The Great Lord Chenliang stared at Ye Fei indifferently: “Why, let you become the deity’s discipline, do you feel wronged? Although you have memories of Shang Jiu, you are not after all Really Shang Jiu, the way of war witches, can break through the supreme, our witch clan, has never appeared! Now, you have two choices, I

to train you to become a witch god, two, you can not worship I am a teacher, and I will let you cultivation in the Golden Palace!” Seeing the grandeur of Chenliang so magnanimous, the first person who was moved was not Ye Fei, but the Great Witch of Gongzhu. I saw that Great Witch of Gongzhu was so excited that he wiped his tears. , Almost choked up and said: “It’s worthy of being a great minister, such a broad mind, such a great mind, brother Shang, what are you waiting for, the great one looks at you like this, you can’t be cold.

The heart of the Great Venerable!”

Ye Fei is struggling. He is not a witch clan. If he suddenly worships Chen Liang as his teacher, he will be with Chen Liang in the future war between people and witches. When encountering each other, don’t the two sides have to fight each other and fight each other? But if you don’t agree to the request of Chenliang, even though Chenliang has been very generous, he has experienced repeated plots against Heavenly God, Human God, and Hidden God, Ye Fei will never I believe that Chen Liang will really be so generous, letting an opponent who is very likely to break through the witch god, and grow up without risk


“In this case, there are only two possibilities. Either Chen Liang is really altruistic and dedicated to strengthening the strength of the refugee wizard. Or this is a trial of the Chen Liang Great Wizard! If it is the former, it is fine, if it is the latter Who…” Ye Fei shuddered suddenly in his heart.

If it’s the latter, then it means that the city is too deep and the city is too deep. It’s okay if he agrees. If he doesn’t agree, let alone the breakthrough witch god, just can you see the sun tomorrow? Maybe,

Want to understand this, Ye Fei finally made up his mind, but solemnly asked: “Great Lord, I don’t know what benefits I can get by worshiping you as a teacher?”

“Brother Shang, what nonsense are you talking about, what a great honor it is to be able to come to the door of the Great Sovereign, you still want to ask for benefits?” Gongzhu Dawu was taken aback and seriously doubted whether Ye Fei was fascinated by money. How dare to say such crazy things. If you were a normal wizard, you would ask for benefits directly like this, and the other wizard gods would definitely shoot them to death without saying a word. Chen Liang also didn’t expect, Ye Fei asked for benefits before he became a discipline. His eyes flashed through a cold light, and then, Chen Liang wanted to

What happened, his expression became more and more kind.

“Well, since you have become my discipline, I am a teacher, and I can’t be too stingy. I happen to have a golden-level war witchcraft. You can take it for cultivation. !” The Great Lord Chenliang stretched out a finger again, and suddenly pointed to Ye Fei’s forehead.

Ye Fei did not resist this time, but let the stone finger point to his forehead, and then, in his mind, there was a powerful witchcraft, “War witch, perish God?”

This is a battle skill that can only be used by war witches! Ye Fei couldn’t help but looked at the Great Lord Chen Liang in shock. He could see that the Lord Chen Liang was walking by Sect, how could he have the battle skill of Sect? Appearing to understand Ye Fei’s doubts, Chen Liang said nonchalantly: “In our witch clan, very few people cultivation war witches, but it’s not that there are none. This battle skill of the god of death is that I accidentally got it from an ancient vestige. It’s a pity that I took the Sect of the magic witch, and I have never been able to cultivation this battle skill, because the teacher hopes that you can carry it forward, well, you first quit, Gongzhu, You stay and tell me about the new Human Sovereign!”

Just like that, before Ye Fei has time to speak, the Lord Chen Liang has directly treated Ye Fei as a discipline, which also cited Lai Gong Zhu Da Wu looked extremely envious.

You must know that he is the confidant of Chen Liang, and he has no chance to become the discipline of the wizard god. When Ye Fei comes, Chen Liang is rushing to accept disciples. How can he not let Gong Zhu Da Wu envy and hate.

“It’s really a witch, mad witch, but who calls Brother Shang has the Golden Divine Depository, but strictly speaking, this kid can’t be regarded as a real Shang Jiu…”

Gongzhu Dawu stared at Ye Fei’s back whispered.

The Great Lord Chenliang is expressionless, Shimou stared at Ye Fei’s back, and suddenly an undetectable cold flashed across him. Then, he closed his gaze and looked at the work inadvertently. Zhu Dawu glanced at him, “Gongzhu, I’ll explain your business, have you done it?” Gongzhu’s face turned white, knowing that the one who should come is finally here, but fortunately, he was prepared and brought back the one who owns the Golden Divine Depository. Ye Fei, first report the good news, and then report the concerns: “Great Lord forgive me, the new Human Sovereign is too cunning, I just dig three feet of the ground in Dry Silent Hill, and I haven’t found any clues about the new Human Sovereign, I will

Isn’t it a false message from Human Race?”

“hmph, are you a fool when you are Heavenly God? Now is the key moment for me to cooperate with him, if he dare to swindle me , It won’t do him any good! The new Human Sovereign must be hiding somewhere in Dry Silent Hill, and this new Human Sovereign must be found out!”

The expression of Great Lord Chen Liang became more and more indifferent. Although it is rumored that the new Human Sovereign is only an insignificant Demi-God martial artist, the instinct of being a wizard god, the court always feels that letting the new Human Sovereign go is a very dangerous thing.

The Great Witch of Gongzhu also knelt down knowingly: “Don’t worry, I will summon the other Great Witches of the Golden Palace, and rush to the Kuji Mountain. This time, we will search the starry sky and also Find out and kill the hidden new Human Sovereign!”

“No, the new Human Sovereign matter, just leave it to others, Gongzhu, you are the most familiar with Shang Jiu, from now on, you He is responsible for monitoring Shang Jiu. You have to record his words and deeds and every move, and report to me at any time!” The tone of the great Chenliang suddenly became indifferent. Although he forcibly recognized Ye Fei as a discipline, his tone did not mean Ye Fei as a discipline. The face of Gongzhu Dawu suddenly changed, and he suddenly felt that the great minister at this time had become unfamiliar like never before. However, as the great witch of the Golden Palace, Gongzhu is undoubtedly a wise man, knowing what to ask.

, Why shouldn’t you ask, just stepped back respectfully and said: “Great Lord, I know what to do.”

“Work hard! Maybe, in the future, I will give you this golden palace. In his hand, there is also, when Shang Jiu is trained in the battle skill, you will take him to the Profound Nether Hall!” The Great Senior Chen Liang commanded indifferently.

Obviously, Chen Liang can grow from a vagrant wizard without a back to the supreme wizard god today. He is by no means so kind and harmless on the surface.

The heart of the Great Witch of Gongzhu also trembled again, both shocked by the orders of Chen Liang, and ecstatic at the suggestion of Chen Liang, “Shang Jiu brother, for the sake of the Majesty, for this Majesty’s future, look I can only wrong you!”

Soon, Gongzhu Dawu’s eyes flashed with a vaguely fierce light, and then respectfully retreated. Gongzhu who retired, his expression returned to normal, and his expression became more enthusiastic when he was waiting for Ye Fei outside.

Ye Fei found out with a terrible cold that the great worker Zhu Wu actually took his hand enthusiastically. This action made him get goose bumps all over his body. He quickly asked: “That’s right. , Gongzhu Dawu, can Dazun ask about the new Human Sovereign?” “Hey, brother Shang, don’t mention it, because I didn’t catch the new Human Sovereign. Just now, Dazun scolded me fiercely and withdrew. I lost my job of arresting the new Human Sovereign, and I angered Da Zun, Brother Shang, don’t say this, you have become Da Zun’s discipline, but it’s a happy event, let’s go back to my palace with my big brother. Let’s celebrate and celebrate. !”

Chapter 1867 Yijie Jinlan

Gongzhu Dawu was very enthusiastic. Before Ye Fei refused, he forced Ye Fei to go to his palace for a drink. At the same time, Ye Fei The news of becoming the great master of Chenliang’s discipline spread like wildfire. Many great witches in the Golden Palace were secretly envied and shocked.

“It’s a genius who owns the Golden Divine Depository. Once he joins the Golden Palace, he can become the wizard of the witch god!”

“This is Wubi Wu, an angry witch Ah! I hate the opportunity to indulge in Young Master, and let Gongzhu’s flattery take the lead!”

For Gongzhu, who only pulled Ye Fei to drink, it was obvious that he wanted to establish a one-line relationship with Ye Fei. The witches of the palace were very angry.

Ye Fei also felt that Gongzhu Dawu was too enthusiastic. Not only did he have to invite him to drink, but he also had to sit with him while eating and sleeping on the same bed. After sternly rejecting Gongzhu Dawu’s rude request, perhaps because he was drinking too much, Gongzhu Dawu patted his forehead, suddenly put down the huge sea bowl, and said loudly, “Brother Shang, you and I have seen each other as they were before. In a golden palace, why don’t we just knot Jinlan and be a brother! In the future, we will also take care of each other!”

“What, we must worship…” Ye Fei’s face When he was green, he was very depressed when he was forcibly accepted as a discipline by the great minister. It’s not bad now, Gongzhu Dawu actually wants to bow to him, even if this is to win people’s hearts, this is too enthusiastic, right?

But this time Ye Fei didn’t have any entanglements. He wanted to destroy the kinship of the witches, so he had to enter the upper level of the witches. Even if the status of the minister was not enough, he still had to A great witch who is familiar with the upper level of the Wu clan can only obtain more information.

The enthusiastic and excessive Gongzhu Dawu in front of him is obviously a good breakthrough mouth. The most important thing is that although Gongzhu has a brain, he has an obvious big mouth. He likes everything. Said, it is undoubtedly the best breakthrough to inquire about information.

Ye Fei immediately stopped refusing, but sincerely picked up the wine bowl and said, “Thanks to the big brother, I will not resign.” “Haha, brother Shang , Then we will be the brother from now on, come, and make this bowl for us to make golden orchids!” Gongzhu, great joy. He is worried that he has no chance to monitor Ye Fei. Now that the two sides form a brother, he has a reason to stay with Ye Fei and monitor Ye Fei’s every move.

If possible, for his own future, work I can’t sleep with Ye Fei. Of course, if Gongzhu really dares to do that, even if it’s the brother, Ye Fei must definitely kill Gongzhu on the spot.

Not to mention, despite the fact that the two parties formed worship, they were very insincere. Ye Fei did not mention burning yellow paper, and Gongzhu did not mention blood. Such a conclusion is not at all convincing. But what is strange is that Ye Fei seems to have overlooked this point, and Gongzhu Dawu seems to have forgotten this point. After drinking each other and calling brothers and sisters, Gongzhu obviously became more enthusiastic, hooking Ye Fei’s shoulders and whispering. Mysterious said: “Xiao Jiu, let’s agree and become brother. Those vulgar gifts will be avoided, but brother, we can share our own secrets. Let me tell you a secret. You also told me a secret. What do you think about our mutual secrets?”

“Oh, I don’t know what secret my brother is going to tell me?” Ye Fei quietly asked in a low voice. The deputy looks very interested.

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