In fact, when the 12 Ancestral Witches blessed at the same time, Ye Fei was also shocked, almost thinking that he was showing up.

Fortunately, although he was swallowed by the golden vortex of the 12 Ancestral Witches, he felt the pressure like a mountain this time not at all. On the contrary, he also felt twelve strange things. Energy, quickly fuse together with the golden spirit Divine Sea in his mind.

In the process of fusion, memories that did not belong to Ye Fei at all, gradually emerged from the depths of his mind, and finally, these memories were condensed into a stalwart figure , Silently sitting on top of his spirit Divine Sea.

Seeing this silhouette, Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but be shocked, “Shang Jiu! How could it be possible? Back then, I clearly broke away from your memory fusion, you should have completely died, you How is it possible that he will appear in front of me?” The stalwart figure finally faces Ye Fei, the half-sorcerer is a petrified half-witch, who is exactly like Shang Jiu, and Shang Jiu is the golden Jing Divine Sea of ​​Ye Fei sitting cross-legged. In the sky above, there was a hint of expression indifferently said: “The magic of witchcraft, you will not know it if you have not learned witchcraft! I died in the world

, but I also live in your memory Here! You should be very puzzled, why you failed to merge my memory, can you still remember many common sense of the witches?”

Ye Fei complexion changed, at this time, I don’t understand where he is, Divine Sea. The mutations and memories of some witches are all ghosts of Shang Jiu in front of them.

For so many years, Shang Jiu has always been hidden in his memory. I don’t know how many secrets he has peeped into. Ye Fei’s face suddenly becomes ugly, and there is a kind of have one’s hair stand on end in his heart. a feeling of.

Just like what Shang Jiu said, he hasn’t learned witchcraft before. It is difficult for him to understand the horror of witchcraft, and there are various unimaginable methods.

But soon, Ye Fei forced himself to calm down again. The living Shang Jiu was terrifying, but only a memory of Shang Jiu was dead. If he could hurt him, he would have done it a long time ago. Why bother Wait till now?

“Let’s talk about it, what do you want to do with witchcraft and lurking in my memory?” Ye Fei said solemnly.

“You know, what am I going to do!” Shang Jiu also stared at Ye Fei indifferently.

Ye Fei smiled bitterly at once. He once merged with Shang Jiu’s memory. Of course he knew what Shang Jiu wanted to do. The woman he loved was killed by his half-biological brother. She was obviously a patriarch. The son, but reduced to slave, a miserable life.

But even then, Shang Jiu still persevered and embarked on the road of wizards, only to discover that even if he became the golden witch, he could not resurrect the only woman he loved. In despair, Shang Jiu went crazy again. Embarked on a road of revenge.

He wanted to kill the father who was ashamed of him, the brother who kept humiliating him, and in his presence, ruining the grave of his lover.

It’s just that Heavenly Wind Unit fell too strong. Shang Jiu’s revenge failed in the end. He had to drag his wounded body, escape from the Wu Clan, and came to Human Race, and even established a business. , Created a big Void Technique.

But Shang Jiu’s heart is not reconciled. Even if he establishes a business, he only thinks about revenge. He also hopes that among the descendants of the business, there will be a genius offspring that can merge his memory. , Became another Shang Jiu and continued his road of revenge.

At that time, Ye Fei entered the wizarding world of the merchant, and inadvertently passed the re-assessment under the business nine.

In the end, it was almost merged by Shang Jiu’s memory and became another Shang Jiu, a revengeful Shang Jiu!

“At that time, I used the Indestructible Sword Soul to forcibly crush Shang Jiu’s memory witchcraft and broke free. I don’t know if I can destroy Shang Jiu if I activate the Indestructible Sword Soul. The last memory hidden in my mind!” Ye Fei’s face changed, but his heart was constantly calculating. Shang Jiu stared at Ye Fei indifferently, “The immortal Sword Soul within the body is indeed powerful, but you were able to crack my memory witchcraft back then because you are in my memory and can act wilfully, but now, It’s not that you are in my memory, but I’m in your memory. If you break me, just

equivalent to break your own memory! If you want to lose all memory, Forget Zhao Yu, forget everything you have experienced, you can launch the immortal Sword Soul!”

“You are threatening me! I hate being threatened!” Ye Fei forcibly suppressed his anger. In his heart, he has one’s hair stand on end. Shang Jiu even knows that Sword Soul is immortal, so what kind of cards does he have to deal with this crazy vengeful witch? “You can understand that this is a threat, but I just want to borrow your hand to help me get revenge. You have experienced my memory, and you naturally understand what kind of feelings I have for Xiao Yuer, she is everything to me. She lives, I live, she died, I can’t bring her back to life, so I will die completely. Although I use witchcraft to live in your memory, what you see, It’s not really me, it’s just a walking corpse! “

Ye Fei’s eyes changed. What appeared in front of him was no longer the bright witch, it was a dead bone, a bloody , A corpse without skin!

At the same time, the last memory of Shang Jiu’s fall in the Heavenly Wind Unit appeared in Ye Fei’s heart. At that time, Shang Jiu faced the siege of hundreds of golden witches in the Heavenly Wind Unit, and he rose up to resist , The blood flowing into a river that killed, and the killer made the entire Heavenly Wind Unit fall, and they were terrified.

But the only thing Shang Jiu didn’t resist was his father’s action. He allowed the patriarch of the day to activate the witchcraft and peeled off his great witch gold skin alive. Then, Shang Jiu A sad and cold smile appeared on the bloody face.

“Father, what I owe you, I will give you back, but what you owe me, I will definitely get it back…”

Shang Jiu smiled miserably, dragging him seriously The body, with bloody flesh and blood, step by step, smashed out of the Heavenly Wind Unit. It was not until then that Tianfeng patriarch discovered that he was extremely regretful. He had always looked down on and despised the illegally illegitimate child, and possessed the Golden Divine Depository, which can only appear once in 100,000 years by the Wu clan! The body of the witch god comparable to the human race first Heavenly God body!

Chapter 1858 Hidden Trousers

But it’s useless to regret it anymore. The hatred has already been forged. The father and son brother turned against each other, and they met each other in a strange way. They must be irreconcilable.

It’s just that Shang Jiu not at all waited until that day, and discovered that even if the breakthrough witch god reached the limit of this world, even if the cultivation witchcraft reached an unprecedented level, he could not resurrect his lover, even unable to Goodbye to her.

The last picture that Ye Fei saw was Shang Jiu burying himself in despair at the moment of the breakthrough of the wizard god, “We can’t be together in life, but after we die, we can all return to this world!”

Shang Jiu murmured. In the end, he personally opened up a piece of wizarding world, buried himself, and gradually petrified his whole body, becoming the huge stone statue Ye Fei had ever seen. Shang Jiu, indeed died, died in this world, but his hatred is not dead, his memory is not dead, so he used the most mysterious memory witchcraft, let him survive in the memory of Ye Fei, and finally , And when Ye Fei entered the Ancestral Witch Temple and received the blessing of the Ancestral Witch, Shang Jiu’s memory woke up again.

Ye Fei finally saw the final ending of Shang Jiu in its entirety. He couldn’t tell whether he was uncomfortable or otherwise, but he understood Shang Jiu’s pain and sympathized with EQ Jiu’s experience. “But understanding does not mean approval, and sympathy does not mean that I will work for you! Why do you want me to report your hatred!” Ye Fei was very upset. In the Human Race battlefield, Wang Bai’s unfathomable mystery made him a Human Sovereign, Ye Fei endured it. As a result, in the Ancestral Witch Temple, Shang Jiu was forced to force his hatred, and Ye Fei couldn’t bear it.

Shang Jiu lives for the love in his heart, and Ye Fei lives for the freedom in his heart!

Shang Jiu said indifferently and stubbornly: “You passed my test and merged with my memory. Then you must help me get revenge, help me, and help yourself, if you still want Live to see Zhao Yu’s words!”

Ye Fei’s eyes were suddenly covered with murderous intention: “Shang Jiu, what do you mean, you better explain it to me!”

Shang Jiu sneered: “You think I want to be against Zhao Yu, you too underestimate me. Although you and I are of different races, we are very similar in some respects. This is also the reason why I chose you, yes, Is that hidden god battle robe still easy to use?”

Ye Fei’s expression changed drastically: “Shang Jiu, what do you mean!”

The strength has reached the level of Shang Jiu, impossible Talking nonsense, at this time Shang Jiu suddenly raised the battle robe of the hidden god, which caused Ye Fei to suddenly feel some inexplicable panic in his heart.

“Could it be that there is a problem with that hidden god battle robe?” Ye Fei’s mood began to sink. Shang Jiu also quickly sensed the change in Ye Fei’s mood. He said with a sneer: “You are still too naive. Do you really think that any half-sovereign weapon can cover your Human Race bloodline? Then you are not immune. I underestimate our wizard! Since I can be your memory, then other people’s witch gods, of course, have a way to see through your Divine Soul. Therefore, in this world, the only witch god cannot be allowed The only thing you can see is the witchcraft itself. Do you understand what I mean?”


Ye Fei suck in a breath of cold air. Of course he understands what Shang Jiu means. The only thing that can be concealed from the shaman is the shamanism itself, which is like people under the light, so you can’t see the light. The darkness below is the same.

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