bang! With the absorption of the source, the Immortal Sword Soul suddenly burst out a peculiar divine light. This divine light envelops Ye Fei’s Divine Soul, and it makes Ye Fei right. The perception of the law has also been raised to an incredible level. Other Demi-God needs several years, even several decades, to realize the law, Ye

fei, it only took more than 20 days. I have successfully realized Slaughter Law.

This also proves Ye Fei’s judgment again. That is to remove the seal of the immortal Sword Soul, the only way is to let the immortal Sword Soul absorb enough Heavenly Venerate origin!

“It’s a pity, even if I find a way to lift the seal of the immortal Sword Soul, I can’t find enough Heavenly Venerate at all!” Ye Fei is a little regretful. In the end, the origin of Heavenly Venerate is only available in the original temple, and it is also strictly restricted by the powerhouse. Any martial artist, including Ye Fei himself, only has the opportunity to enter the original temple once every 500 years, so Ye Fei simply has no choice. , Get enough Heavenly Venerate source, let the soul completely unblock Destruction Sword

. “Forget it, when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current, I can use the immortal Sword Soul to become stronger, but I absolutely cannot rely on it!” Ye Fei quickly adjusted I got my mentality well, and then was startled by Ling Siqi not far away. At this time, Ling Siqi was filled with a breath of law

, which surprised him. Then secretly nodded.

“Ten Ling’s good fortune is really out of the ordinary. It not only keeps the woman of cultivation innocent, but also makes the soul of the other party clear. Comprehend Law, naturally twice the results for half the effort, but Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise…” Ye Fei looked at Xiaocao speechlessly. But seeing that Xiaocao had finished eating its origin, Zhengxiang, who had returned to her fairy bed to sleep early, did not forget to grab Dragon Tortoise’s tail when she slept. But Dragon Tortoise didn’t mind at all, and was very happy, because it finally got the essence of Heavenly Venerate, instead of reaching the mouth, suddenly disappeared inexplicably, which made Dragon Tortoise tears of excitement. His face was full, and then he quickly closed his eyes and started cultivation silently.

It’s rare to see Dragon Tortoise working so hard. Ye Fei didn’t at all disturb Dragon Tortoise, but took Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise into the beast seal space together.

Shortly afterwards, Ling Siqi also succeeded in cohesive law and ended the cultivation.

Ling Siqi was very happy to pounce on Ye Fei and kissed Ye Fei’s face: “Little pot, I seem to understand the law!”

“It’s not like , But for sure!” Ye Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head, and could only walk out of the Wan Ling Pagoda with the little girl on him.

I don’t know if I don’t go out, I was shocked as soon as I went out, Ye Fei felt three strong Law Aura just after going out.

The three Vice Palace Lords are even more tearful, “very good, we finally have Comprehend Law! We can break through Martial God!”

“Congratulations to the three Seniors, all the hardships and rewards !” Ye Fei was pleasantly surprised and sighed. He soon realized the reason why the three Vice Palace Lords had such a quick breakthrough. After all, these three old Demi-Gods are considered to be the oldest Demi-Gods in the Human Sovereign Temple. In fact, with their talents, they can already have the Comprehend Law long ago. Even if they cannot enter the Origin Temple due to the decline of the Human Sovereign Temple, but Ye Fei believes that the three Vice Palace Lords will definitely make enough preparations to enter the Temple of Origin. This preparation may be 500 years or a thousand years.

It took so long to accumulate, to prepare, as long as you enter the temple of origin, Comprehend Law is naturally a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed. With the law, it means that the three Vice Palace Lords have the hope of breakthrough Martial God. Ye Fei’s heart is naturally happy. After all, in his opinion, Wang Bai passed on the purpose of his Human Sovereign Seal. In fact, he did not want to compensate for these in Human. The temple of Sovereign has fallen, and still sticks to it. He would rather die in old age than betray the loyal scholars.

“Look, everyone, Human Race is closed!” Suddenly, the dean too excitedly cried out, and the heavenly punishment Zhundi was also excited.

Ye Fei and Dongfang Yu, Emperor Fan, left the stars together, set foot on the starry sky, exhausted their eyesight, looked towards this legendary Martial God gathered to defend the human race of the Human Race hundreds of thousands.

After that, Ye Fei was an extremely shocking discovery. Even with his Demi-God eyesight, he couldn’t see the end of the human race.

It is like a creeping Divine Dragon, winding around the Universe Starry Sky, and it also divides the entire starry sky into two parts. Inside the Xiongguan, there are dozens of continents where Human Race lives and thrives, while outside the Xiongguan is the powerful Wu clan, a battlefield of shock.

Chapter 1843 Tall and handsome

“What a Human Race, this is the ten thousand li Great Wall that divides the people and protects the people!” Ye Fei and the people in the Human Sovereign Hall Very lamented.

The son of human and god is disdainful to sneer, Human Race is Xiongguan, he has seen big since he was a child, in addition to feeling a little taller and cruel here, not at all the slightest fun at all. “hmph, I was surprised to see a section of the city wall. This group of Demi-Gods from the Human Sovereign Hall is really a group of country bumpkins!”

“God, let’s bear it for now, who is the Demon Sovereign talent? Too strong, Ye Fei, as the discipline of Demon Sovereign, will naturally be valued by humans and gods.” Demi-God, a confidant, said in a low voice.

The son of man and god hearing this is even more unhappy, but he dare not say anything. He is not even Martial God now. Even if he is the discipline of man and god, he does not have enough confidence. At this time, it was against Demon Sovereign.

The warship directly crossed the towering city wall, exuding blazing starlight, and rushed into the Human Race Pass, and within the Pass, immediately burst out the breath of endless human Race powerhouse.

Above the Xiongguan, the soldiers gathered in an instant. They wore uniform armors made by Divine Item, forming army formations after another, the terrifying murderous aura, connecting these soldiers with each other. In the starry sky, condensed into one after another terrifying army soul, facing the stars, emitting an invisible divine might.

Ye Fei was shocked: “These soldiers are all Martial Emperors! They turned out to be just a small soldier in the Human Race Xiongguan!”

Di Fan was also shocked. Said: “More than soldiers, look at the generals in the army, they are all Demi-God powerhouses, and many of them are Demi-God of Comprehended Law!” Hearing their words, Demon Sovereign also walked over. , Pointing to the military formations in the Human Race Xiongguan, “Don’t look at these military formations so majestic! But these are nothing but cannon fodder. As long as an all-out war with the Wu clan breaks out, 80% of these people will die. Here.

The words of Demon Sovereign are to let Difan and the others listen to have one’s hair stand on end, and say together: “Witches are really that strong? Even the formation of so many Martial Emperor Demi-Gods can’t resist it?”

“The wizards are inherently strong, with powerful spirit strength, so that a silver-skin wizard can easily fight at least ten Martial Emperors! We martial artists, at least need to condense Divine Realm, Comprehensive Law, in the same realm, battle strength to be equal to the wizard!”

When everyone was talking, Human Race had already walked out of a middle-aged man in a star robe, Tolerance is out of the ordinary. Seeing this middle-aged man, the son of God and God who despised Ye Fei just now, and all the Demi-Gods of the Temple of Humanity, they all hurry down on one-knee kneels, “Well, see God!”

“I have seen the Palace Lord!”

Demon Sovereign is also very depressed and nodded and said to the human god.

Like the Heavenly God, the one that came out this time is still not the human god, but just an Avatar of the human god, but even though it is only an Avatar, it is still imposing manner and majestic, full of Spiritual God. The breath, the human god raised his hand slowly, and it was the starlight in the sky.

“Get up, I don’t like this custom…You are the new Human Sovereign? I heard that the old Human Sovereign went to Heaven Realm. It is really gratifying!”

Ren Shen squinted his eyes, his eyes are full of star-like brilliance, which also forms an invisible oppression, causing Ye Fei to roll off a cold sweat on the back of the scene, and his heart smiles bitterly, understanding God came, 80% is also to inquire about the specific way to Heaven Realm.

It’s just different from the Heavenly God. The Heavenly God intends to capture Ye Fei and force a confession. However, due to the Demon Sovereign relationship, the Heavenly God is not good for Ye Fei Strong, can only be changed to Huairou.

Ye Fei can only brace oneself and continue to lie: “Yes, old Human Sovereign, like Dutian Senior, has successfully entered the nine days. My Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique is old Human Sovereign. Brought to me from the Nine Heavens!”

To the present, I can only insist and flicker to the end. Otherwise, if the Earth Zun of Human God and Heavenly God learn that he has no way to enter the Nine Heavens, it is estimated to be Slap him directly. Human God Dizun continued to squint his eyes, and praised: “As expected of the old Human Sovereign! Our wish that we never fulfilled in our entire life, he actually achieved it without saying a word! By the way, I heard that from nine heavens above to compare It’s ten times more difficult to get down. I don’t know how the old Human Sovereign got off, and how did you pass your Heavenly Venerate

cultivation technique?”

Obviously, the gods and gods are respected. It’s not that easy to fool around. One sentence captures the most critical information in Ye Fei’s words. Fortunately, when he made up his mind to fool the two earthly respects to the end, Ye Fei thought about it over and over again. Facing the enquiry of the human and god earthly respect, Ye Fei looked calm, and then showed a touch of sadness. Since the supreme also knows that going to nine heavens above is very difficult, and going down is even more difficult, even if the king Big Brother Bai has already broken through Heavenly Venerate, he dare not venture down, so he just sent an Avatar first and risked his death to break through the nine-day barrier. This was a fluke, and I happened to meet me again. Unfortunately, during the breakthrough of the Nine-Day Barrier, Wang Big Brother Bai’s Avatar was exhausted and on the verge of collapse

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