is also the supreme cultivation technique, Ye Fei’s Octopus Heavenly Dragon, which simply uses different primordial powers at the same time, which is very messy. However, Du Tian Di Zun is different. Each of his Primordial Heavenly Art that evolved from the Heaven and Earth without a Tribulation is another manifestation of the Heaven and Earth without a Tribulation.

In this way, both Tiandi Zun has used Wuxiangjie to evolve many Young Sect Master Taikoo Tiangong. These Tiangongs are more like specific moves under complete martial arts.

Ye Fei is different. His Octopus Heavenly Dragon is more like a combination of other martial arts moves randomly. Although the formidable power is equally huge, it faces the height of Du Tian Di Zun. A unified martial arts will be completely defeated.

“so that’s how it is, this is my shortcoming! I am not defeated by the cultivation technique, but by the evolution of heavenly power!” Ye Fei’s heart suddenly produced a kind of clear comprehension. Then, on his body, the rays of light were shining, forming the purple-golden Divine Realm, which completely enveloped him. Then, he roared again, activated the body of the war demon, burned the bloodline, and formed the bloodline god armor! In the end, Ye Fei yelled again. At the same time as the formation of the god armor, a huge war cauldron appeared on his all around, protecting him.

Finally, Ye Fei launched the anger of Azure Dragon, and quickly condense a layer of Black Tortoise armor, and continued to put it on her body.

Du Tiandi Zun finally understood why he couldn’t kill Ye Fei instantly. Ye Fei’s defense was too thick. Just Golden’s Divine Realm. It can make Ye Fei innately invincible, let alone hide behind the Divine Realm, and make so many defenses.

“Unfortunately, with pure defense and no means of attack, can you resist me several indefinite attacks, two or three? Only four times at most, I can break your defense and put You kill!” Du Tiandi quickly sneered again.

Hearing this, Ye Fei roared, “Who says I have no means of attack, I will respect the heaven and earth, receive my sword! The sword of law! Kill!”

At the critical moment, Ye Fei can’t think about it too much. The immortal Sword Soul within the body has burned crazily, and the same burning, there is also the law of the sword in Ye Fei’s hand. When the burning power of the law poured into the immortal Sword Soul.

Suddenly, the entire Indestructible Sword Soul burst out with a terrifying Annihilation Light. This Annihilation Light is even more violent and terrifying than the Annihilation Light formed by Du Tian Di Zun’s Wuxiangjie.

The 1/10000th power released by the Immortal Sword Soul made Ye Fei feel extremely shocked. This is also his final killing move against Du Tiandi Zun.

When Ye Fei cut out the Destruction Sword light, it was as powerful as Du Tian Di Zun, and his face changed. He couldn’t help but said in amazement: “You can send a Martial God blow, or It’s comparable to the strike of the middle Martial God, not good…”


In Dutiandi Zun, he panicked open Divine Realm, ready to resist the moment, The Destruction Sword light swayed by Ye Fei has penetrated the Divine Realm of Du Tian Di Zun, and instantly penetrated the body of Du Tian Di Zun!

“This battle, I won!” Ye Fei also spits out blood at the moment Dutiandizun’s body was penetrated, and the exhausted one fell to the ground with Dutiandizun.

Chapter 1830 The Son of Man and God

The Temple of Origin.

Time passed in a hurry, and it was another six months. This six months was also the limit for Demi-God to enter the Temple of Origin. When the time came, the sanctuary possessed the restrictions that immediately sprayed everyone inside. After it came out, many Demi-Gods also suddenly roared unwillingly and desperately.

In half a year, it was not enough for all Demi-Gods to realize the Heavenly Venerate hospital, even these Demi- Gods are all Demi-God elites carefully selected by their respective temples, but there are still many Demi-Gods who can’t get in touch with the source within half a year and comprehend Heaven and Earth Law.

“It’s over, it’s over, the old man has entered the temple of this courtyard twice in a row, but he still can’t access the origin of Heavenly Venerate, and the next time the temple opens, it will take 500 years later!” There is an old Demi- God, when he was threw away, he burst into tears.

Of course, some people laughed loudly, “hahaha, very good, this god son finally realized the law, and soon I will be able to break through Martial God! From now on above heaven under earth, I am the only one!”

It is the son of Heavenly God who laughs wildly. He is a peerless evildoer, and there is a powerhouse such as Heavenly God Supreme, who personally pointed him.

Other Demi-Gods feel that Heavenly Venerate’s original hatred is difficult, but for the son of Heavenly God, it’s very easy to feel the origin of Heavenly Venerate. In the past six months, he has not only realized Heavenly Venerate. This hospital even realized its own laws at the same time.

The expressions of the three Vice Palace Lords all changed, and then they secretly sighed, “It will not be the disciple of the earthly respect, the god son of the Heaven Temple, this person is too talented, even in the peerless evildoer , Is also the existence of drawing the sword!”

“hmph, if Ye Human Sovereign can enter the Temple of Origin, it must be ten times stronger than this proud villain!” Lu Li was not angry, at the entrance of the Temple of Origin At this point, he saw with his own eyes how the son of Heavenly God sneak attack Ye Fei and blast Ye Fei out of the temple of the courtyard.

His words also made Difan, Xue Yue, and the broken army complexion changed, Dongfang Yu clenched his fists, and Ling Siqi bit her silver teeth. ,

The eyes of the Supreme Supreme Master and Heavenly Punishment Martial Emperor, staring at the Son of Heavenly God, flashed a fierce light. Wu Gang’s eyebrows were cold, and Zhou Qiang, the weakest, hurriedly shrank in the corner. shiver coldly. The anomaly on the Human Sovereign Temple also quickly attracted the attention of another group of people. These all are Demi-God of the Human Sovereign Temple. They are not hostile to the Human Sovereign Temple, but they will not get close. When they arrived at the Comprehend Law of Heavenly God, they were also a little worried and looked towards the young man who finally sent out the Temple of Origin.

He was a star-like youth, and the rays of light on his body were not inferior to the son of Heavenly God. When he saw that the son of Heavenly God was nothing but Comprehend Law, he uttered wild words.

There was a hint of irony and disdain on the youth’s face, “Comprehended Law is nothing but I want to be the only one, son of Heavenly God, you are still too far behind. When will you be able to defeat the new Human Sovereign, let’s talk about it. .”

“Son of Man and God, what do you say, you know that saying this at this time is the greatest provocation to me and the Heaven Temple. The son of God killed you, and the earth is respected. There is nothing to say! “Comprehend Law, the son of Heavenly God, is the time to be proud.

Suddenly someone mentioned his scars from being defeated and killed by Ye Fei. The Son of Heavenly God could not tolerate it. At the same time, a terrifying law of coercion suppressed the Son of God on the spot.

“hmph, if you want to use it, you will crush me? You are not worthy, but that leaf of Human Sovereign, if you were not conspired by you, you can enter the temple of this courtyard, but you can barely get into my eyes!” Youth coldly snorted.

As the god son of the Temple of Man, he is also a peerless evildoer, and he is also in the Temple of Origin, comprehending his own rules.


When the laws of the Son of Heavenly God and the Son of Man and God collided, the entire Primordial Temple trembled, and then the space and time became violently shaking.

This makes many Demi-Gods tremble in their hearts. Many Demi-Gods of Heaven Temple also think of the scene where Ye Fei smashed the barriers of time and space six months ago and forcibly opened the Temple of Origin.

Only Ye Fei at that time relied on the Human Sovereign Three Treasures. At this time, the Son of Heavenly God and the Son of Human God relied on the Law Power that belonged to them alone. ,

“It’s just a pity that Ye Human Sovereign, with his peerless evildoer, if he can enter the Temple of Origin, his achievements will never be worse than the children of Heavenly God and the children of God!”

“Yeah, one step is wrong, one step is wrong! The Human Sovereign Palace has fallen. Even if Ye Human Sovereign appears to be a wicked posture, I am afraid that it will take 500 years to re-emerge!” Some Demi-God sighed. .

But this sigh was quickly interrupted by the indifferent voice of the son of Heavenly God, “500 years? Huh, that surnamed Ye’s trash has the Human Sovereign three treasures, chasing me, this If you don’t get revenge, how can the majesty of my son of Heavenly God survive?” “How can a majesty exist! Son of Heavenly God, we clearly see that you are inferior to humans, unable to beat Human Sovereign, and finally abandon the crowd and run away, but also shameless use There are so many Divine Items, sneak attack Human Sovereign, how come to you, they become ostentatious?” Difan couldn’t bear it and stood up loudly said


This remark also thoroughly angered the son of Heavenly God, “impudent, you are a rubbish who doesn’t even understand the rules, who allowed you to speak, die for me! Kill!”

The martial arts cannot be used inside the temple of this courtyard, but outside, you can use it to your heart’s content. The Son of Heavenly God was furious, immediately not even think, and directly waved the big magic sword and killed him.

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