Immediately, Ye Fei briefly explained the memory witchcraft of Shang Jiu, which was unprecedented before the creation of Shang Jiu, and then explained how he merged with Shang Jiu’s memory in the wizard world.

When I heard that Shang Jiu was able to use the realm of the great witch, he created a new memory witchcraft, and he could even better transfer his hatred and Golden Divine Depository to Ye Fei through his memory. Chenliang, the Legendary wizard god, couldn’t help but stand up from the divine throne in shock.

“It’s amazing, it’s great! This Shang Jiu, if he can become a witch god, he will surely build an unprecedented achievement in Dry Silent Ridge!”

Ye Fei said with a smile: “Great Lord, the former Shang Jiu died, but the current Shang Jiu is still alive! Maybe, I can break through the witch gods and build a performance that surpasses all witch gods, maybe.”

Great Wu Gongzhu was startled, and secretly smashed his tongue: “This business brother looked honest and honest, and he didn’t expect to speak so crazy. Should I introduce the wrong person?”

The great witch began to feel uneasy, and quickly glanced at Chen Liang’s expression.

Chen Liang looked at Ye Fei expressionlessly, nodded, and shook his head. Suddenly, he didn’t say anything, just stretched out a big hand and slowly grabbed Ye Fei.

Of course, it’s slow, it’s just relative to others, but Ye Fei’s eyes are faster than lightning. “Da Zun, is this trying to test me?”

Chapter 1865 has worked too hard

Ye Fei is not surprised, and it is useless to say that he is panicked. After all, what he is facing, but one A supreme witch god, even if he bursts out with all his strength, it is also impossible to be the opponent of the witch god.

Since panic is useless, what else is there to be afraid of, simply rest assured and boldly show yourself!

“The sword is coming!”

Ye Fei drank low, his pupil light was also shining with a sword’s edge at this time, in the Golden Divine Depository, the majestic spirit The strength has turned into a huge Golden Divine Sword, and suddenly rushed out of Ye Fei’s within the body, and then cut the palm of the hand that the Great Lord Chen Liang grabbed. “Golden Divine Sword? This is the ability you get? The formidable power is good, but unfortunately, it is far from the superior witchcraft, but it is still too far away!” Chen Liang shook his head, his palm suddenly began to petrify, and then there were two. The petrified finger, snapped the Golden Divine Sword condensed by Ye Fei, sandwiched between the fingers

and broke in half.

Ye Fei startled, even though he knows that all who can become supreme are the existence of this world cream of the crop, the horror of the great minister made him deeply understand the power of the shaman How terrible it is.

And the wizard god, compared to the Human Race of the same Supreme Realm, at least two to three times weaker. Conversely, the true battle strength of Heavenly God and Human God is several times stronger than that of Chen Liang.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly produced a huge pressure, and at the same time, this pressure immediately turned into a thick anger.

hong long! The entire Golden Palace suddenly resounded with thunder. Numerous purple thunderbolts, centered on Ye Fei, erupted madly. Suddenly, the body of the Great Lord Chen Liang seemed to be plunged into a terrifying ocean of thunderbolt, and the roaring thunderbolt. complexion greatly changed, “

This thunderbolt is infinitely close to the level of the golden witchcraft!”

“It’s still too weak!” Chen Liang was coldly smiled, just casually. Shoot, at this time, his entire palm has been petrified, like a huge grinding plate of heaven and earth, crashing into the thunderbolt, the purple thunderbolt condensed by Ye Fei, has burst and no longer exists.


But at the moment when the thunderbolt burst, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly flashed with a scarlet terrifying killing intent, making the entire golden palace at this time, as if it was stained with blood The killing breath.

Then, there was a mountain of scarlet Blood Sword, which was snatched up by Ye Fei, and violently slashed towards the petrified palm of Chen Liang.

“Good coming! This sword, Interesting!” The Great Lord Chenliang suddenly laughed, and the huge palm became even bigger, and even the space that the palm passed by seemed to be petrified, completely Solidified.

Ye Fei’s sword was also halfway through, and he was shocked to find that his Blood Sword mountain had become an extremely heavy stone mountain, which seemed to crush him completely. This stone sword is under the mountain.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly flashed a strong anger and fighting intent, “I am Demi-God, I can’t beat Heavenly God, and I’m a witch, could it be I can’t beat Chenliang?”

“Stone sword, chop me!”

Boom ka! With Ye Fei’s anger, his within the body suddenly burst out with a terrifying matchless power, unexpectedly It was him who brazenly lifted this petrified mountain of swords, and crashed on the body of Chen Liang, the complexion changed. Obviously he did not expect that Ye Fei’s fleshly body strength would be so terrifying.

. He brazenly raised the petrified giant sword and smashed it at his body.

This is no longer a wizard’s attack method. It is clearly a martial artist’s attack method. Under the persecution of the great minister, Ye Fei could not help but reveal some of his habits as a martial artist. Fortunately, what he took was the way of war witches.

The war witch has always used the fleshy body to be strong, and it is the best cannon fodder for the Wu clan to charge, so Ye Fei does not have to worry about raising the mountain of stone swords and hitting people, which will expose his martial artist identity. On the contrary Ye Fei’s sudden blow also caused an unexpected effect.

When Ye Fei swung the mountain of stone swords in a rage, he heard a loud explosion sound in his ears. The body of the great minister was like a stone, and Ye Fei flew out with a stick.

“Oh my God, this boy, he smashed the Supreme!” Gongzhu Dawu’s eyes were full of two dazzling golden lights.

Ye Fei was so scared that he turned his head and had the heart to run for his life. You know, he really didn’t intend to smash the sorcerer Fei Chenliang. If this angers the wizard god, not to mention his plan to destroy his kinship, but whether he can get out of this golden palace alive is very dangerous.

“Madame Chenliang, do you want it? I really didn’t mean it…” Ye Fei looked worried.

At this time, the great minister, also his face twitched from the ground to the divine throne, stood up furiously. He didn’t expect a momentary negligence to be hit by Ye Fei with a stone sword. Fei, this scene happened to be seen by Gongzhu Dawu’s subordinate.

However, the Great Lord Chen Liang is not at all, but looking thoughtful at the stone sword dao left by Ye Fei: “so that’s how it is, we wizards can actually walk on Martial Dao , It’s just that the power used is different. The so-called war witch is a witch who fights by force!”

“What, fight by force?” Gongzhu Dawu was shocked. This completely subverted his cognition of wizards, and Ye Fei also looked nervously at the Great Lord Chen Liang. I’m afraid that what he did just now will be seen by the witch god, so that he will have nowhere to run.

The Great Lord Chenliang also stared at Ye Fei solemnly, and solemnly asked: “It is the memory of Shang Jiu, the war witch Sect you choose?”

Ye Fei can only brace oneself and say: “Yes, the strongest in Shang Jiu is the war witch!”

“The war witch, it is actually the war witch! Since the war witch is so strong, You can also use Martial Dao just like a martial artist. Why are the other war witches I saw very weak? Except for being a meat shield, they can’t see any power at all?” Gongzhu Dawu was surprised. Taking a deep look at Ye Fei, Chen Liang did not answer this question, but shook his head and said, “There is still a big difference between the war witch and the martial artist. The martial artist owns spirit strength and Divine Soul. Basic and powerful martial arts, while the witch cultivation is based on the spirit strength and God’s Storehouse battle skill

! I finally understand why we are also supreme. We, the witch gods, always fail to beat Human Race’s earth-zun.”

When I said this, Chenliang’s tone was very low, so low that even Ye Fei and Gongzhu Dawu could not hear it clearly.

Suddenly, the Great Lord Chenliang cheered up again, staring at Ye Fei coldly and asked: “I will be tentatively when you are Shang Jiu! Shang Jiu, would you like to join my Golden Palace? Become my discipline?” “What, Dazun, you want to accept me as a discipline?” Ye Fei dumbstruck on the spot, although he knew that as long as he showed sufficient strength, he would definitely be appreciated by the wizard, but this time, he seemed Excessive effort, unexpectedly let Chen Liang be a great respect, not only a love of talent, but also the meaning of accepting disciples.

Chapter 1866 ascending to the skies with a single leap

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