be affected. Tell Heaven Temple that they can suppress the Human Sovereign Temple, but they absolutely cannot destroy the Human Sovereign Temple! Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to remain neutral! “

The speed of the solar warship is very fast, especially under the joint urge of ten Martial Gods, it is like a scorching sun flying rapidly. After passing the starry sky, it suddenly appeared outside the Human Sovereign Hall.

The glorious Human Sovereign Hall was suddenly filled with the pressure of an incomparable gigantic. It was the pressure of the divine might and the pressure of the solar ship. !

Looking at that huge warship and the ten mysterious silhouettes like gods and demons on the warship, Emperor Fan and the others suddenly turned pale.

Ye Fei also had cold hands and feet. Suddenly there was an impulse to find Wang Bai now and then kill Wang Bai on the spot. He finally understood why in the Heavenly Formation Sect, when the Heavenly Formation mentioned Human Sovereign, there was just a pair of gnashing teeth, as if Who abducted his daughter’s hair stands up in anger.

It’s really that Wang Bai is too insidious and not a thing. This old yin guy didn’t ask for his permission, so he forced him to become a human. Not to mention Sovereign, what is more important is that the Human Sovereign Seal bomb killed the Tiger God and caused this terrible disaster. “Surnamed Ye, blame you! Before you came, our Human Sovereign Palace was breezy and quiet, and the door was very quiet. As a result, when you came, disaster was caused. It is not enough to die a tiger god, and now it has caused so many Martial Gods! “Lu Li was very upset. He felt that if he came to be a Human Sovereign, he would definitely be more than Ye.

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