And the ancestor witch, that is the first Heavenly God demon!

It is the strongest Spiritual God that appeared between Heaven and Earth when heaven and earth existed! Of course, unlike other pre-Heavenly God demons, the strongest ancestral witch is said to be the fleshy body. Even if the world is destroyed, the fleshy body of the ancestral witch can remain indestructible! It is simply the real Body of Eternal Inextinguishable!

The body of the war witch handed down from Shang Jiu was created in order to cultivate into a fleshy body comparable to the ancestral witch, the strongest body of the witch clan, Body Refining Cultivation Art, even this cultivation technique, Also surpassed the body of war demon!

In the end, Ye Fei’s body of war demon, it is the limit to refine the fleshy body to be comparable to the Divine Item. Even if he integrates with Asura Divine Physique, he becomes the supreme among the top ten Divine Physiques of Human Race Divine Physique can only allow him to breakthrough to Supreme Realm, which is already the limit.

But the method of witchcraft is different. According to Ye Fei, this witchcraft has even far surpassed the level of Divine Grade witchcraft. It is even more perverted than the Octopus Celestial Dragon mastered by Ye Fei. . “This witchcraft has twelve levels. When practiced as first 3-floors, the fleshy body is comparable to the Divine Item, and the 4th floor, the fleshy body is comparable to the half-sovereign weapon! The 5th floor is the real sacred weapon. Such a fleshy body, even Heavenly Venerate, is difficult to break. Could it be that Shang Jiu actually planned to rely solely on the strength of the fleshy body

, in the boundary of the earth, breakthrough Heavenly Venerate……”

Ye Fei thought of this possibility and saw the abnormality of this war witch body, and couldn’t help but breathe in her heart. In addition to feeling that Shang Jiu was too crazy, then she shocked this war witch. The power of the body.

Compared to the Fleshy body of the ancestor witch, if it can be trained, it is to enter the Heaven Realm, and he can walk unhindered. Ye Fei immediately made up his mind, he must cultivate this body of war witch! And the stronger the Fleshy body, the more beneficial it will be for him to integrate the power of despair and resist the desperate Heavenly Tribulation! So after comprehending the body of war witch is not very long, Ye Fei began to cultivation crazily.

Chapter 1860 The Golden Witch

“The most important thing to become the body of the war witch is Fusion Law. The more laws of fusion, the more the body of the war witch will become. Strong! The first three layers are the simplest. They are the most basic part of the body of war witches. You only need to fuse one rule to train into one layer, and fuse three laws to train into the first three layers, so that the fleshy body can reach Comparable to the level of Divine Item! What is really abnormal is the 4th floor at the back, and the number of laws it merges is actually four! 5th floor, five, 6th floor, six…and so on…Wait until the Twelfth Layer is integrated, unexpectedly Twelve rules are needed!

It is Ye Fei’s current strongest Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique. The number of rules to be mastered is only eight rules. So, it also turned the two earthly respects, Human God and Heavenly God, around.

In order to become the body of war witches, Ye Fei calculated the number of laws required. He was suddenly dizzy and had the urge to vomit blood.

You must know that in this world, the origin of Heavenly Venerate is inherently scarce, and every time you understand a law, you must have the origin of Heavenly Venerate.

Don’t talk about dozens of rules, that is, to practice the Octopus Tianlong, Ye Fei can’t get the eight rules needed, let alone dozens of them.

But there is no way. Why is the body of the war witch so attractive and abnormal? It is comparable to the fleshy body of the ancestor witch. Just thinking about it, Ye Fei is very excited. If he can practice it , Don’t talk about desperate Heavenly Tribulation, just relying on Fleshy body, he can go to single out the black Heavenly Venerable An.

So, even though he knows that the body of the war witch is hundreds of times more difficult to practice than the Octopus Celestial Dragon, Ye Fei still gritted his teeth, with tears in his eyes, and decided to practice it!

Besides this witchcraft body, he has no other witchcraft to practice. He can’t do the same as Xiaocao Dragon Tortoise. If you are full of Spirit Stone, go to sleep.

Of course, Xiaocao hasn’t slept yet. Seeing Ye Fei has to be cultivated again, and understanding how crazy Ye Fei cultivation is, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, they all rush to eat Spirit Stone, or wait for Ye. When Fei cultivation reaches a state of selflessness, you will be hungry again.

Especially Dragon Tortoise. Since fiercely was hungry for half a year last time, Dragon Tortoise has learned from the pain and would rather hold it into a ball than let go of a Spirit Stone.

“What should I do, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are both in Spirit Stone. If I don’t eat it, it seems not so gregarious…” Ling Siqi was entangled.

After all, she is a human, not as good as Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao, but if she doesn’t eat it, just watching Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise eat there, Ling Siqi feels not right.

So Ling Siqi quickly thought of a way, which was to secretly take a few dollars, and then silently start the cultivation.

At this time, Ye Fei didn’t know at all. He seemed to have added one more person who eats Spirit Stone.

As expected by Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise.

Once entering the cultivation state, Ye Fei is undoubtedly crazy. Soon, he completely enters the state of enlightenment of the two forgotten things, and begins to cultivation according to the method of the body of war witches.


An invisible sword pressure suddenly burst out of Ye Fei’s within the body. It was the breath of the law of the sword, and it was also Ye Fei’s first comprehension. A rule.

When this law appeared, Ye Fei immediately launched spirit strength, forming a peculiar golden vortex. This vortex is very similar to the vortex blessed by the ancestors, but it is weaker and I don’t know how many times. .

This is Ye Fei’s current Golden Divine Depository!

Moreover, the higher the level of God’s Storehouse, the more terrifying the spirit strength formidable power released. Originally, according to the records of the body of war witches, it must be practiced to the 1st floor, even if you have a golden God’s Storehouse. It takes six months to one year.

It’s just that the spirit strength released by Ye Fei’s Golden Divine Depository is too strong. Ye Fei was surprised to find that it took him more than a month to completely integrate the sword. law.

Ye Fei’s heart was suddenly surprised, “very good, I have mastered three laws in total, and cultivation at this speed, maybe, I can practice the body of war witch before the blessing of the ancestor witch disappears. The first 3-floors are also the real breakthrough golden witch, with battle strength comparable to Martial God!”

Ye Fei looks excited.

Although it was found that the Hermitage Temple was not as reliable as Zhao Divine Sword said, Ye Fei decided to follow the arrangements of the Hermitage Temple to enter the Witch Clan and assassinate the Witch Clan’s and relatives. Not for the hidden temple, but for Zhao Yu, but also for himself. After all, Zhao Yu is his woman, and Ye Fei doesn’t want to see his own woman, and becomes a victim of his marriage with the Wu family. Since the Heavenly God’s guards are too strict to start from the Heaven Temple and rescue Zhao Yu, all Ye Fei can do, it seems, is to look for opportunities to assassinate the witches in accordance with the arrangements of the Hermit Temple.

The person.

“It’s just that the assassination is easy, but it is even more difficult to get close to the target of the assassination. The average wizard is definitely not the case. At least I have to become the golden witch, so that I can completely gain a foothold in the wizard clan! “Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with determination.

Seeing the successful integration of the law of swords, Ye Fei did not hesitate, and soon released his own thunderbolt law. This is the law given to him by Du Tiandi, and it is also a very powerful law of attack. .

When Ye Fei incorporated this law into the body of war witches, he suddenly felt that his body seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes, just like the hidden treasure of man within the body, Suddenly at this moment, it was opened by the body of the war witch.

Ye Fei spirit strength subconsciously moved, and the ground he was on was suddenly silent, with countless sharp blades appearing, densely packed and murderous aura boiling.

“This is the body of war witches, its own witchcraft?” Ye Fei’s face was full of surprises. Only then did he discover that with the improvement of the body of war witches and the fusion of laws, he It seems that some strange abilities will be produced naturally!

It is also this ability, allowing Ye Fei to make countless swords appear on the ground with a single thought.

So when he became a 2nd floor war witch body, Ye Fei had another thought in his heart. The blade of all around disappeared in one stroke, and the sky above his head suddenly appeared again. The rolling purple thunder and lightning, like Heavenly Tribulation, is very shocking!

Ye Fei was ecstatic in her heart, and even grasped the state of cultivation at this time. It took several months to work hard to quickly comprehend the last law she had learned, Slaughter Law also integrated into her own fleshy in the body.


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