Touch! The void of all around returned to normal, only Jin Wu’s face became very ugly at the speed visible by naked eye, “You turned out to be a war witch! Damn, you are a waste of Golden Divine Depository, magic witch and weapon. Witch’s two roads, whichever one you choose, is 10,000 times stronger than your war witch. You damn refugee, you dare to waste the Golden Divine Depository that this Young Master has fancyed!”

No. 1862 Zhang Zhan Jinwu

Jinwu was furious.

It was discovered that Ye Fei had embarked on the declining way of war witches with Golden Divine Depository. Gongzhu Dawu was shocked. You know, in any race, body refinement is very difficult.

The way of warring witches, among the witches, is the road of civilians that only small tribes without resources can take. Generally, wizards with a little talent will choose the witches that are easier to cultivation. , Or witchcraft.

Especially the latter two witchcrafts are not only easy to cultivation, but their attack power is at least ten times stronger than that of the war witch with body refinement alone. In the case of the same realm. The war witch faces the other two witches Sect, usually only passively beaten. This is also the reason for Jin Wu’s anger. Although he can use the evil witchcraft to capture Ye Fei’s God’s Storehouse and transplant it on himself, he still can’t change the way Ye Fei has already practiced. In this way, Even if he seized the Golden Divine Depository, he could only be forced to continue on Ye Fei’s road of war. “Damn the vagrant, I wasted the Golden Divine Depository that this Young Master fancy, you crime deserving ten thousand deaths! die for me” Jin Wu roared, and with a wave of his robe, it turned into a terrifying wilderness at this time. The king of wolf, the huge wolf mouth opened, and suddenly he swallowed Ye Fei and the surrounding void.

“Wolf of Phantom! That is the witchcraft created by the Golden Sherlock when he was young. It is very scary. It seems that Young Master Jinwu is really murderous!”

” Hey, who told the kid to have no back, but he also has the Golden Divine Depository. Even if Jinwu Young Master doesn’t do it, the nobles of other big tribes will definitely not let him go!”

“Unfortunately, This person is the war witch Sect. Not only is the number of Sect witchcrafts scarce, but the formidable power is also very weak. It seems that there has never been a war witch, the existence of the breakthrough witch god…”

The surrounding wizards All discuss spiritedly. Even the Great Witch of Gongzhu secretly shook his head at this time. Although long ago, the witch gods jointly issued orders to prohibit the evil cultivation and seize the God’s Storehouse of others, but this is only an absolute binding force on the wizards of the small tribe.

Among the nobles of many big tribes, taking other people’s High Rank God’s Storehouse to replace one’s own low-level God’s Storehouse happens from time to time. It’s just the first time that it was so public as Jin Wu did.

When swallowed by the mouth of a huge wolf, Ye Fei was startled in a cold sweat. In the end, it was the first time he used witchcraft to fight at this time. He was also a little worried about the strangeness of witchcraft. .

Only soon, Ye Fei discovered that his worries were completely unnecessary. Jin Wu’s witchcraft is indeed terrifying, even the void can be swallowed. But in the same way, it also has a fatal weakness, that is, the scope is too large, even with the spirit strength of the golden witch, it is difficult to sustain it for too long.

“But Jinwu was really cruel enough. What he captured seemed to be the Golden God’s Storehouse of a certain old golden witch. This allowed him to have an attack power that surpassed the average golden witch, and he stayed in a stalemate for a long time. , Even if my fleshy body is comparable to Divine Item, it can’t resist too long time…”


While Ye Fei was thinking, he was squeezed by the endless void in the wolf’s mouth, and Ye Fei’s body of the witch was already showing traces of cracks. Jin Wu’s silhouette is also at this moment, entering the void engulfed by the wolf’s mouth, condescending, like an ancestral witch in the temple, staring at Ye Fei with majesty and indifference: “Vagrant, don’t resist, the more Resistance, you will only die sooner! Now, if you don’t kneel down, give your yellow gold God’s Storehouse, obediently and honestly, to me!”

Although angry that Ye Fei has embarked on the cheapest way of war witches, war witches with Golden Divine Depository still have a 50% chance of being able to break through to the witch god level, Jin Wu, and still do not want to give up Ye Fei within the body precious The Golden Divine Depository.

When speaking, Jin Wu’s majestic spirit strength turned into a gloomy ghost hand, extremely cruel directly digging into Ye Fei’s body.

“Witchcraft, peeling ghost claws! The former Shang Jiu was severely injured by this move, and he was stripped of the witch’s skin alive!”

Ye Fei’s In front of him, the memory of Shang Jiu reappeared. It was the bloody scene where Shang Jiu was in the tribe and fought fiercely against the witches, but was suddenly attacked by his father’s sneak attack and personally peeled off the skin of the great witch. Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly There was an amazing hostility.

Obviously, even though Shang Jiu is dead, Shang Jiu’s hatred has always remained in Ye Fei’s heart. It is also this hatred that made Ye Fei come from the heart and gave rise to a tyrannical addiction. The crazy breath of blood.

Kill! Ye Fei’s mouth suddenly emits a roar like a Demon God. Following his roar, a scarlet Blood Sword hovering behind Ye Fei, following Ye Fei’s anger and killing intent, the Blood Sword, Without being manipulated by anyone, it has been automated into a scarlet blood glow, cutting off the heavens and the earth, and also cutting off the huge wolf mouth that swallowed the void. “How is it possible, under the same realm, the war witch should be the weakest of the three Sects, what kind of blood sword is yours, you can actually destroy my witchcraft, die for me!” Jin Wu was furious, while the void was broken, His terrifying ghost hand continued to grab Ye Fei’s head, as if to smash Ye Fei

‘s head, and dig out Ye Fei’s Golden Divine Depository alive.


Ye Fei’s eyes are bloody. With his anger, the fiery spirit Divine Sea violently rolled up the bright golden waves. The Blood Sword that had flown out was suddenly caught by Ye Fei Compared to witchcraft, he is not good at it, but better than fighting, than sword dao, same realm, Ye Fei is not afraid of any opponent.

So under the incredible gaze of many wizards and Great Witch Gongzhu, Ye Fei lifted up the scarlet Blood Sword, and just slashed forward, between Heaven and Earth, a bloody Sword has appeared. of Slaughter, this sword cut off the ghost hand and shattered the void.

Finally, Ye Fei shouted again. He carried the Blood Sword and stepped through countless voids and violent killing intents, forming a terrifying bloody storm. In an instant, he took Jin Wu’s whole body. It was completely submerged.

“No, Void Technique, how could you also Void Technique…” Jin Wu was stared wide-eyed in fear. Suddenly he regretted it, provoking Ye Fei. What made him fear even more, Ye Fei is obviously a refugee, but he has mastered the void mystery that only the Heavenly Wind Unit can be mastered by nobles.

Such a secret technique immediately made Jin Wu completely unprepared, and he could only see a Blood Sword from his forehead, into the back of his head.


The moment the Blood Sword penetrated Jin Wu’s head, Jin Wu’s golden God’s Storehouse had completely collapsed, and the wizard had no soul, only spirit. Once God’s Storehouse represents the spirit Broken, that person Jin Wu has completely turned into a dead body. “Because I am Shang Jiu! I know the Void Technique, what’s so strange!” Ye Fei looked indifferent, stepped on Jin Wu’s corpse, and at the same time the indifferent pupil light, staring fiercely at the tall buildings, Gongzhu Dawu golden silhouette .

Chapter 1863 Witch Demon

The golden witch is also divided into strength and weakness. The more golden witchcraft you master, the stronger the golden witch’s strength will be. This is the same as the same realm, a martial artist who can perform multiple primordial powers, is definitely stronger than a martial artist who can only perform one primordial power. The truth. ,

For example, Ye Fei and Jin Wu are both newly promoted golden witches. They have only one golden witchcraft. Among them, Jin Wu’s is the golden witchcraft, peeling ghost claws, and Ye Fei’s is The Blood Sword floating behind him is considered the bottom of the Golden Wizard.

And Gongzhu Dawu is a powerful great witch who has mastered many golden witchcraft. According to Shang Jiu’s cultivation memory, once the golden witchcraft mastered by the great witch reaches the limit of twelve witchcraft, then A great witch can open the gate of supreme and step into the realm of witch god. It’s just that it’s easy to cultivation one witchcraft, but it’s extremely difficult to practice twelve golden witchcraft. Even many golden witches can only cultivation success one golden witchcraft in their entire life, which is already the limit. Only those great witches with strong aptitude and powerful God’s Storehouse can master the method of the door great witches, and such great witches are absolute powerhouses of the Wu clan, and their strength is comparable to the mid-rank Martial of Human Race. God, and even the upper Martial God.

Through the observation of spirit strength, Ye Fei was shocked to discover that the Great Witch of Gongzhu is a powerful Great Witch comparable to the median Martial God.

He was shocked in his heart, “The Witches really see me, I am only Half-God Realm, and the Witches sent a middle-ranked Martial God to chase and kill my Human Sovereign, but Looking at the appearance of Gongzhu Dawu, it seems that I did not find my Human Race identity…” The two sides looked at each other. Gongzhu Dawu never showed any hostility, but was slightly nodded. Ye Fei was relieved and knew that. Although the temple moved its hands and feet on the battle robe of the hidden god, in general, he still did not lie to him. The battle robe of the hidden god could indeed hide his identity perfectly.

This kind of concealment is not only as simple as making Ye Fei Divine Soul disappear, but even the breath of Ye Fei has completely changed. Therefore, Gongzhu Dawu knew that Ye Fei was right in front of him, but Unable to see through, Ye Fei is the new Human Sovereign he can’t find after digging three feet.

On the contrary, when he saw that Ye Fei was able to kill Sect’s Jin Wu with a single sword, Gongzhu Dawu was even more shocked and exclaimed: “War Witch Sect can also There is such a battle strength!”

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