Difan was both shocked and angry, suddenly loudly shouted , when he waved the three holy fists, a faint Law Aura was permeated on his body, even though this breath was very weak, Less than 1/4 of the children of Heavenly God and the children of God.

But it really shocked the two gods. No one didn’t expect. There are only a dozen people left in the Human Sovereign Hall. The geniuses and evildoers are endless, and finally stepped on a Ye Fei. , Immediately stood up another Emperor Fan.

In the heart of the son of Heavenly God, the killing intent is even more boiling, and the terrifying big magic knife in his hand has suddenly become a huge Blade Mountain of magic, turning the long river of time and space into a chaotic torrent. Ruthlessly shrouded to Difan, this is the Comprehend Laws, the son of Heavenly God.

Slaughter Law!

Di Fan’s face suddenly became very ugly. His talent was not as good as a peerless evildoer like the Son of Heavenly God. In addition, the law has not been fully understood. At this time, facing the Son of Heavenly God The attack, Difan simply couldn’t resist.

As for the Supreme Dean and the others, they have already been stared at by the Demi-God of the Heaven Temple. As long as they dare to move, there are hundreds of Demi-Gods in the Heaven Temple. Will shoot.

“Everyone of the Human Sovereign Temple, you better be honest. Although we owe Ye Human Sovereign’s favor, we belong to Heaven Temple in the end!” Demi-God said cold sound transmission. . Suddenly everyone in the Human Sovereign Hall looked ugly. Afterwards, there was a loud roar from Lu Li, Pojun, Xue Yue, and Dongfang Yu. In the end, even the Supreme Dean, the Heavenly Punishment Martial Emperor, roared and faced the killing demon who was the son of Heavenly God. Knife, the hesitation was only a moment, everyone in the Human Sovereign Hall rushed up at the same time without hesitation, and together with Emperor Fan, fighting against the Son of Heavenly God.

Chapter 1831 Black Heavenly Venerable An


Although Du Tiandi Zun is very strong, when he only suppresses the realm at Demi-God, it is difficult to resist the indestructible Sword Soul, the 1/10000th destruction Destruction Sword aura.

The powerful Du Tiandi Zun has a huge blood hole exploded in his chest. It looks like that horrible to see, but Ye Fei is the worst.

The 1/10000th Immortal Sword Soul is certainly terrifying, but the energy consumed is even more terrifying. Just swinging a sword, all the true essence of Ye Fei is consumed, and the entire Divine Soul has Kind of illusion about to tear. But this is no way.

After all, the 1/10000th indestructible Sword Soul has been equivalent to the full strength attack of the median Martial God, but now Ye Fei is not even Martial God. If you want to exert such power, you will definitely Pay a huge price.

The price is to exhaust all Ye Fei’s power and cut out that sword.

Then, Ye Fei just like Du Tiandi Zun, falling into the sky with all his strength, but Ye Fei is slightly better than Du Tiandi Zun. Du Tiandi Zun stood upright and fell face to the ground.

Ye Fei fell on the broad and thick tortoise shell of Dragon Tortoise, and Ling Siqi was also on it. When she saw the deathly pale drop of Ye Fei face, little girl didn’t know. What? Suddenly hugged Ye Fei and wa’ed cried.

“Xiao Guoguo, you can rest assured, I will take care of Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise in the future.” The more we cry, the more sad she is, Ling Siqi hugs Ye Fei , Crying straight down.

Ye Fei’s heart to vomit blood was all there, but before he could speak, suddenly, Xiaocao was awakened from his sleep by the battle just now. When he saw Ling Siqi crying so sad, Xiaocao also Frightened, he quickly took off a green leaf on his body and stuffed it into Ye Fei’s mouth.

“What are you doing, Xiaocao, forget what I said, I forbid you to do this!” Ye Fei’s expression is very serious, Xiaocao is a spiritual object, and her green leaves are hers Body, Xiaocao is hurting her body by plucking green leaves.

Although this green leaf quickly restored Ye Fei to its original state, Ye Fei still couldn’t accept this behavior. Seeing Xiaocao’s behavior, Ling Siqi was also startled and wiped tears. I asked: “Xiaocao, won’t you hurt like this?”

“Eh!” Xiaocao reacted, tears of pain on the spot, but thinking that Ye Fei was beaten so badly. , Seems to almost die.

Xiaocao instantly forgot the pain of picking the leaves, and immediately picked up the vine whip. Panting with rage flicked fiercely at Du Tiandi Zun who fell not far away.


Du Tiandi Zun’s battle soul, at this time, has slowly stood up again, but by the whip of Xiaocao, he was smashed to the ground and turned a few somersaults. Embarrassed, but also extremely angry, “It’s only half a year, and your Divine Beating Whip can already impress the deity’s fighting spirit?”

Ye Fei only then reacted to something wrong, that is Xiaocao When the rattan whip was swung out, the original colorful spirit wind turned into a colorful spirit wind.

“Xiaocao. Are you secretly cultivated?” Ling Siqi was also very puzzled. She remembered that in the past six months, only he and Ye Fei were cultivating. It seems that Xiaocao has been sleeping, while Dragon Tortoise Is always suspicious, looking everywhere for the source of the disappearance.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) The spiritual wind becomes the eight-color spiritual wind, and the formidable power of the vine whip becomes stronger.

Understanding Xiaocao’s gestures, Dragon Tortoise and Ling Siqi cast envious eyes at the same time, looking at Xiaocao’s sorry.

Ye Fei’s face is a little dark, and the first thing to do to restore his true essence is to walk towards Dutiandi Zun, black face said: “Earth Zun, continue to fight?”

” hmph, you think the deity can’t afford to lose? Failure is defeat! Now that you have defeated me, you are qualified to get the inheritance of the deity. My time is running out. Sit down and listen to me!”

“Earth Lord, you…”

Ye Fei only then discovered that he was hit hard by the Immortal Sword Soul and hit by Xiaocao a few times. The battle soul of Dutiandizun actually had Signs of collapse. “There is no need to be sad. I live for the war and die for the war. My only regret is that I failed to defeat the Witchs and protect the people! Therefore, the new Human Sovereign, you must inherit my will and get through. This road of despair, breakthrough Heavenly Venerate! Only by reaching Heavenly Venerate and beheading the black Heavenly Venerable An who hides behind the back of the witches

, we two peoples and witches, can we end this continuation of the hundreds of The battle of thousands of years!”

“Heavenly Venerable An?” Ye Fei was shocked, even though he had heard from the ground a long time ago that the Witches plundered the origin of Heavenly Venerate, and seemed to be instigated , But he didn’t expect, standing behind the Wu clan, there would be a Heavenly Venerate, and he soon became confused again, “Strange, it’s not that we can’t be born in this world

Heavenly Venerate, what’s the matter with this black Heavenly Venerable An?” Du Tiandi said with a sneer: “This Heavenly Venerate escaped from nine days, but it’s easy to get down and it’s hard to get up. Black Heavenly Venerable An If you want to return to Jiutian, you must open up the passage to Jiutian, but that passage was destroyed as early as Great Ancient Era. If he wants to go back, there are only two ways to do it.

1. Go on the road of despair and use the power of Heavenly Tribulation of despair to forcibly open the gap of nine days so that he can go back.” “But it is a pity that Hei Heavenly Venerable An is not a timid person, he himself taught the way of despair. , But he didn’t dare to cultivation at all, so if he wanted to return to Jiutian, there was only one last way. That was to find 36 Heavenly Venerates, even their bodies, and sacrifice to Jiutian, it seems

In this way, you can also temporarily open up a passage for him to return!” “So, he controlled the entire Witch Clan, and used the Witch Clan to start wars, looking for him to return to the origin of Heavenly Venerate for nine days. This is our Human Race and The root of the Witch battle! Therefore, to end this war, our Human Race must have a living Heavenly Venerate who can kill the darkness

Hea venly Venerate! This is also the reason why I ventured into the nine days back then, but unfortunately, in the end I still failed. Even though I had gained the strength to slay Heavenly Venerate in nine days, the body still died somehow in nine days! “

Dutiandizun is full of regrets. His battle soul was left behind by Dutiandizun nine days ago. Therefore, he doesn’t know how his body died.

But even so, Ye Fei was deeply shocked by Du Tiandi Zun’s words. Of course, what shocked Ye Fei most was the origin of the road of despair. “Unexpectedly, this Road to Supreme, It would actually be the Dark Heavenly Venerable An, handed down from the enemy of our Human Race. Strangely enough, since he wants to rob the origin of the Heavenly Venerate of our Human Race, why did he pass down such a path to the strongest? Isn’t he afraid that someone will actually walk this way and then kill him in turn

“Ye Fei felt very puzzled. Du Tiandi Zun also smiled bitterly, “That kind of existence, what is the mind, is not what we can guess, but when you go to nine days, breakthrough Heavenly Venerate comes back, maybe you can Go and ask him personally. Now, are you ready to go to Nine Days? “

Chapter 1832 Dutian Inheritance

Ye Fei looked solemn, and asked uncertainly: “Du Tian Di Zun, can you send me to nine days now?” “

Du Tian Di Zun proudly said: “Of course, my ontology left this Heaven Temple in order to leave a way behind, so that if the ontology died for nine days, there could be a second one. As his successor, the cultivation person on the road of despair, continue to go for nine days! “

” And the nine heavens are filled with higher Spiritual Qi, and Heaven and Earth Source, which is higher than Heavenly Venerate, which can easily allow you to break through the Earth, Heavenly Venerate, and even the Supreme Higher master! ”

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