Maybe the drink is too high, Gongzhu Dawu’s face flushed, spraying alcohol, and looking around, nobody said: “Xiao Jiu, do you know that Dazun took you in such a hurry? Disciple?”

“Oh, is there any mystery in this, please tell me, brother!” Ye Fei showed a honest smile. This kind of smile is also very contagious. Least Gongzhu Dawu was infected at this time and sighed in his heart: “This kid is a rare honest person, but unfortunately, he is too honest. I dared to fly so that I angered the Great Master and ruined my own future.

If I don’t take this as a warning, I will definitely follow in the footsteps of this person!”

Gongzhu Dawu was excited and used spiritual strength to sound transmission to Ye Fei: “Xiao Jiu, to tell you the truth, Great Lord Chen has already urged other Great Lords. He decided to marry the Heavenly God of Human Race and exchanged for it. The peace of my witch tribe.” “It’s just our Golden Palace. There has never been a strong young expert who can compete with other experts in the Golden Palace for this and relative candidate. It was not until you appeared that the Great Master saw hope, so I decided to let You represent our Golden Palace and challenge the young witches of other Golden Palaces. Therefore, you

must seize this opportunity to not only fight for the face of our Golden Palace, but also return the Emperor Ji.”


What Gongzhu Dawu revealed this time is indeed an absolute secret only known to the upper level of the Wu clan, and Ye Fei was surprised to discover that the original Wu clan’s and relatives People, haven’t decided yet.

In the end, the Witch race is no better than the Human Race.

In the Witch Clan, there are 12 Witch Gods, and every Witch God has its own golden palace and many subordinates. These Witch Gods are not stupid. Naturally, they know what they can get by marrying Heavenly God. The benefits are huge.

In this way, the witches can not only as easy as blowing off dust, but also open the Human Race male gate, let the Human Race surrender, and be able to make friends with Heavenly God, a supreme powerhouse with amazing battle strength. Therefore, any golden palace that can marry the daughter of Heavenly God will definitely get a huge benefit far surpassing other golden palaces in this marriage. It is also for this reason that the twelve golden palaces unanimously decided to send their best golden palaces. The young great witch of the country will fight to decide which golden palace to make a marriage with Heavenly God.

While listening to the meaning of Gongzhu Dawu, the great minister seems to have intention to let Ye Fei, representing the Golden Palace, challenge other young witches in the Golden Palace.

After digesting the top secret revealed by Zhu Dawu, Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became extremely weird. You know, his purpose of coming here is to get into the upper level of the Wu clan and find a chance to assassinate the Wu clan. Ah and relatives.

As a result, accidentally, he became the disciple of the wizard god, not to mention, he became one of the candidates for marriage. This result, but Ye Fei never thought about it.

“How about, Brother Shang, this big brother told you this secret is amazing, now my secret, you know, you should tell me a secret too, right?” Gongzhu drank wine Hiccups, a drunken look, hehe haha, it’s just a joke. But Gongzhu’s eyes were staring at Ye Fei, paying attention to Ye Fei’s every move, but he was disappointed by Gongzhu. Ye Fei’s expression was still so honest and honest, and at this time it was even more serious. Very sincerely nodded and said: “Since the elder does not hesitate to take risks and tell me such a secret thing

, the younger brother can’t hide it. In fact, I am the new Human Sovereign!”

“What, you are the new Human Sovereign? haha, hahahaha… My Gongzhu actually became a brother with the new Human Sovereign, brother, you are so funny, you can’t do it, you laughed at me.” Gongzhu Dawu did not wait for Ye Fei spoke, already patted the table and laughed wildly.

Ye Fei was instantly embarrassed. He didn’t joking, but he was very sincere to tell Gongju his greatest secret, and the result was that no one would believe it. “Hey, I am too honest to tell a lie, but unfortunately, no one believes it…” Ye Fei shook his head secretly.

Chapter 1868 Cai Mi Xinqiao

“hmph, this kid has some cities, it’s no wonder that Shang Jiuhui chose him! “Like the Great Witch of Gongzhu, the Minister Liang, also simply Did not take Ye Fei frankly to take seriously.

One is the concealment effect of the battle robe of the hidden god is very good, and the other is that when he shot Ye Fei, the Great Lord Chen Liang had surveyed Ye Fei’s body silently, not at all found Anything wrong. The last is the memory inheritance of Shang Jiu, which caused a huge misunderstanding between the Great Witch Gongzhu and the Great Lord Chen Liang, that Ye Fei is just a good luck, a vagrant wizard who has obtained the memory of Shang Jiu. How would they think of Ye Fei? Fei’s courage would really be so big that he was blatantly

went into the Golden Palace, and even called Gongzhu Dawu a brother.

Therefore, not only did Ye Fei’s act of self-defeating his identity not arouse the suspicion of the great minister, but also believed that Ye Fei was too cunning and did not want to reveal secret excuses.

“It seems that we have to dig out the secrets of the war witches, and we need to consider long-term considerations.” Outside the palace, the great minister pierced through the void and finally returned to normal, and then the whole person has disappeared out of thin air , As if it had never appeared before.

The other great witches in the Golden Palace did not find any abnormalities. Ye Fei’s heart was finally relaxed, and the other great witches could not feel the monitoring of the great minister.

But Xiaocao is different. In addition to Spirit Stone, Xiaocao also likes to eat spirit strength. Therefore, Xiaocao is not only sensitive to Spiritual Qi, but also very sensitive to spirit strength.

Even if it is a witch god, as long as the spirit strength is released, it will not escape Xiaocao’s induction. Ye Fei has discovered the mystery behind Gongzhu Dawu and his worship.

“It seems that the Lord Chen Liang accepts me as a disciple. It is not as simple as needing me to replace the Golden Palace. He must have other purposes. But what is this purpose, I can’t help it. I know…” Ye Fei was a little depressed.

Knowing that Chen Liang was uneasy and kind, he could not resist. First, his strength was not enough to fight against the wizard god. Second, he really needed the name of Chen Liang at this time. No., participated in the plan of Heavenly God and Chenliang.

As the disciple of the witch god, he is also the golden witch himself, and he also became a brother with Gongzhu Dawu. Although Ye Fei has just joined the golden palace, it is already in the golden palace and can walk unhindered.

Ye Fei not at all, so I went out to show off one’s military strength, but on the 2nd day, I moved into the palace that Gongzhu had arranged for him, prepared to retreat, and cultivation the newly acquired witchcraft. Death battle skill!

Ye Fei didn’t know until he saw this battle skill, why even the sorcerer like Chenliang could not be cultivated.

“It turns out that only war witches can cultivation battle skills! And the amount of magic crystals needed to cultivation a battle skill is a terrifying number!”

The magic crystals are Mineral veins composed of spiritual crystals

Like the Spirit Stone, a spirit vein can give birth to countless Spirit Stones, one magic crystal, and countless spiritual crystals.

For example, the battle skill of the god of death in the hands of Ye Fei, if you want to practice it, if there is no magic crystal, he can only consume the Spirit Source of the Golden Divine Depository. And Spirit Source, like the blood essence of martial artist, is constant and easy to consume. If you want to replenish it, then it is extremely difficult.

Especially many witchcrafts specifically attack God’s Storehouse. Once the Spirit Source in God’s Storehouse suffers a loss, it is easy to be used by hostile wizards and cast spells to harm others.

“It seems that if you want to practice this witchcraft without damage, you still need a lot of magic crystals, but where should I go for these magic crystals?”

Ye Fei was very depressed. “I knew this, I shouldn’t have killed Jin Wu. If I catch Jin Wu, I can drop from the Heavenly Wind Unit and knock out a lot of magic crystals!”

Xiaocao Only then did Dragon Tortoise and Dragon Tortoise react. It turned out that Ye Fei had suffered such a heavy loss to kill Kingo, and both Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were heartbroken.

Ling Siqi cheered Ye Fei: “Little pot, come on, brother has the meaning of making money!” Ye Fei’s slumped spirit was violently shaken, “How can I not expect , I don’t have a magic crystal, and Gongzhu Dawu must have it! Since he has bowed to me, brother is in trouble, and his brother should give generously! And the Golden Palace. Not only Gongzhu a great witch, Chen Liang does not know why, since he wants to plot against I,

He gave me this battle skill of the god of death, I am afraid it will be another test!”

Since being a Master is ruthless, then don’t blame it for being a discipline. Means!

After Ling Siqi’s reminder, Ye Fei also quickly saw a plan to make a fortune. Suddenly, he didn’t cultivate even the battle skill, and immediately found Gongzhu Dawu excitedly.

“Gongzhu big brother, when you were drinking yesterday, you said that you had difficulties, even if you are looking for, is this true or lie?” Ye Fei asked at the beginning.

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