Ye Fei all around, suddenly a murderous aura burst out to the extreme, and then this murderous aura actually formed a scarlet Blood Sword, suspended behind Ye Fei It seems that Ye Fei can fly out of the Blood Sword automatically as long as his mind moves, beheading the leader!

Furthermore, with the training of the 3rd floor of the body of the war witch, Ye Fei’s entire skin, at this time, from the inside out, shining bright golden rays of light.

The last rays of light are even more like a scorching sun, shattering all the remaining golden vortex that wraps Ye Fei.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but roar, stepping from the sky above the Ancestral Witch Temple and stepping into the Universe Starry Sky. At the same time, a vast power like Martial God shocked the world! “Great witch, I finally became a golden witch, comparable to the existence of Martial God!” In the starry sky, Ye Fei’s body was full of golden divine glow, even his eyes, at this moment, turned into mysterious purple-golden, cold Looking coldly at the Human Race Xiongguan, looking at the Heaven Temple, and looking at the Human Temple!

Chapter 1861 Fighting Jin Wu


With Ye Fei’s breakthrough into the golden witch, the entire temple of ancestor witches, countless wizards, can’t help it Talking with surprise.

“It was the little witch who was blessed by the twelve ancestor witches a year ago. Didn’t expect that in one year, he has grown from a young witch to the golden witch of aloof and remote!”

“Hey, it’s a witcher than a witch, an angry witch! If I have the Golden Divine Depository and get the blessing of the twelve ancestor witches, I will definitely be able to break through the Golden Divine Depository and get even more brilliant than him Achievement!”

“Brilliant, haha, I am afraid you don’t know yet. The Young Master who fell in the Heavenly Wind Unit has hated this person for a long time. Even if he has the Golden Divine Depository, as long as one day is not The breakthrough witch god, he is impossible to be the opponent of Kingo Young Master!”

Obviously, Ye Fei received the blessing of the ancestor witch. In the year of breakthrough the witch, many things happened in the temple of the ancestor witch, among them the most fascinating The concern is the grudge between Ye Fei and Jin Wu.

A year ago, Ye Fei triggered the twelve ancestor witch blessing, which inadvertently interrupted Jin Wu’s ancestral witch blessing, and even worse, Jin Wu breakthrough, the golden witch’s calculations fell through.

If Ye Fei is also a Young Master from a big tribe, Jinwu might endure it, but Ye Fei is a refugee who doesn’t even have a tribe, which makes Jinwu extremely angry.

At the same time, the news that Ye Fei owns the Golden Divine Depository has spread like wildfire. It has already been the idea of ​​many big tribes, but no one didn’t expect that Ye Fei’s breakthrough will be so fast.

“One year ago, it was said that this person was not even a bronze wizard. One year later, this person became a golden witch. It is indeed the Golden Divine Depository that only appears once in 100,000 years. If I could bring this person back, I would have made up for it!”

While Ye Fei breakthrough the great witch, rushing to the stars, releasing the divine might, at the same time a tall building in the Temple of the Ancestral Witch was standing right there. Wearing a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe.

If Ye Fei were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this middle-aged man was actually the Gongzhu Dawu who had a fate of one side a year ago.

One year ago, the Great Witch of Gongzhu came to Dry Silent Hill under the order of the good witch god, to search for the new Human Sovereign who escaped from the Human Race Xiongguan.

At first, this was a sure thing in Gongzhu Dawu’s eyes, but what made Gongzhu Dawu depressed was that even if he took countless wizards and dug the ground three feet in Dry Silence Ridge, he could not find a new Human Sovereign. Whereabouts. Just when Gongzhu Dawu was desperate and was about to go back empty-handed to pick up the sin, suddenly the news of the Golden Divine Depository spread in the temple of this little witch city. What made Gongzhu Dawu ecstatic most was that the owner of the Golden Divine Depository, also Not the nobles of those big tribes, but just a refugee with no foundation


The Great Witch of Gongzhu suddenly got his mind and decided to start early, take Ye Fei back, and hand it over to Chen Liang, so that he could make up for his failure to catch the new Human Sovereign.

It’s just that Gongzhu Dawu moves faster. Some people act faster than Gongzhu Dawu. This person is naturally Jinwu.

Almost as Ye Fei left the Ancestral Witch Temple and rushed to the starry sky, Jin Wu, who had been waiting in the crowd, flashed a strong jealousy and crazy murderous intention on his face.


Without warning, Jin Wu took action. He stepped to the sky one step at a time, using a Void Technique very similar to Big Void Step.

Jin Wu stepped across the void and has come to the opposite of Ye Fei, shouted in a deep voice: “Boy, do you remember the enmity of the Ancestral Witch Temple a year ago?”

“You are Jin Wu? What hate do we have?” Ye Fei unfathomable mystery, and then his eyes were cold, even if there was a grudge, it was Jin Wu, who owed the blood debt of the one hundred Human Race Martial Emperor!

Even in the past year, Ye Fei could not forget the one hundred Human Race Martial Emperors who were killed by Jin Wu as livestock!

“A year ago, I was unable to save them, but a year later, I can kill Jin Wu and avenge them! Jin Wu, die!”


The scene of hundreds of Martial Emperor’s tragic deaths a year ago seems to be in front of Ye Fei’s eyes again. Ye Fei’s body is filled with murderous intention and strong Spiritual Fluctuation, making his whole person burning like the sun Get up, followed by the fiery Golden Divine Sword, piercing the void and slashing to Jin Wu frantically. “Trifling refugees, you actually shot at me!” Jin Wu’s eyes were filled with murderous intention, and then they turned into thick greed. His all around suddenly appeared a terrifying field of spirit strength. With Jin Wu’s big hand, the entire void seemed to shrink rapidly, and it was about to fall into Jin Wu’s palm.

At the same time, Jin Wu wants to use this hand to directly grab into Ye Fei’s body, as if to take out the Golden Divine Depository from Ye Fei within the body forcibly, and turn it into his own God’s Storehouse .

“Hands of the Void!”

Jin Wu waved his hands, and his body also burst out with blazing golden rays of light. I haven’t seen it for a year, and Jin Wu actually failed in the blessing. , Still breakthrough the golden witch. This immediately shocked many wizards who were watching the battle.

“Golden Witch, didn’t Jin Wu fail to bless him? Why did he break through the Golden Witch so quickly?”

“hmph, it’s unlikely in general, but I listen After a certain evil witchcraft, you can transplant someone else’s God’s Storehouse to yourself, and you can still break through the golden witch, but this witchcraft is too evil and has been cultivated by the wizard god!”

“Heaven Jin Wu also dared to openly violate the ban on the witch god. It seems that the rumors are true. The golden luxury witch, it is very likely that he is about to break through the witch god!”

The wizards all around the starry sky are all discusses spiritedly.

Hearing this, Ye Fei was also shocked, and then his eyes became extremely indifferent, “What about the wizard, let alone he has no breakthrough, even if there is a breakthrough, I can still kill it. !”

Ye Fei has a firm expression. Now that he has taken the benefits of Shang Jiu Tian, ​​he must avenge Shang Jiu and fulfill Shang Jiu’s last wish!

Of course, before seeking revenge for Jin She, as a Human Sovereign, Ye Fei felt more necessary to avenge the 100 Human Race Martial Emperors who died a year ago!

“I am fighting for Human Sovereign, and I think I am fighting for Human Race! This Kingo, I must kill, kill!” Ye Fei roared in his heart, but his eyes were filled with indifference and merciless murderous intention .

Faced with Jin Wu’s Void Hand, Ye Fei not even think, he urged his own body of war witches, and suddenly, Ye Fei’s body began to shine with infinite light, as if the whole The body has become a real Divine Item.

Jin Wu’s void hand grabbed Ye Fei’s body, and instead of crushing Ye Fei’s body like void, he was crushed by a powerful divine might, fiercely bombarded go back.

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