This again caused countless wizards to cheer with excitement. At this time, I don’t know how many fanatical wizards cheered, moving towards Divine Idol and bowing frantically.

“The Ancestral Witch Appeared! This is the Ancestral Witch Appearance!”

“I just don’t know how powerful the Ancestral Witch’s blessings can be obtained through this sacrifice this time Jinwu Young Master!”


“It goes without saying that one hundred Martial Emperor sacrifices, this is the great generosity rarely seen for a thousand years, I can guarantee that this time Jingo Young Master will definitely be able to condense the golden God’s Storehouse and obtain the breakthrough witch Qualifications!”

Finally, even the group of bronze wizards who came to the temple with Ye Fei were excited to discuss, Ye Fei’s face was like iron, looking at all this indifferently.

But in his heart, it seemed that he was stabbed by fiercely. His heart was bleeding! This is the wizard clan. Outside the city, he felt the enthusiasm of the wizard clan. At this time in the temple, he felt the cruel side of the wizard even more.

“I finally understand why the Hidden Temple has to work hard to destroy the marriage between Heavenly God and the Witch Clan…” Ye Fei took a deep breath.

After that, he stopped looking at the crazy wizards, but walked toward the twelve ancestral witch statues with a face like iron. He was enduring, and he must endure.

“I can’t be impulsive, at least, when I don’t have the strength, I must learn to endure. Patience is not to be weak, but to make me stronger!” Ye Fei finally walked to the back In front of Divine Idol of Tuzu Witch, this is a nearly perfect female ancestor witch.

But like other ancestral witches, Houtu’s body is still full of terrifying aura. When Ye Fei is approaching, the Divine Idol of this ancestral witch seems to be alive. general.

In the sky, there seems to be a pair of limpid autumn water-like eyes, which seem to penetrate countless time and space and project onto Ye Fei’s body. Suddenly, a terrifying pressure fell on Ye Fei like heaven and earth. At this time, many worshiping wizards would immediately kneel down to express their devotion to the ancestor witch and pray for the ancestor witch. The blessing, but since seeing the bloody and cruel scene just now,

Although Ye Fei did not make a move, his heart is filled with boundless anger and murderous intention!

“They are all these ancestral witches. If you don’t do any ancestral witch blessings, then Jin Wu, how can we slaughter us Human Race martial artists as livestock?”

” So what, we martial artist, Fight Heaven and Earth, slaughter the gods and kill the demons, we have never been afraid of this world, so why are we afraid of you ancestor witches!”

“You want me to kneel, me, just Don’t kneel!”

Because of thinking too much, Ye Fei’s body, under the pressure of a mountain, stood straighter, like a sharp sword, with a face like iron and a heart like blood .

It’s just so straight, looking at the peculiar pupil light in the sky, and then Ye Fei feels the pressure of all around, becoming more and more terrifying.

At first there was a pupil light watching him, but as Ye Fei’s trance, there was also a strength from the heart. The pupil light in the sky suddenly became two, three Dao, four, until the last twelve pupil light, all stared at Ye Fei.

These pupil lights are majestic, indifferent, curious, or mysterious. When these pupil lights are gathered together, Ye Fei’s body suddenly emits a loud explosion sound, which seems to have twelve seats. The terrifying peaks were pressed together on his body.

Ye Fei then suddenly woke up, the killing just now touched him too much, he unexpectedly made a big mistake without realizing it.

He actually stood up in front of the ancestor witch without kneeling, which also attracted the attention of all the wizards.

Originally, these wizards were paying attention to the natural phenomenon of Jinwu’s sacrifice.

But when Ye Fei could bear the gaze of the 12th ancestor Divine Idol, and still standing without kneeling, these wizards could not help being stared wide-eyed in shock.

“What’s the matter with that little witch, how could he be alone, and bear the gaze of the eyes of the twelve ancestor witches at the same time…”

“It’s not right, his spirit strength. How could it be possible It will be golden…that seems to be, the legendary Golden Divine Depository!”


Under the gaze of the Eye of the Twelve Ancestor Witch, Ye Fei can’t use the true essence, at this moment That is like the pressure of Heavenly God first. Even the golden spirit Divine Sea in Ye Fei’s mind was forced out. Behind Ye Fei, a bright natural phenomenon began to emerge. It was a golden ocean, roaring. And above the ocean, there are twelve scorching sun-like pupil lights, looking at Ye Fei coldly, which makes Ye Fei heart startled, and suddenly all the secrets are about to be seen through


But at this moment, Ye Fei suddenly felt the hidden god within the body’s battle robe, exuding a peculiar power fluctuation, which made him resist the twelve pupil light penetrate.

“In the end, these are just Divine Idol, not the Heavenly God demons like the real ancestor witch…” Ye Fei’s heart suddenly flashed a clear comprehension, and at the same time, it was also in his heart. , Just when he controlled his emotions, ready to meet, and bowed down.

The twelve pupil lights suddenly turned into twelve golden vortexes at the moment they forced out the Divine Sea, Ye Fei’s golden spirit, and swallowed Ye Fei together.

This scene also surprised countless wizards.

“Oh my god, that kid is who, he can actually get the blessing of 12 Ancestral God at the same time!”

“The golden Divine Sea, it seems to be the legendary Golden Divine Depository …… The strongest God’s Storehouse that can break through the witch god!”

“What, Golden Divine Depository, damn it, why did he inspire the ancestral witch to bless him at this time? Doesn’t he know that if he does this, he will Stop my ancestral witch’s blessing!”

Suddenly, in front of Divine Idol, there was a roar of anger. It was Jin Wu’s violent roar. Originally, he used a hundred Martial Emperors to offer The blessing of the ancestral witch after the sacrifice, even if the legendary Golden Divine Depository cannot be condensed, it can be condensed into the second-level Golden God’s Storehouse. However, due to Ye Fei’s worship, it completely interrupted Jin Wu’s blessing from the ancestor witch. Just when Jin Wu was full of joy, thinking that he could properly train into the Golden God’s Storehouse this time, it was due to Ye Fei’s interference He actually only had time to practice the most common silver God’s Storehouse. The blessing of the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu was forcibly interrupted by the natural phenomenon caused by Ye Fei.

Chapter 1857 Memory Awakens

Be aware that God’s Storehouse also has levels, from low to high, they are azure God’s Storehouse, silver God’s Storehouse, golden God’s Storehouse, and legendary Golden Divine Depository.

Correspondingly, they are the green skin wizard, silver skin wizard, and the golden witch, which are higher stone skin wizard gods!

Originally, with Jinwu’s talent, even if he did not perform sacrifices, he could easily receive the blessing of the ancestor witch and use the power of the ancestor witch in the Mingming to transfer his ordinary azure God’s Storehouse, transformed into silver God’s Storehouse, became a silver skin wizard. Just as the aristocratic Young Master of the Heavenly Wind Unit, Kingo was of course unwilling to just become a silverskin wizard, so he spent a lot of money to find a hundred Human Race Martial Emperors to perform blood sacrifice, hoping to pass the ancestors Divine Idol, the witch, borrowed the stronger power of the ancestor witch, so that he can practice directly

to become a golden God’s Storehouse that can break through the golden witch.

What Jin Wu couldn’t even dream of was that when he was so complacent and he was about to succeed, Ye Fei would suddenly intervene sideways, which actually interrupted his ancestral witch blessing forcibly. Let all his efforts come to nothing.

Jin Wu spouted a mouthful of silver blood on the spot, and then, his entire silver God’s Storehouse couldn’t help violent.

Among the twelve golden vortexes, Ye Fei didn’t even know that his actions would inadvertently interrupt Jin Wu’s ancestral witch blessing.

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