Chapter 1855 Temple of the Ancestral Witch

“…boy, you understand now, other Human Race martial artists come in Dry Silent Ridge, as long as they don’t meet them, they just pretend not to I see, but if there is a martial artist from the Human Sovereign Temple, you must see one and kill the other! Okay, the Little Witch City is in front of you. Go to the Ancestral Witch Temple to worship and wait for it.

After the ancestral witch’s blessing, come back and join our team. It happens that our team is still very small.”

These bronze wizards said along the way, they have led Ye Fei into the Little Witch City, and trusted them. The blessing of the wizard, for the face of Ye Fei, the guard guarding the city, there is not even a word of cross-examination.

Ye Fei entered the Little Witch City smoothly, and was led directly to the Temple of the Ancestral Witch by these enthusiastic bronze wizards. Only then did he wake up.

The so-called Little Witch City is actually the same as the trial city of Human Race Xiongguan. It is a gathering place for newcomers. Only in Little Witch City, wizards who have passed the test can officially go to Human Race Xiongguan. Fight with Human Race.

Of course, in order to prevent spies from getting in, the shrine specially built by Little Witch City is only enshrined in it, not the witch god, but the twelve ancestor witches shared by the witch people!

This could not help Ye Fei’s heart secretly worry, after all, he is not a real witch race, if there is any weak spot found by the Ancestral Witch Temple, then he will be completely finished.

But this Ancestral Witch Temple, he had to go again. Only if he was recognized by the Ancestral Witch Temple, could he move freely in Little Witch City, and also be able to inquire about the clues of the Witch Clan’s kinship.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly became firm: “Fight! Anyway, there is no place for me in the Human Race battlefield. In addition to finding a way to join the Witch Clan, take the opportunity to destroy Heavenly God and the Witch Clan. I have no other retreat for my marriage plan.”

“Holy Masters, what should I do when I reach the Temple of the Ancestral Witch?” Ye Fei asked very carefully, while secretly observing the Temple of the Ancestral Witch. Happening.

He found that this place is similar to the Human Race Temple. But the shaman priests who come and go are all very powerful. Their spiritual nebula, even forming various natural phenomena, emerges behind them, and some are about to condense into the first Heavenly God demons.

Like Ye Fei, there are a lot of little witches who come to the Ancestral Witch Temple. In the end, the spirit strength of the wizard tribe is inherently strong, so even the wizard who has just condensed the spirit of the Divine Sea can borrow Power of Heaven and Earth by using the wizard method and possess a battle strength comparable to the martial artist of the martial artist.

It is common for wizards who can condense the spiritual nebula to fight three Martial Emperors one at a time. However, although the Witch Clan is inherently strong, it is not enough.

For example, when a martial artist arrives in the Demi-God or Martial God Realm world, the same comprehended Heaven and Earth Law, the wizard’s spiritual strength advantage will disappear, and the battle strength of the two parties will begin to level off.

When it comes to Supreme Realm, the battle strength of martial artist, it will surpass the wizard and become a martial artist, and in turn will hang the three wizard gods.

So, although the supreme powerhouse on the surface of the Human Race battlefield, there are only two people, God and Heavenly God, which still leaves many witch gods helpless, except that they can only use the number of advantages to suppress Human Race, but there is no way to break the human race.

“It is estimated that this is also the reason why the Witches want to get married with Heavenly God. A frontal battle will only suffer from both sides. On the contrary, it is the best choice to defeat the soldiers without fighting. But we Human Race can’t be taken lightly!” Ye Fei suddenly remembered what Du Tiandi Zun told him.

The Witch tribe shouldn’t worry about it. What really scares people is the dark Heavenly Venerable An standing behind the Witch tribe! This is a true Heavenly Venerate, or a terrifying existence that escaped from Heaven Realm.

The only thing that makes Ye Fei feel fortunate is that the black Heavenly Venerable An is injured and he is always sleeping and healed, and he cannot personally take action against Human Race Xiongguan.

That’s why the Black Heavenly Venerable An will control the Witch Clan. Through the Witch Clan, he will come to attack the Human Race male gate. This can be considered Human Race is unfortunately fortunate.

After all, if a Heavenly Venerate shoots, no matter how strong the Human Race is, it will certainly not be able to withstand the attack of Heavenly Venerate.

“Boy, there are twelve Ancestral Gods in front of you. Hurry up and choose the Ancestral God to worship, and the Ancestral God will discriminate your identity and bestow the blessing of the ancestral witch!”

When thinking about it, unconsciously, those bronze wizards have brought Ye Fei to the twelve tall Divine Idol, these are all statues of the twelve ancestor witches. It is said that the twelve ancestor witches were all the first Heavenly God demons and the origin of the witch family. Therefore, every witch race respected the ancestral witch from the heart. Before Ye Fei arrived, the twelve ancestral witches were crowded with little witches who came to worship. These little witches came from their respective continents to participate in the war. Yes, most of them are very young, and some of them are only eleven-twelve years old, and they actually have a strength comparable to that of Human Race.

From this we can also see how powerful the wizard group is innate.

And not only the little witch, Ye Fei also saw many half-witches, even Human Race martial artist, mixed in the temple, but their status is very low, either a slave or a slave.

“hahaha, finally came to the temple of the ancestral witches, and I fell in the Heavenly Wind Unit, Jin Wu, would like to offer a hundred animals and enshrine Ancestral God, and may Ancestral God bless me in the Heavenly Wind Unit, throughout the ages, The prestige will last forever!”

Just when Ye Fei hesitated to choose the ancestor witch to worship, in front of Divine Idol of the emperor Jiang ancestor witch, there was a loud laugh from a mad young man, his The laughter quickly attracted the attention of many wizards.

“Look, it is the noble King Jingo who fell from the Heavenly Wind Unit. It is said that his father has reached the limit of the great witch. Within 1000 years, it is very possible to be promoted to the witch god!”

“This is no wonder. It is estimated that only the great nobles who are in the Heavenly Wind Unit can sacrifice one hundred Martial Emperors and worship Ancestral God at one time!”

Heavenly Wind Unit Hundred Martial Emperors?

Ye Fei’s face suddenly changed. Of course he knew that the Heavenly Wind Unit had fallen, and Shang Jiu had come from the Heavenly Wind Unit. But Ye Fei was not surprised by this, but with Kingo’s words, the hundred human race martial artists who were drawn out as livestock.

“What’s the matter, isn’t it about sacrificing livestock? Why is it a Human Race Martial Emperor?” Ye Fei’s face was extremely gloomy.

Because of the emotional excitement, Ye Fei’s tone was a little louder, which attracted the strange attention of many wizards.

Several bronze wizards standing next to Ye Fei, hurry Kicked Ye Fei secretly, and then paid respect to the wizards around him: “Senior Brother, this kid is a newcomer, so he doesn’t understand the rules!”

“The refugee, it turned out to be Tribal destruction, homeless untouchables! No wonder you don’t understand rituals so much!”

“These Human Race Martial Emperors are all prisoners captured in previous wars, but they can be sacrificed with Martial Emperors. Only the nobles from these big tribes can do it!” As the surrounding wizards discussed, the Jin Wu from the Heavenly Wind Unit had already ordered someone to line up the prisoners of war, coldly. Commanded: “Cut off the heads of these untouchables and sacrifice to Ancestral God!”

Chapter 1856 looks like iron and blood

With Jinwu’s order, a hundred people wear The priests of the temple in the robes, holding big swords, came over. Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with a deep hostility and murderous intention. There was an impulse in his heart. As a Human Sovereign, he could not look at these Human Race Martial Emperors, just like livestock,

is used for sacrifice.

But reason told him that at this time, once he showed any abnormality, it might attract the attention of the Wu clan, thus revealing his identity.


In front of the Divine Idol of the Emperor Jiangzu Witch, there was a crisp sound of blades piercing into the bones, followed by the cheers of countless wizards, enthusiastically and excitedly.

Jin Wu’s expression was particularly excited. As Martial Emperors were killed, they were sacrificed to the ancestor witch. Divine Idol, the ancestral witch of Dijiang, suddenly burst into bright radiance, forming a golden The vortex suddenly swallowed Jin Wu, along with everything all around.

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