“If you are not wronged, you can get a new Human Sovereign point to get back on the right path, so I can get back on the right path. I am so happy that it is too late. How can I be wronged, haha, hahaha… …” The blood demon smiled miserably, and looked not far away, the meaty skewers had been exploded.

Ye Fei also had a stern face, and hurriedly yelled: “Da Hei, whoever allows eating indiscriminately, quickly close the black pot, from now on, the blood demon Senior is his own.”

Dragon Tortoise let out a roar of dissatisfaction, and put away the black pot very unwillingly. Of course, the grilled dragon skewers were fried in the black pot. Dragon Tortoise thought for a while, but still reluctant to throw it away, but secretly divided it with Ling Siqi, watching the blood demon The blue veins on the forehead are jumping wildly.

Xiao Cao blinked his eyes, but Xiao Cao only ate Spirit Stone, Fairy Crystal, and was interested in these dragon meat, not at all, Ye Fei’s face became even darker.

I just pretended not to see it, and diverted the blood demon’s attention and said: “By the way, the blood demon Senior, what is the connection between Heavenly God and the witch clan? Since you are here to deliver the letter, how can you kill these ancients here? Desolate beast?” Ye Fei didn’t mention it. It’s okay. When it comes to this matter, the blood monster qi’s entire dragon soul is trembling, and furiously said: “His Royal Highness, the relationship between Heavenly God and the Witch Clan, I am too low in status and I don’t know. But near the dead mountain, this peerless murderer lurked. I just finished sending the letter and prepared to return to the Human Race Xiongguan.

I was chased by the unfathomable mystery by the murderer named Zhao Divine Sword for a while, almost He was given as food to eat. In order to heal my wounds, I found this group of ancient wild beasts. I wanted to swallow their blood essence and recover their injuries, but I met your Highness.”

The blood demon said Two lines of regretful tears rolled down his face. If he had known that he would meet Ye Fei here and Xiaocao, he would rather not heal his injuries, but have to run as far as possible.

Ye Fei is even more shocked: “What, you met Divine Sword Zhao here, where is he, take me over immediately, I have very important things to ask him!”

The blood demon’s face was blue and white on the spot, and he was angry again, and he wanted to vomit blood: “What, that peerless murderer, your majesty, you know him, do you want to find him?”

“Yes, take me there right away, no matter if this Zhao Divine Sword is a murderer or something, he and I must see him. Remember, this is my order!” Seeing the blood demon, Ye Fei is still a little reluctant. His face suddenly sank.

He is polite to the blood demon, because the blood demon is not bad in nature. Last time, he took good care of Dragon Tortoise, so he did not kill the blood demon.

If the blood demon dared to disobey the order, or betray him secretly, Ye Fei wouldn’t mind a quick hand.

The blood demon is also a wise man. He felt the murderous aura on Ye Fei and immediately bowed his head very consciously of the current affairs: “I understand, Your Highness, come with me!”

The blood demon roared, and suddenly the whole demon soul changed into a scarlet demon wind and rushed in a certain direction moved towards Dry Silent Ridge.

Ye Fei immediately hugged Xiaocao and jumped on Dragon Tortoise’s back with Ling Siqi, allowing Dragon Tortoise to closely follow the blood demon.

It took another ten days to fly like this, passing through unknown peaks and ridges. Finally, in a village filled with huge rocks, Xiao Cao was the first to sense an amazing spirituality. Qi fluctuates.

This wave of fluctuations is very terrifying, almost covering the entire mountain village, and in the mountain village, it is a scene like a sea of ​​corpses and blood. It was filled with the corpses of countless wizards, piled up into a mountain of corpses, and on the mountain of corpses stood a cold man with scars on his face.

“Zhao Divine Sword!”

Ye Fei jumped off the blood monster and sensed the Spiritual Qi from the other side as early as Xiaocao, so he took Dragon Tortoise Xiaocao and Ling Siqi Sent back to the Beast Seal Space together.

“How is it possible, which side of you are you murderous man, I kill you, wizard, you also kill!” The blood demon is like a big enemy, and he seems to have a deep fear of the cold man. .

But from the beginning to the end, the cold man’s gaze never saw the blood demon. His gaze was just staring at Ye Fei indifferently and indifferently, “You also know Zhao Divine Sword?”

Ye Fei said solemnly: “Zhao Kingdom in the Northern Territory, I have seen your portrait!”

“so that’s how it is! Come with me, as for this blood Flood Dragon, let him go by himself! Remember, if you dare to disclose our affairs, even Heavenly God cannot keep you!” In the end, Zhao Divine Sword was said by the blood demon.

The blood demon didn’t dare to refute at all. I don’t know why, facing Zhao Divine Sword, he has a heartfelt feeling of fear than facing Heavenly God.

Almost Zhao Divine Sword’s words had just been spoken, the blood demon had already turned into a bloody demon wind, and fled in embarrassment. He didn’t even dare to stay in Dry Silent Ridge. He sighed and fled back to Human Race Xiongguan. .

Ye Fei’s heart is inevitably puzzled, but before he is puzzled, Zhao Divine Sword has raised his foot, one step is a distance of ten thousand meters, just like Shrink The Land Into An Inch, Ye Fei is full The face was shocked, “This is the method of the witch? Senior. Could it be you…”

Zhao Divine Sword indifferently said: “Yes, this is the witchcraft of the witch clan. However, this witchcraft has gone through The improvement of the hidden god has become our martial artist, and we can also use it! This can also deceive the wizard’s eyes to a certain extent.”

“Hidden god, our Human Race has this Divine Sword?” Ye Fei followed Zhao Divine Sword in confusion.

Zhao Divine Sword kept walking, seeing that Ye Fei could easily keep up with his speed, and his indifferent eyes gave a hint of appreciation. He asked in return: “Ye Fei, Do you know how many temples are there in the Human Race battlefield?” But before Ye Fei’s answer, Zhao Divine Sword has said solemnly: “There are five in total, namely the Human Sovereign Temple, the Heaven Temple, the Human Temple, the Heaven Temple, and the last The hidden temple! Among them, the Human Sovereign temple has fallen, and the Heaven Temple has been disbanded as early as the ancient times. The strongest ones are the Human Temple and the Heaven Temple! And hidden behind these two temples Yes, it is the Hidden Temple!”

“Hidden God? Why have I never heard of it?” Ye Fei was very curious, “Could it be that Senior is a person from the Hidden Temple?” “Yes, I belong to the Hidden Temple. Martial God of the temple! As for the rumors of why there is no hidden temple in the Human Race battlefield, it is very simple, because the hidden temple belongs to the temple in the dark. Our main responsibility is to collect intelligence or secretly eradicate the human race battlefield. Threatening factor! And,

Our Hermit Temple does not have a temple. Heaven Temple and Human Temple are our temples. Do you know what this means?” Zhao Divine Sword seems to be just leading the way, but His every word and deed, every question and answer, are all testing Ye Fei.

Chapter 1852 Little Witch City

Zhao Divine Sword said this remark is very subtle, the Hidden Temple does not have a temple, instead he regards the Heaven Temple and the Human Temple as his own temple.

This remark seems very crazy and illogical, but after thinking about it carefully, Ye Fei’s face can’t help but show a terrifying look, “Could it be that there are actually a lot of Martial God, are all people from the Hermitage Temple?”

The more you think about it, the more terrifying you are. You know, God and Heavenly God are both the supreme powerhouse standing on this world cream of the crop, and thinking It is so difficult to insert eyeliner around such a powerhouse. If Ye Fei hadn’t forced the blood demon down, he would never have thought of it. “hmph, it’s not too stupid! Other temples may not be able to do it, but our hidden temple is different, because we do not exist in the first place, not only the Human Race battlefield, in the Wu Clan, our hidden temple, we also have eyeliner, but The power is not as strong as the Human Temple and the Heaven Temple!” Zhao Shen

Sword’s face flashed with pride, but the Hermit Temple is indeed worthy of pride.

It is easy to break into the Heaven Temple and the Human Temple, but it is extremely difficult to break into the Witch Clan who is a mortal enemy to the Human Race.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but have a strong interest in this hidden temple, “Divine Sword Senior, since the hidden temple is so powerful, you are the middle Martial God of the hidden temple, then why don’t you ask the hidden god to come forward? , Save Zhao Yu and Lu Qing?”

Speaking of this, Ye Fei inevitably felt a little puzzled. Zhao Divine Sword also saw the doubt in Ye Fei’s heart at a glance, and immediately said with a smile: “You treat me as I don’t want? But different temples have different styles of behavior. Our hidden temple’s style of behavior is invisibility. In the dark, we will never intervene in any battle on the Human Race battlefield. Unless someone tries to betray Human Race, we will take action and let this person disappear silently!” “So Although I know that Heavenly God has captured my descendants, as long as Heavenly God and Human God do not completely betray Human Race for one day, we will not be able to take action against these two elders! After all, they are also our Human Race battlefield. , There are only two supreme powerhouses left! Of course, the Hidden God Temple can’t take it. There is another reason…” Zhao Divine Sword suddenly sighed and shook his head. “The Hidden God Earth Zun is to keep up with the previous generation of Human Sovereign, people of the same generation, compared to the gods and the heavenly gods, the hidden gods are too old, even if the self-seal, his lifespan is about to come to an end, the hidden gods do not show up, can shock people and gods Heavenly God, once

shows up and makes these two people aware of his old attitude, it is the Hidden God, and it is not the opponent of the Human God and the Heavenly God.”

Hearing this, Ye Fei was also disappointed and sighed. Only then did he know why Demon Sovereign would be in the Human Race battlefield and could not find any information about Zhao Divine Sword.

For a long time, it is the Human Temple and Heaven Temple, both of which are hidden children of the Hidden Temple, helping to cover each other, so that Demon Sovereign naturally impossible to find any information about Zhao Divine Sword.

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