
While Ye Fei hid in a hole dug by Dragon Tortoise, sneaking through the cracks in the ground to observe the marching wizard battalion, suddenly, the sky in the distance passed Come a terrible oppression. That is a middle-aged witch full of blazing golden light, flying quickly from a distance.

The silver witch who led the team complexion greatly changed, hurriedly led all the entourage, and bowed down: “Subordinates pay respects to Gongzhu Dawu! My lord, it’s just a small Human Race Demi-God. Why bother you to do it yourself?”

Gongzhu Dawu has a rough face, and his body is covered with Malay scripts. Those scripts are like living creatures, flowing around the body, flashing strange rays of light. In the rays of light, the strange voice of the great witch came, like two pieces of metal rubbing: “hmph, ordinary Demi-God, this seat will naturally not shoot, but this Demi-God is different. It is said that he is the Human Sovereign Hall. The new Human Sovereign, somehow, broke into Dry Silent Hill. The Great Lord Chenliang has personally handed down the decree and ordered me to wait, at all costs, we must seize this new Human Sovereign!”

Gongzhu’s words, once again let all the wizards present to blow up the pot, “What, that kid is a new Human Sovereign! Damn, the Human Sovereign Temple is not dead, Martial God is gone, and it’s still there. There will be a new Human Sovereign!”

“No wonder a little Demi-God, even Mr. Gongzhu was alarmed, the Human Sovereign Hall, but the mortal enemy of our witch group, you can rest assured. We count as digging three feet, and we must also dig out the new Human Sovereign of this generation and kill them directly!” Hearing that it was Human Sovereign that broke in, all the wizards were furious, and it seemed that it was absolutely irreconcilable with Human Sovereign. Ye Fei’s death hatred also made Ye Fei’s face dark, and he cursed secretly: “I knew, when this Human Sovereign, there is no good thing! But I just entered the Dead Mountain, why did I alarm the Golden Witch? I also exposed myself

Is it possible…” Ye Fei’s heart suddenly sank. He came to the Human Race battlefield for the first time. The Wu Clan impossible knew his identity so quickly, unless the Wu Clan had a rape in Human Race, or Someone deliberately revealed his identity to the Wu Clan. If it was the former, it would be okay, if it was the latter… a cold light flashed in Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly


He did not to act blindly without thinking, but waited until the golden witch was far away before letting Dragon Tortoise drill out of the ground sharply, and carefully probed to make sure that there was no danger, Ye Fei was Go out, and then continue to march towards the depths of Dry Silent Hill, and also wait for the opportunity to find Zhao Divine Sword.

“Zhao Divine Sword, even if he is Martial God, doesn’t dare to go too deep into Dry Silent Ridge. Even if he waits for me here, he will only hide in the periphery. Xiaocao, you can feel it carefully. Find out where there is Spiritual Qi fluctuates, tell me immediately!” Ye Fei said to Xiaocao again.

The Dead Mountain is too big. Release the divine sense and it will attract the Martial Master’s attention. Ye Fei can only rely on the peculiar induction of the grass.

I understand that Ye Fei is now in a very dangerous state. Xiaocao didn’t say anything. He just opened the heaven and earth spiritual eyes and felt the Spiritual Qi fluctuations around him seriously. After a few days of deepening, suddenly, Xiaocao cried out excitedly.

“Xiaocao, have you sensed Spiritual Qi?”


Xiaocao nodded hard, telling Ye Fei with gestures, Not only did she sense Spiritual Qi, she was also very powerful and familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere, but where it was, she was busy setting off with Ling Siqi, Xiao Cao said that she couldn’t remember it.

Ye Fei was a little speechless at once, but Xiaocao’s discovery still shocked him. Whether or not Xiaocao sensed Divine Sword, but the one who could release Spiritual Qi, it would definitely not be a wizard group. .

Ye Fei immediately rushed towards the Spiritual Qi direction Xiaocao sensed.

roar! That is a land of ancient wild beasts. These ancient wild beasts are all bred by the Witch tribe. The hundreds of thousands of years have continued to live and multiply, forming an extremely terrifying ethnic group long ago. It is also the biggest cannon fodder for the Wu Clan to attack the Human Race Xiongguan, but at this time, among these ancient beasts, they are roaring in anger, but no matter how angry they are, they cannot escape the swallowing of a bloody silhouette. That blood light, even every time a wild beast rushes into the body, it can absorb the blood essence of the wild beast, turning the wild beast into a shriveled skin, and fall to the ground lightly.

Chapter 1849 The Body of the Great Demon

“Blood Demon?”

Looking at it flying in and out of the ancient wild beasts, wantonly taking the wild beasts Ye Fei finally understood the blood essence of blood essence, why Xiaocao felt that this Spiritual Qi was very familiar, because what the blood demon released was not pure Spiritual Qi, but monster Qi.

At the same time, this monster qi is very evil. It can actually make the blood demon ignore the fleshy body defense of the desolate beast, and directly rush into them within the body, seize the desolate beast blood essence, strengthen itself, and lose The ancient wild beasts of blood essence were as dry as grass and trees in an instant, leaving only a thin animal skin.

The weird method of the blood demon is Ye Fei. She felt a numb scalp, and then Ye Fei became alert. This is Dry Silent Ridge. Why can the blood demon come here?

“Could it be that the blood demon is the one who leaked my news?”

As for whether it is not, just grab it and ask.

Ye Fei did not rashly alarm the blood demon, but while the blood demon was still capturing the blood essence of those ancient wild beasts, Ye Fei suddenly released his Divine Realm.


Golden’s Divine Realm suddenly formed a bright Tai Chi sphere, with Ye Fei as the core, instantly covering the range of several hundred li. This is also the limit that Ye Fei Divine Realm can cover. This is the case. When suddenly seeing a Divine Realm of several hundred li and covering himself, the blood demon couldn’t help screaming, “What Possibly, the general Divine Realm can only cover 50 li, which is the limit. What Divine Realm is?

It can cover the scope of several hundred li. This is definitely not a half-witch, who, who is it? , Dare to count your blood demon grandfather!”

The blood demon’s gaze, almost instantly, stared at a black-clothed youth who came out of the ancient wild beasts. At this time, these ancient wild beasts had been The blood demon scared the shiver together coldly.

It took a long time for Ye Fei to squeeze out from between the legs of a group of ancient wild animals with several dozen meters high.

Of course, these ancient wild beasts also perfectly covered Ye Fei, and successfully trapped the blood demon in his Divine Realm. Ye Fei was not very embarrassed. The killer.

“It’s you, how could it be possible that you managed to get here all the way without hiding that many wizards!” The blood demon looked at Ye Fei in shock.

Ye Fei also stared at the blood demon indifferently. This person’s words finally confirmed his guess, “You revealed my identity to the Wu clan? But the person who instructed you should It’s Heavenly God!” The blood demon did not deny it, but a flash of said with a malicious smile on his face: “Yes, I am also from Heaven Temple! Ye Fei, I warned you long ago and told you not to stay In the Human Race battlefield, don’t ask about Zhao Yu’s news. You just don’t listen. Originally, Heavenly God Earth Sovereign just ordered me to kill you or drive you out of the Human Race battlefield. Who knows you don’t know.

The immensity of heaven and earth actually caught up to the Human Race male pass all the way, and became the new Human Sovereign. This also forced the Heavenly God to kill you!” Ye Fei’s mood was very heavy: “Sure enough In order to get a way to Heaven Realm, God and Heavenly God can really be by fair means or foul, and even cooperate with the Wu clan! Bloody Senior, I just want to ask you a question, Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, Is it okay at Heaven Temple? How can I see them?”

“jié jié, to see them, it’s easy, we can be considered old friends Kneel yourself, obediently surrender, this seat will take you back to Heaven Temple and hand it over to Heavenly God for personal disposal!” A fierce light and ecstasy flashed across the blood demon’s eyes. He was only ordered to come over and deliver the message. , Where do you know, will meet Ye Fei here. The blood demon at this time was not comparable to the blood demon encountered outside the trial city. The blood demon at that time was just a strand of his Martial Emperor Avatar, and the blood demon in this

is his body, the real blood spirit great demon!

Compared to Human Race Martial God Monster Race powerhouse!

While speaking, the whole body of the blood demon has recovered into a pale man wearing a scarlet gown. He stretched out a pair of pale hands, and those hands suddenly turned into countless bloody vines, crazy ’S entwined towards Ye Fei. Ye Fei is completely motionless, just looking at the blood demon seriously and sighed: “Blood demon Senior, I just want to find out about Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, since you refuse to say, then I can’t say it, I can only blow you up The fleshy body, you detained your Divine Soul, and I’ve been tortured carefully, blood demon Senior, please be careful

, quickly take out your strongest defense, I don’t want you to die now.”

Ye Fei has a serious face.

The pale man turned into by the blood demon, but the roots of anger, all flying like blood, and yelled in anger: “The junior is too arrogant! You a trifling Demi-God, even you It’s a peerless evildoer, this Majesty’s body can slap you to death with one hand…”

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