The witches and relatives, he will also find a way to assassinate!

Zhao Divine Sword also replied very solemnly: “Human Sovereign, Ye Human Sovereign, can destroy Heavenly God’s plan, preserve my Human Race interests, and save Zhao Yu, it’s up to you! This Zhao wishes you in advance! Go ahead! Say goodbye!”

Zhao Divine Sword is Human Race Martial God, and he didn’t dare to stay outside Little Witch City for a long time. Seeing Ye Fei made up his mind, he just moved and walked out in the blink of an eye. The terrifying distance of ten thousand meters. Just like Shrink The Land Into An Inch, a few breaths disappeared.

Ye Fei also secretly slapped his tongue, shocking Zhao Divine Sword’s terrifying strength, and at the same time a strange idea suddenly appeared in his heart, but he didn’t wait to think about it. Maybe Ye Fei stayed outside for too long, maybe there were so many wizards going to the Little Witch City. Soon, there were a bunch of bronze wizards flying over from a distance as fast as lightning. They were all aggressive and cursed. Said: “What’s the matter, my Divination Technique clearly shows that there is an unpleasant human flavor hidden here. Why stand here, is it a kid?”

“Haha, it’s obviously that your Divination Technique is too bad, blame others, look at my Daluo Tianxing Xingshu, this time I will be able to find the new Human Sovereign hiding in hiding!”

“hmph, hide Where can he hide? It’s fine if other Human Race martial artists break in. If Human Sovereign or the martial artist from the Human Sovereign Hall break in, we just dig three feet and find it out. Don’t say anything. Tell him that he was killed on the spot and thrown out to feed the wild beast!”

A certain bronze wizard, fiercely roared, aroused the loud resonance of many wizards. Ye Fei’s face turned dark when he heard it. What’s wrong with these wizards, they don’t seem to hate other Human Race martial artists, but when it comes to the Human Sovereign Hall, all of them are as hot as gunpowder.

“No, I have to ask clearly. It just so happens that you can also use this group of wizards to try the battle robe of the hidden god, is it really as magical as Zhao Divine Sword said.”

While these wizards have not left yet, Ye Fei hurried up and paid respect to these wizards: “Holy Masters, please. One thing is unknown to the little wizard. The martial artists of the Human Sovereign Hall and other temples are all Human Race. , Why do you patronize the Human Sovereign Temple and ignore the martial artists of other temples?”

He followed the standard wizard etiquette.

Wizards are in the wizard tribe, collectively called Holy Master, and their status is very high. Thanks to the part of Shang Jiu memory remaining in his mind, Ye Fei did not show any weak spot. I just heard Ye Fei’s question. These bronze wizards were all looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they had seen something extremely incredible, looking at Ye Fei with horror, “Where did you come from, you little witch? If there is no Condensation Nebula, I dare to come to Kujiling to die. Also, which tribe are you from, your elders, didn’t you tell you the legend about being tall and handsome?”

Chapter 1854: Tall Legend of Shuai

“What tall and handsome?” Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment before he realized that this so-called tall and handsome is actually the pseudonym used by the previous generation of Human Sovereign Wang Bai. Ye Fei’s heart was very depressed. Just for the name, he had the urge to hit others. The bronze wizards around him also suddenly cast extremely suspicious and vigilant eyes, but the effect of the hidden god battle robe is indeed extraordinary, despite these The wizard felt Ye Fei was weird. But not at all I feel the bloodline of Ye Fei

Human Race.

In other words, the weird kid standing in front of them at this time is indeed a pure wizard.

Ye Fei also smiled and said: “Holy Masters do not know, I am not from a tribe, but a refugee from the world!”

The Witch race is different from the Human Race. There is only a city, but no country, but large and small tribes, powerful tribes, annexing and destroying weak tribes. That is a common occurrence, and the remnants of these tribes that have been annexed will become vagrants, home in the world, and wandering around the world.

For example, the former Shang Jiu once left the tribe and became a refugee and a corpse-backer. Therefore, Ye Fei’s answer can be regarded as not showing up.

I heard that Ye Fei is not from the tribe, but from the refugees. Many wizards have sympathetic eyes on their faces. After all, the internal fighting of the wizards is more serious and bloody than Human Race, almost Every year, tribes are destroyed, and many new tribes suddenly emerge.

Like Ye Fei, if the tribe was destroyed when he was very young, it would be understandable if he didn’t know many things.

Immediately there was a bronze wizard who sympathized with Ye Fei, came over and patted Ye Fei on the shoulder, comforted: “You little wizard, looking at a loyal and honest person, we leave a way out, take Let’s enter the Little Witch City together.”

Ye Fei quickly thanked: “Many thanks Holy Masters, by the way, the legend about the previous generation of Human Sovereign…” “Oh, you said that tall and handsome, This person’s sins are really exhausted. I can’t finish talking about it for ten days and nights. It’s said that when he was still Martial God, he would often come to us to show off one’s military strength in the dead, killing and wounding many great witches. Finally, The arrogance of this person finally angered a witch god at the time. The witch god himself took action and surrounded him in the Danger Land of Withered Ridge. Many great witches thought that he was dead. At that time, the tall handsome man unexpectedly surrendered to the wizard god without the slightest hesitation!”

Ye Fei was extremely shocked: “surrender, how is it possible, king… that bastard, but Human Sovereign, how could he surrender? “The bronze wizard said bitterly: “This is the shameless of the previous Human Sovereign. This person can speak kindly. Looking at the old wood, he is actually full of bad water. In order to win the trust of the shameless, he actually wrote surrender on the spot. The blood book, also bewitched the witch god, expressed his willingness to steal the Human Sovereign Seal and come to surrender!

“The witch god believed that it was true, and happily let the tall handsome man go away, and personally at Human Race outside Xiongguan, waiting for ten years, but the sorcerer did not wait for the Human Sovereign Seal, but waited for the previous Human Sovereign to take the Human Sovereign Seal and shoot him outside the Xiongguan.”

Speaking of this, all the wizards present were filled with righteous indignation, Ye Fei, and felt that the wizard god died so unjustly.

Moreover, Wang Bai’s “great feats” is not only this one, and the subsequent death of the witch god caused a collective rage from the witch tribe. He vowed to point out the army and fight to the death with Human Race.

It turned out that Wang Bai, alone, entered the Dead Mountain, personally hoisted the corpse of the witch god and whip the corpse, and even said arrogant words. After ten days, he will use Human Race to make millions of soldiers. To quell Silent Hill, let the Wu Clan be completely destroyed.

But just as many great witches mobilized soldiers and horses and prepared to wait for the final battle of the Human Race army after ten days, the Human Sovereign Palace took advantage of the emptiness behind the Wu clan and suddenly rushed into the little witches everywhere. The city was ransacked, and it is said that the floor tiles that pave the road were demolished and taken away by the Human Sovereign Hall.

Later, Wang Bai’s actions finally angered all the witch gods. At that time, there were a dozen witch gods who held world sacrifices in succession. They planned to open a second battle field and bypass the Human Race Xiongguan to attack directly The Ancestral Dragon continent where the Human Sovereign Temple has the most power.

As a result, Wang Bai, alone, dared to run in front of more than a dozen witch gods and issued the Divine Soul poisonous oath in person, expressing his willingness to pay any price in exchange for a century-old truce with the witch clan. Although the witch gods at that time had hated Wang Bai to the extent of gnashing teeth, they were greedy for the great benefits that Wang Bai had promised, and saw that Wang Bai had given up the Divine Soul vow that a martial artist would never dare to violate. People, the heaven and earth sacrifices that have been successfully held, it is said that there are also

sorcerer gods, who were eager to make their daughter betrothed to Wang Bai on the spot.

Hearing this, Ye Fei was also shocked, “How is it possible, once the martial artist issued the Divine Soul oath, once violated, the soul flew away and scattered immediately, what about Human Sovereign? Will it be alive?” Many bronze wizards said bitterly: “This is the most shameless place of the previous Human Sovereign! Until later, the wizards waited for a whole hundred years, but did not see Wang Bai taking the Human Sovereign hall, opening the Human Race and surrendering. , We have the insider to inquire, that Human Sovereign turned out to be shameless. When swearing, he used a substitute, tall.

Dashuai has always been his pseudonym!”

“No Way, Divine Soul vows, can you still use a pseudonym? Then Heavenly Dao can accept it?” Ye Fei didn’t believe it.

Many wizards sneered together: “If the tall handsome man hid a daoist in his body when he was lying, and issued the real Divine Soul vow, would Heavenly Dao admit it? “

“That’s okay…” Ye Fei’s shocked eyes widened. He couldn’t even think of killing him, Divine Soul vowed to still play like this.

Needless to say, it must be Wang Bai who secretly hid people in the beast seal space, so that when Wang Bai swears falsely, he will let the people in secret swear the real Divine Soul oath, so Heavenly Dao feels, Naturally admitted this oath, and because of the person who swore, he hid on Wang Bai.

Heavenly Dao’s feelings will naturally fall on Wang Bai’s body at the same time. The witch gods will naturally have a huge misunderstanding, thinking that it is Wang Bai himself who issued the Divine Soul vow. Not only did they voluntarily give up the blood sacrifice of tens of thousands of people, but they were also tricked by fiercely.

What’s even more annoying is that Wang Baifa did not make enough Divine Soul oaths, but also bewitched the witch gods. He also vowed the ancestral witch oaths, promising that the Wu clan would not attack the Human Race Xiongguan within 1000 years.

The original intention of the Witch Gods was to give Wang Bai enough time to eradicate the dissidents, unify the Human Race, and then obediently surrender to the Witch race. It was not until a hundred years later that Wang Bai not only did not voluntarily surrender, but only took a short hundred years to break through the earth, and the witch gods reacted. Not only were they humiliated and fooled, they were also prevented from swearing by the ancestor witch. No matter how furious, I want to eat Wang Bai’s meat and drink Wang Bai’s blood.

But there is no witch god, who dare to violate the oath of the ancestor witch, so they can only watch Wang Bai’s breakthrough earth-zun and watch a large number of Human Race Martial Gods, which have continued to emerge in this thousand years. . It is said that since then, the wizards have jointly issued three orders. From then on, all surnamed Gao must be killed. Those who claim to be handsome must be killed on the spot. They encounter the martial artist of the Human Sovereign Hall, and all the wizards. , It is necessary to chase to the end at any cost!

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