“What, there is no such person!”

Ye Fei’s expression has also become solemn, and there is no such person, that is to say, the Human Race battlefield, there is simply no Zhao Divine Sword, Martial God, how is this possible?

If it weren’t for Zhao Divine Sword, then who was it, under the guise of Zhao Divine Sword, secretly passed a message to him?

“Could it be that this Zhao Divine Sword is also a game set by Heavenly God or Godly God?” Ye Fei quickly thought of this, but soon he shook his head again.

If Zhao Divine Sword really designed his trap on purpose, why did Zhao Divine Sword deliberately notify Demon Sovereign to let Demon Sovereign come to rescue him?

Ye Fei asked hesitantly: “Master, you said, Zhao Divine Sword, is it the hidden power of Heaven Temple, so you can’t find it?”

” I have thought about this, but it is a pity that the sense of the earth is more terrifying than you think. If there is Martial God hidden in the battlefield of Human Race, it is simply impossible!” Demon Sovereign shook his head

Ye Fei also has a deep understanding of the strong feelings of the earth-zun. For example, he fabricated the rumors that the old Human Sovereign was retreating in the Human Sovereign Hall, which scared the many Martial Gods of the Heaven Temple. He was convinced and did not dare to treat him at all. Shot, but the same lie was easily pierced in front of Heavenly God.

This is the horror of Divine Sensation. The divine sense can cover the entire Human Race battlefield in an instant. Whether the old Human Sovereign exists in the Human Race battlefield can be clear just by sensing it.

Demon Sovereign suddenly remembered another thing, said solemnly: “By the way, Zhao Divine Sword, besides letting me save you, he also asked me to bring you a sentence, if you can’t break through Martial God , Then leave as soon as possible. If you have the confidence to break through Martial God, then you can go to Kuji Mountain and see him!”

“Kuji Mountain? What is that place?” Ye Fei asked.

“That is the battlefield outside of Human Race Xiongguan, the sphere of influence of the Witch race! But you had better not go, since Zhao Divine Sword is in the Human Race battlefield and there is no such person, then this person is very likely , Is the spy of the Witch Clan!” Demon Sovereign’s tone was full of murder.

As a Human Race, but to take refuge in the Witch race, this is a huge betrayal that any Martial God on the Human Race battlefield cannot tolerate.

Ye Fei was also surprised, but thought of the threat of Heavenly God before he left, and if it wasn’t for Zhao Divine Sword to inform him this time, Demon Sovereign was invited in time to help him out.

Ye Fei always feels that Zhao Divine Sword’s body seems to be full of huge mysteries, and his only way to uncover this mystery is to follow Zhao Divine Sword’s request to go to the deadly mountain. one way!

“Master, I have decided, I’m going to see Divine Sword Zhao Divine Sword in Kuji Mountain!” Ye Fei stood up and said solemnly.

“Hey, you…” Demon Sovereign sighed, but after seeing that Ye Fei had made a decision, he did not at all stop it, but silently sealed the projection of the gods and gods. The scroll was handed to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei didn’t say anything, just put away the scroll silently. He knew that this was Demon Sovereign’s love for him, and he specially gave him an amulet, so that even if Zhao Divine Sword has What crafty plots and machinations, at critical moments, a projection of the gods and gods can also resolve most crises.

“Come as a teacher, if you want to enter the Dead Mountain, you must enter the Human Race male gate!” Demon Sovereign got up and said, as if he had been prepared. When I came to the Temple of Human Sovereign, there was still a huge flying boat parked outside, which was the star warship of the Temple of Humans.

The huge warship all around, is a dazzling star. At this time, the Demi-God powerhouse of the temple of many people is sitting on these stars. They are all working hard in cultivation.

This time, it was not only Ye Fei who went to the Human Race Xiongguan alone. According to the laws of the Human Race battlefield, any breakthrough Demi-God, without special circumstances, must go to the Human Race battlefield to fight for experience.

So this time, Demon Sovereign not only brought Ye Fei onto the Star Warship, almost everyone in the Human Sovereign Palace decided to go to the Human Race Xiongguan, but left the weakest Zhou Qiang and a group The young girls of Tianling Continent are guarded in the Human Sovereign Hall.

In this regard, the Son of Man and God certainly has opinions, but Demon Sovereign High God’s strength is too oppressive, so big that he is the Son of Man and God, and he dare not speak against Demon Sovereign’s decision.

Ye Fei didn’t mean to communicate with the Son of Man and God. Thanks to Demon Sovereign, Ye Fei took the owner of the Human Sovereign Temple, took the initiative to choose the unremarkable corner of the Star Warship, and then started silently cultivation up.

From Wind and Cloud City to Human Race Xiongguan, it is also a very long journey. Even if it is Martial God, it takes a year to fly over. Even if you have a Star Warship, you must fly for a month. Can arrive, and such a long time, Ye Fei does not want to waste.

After the incident of Heavenly God, and the accidental news of Zhao Yu, Ye Fei’s heart was inexplicably irritable, and there was a great premonition of crisis.

“Heavenly God, you better not hurt Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, otherwise, I will let you regret living in this world!”

In the eyes of Ye Fei After a flash of cold light, he took out his Wan Ling Pagoda and entered the Spiritual Qi space inside. Then he released Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao together, and returned to the familiar one again.

In the environment, Xiaocao was naturally very happy. He jumped into the spiritual river with a plop, and played everywhere in it, absorbing the spiritual Qi by the way.

It is the Dragon Tortoise who has always been black-mouthed and black-hearted. It is rare to hold it back and come out of the beast seal space; Dragon Tortoise looks around nervously, looking suspicious, for fear of a thief nearby.

Not only that, Dragon Tortoise also has a dragon claw not to leave a black cylinder, and the mouth of the cylinder is tightly sealed, making sure that the thief will leave crying when he sees it. But Dragon Tortoise still feels very unsafe. From time to time, he sticks one’s head around to look for and sticks one’s head around to look for, for fear that the source of the Heavenly Venerate inside will disappear.

Under such fear, Dragon Tortoise is not only noticeably thinner, but also noticeably haggard. Even Ling Siqi, who ran in around Ye Fei, couldn’t help but be surprised, “Little Guoguo, Dahei seems to be thin and haggard.” Ye Fei was also speechless on the spot.

Chapter 1842 Human Race Xiongguan

However, speechlessness returns to speechlessness. What should be done is still to be done. In the current situation, if you have more strength, there will be more possibility of self-protection.

Ye Fei waved his big hand, and the black cylinder of Dragon Tortoise flew over. Then Ye Fei slapped it with his hand, breaking the seal, and at the same time he had captured the origin of Heavenly Venerate.

At this moment, Ling Siqi and Dragon Tortoise have become very nervous. According to the rules of the Human Race battlefield, Demi-God can only contact the origin in the temple of origin, such as Ye Fei, directly seize the origin. Also brought out refining, it was found but a dead end.

This is also the reason Dragon Tortoise and Ling Siqi are worried, but Ye Fei, unperturbed, anyway, even the Heavenly God is fooled, he does not believe it, refining a trace of the origin of Heavenly Venerate, there will be offense Heavenly God is more serious, and Ye Fei immediately divided this strand of origin into four.

One piece of grass. One for Dragon Tortoise, one for Ling Siqi, and one point for himself.

Then Ye Fei and Ling Siqi did not speak very tacitly, but each occupied a corner and started to refining the origin. They also tried to continue to feel those Heaven and Earth Law.

Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao didn’t talk, just grabbed the source of Heavenly Venerate, and ate it at ka-cha, especially Dragon Tortoise. It’s especially fast. I’m afraid that the source of Heavenly Venerate will reach the mouth. Bian, suddenly disappeared.

Ye Fei also pretended not to see it, just silently refining, absorbing the original energy of Heavenly Venerate. With the refining of the original source, Ye Fei’s consciousness seemed to have entered a wonderful The heaven and the earth, in this heaven and earth, are filled with the light of colorful laws.

Ye Fei doesn’t have time to appreciate the light of these laws. After all, his refining Heavenly Venerate has too little origin, and the time to understand the laws will be very short. He must feel the law that suits him in this short time.

Ye Fei also quickly thought of the 3rd law he wanted to comprehend, which is Slaughter Law, which is an attack law, formidable power and thunderbolt law are comparable.

Originally, only relying on a trace of Heavenly Venerate’s origin, even if Ye Fei realizes Slaughter Law, it will take at least several years to fully condense.

But when Ye Fei refining Heavenly Venerate’s origin, Immortal Sword Soul unexpectedly revived at this time, and then the impatient absorbed all the origin of Ye Fei refining.

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