“Young Master is dead, Jin Wu Young Master is dead!”

“Shang Jiu, he is Shang Jiu, that demon is not dead, he is back…”

When I saw Jin Wu died in battle and heard Ye Fei claiming to be Empress Shang Jiu, the other wizards were nothing, but in the crowd, many of the wizards who followed Jin Wu were ashen-faced. .

In particular, there is an old golden witch, he is Jinwu’s servant, Dao Protector equivalent to Holy Child of Divine Temple.

When I saw Jin Wu’s death in battle, the golden witch was already roaring and was about to rush into the starry sky from the temple to find Ye Fei desperately, but when he heard Ye Fei’s registration number, that The golden witch was so scared that he almost went crazy on the spot.

He ignored the majesty of the great witch, but madly escaped from the temple of the ancestral witch, and then escaped from the little witch city. It seemed that he had encountered some great horror.

Ye Fei certainly knows the reason for the fear of the great witch. After all, Shang Jiu back then, but the Heavenly Wind Unit who killed him fell blood flowing into a river. The golden witch of the older generation was almost killed. In the end, if it weren’t for the huge price of Jinshe, please come to the reinforcements of other tribes.

Jin She’s father personally sneak attacked Shang Jiu, and forcibly deprived Shang Jiu of the great witch Jinskin, causing Shang Jiu to suffer severe damage. Now the Heavenly Wind Unit fell, and it was simply impossible to exist.

Since then, Shang Jiu has become the biggest taboo of the Heavenly Wind Unit, and the source of the most feared witches of the older generation. Of course, the name of Shang Jiu was revealed, which Ye Fei deliberately did. After all, Jin Wu is also a great nobleman who fell into the Heavenly Wind Unit. Ye Fei trifling the refugees and beheading Jin Wu is too terrifying. The Golden Divine Depository will inevitably shock countless great witches and even witch gods. When the time comes Hu Making up a mess and showing his feet, then he might as well just shine the name of Shang Jiu, which also saved a lot of trouble.

“Shang Jiu, your Excellency is actually Wu Mo Shang Jiu. I wish you a good job, and I will look forward to the name of Shang Jiu!” Hearing the identity of Ye Fei Self-destruction, and seeing the Heavenly Wind Unit fell to Shang Jiu, The panic reaction. ,

With the rank and status of Gongzhu, I can easily find out all the grievances between Shang Jiu and Heavenly Wind Unit. The last doubt in Gongzhu’s heart was disappeared and he was immediately ecstatic. Rush into the starry sky and talk with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei did not refuse Gongzhu’s friendship and killed Jin Wu, but he could not understand Jin Wu’s human life as grass, and wanted to avenge Shang Jiu to Heavenly Wind Unit. But Ye Fei not at all forgets his real purpose for coming to the Witch Clan, that is to destroy the marriage between Heavenly God and the Witch Clan!

To destroy this friendship, he must contact those great witches who have rights and status, and the present Gongzhu Dawu is definitely the best breakthrough.

Ye Fei said with a slight smile: “It turned out to be Gongzhu Dawu, disrespectful and disrespectful!” “Oh, brother Shang also knows Gongzhu, that’s very good, I won’t say much more. Brother Shang is now beheading Jin Wu and has completely offended Jin She. I am afraid that Brother Shang does not know that Jin She has a hundred years at most, and he can break through the witch god. The so-called millennium is only deliberately released by Jin She, mystery

It’s just a rumor that confuses the opponent!” When Gongzhu spoke, his eyes were fixed on Ye Fei’s expression.

Ye Fei did not conceal his shock, and then nodded and said with a cold face, thanking him: “Many thanks, Gongzhu Dawu told me, but even if the golden extravagant breakthrough witch god, I will kill it!” Gongzhu Dawu said with a slight smile: “Brother Shang, revenge is unhurried. For a while, you have the Golden Divine Depository, the breakthrough witch god, that is sooner or later, to be honest, I never expect that war witches can also have that terrible battle strength , The Blood Sword you gathered is even more shocking. If you don’t dislike it, I’d like to introduce you.

You, go to meet the great minister, like you, who are both refugees and become gods. Zhiwei, I believe that the Great Lord will be very happy to see you…”

The Great Lord is the honorific name of the wizard god.

Especially this great minister is a legendary of the witch clan. He is not only the first one to break through the witch gods as a refugee, and most importantly, the minister is very The wizards are very caring for them, and they have high prestige in Dry Silent Hill. Ye Fei’s original purpose was to use Gongzhu Dawu to enter the upper echelons of the Wu clan. After listening to Gongzhu Dawu’s introduction to the Chenliang witch god, he suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, “Heavenly God wants to get married, he must I can only find allies in the Witch tribe. Could it be that this great minister is Heavenly God’s ally in the Witch tribe. If so, this great minister, I must see it.”

No. 1864 Zhang Huangjin Palace

“Brother Shang, you see, the front is the Golden Palace where the Great Lord Chenliang lives. According to the rules of our Withered Hill, once you become the Golden Witch, you can enter the Golden Palace and accept the Lord He’s personally giving pointers!” Gongzhu Dawu looked excited.

The Holy Lord is another honorific name for the wizard, but this name can only be used by people close to the wizard. Dawu Gongzhu suddenly said this, just telling Ye Fei, he Intimacy with Chenliang and the witch god.

“It’s just a pity that I was ordered to catch the new Human Sovereign who escaped from the Human Race Xiongguan, but I couldn’t find it. It is estimated that 80% of the new Human Sovereign is hiding in the starry sky and I dare not get out. Every time Gongzhu Dawu thinks of this, he feels very depressed.

Ye Fei’s expression can’t help but become very weird, and then pretends to jokingly said: “This is not simple, Gongzhu Dawu, in fact, I am the new Human Sovereign, or you will tie me up. Go up, the Great Lord Chenliang will definitely be very happy.”

The Gongzhu Great Witch was stunned for a while, and then laughed heartily: “What? Are you the new Human Sovereign? Brother Shang, if you are the new Human Sovereign , I will take off my head and use it as a stool for you to sit on.”

Ye Fei looked serious: “I am really the new Human Sovereign!”

“hahaha, no Now, Brother Shang, I didn’t expect you to look quite honest and talk so funny, but it’s okay for us to talk about it by ourselves. When we reach Da Zun, we can’t neglect. Come with me. “Where can Gong Zhu Da Wu believe Ye Fei’s words. Although Gongzhu Dawu always feels that Ye Fei’s appearance is a little bit similar to the new Human Sovereign, the effect of the battle robe of the hidden god is really powerful. Even though Ye Fei is already standing in front of Gongzhu, there is still no weak spot. This makes Ye Fei courageous and dare to go directly to meet the chenliang witch god.

Like the Human Race battlefield, the breakthrough earth-zun can create a temple. In Withered Hill, any wizard who becomes a witch god can build his own golden palace, recruit various great witches, wizards, and work for himself, usually joining the golden palace. The greater the number of golden witches, the higher the strength and status of the witch god


Unlike Ye Fei’s expectation, as the great minister who is well-known in the deadly ridge, he is in the Golden Palace, not only in a remote location, but the number of golden witches that Ye Fei senses with his spirit strength is also higher than others The number of people in the Golden Palace is reduced by half. The Great Witch of Gongzhu saw the doubt in Ye Fei’s mind, and he explained in a low voice: “The Great Witch of Chenliang is different from other Great Witches. The other Great Witches are from the nobles of various tribes! Only the Great Lord Chenliang, there is nothing The roots of the refugees are born, therefore, the Great Master generally only accepts the great witch with the same identity as him,

Join the Golden Palace, and brother Shang, you are here at the right time, we are in the dry mountain, recently there was a major event , It’s about to happen. Wait a minute, I’ll report to the Great Lord!” When speaking, Gongzhu Dawu happily led Ye Fei to the steps of the Golden Palace, and above the steps, there was a brilliant Incomparably, the palace made of gold is the residence of the Great Lord Chenliang. When walking along the way, Ye Fei saw two of these palaces.

In other words, there are as many as 12 witch gods in the current Withered Hill. This is definitely not very good news for Human Race.

As Ye Fei was looking at this golden palace, Gongzhu Dawu had walked out of the palace excitedly, “Brother Shang, please come in!”

“I have work!” Ye Fei handed over and followed Dawu Gongzhu. Along the way, he found a lot of strong spirit strength and swept over.

The owners of these spirit strengths are all golden witches who were cultivated in the Golden Palace of the Lord Chen Liang. Some of them have wings on their backs, and some are covered with mysterious witchcraft. Some raised cruel ancient beasts in captivity, and some even transformed their fleshy body into various forms such as iron man and gold man.

Ye Fei knows that the different forms of wizards also represent different Sects of wizards. For example, wizards, communicating the world, they are all similar to wizards. The fleshy body is not strong, but it can Easily borrow the Law Power of Heaven and Earth to increase the formidable power of witchcraft ten times, or even dozens of times.

There are also weapon witches, which can refine all kinds of powerful witchcraft, puppets, form organ puppets, and even an army of corpse puppets, endless, and the evil ones can even summon the undead and souls. The demon waited for his servants to fight for him.

For example, the candle sheep that Ye Fei encountered in the Northern Territory is a terrifying weapon witch who can gather soil into sand, summon puppet sand demon, and can even transform his own fleshy body, with monsters The body is very difficult to kill.

On the contrary, Ye Fei’s road to war witches is unremarkable. There is no magic witch to mobilize Power of Heaven and Earth, to increase the power of witchcraft, nor to refine puppets to form a magnificent army with The means of thousands of men and horses. At best, it is a skin is rough, flesh is thick shield, and simply doesn’t have much attack power. Therefore, unless it is helpless, few wizards will choose to take the road of war witches. When I heard the great witch of Gongzhu, he brought back a war witch who still possesses the Golden Divine Depository. Even the great witch of the court was stunned. On the divine throne, a pair of deep eyes suddenly appeared. Staring firmly

on Ye Fei.

“You are not Shang Jiu! Shang Jiu and Jin She are brothers. They broke through the Golden Witch as early as 10,000 years ago, and you just broke through the Golden Witch, even if it is reincarnation, your cultivation speed It’s too slow!” On the divine throne, the golden light scattered all over the sky. It was a seemingly ordinary old man. Due to the exile promoted to the witch god, the great witch was undoubtedly the legendary of the witch clan. The character of Ye Fei will not easily believe Ye Fei’s identity because of a few words of Ye Fei.

But since Ye Fei dared to come, of course he was fully prepared. He didn’t deny it immediately, but was very frank and nodded and said: “Yes, I’m not really Shang Jiu, really Shang Jiu, has died between Heaven and Earth, but he still lives in my memory!”

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