Fei is 10,000 times competent.

“Lu Li, don’t be rude!” Wu Gang is more real. Although he was scared by Heaven Temple’s aggressive attack, he still respects Master’s teachings and respects Human Sovereign.

Obviously, Wu Gang has a good defensive nature and Lu Li has a good offensive nature. Of course, the Human Sovereign Palace has declined, but at this time, the strongest elites can remain.

Lu Li looked at Ye Fei provocatively, “He is not Human Sovereign, why should I be polite to him, or that he has figured it out and is willing to accept the position of Human Sovereign?”

“cough cough, two Senior Brothers, don’t be kidding! I’m an honest person, spitting on each nail. If you say something wrong, it’s not right, or else, I’ll give you away!” Ye Fei said again To throw the Human Sovereign Seal to Lu Li, Lu Li’s face turned green on the spot.

Break the army and the others, with a strange look on his face, it is impossible to associate Ye Fei’s actions at this time with the majestic and glorious Human Sovereign.

The three Vice Palace Lords once again covered their faces with their sleeves. They did not dare to watch Ye Fei’s lazy behavior. They were even more determined in their hearts. From now on, they must teach Ye Fei well and let Ye Fei quickly. From the road of evil spirits to the road of unselfish Human Sovereign.

Of course, before this, they have to find a way to solve the threat of Heaven Temple.

“His Royal Highness, please don’t be impatient. Although Heaven Temple is coming aggressively, my Human Sovereign Temple is not easy to provoke. Please also your Highness. Allow me to wait temporarily and borrow the Human Sovereign Three Treasures. Power!”

I felt the pressure released by the solar warship outside was getting more and more terrifying, and it was almost beyond the critical point that the Human Sovereign Hall could bear.

The three Vice Palace Lords roared at the same time. At this time, they burned their own Demi-God blood essence and condensed the big seal to communicate with the three treasures of the Human Sovereign they guarded.

Suddenly, the old man holding the sword, with sword glow all over his body, fuse together with the Human Sovereign sword, slammed into the sky, and rushed out of the Human Sovereign Hall.

The old man holding the clothes, with a solemn expression, suddenly showed the Human Sovereign robe towards the void, and suddenly a mighty prestige of Sovereign shook the starry sky and shook the Star River.

A Human Sovereign illusory shadow, revealed from the imperial robe, was blessed by the Human Sovereign of the past, and the old man burst out with a divine light comparable to Martial God and rushed to the sky.

“I’ll come too!” The last holding the old man, also at this time, activated the secret technique, it was actually difficult to raise the Human Sovereign Seal, and walked slowly and firmly to the sky. “Human Sovereign Three Treasures, see this Three Treasures, such as Human Sovereign, you and the others family, why not worship?”

Chapter 1806 Thousand-futures in hands

“Er and the others family , Why not worship?”

The old man’s voice is strong and solemn. In his hand, the Human Sovereign Seal blooms with mysterious treasures, and evolved into mountains and rivers, innumerable living beings. In Russia, there are countless chants, resounding in the void, it seems that there are countless ancestors of the Human Race, separated by time and space, far away.

At this moment, Ye Fei’s expression changed, Difan’s expression changed, breaking the army and the others, stared wide-eyed, and Wu Gang and Lu Li, shaking from their hearts. Like their within the body, there is a bloodline memory, which is suddenly awakened from ancient times.

In the face of the glory of the Human Sovereign Seal, all Human Races had a kind of piety from the heart at this moment, and then Wu Gang and Lu Li worshipped.

Difan and Pojun and the others worshipped, and all the Human Race martial artists who followed around the Solar Warship worshipped.

“Human Sovereign Seal, how could it be Human Sovereign Seal? Didn’t this seal disappear with Human Sovereign before hundreds of thousands of years? Why does it still appear?”

On the battleship of the sun, Vice Palace Lord led by Heavenly God, his complexion suddenly changed, not to mention that he is also a mid-rank Martial God, strong.

But in front of the Human Sovereign Seal, let alone the middle Martial God, the upper Martial Gods of the Human Race, they dare not neglect. Not only is it a symbol of Human Sovereign, it is also The Mark of Commander in the Human Race battlefield!

An ancient legend, as long as anyone holds the Human Sovereign Seal, he can order all martial artists on the Human Race battlefield to become the de facto leader of the Human Race battlefield!

“Jun Tianyi, the Human Sovereign Seal is here, wait, why not? Are you despising the Human Sovereign?” The old man holding the Human Sovereign Seal aloft, approaching the sun step by step with an indifferent expression Battleship.

There are a total of ten Martial Gods on this warship. Among them, nine are the lower Martial God and one is the middle Martial God. With their power and the power of the Solar Warship, they only need to make a single shot to make the Human Sovereign Palace without Martial God, flying ash annihilation.

Just looking at the high-ranking Human Sovereign treasure seal, Human Sovereign sword, Human Sovereign robe, even the Vice Palace Lord of Heaven Temple, itself is a powerful mid-rank Martial God, at this time Jun Tianyi’s old face also showed deep horror and panic.

He may not care about the Human Sovereign Temple, but for Human Sovereign, the universally recognized spiritual leader of the Human Race battlefield, even Martial God, he dare not disrespect.

“I wait, Heaven Temple gods, I have seen Human Sovereign!” Jun Tianyi sighed, carrying nine Martial Gods behind him, and thousands of Martial Emperors and Demi-Gods on the sun battleship. Powerhouse, one after another bowed down, respectfully paying homage to the Human Sovereign Seal.

Although most of these people are foreign races, Human Sovereign guards not only the Human Race, but all other races living in the Human Race continent have been protected by the Human Sovereign of the past generations.

It is the Human Sovereign of the past, who gave up life and forgot to die, commanded the gods, protected these continents, and also protected the many creatures living on the continent.

So, Human Sovereign is not only the co-owner of Human Race, but also the co-respect of all races! But when he bowed to his knees, Jun Tianyi still refused to give up. After the salute, he immediately stood up and shouted in a deep voice: “Although Human Sovereign is respected by all my races! But murder must be paid for. The tiger god is not only my Heaven Temple. Martial God is also an important battle strength of my Human Race battlefield. The Tiger God cannot die in vain. The Human Sovereign Palace must give us an explanation!”

“Yes , Hand over the murderer! Isn’t the Temple of Human Sovereign known as the Great Love, All living things are equal? ​​It’s Human Sovereign and selfless, what did the Tiger God do wrong? The Temple of Human Sovereign wants to kill the Tiger God, go to my Human Race battlefield, an important warrior?” Other Martial God also followed.

There is no weak person who can become Martial God.

The Human Sovereign Seal certainly stunned them and prevented him from attacking the Human Sovereign Temple openly, but the Tiger God cannot die in vain, and the majesty of the Heaven Temple absolutely cannot be defeated. So soon, these Martial Gods united again and glared at the three Vice Palace Lords in the Human Sovereign Hall. These Martial God’s words also changed Dongfang Yu’s face, and hurriedly sounded transmission to Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, there are too many Martial Gods coming this time. Don’t let the Human Sovereign Palace not bear the pressure. Hand it over


“Don’t worry, these Old Seniors should not be like that. I’m afraid they can’t stand the attack of ten Martial Gods. We You also have to be prepared to escape in secret.” Ye Fei was calm on the surface, and had already winked at Di Fan, Po Jun and Xue Yue in secret.

Although the emergence of the Human Sovereign Seal has calmed a lot of people, the martial artist’s world is always strength is respected. There is not enough strength. Even if the prestige of Human Sovereign is high, when it’s time to do it, Heaven Temple is certainly not ambiguous. “hmph, how did the Tiger God die, Jun Tianyi, you should know better than me! If you hadn’t instructed the Tiger God to try to assassinate Human Sovereign, the old Human Sovereign wouldn’t have done it himself, killing the Tiger God, you want us Hand over the murderer, we can’t do it, you have the ability, you go find the old Human Sovereign yourself!” The three associate shop owners are angry, they are not Martial God, but under the increase of the Human Sovereign Sovereign , But they have the confidence to face Martial God.

At the same time, they also revealed an important news that the death of the Tiger God was not caused by Ye Fei, but by the old Human Sovereign.

The old Human Sovereign is Wang Bai. It was the invincible supreme of the Invincible Human Race battlefield hundreds of thousands of years ago. Even though Wang Bai disappeared later, the Human Sovereign Palace declined rapidly.

But as long as the death of the old Human Sovereign is not confirmed, the old Human Sovereign is still the highest leader of the Human Race battlefield! It is also the Hall of Human Sovereign, the biggest heritage!

“What, old Human Sovereign, could it be that the old Human Sovereign is back, no wonder the Human Sovereign Seal, which has missing ten tens of thousands of years, will suddenly appear. Listen to you, the old Human Sovereign has already abdicated. Also passed to the new Human Sovereign?” Jun Tianyi’s expression changed drastically.

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