
The world suddenly shakes, and a terrifying Destruction Sword light appears. This sword light shatters the world and everything in the space.

If Ye Fei used Divine Realm to block this place in advance, and try to restrain the indestructible Sword Soul, don’t release too strong sword light. It is estimated that this world can be smashed by Ye Fei.

Looking at the blood demon on the opposite side, where there is the shadow of the blood demon, there is only a bloody Flood Dragon-like demon soul, dumbstruck, still in the sky, shiver coldly, Ye Fei Only then can I see clearly that the body of the blood demon turned out to be a scarlet Flood Dragon.

It’s just that the blood demon walks not Martial Dao, but the demon Dao that has been destroyed in the ancient times. Therefore, the blood demon’s cultivation technique is very weird and changeable, but it is changeable and immortal. Destruction Sword of Soul 1/10000th Under the anger, the blood demon’s body was still slashed and exploded instantly.

“Fortunately, it did not hurt the demon soul, blood demon Senior, now we can talk about it.” Ye Fei relaxed. I tried my best to be kind and friendly.

The blood demon finally realized what was happening. He actually faced him, and Ye Fei slashed the fleshy body with a single sword, leaving only the bald demon soul! Hearing Ye Fei’s friendly and caring words again, the whole demon soul of the blood monster qi trembled violently, and the angry demon soul was about to explode on the spot, and then the whole sky resounded through the blood demon’s roar: “Ye Demon, you have to die, you blasted my body of the great demon with a single sword, and you still have a face.

Say these cool words, I will fight with you today!”

On the face of the blood demon, there is a huge humiliation and endless aggrievedness. You should know that Martial God hits Demi-God, usually by pressing it on the ground casually. But when he arrived at Ye Fei, he didn’t know what to do. He exploded his demon body with a single sword. The blood demon’s entire demon soul was angrily plunged into a violent rage, and even more madly charged at Ye Fei. Upon coming over, Ye Fei sighed helplessly, “Blood Demon Senior, I just want to

to talk to you calmly, why are you so excited, forget it, I’ll help you Calm down.”

“Xiaocao, come out to work!” In the face of the crazy demon soul, Ye Fei not at all made any resistance, just silently put Xiaocao with the spirit Siqi, grabbed it from the Beast Seal Space together.

Chapter 1850 Surrendering the blood demon

After one hour, the blood demon finally decided to calmly and calmly talk to Ye Fei once.

It’s just the blood demon at this time. The huge blood dragon demon soul has shrunk by a full 2/3, and is lying limp on the ground. The whole demon soul is shiver coldly, looking towards Xiaocao’s eyes , Is full of fear from the heart.

Ye Fei is standing on the side of the blood demon, akimbo, condescending, and looking at the blood demon very kindly: “Blood demon Senior, I said long ago, everyone should be calm, you just don’t Will listen, are you willing to answer my question now?”

“Yes, I do! Ye Human Sovereign, this is flooding the dragon king’s temple, black turtle, you also help to say something nice, We are all demon, Monster Race protects Monster Race!” The blood demon shiver coldly, looking at Dragon Tortoise.

Dragon Tortoise also looked at the blood demon curiously, and then, Dragon Tortoise’s eyes lit up, and he bypassed the blood demon on the spot, and walked into the blood demon’s broken flesh. Many large pieces of blood dragon meat.

“Da Hei, what are you doing?” Ling Siqi was puzzled, and Xiaocao looked at Dragon Tortoise strangely. Ye Fei seemed to have thought of something, and his face couldn’t help becoming very strange. “roar roar!” Dragon Tortoise was very excited. While making signs with dragon claw, he collected a few pieces of blood and blood essence of Flood Dragon. Without knowing where, he took out the refilled black pot and sprayed dragon inflammation on the bottom of the pot. Pour boiling oil in the pot, and then Dragon Tortoise threw a large piece of dragon meat into the pot and fry it


Ling Siqi and Xiaocao were shocked.

The blood demon’s demon soul dumbstruck again, and then couldn’t help the whole demon soul, trembling violently: “What sin did my blood demon do? The new Human Sovereign blows up my fleshy body , This little girl broke my demon soul, and finally this black tortoise to have no shame wanted to eat my meat!”

Of course, Dragon Tortoise did this for a reason, after all Dragon Tortoise naturally likes to feed on Flood Dragon. For example, when Ye Fei met Dragon Tortoise for the first time. Dragon Tortoise is chasing and killing 1 Flood Dragon.

At this time, I saw so many dragon meat on the ground. Of course, Dragon Tortoise won’t let it go. Ling Siqi saw Dragon Tortoise deep-fried the dragon meat very fragrant, and swallowed her saliva, picked up a piece of dragon meat, and took a bite curiously.


“It’s delicious! Dragon meat really is the most delicious!” Ling Siqi eyes shined, after taking a bite, both eyes are shining.

Ye Fei touched the chin, and took a piece from the black pot. “It tastes really good. I don’t think that Dahei has this craftsmanship, blood demon Senior. Would you like to have a piece too?”


Ye Fei naturally threw the roasted dragon meat to the blood demon lying on the ground. The blood demon’s entire dragon soul was a complexion ashen, and there was an inexplicable fear in her heart. The blood demon’s entire demon soul curled into a ball with the discouraged ball. The blood demon griefly said: “I don’t know much about Emperor Ji. I just heard that Emperor Ji was once the only daughter of Heavenly God, but later failed to save the tribulation, vanished fragrance and crumbled jade, it is said that that It hit Heavenly God very hard, so Heavenly God frantically collected Emperor Ji’s Remnant Soul, and used some unknown method to reincarnate Emperor Ji. The Zhao you are looking for Yu is actually Emperor Ji’s Reincarnation Body! She is also the daughter of Heavenly God.”

Ye Fei said solemnly: “Since Zhao Yu is the daughter of Heavenly God, why does Heavenly God prevent me from looking for her? Why do you want to block the news of Zhao Yu on the Human Race battlefield?” The blood demon said with a bitter smile: “I am not very clear about the specifics. Heavenly God only said that he would never allow it. Your appearance will affect Emperor Ji again. It also undermines his plan of tens of thousands of years, either to kill you or drive you out of the Human Race battlefield. This is the task Heavenly God gave me at the beginning! It’s a pity…

…”Ye Fei said with a sneer: “It’s a pity, you didn’t expect that my realm will rise so fast! So you just sent a Martial Emperor Avatar to deal with me, you look down on me too much, and Heavenly God is the same , You aloof and remote, how can you understand that we martial artists who climbed up from the bottom step by step,

How desperate and hard they will be! To tell you the truth, Zhao Yu, I want to take away. Heavenly God and Human God, I will definitely find a way to defeat them. What they have done is no longer worthy to lead our Human Race!”

The blood demon sarcastically said with some unwillingness: “Defeat Heavenly God and God, kid, I think you are daydreaming. Is it so easy to be defeated when you are the supreme?”

Ye Fei has a sunny smile on his face, “There are some things that you don’t want to try, so what? Know, I can’t do it? The last question, is it Zhao Yu or Em who is next to Heavenly God? peror Ji? And is Lu Qing also captured by Heavenly God?

When asked this question, Ye Fei’s mood suddenly became very nervous. Since Heavenly God has the ability to reincarnate Emperor Ji’s Remnant Soul, does Heavenly God have the ability to erase Zhao Yu The memory of Zhao Yu, or simply let Zhao Yu completely become Emperor Ji?

Blood demon affirmed: “I don’t know what went wrong, Heavenly God seems to have no way to let Emperor Ji’s memory replace Zhao Yu’s memory, so Zhao Yu is still Zhao Yu, as for Lu Qing , Heavenly God asked her to accompany Emperor Ji as a maid.”

Ye Fei did not speak, but stared at the blood demon’s demon soul, observing his words and deeds, until she found that the blood demon was indeed There is no lie, his heart is long relaxed.

Coming to the Human Race battlefield, what Ye Fei fears most is that when he finds Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu has become a stranger, and it was not until the blood demon said that he really let him go worry.

“Very good, Zhao Yu is still Zhao Yu. This is good news and bad news. Without Emperor Ji’s memory, Zhao Yu is not the true daughter of Heavenly God. “Vicious and merciless, I will definitely use Zhao Yu to do something!” Ye Fei did not forget that Heavenly God deliberately abandoned the son of Heavenly God, and also calculated his affairs. From this we can also see how cruel and ruthless Heavenly God is. Such a formidable person would never take family affection too seriously. “Heavenly God captures Zhao Yu, there must be a plan, but what is the specific plan,

Blood Demon Senior, I hope you can return to Heaven Temple, help me inquire, and help me pass the message to Zhao Jade and Lu Qing!”

“What, you want me to betray Heavenly God! Boy, don’t be too big, bully too!” The blood demon was furious, and he almost answered all questions. Ye Fei actually refused to let him go! He blood demon, has never been so aggrieved.

Ye Fei was full of sincerity, moved towards the blood demon, handed over: “Blood demon Senior, you are not calm anymore, Xiaocao, come and help Senior calm down.” A glance at Xiaocao raised Divine again Beating Whip, the whole dragon soul scared by the blood demon shrank into a ball, a Flood Dragon face, and quickly squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: “little ancestor, Ye Human Sovereign, I’m afraid you can’t do it? It’s better to die than to live, surrender to me. From today on, my blood demon swears to leave the Heaven Temple and join the Human Sovereign Hall!”

Chapter 1851 Examination


In order to win the trust of Ye Fei, the blood demon can only hold tears in his eyes and become the first traitor of Heaven Temple. Still a Martial God traitor. Ye Fei was overjoyed. You know, the current Human Sovereign Hall, the most lacking is the Martial God powerhouse like the blood demon, so after calmly waiting for the blood demon to finish the demon soul blood oath, and get the approval of Heavenly Dao, Ye Fei has a face. Self-blaming, he quickly helped the blood demon on the spot and said: “Junior starts Meng Lang. Blood demon Senior, you are wronged.”

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