Gongzhu was stunned for a while, and then he reacted, nodded and said in a very serious manner: “Brother is in trouble, Gongzhu is incumbent, right, Xiao Jiu, you are now Great master, who dares to provoke you in the Golden Palace, what is the problem with you?”

Ye Fei sorry scratched his head: “In fact, it is not a major event, but the younger brother’s cultivation battle skill. It needs some magic crystals, and I don’t ask for it. Gao, please elder brother temporarily borrow 10,000 magic crystals, and I will return them when I have time!”

“It’s just magic crystals, what should I do… Wait, you just said, How many magic crystals?” Gongzhu Dawu looked at Ye Fei suddenly in amazement.

Ye Fei grinned, full of the shyness of a big boy. He smiled very honestly and said: “Big brother, my requirements are not high. Ten thousand crystals are enough. Brother has money. The meaning of trifling is 10,000 law crystals, and my brother doesn’t care about it. I am lucky to meet my brother in this life!”

“Brother, don’t, please forgive me, 10,000 laws Jing, that is equivalent to 10,000 spirit veins. My entire net worth is only more than 3,000 spirit veins…” Gongzhu Dawu immediately began to cry poor.

Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly lit up, said with a slight smile: “I won’t let my brother embarrass me. Let’s do this, you lend me two thousand magic crystals, and then put the golden palace, all the witches Tell me his name and address. I will borrow other magic crystals from them.”

“What. You have borrowed my magic crystals not enough, you have to borrow from other golden magic crystals… Gongzhu Dawu’s face was pale green, and suddenly there was an impulse to renounce Ye Fei.

But helplessly, let him monitor Ye Fei, but Chen Liang personally gave the order, even though Gongzhu’s face was already pale, facing Ye Fei’s blatant blackmail, he was still full of face. Laugh, not only took out two thousand magic crystals, but also lost a magic crystal pagoda with magic crystals.

Afterwards, Dawu Gongzhu wrote a list by Serene himself, and handed it to Ye Fei: “Brother, these are the names and residences of all the witches in the Golden Palace. Even though you are past, there is not enough law. Jing, do not hesitate to ask them to go!”

“Brother, many thanks, when I become rich in the future, I will never forget the great kindness and virtue of my brother!” Ye Fei was very moved and grasped That list, impatient, ran and knocked from door to door. Gongzhu Dawu also watched Ye Fei away with a graceful smile. Until Ye Fei walked away, Gongzhu Dawu’s face suddenly became gloomy and furious. If we say, yesterday Gongzhu Dawu still had a good heart, and let Ye Fei go away. When it comes to brother, at this moment, in Gongzhu’s heart, Ye Fei has completely regarded Ye Fei as a mortal enemy.

Chapter 1869 Battle skill is first achieved

“Great Master, that’s how it is, this kid is maddened and angry. He borrowed my magic crystal not enough. He also stretched out his sinful hand to the other great witches, and asked the great master to be the master for us!” Under the divine throne, Gongzhu Dawu was full of anger, whenever he thought of what he borrowed. Those two thousand magic crystals, in his heart, there was a faint pain, there was an urge to fight Ye Fei to the death.

Of course, Gongzhu didn’t know at this time. When Ye Fei went door-to-door, knocking on the doors of other golden witches, and borrowing the crystals, all those golden witches also devoured the students of Gongzhu. Impulse.

Because Ye Fei’s excuse for knocking on the door is very high-sounding. At the same time, every time he knocks on the door of a golden witch’s palace, Ye Fei must solemnly tell these golden witches that it is Gongzhu Dawu, a good brother , Specifically instructed him to come here to borrow magic crystal.

This also gave the golden witch who opened the door an illusion that Ye Fei would not have come here to borrow the magic crystal, but behind Ye Fei, there is a good brother Gongzhu Dawu. Ye Fei’s “pointing” will hit them.

“Damn Gongzhu, even if he is a flattery himself, he still dared to sacrifice our interests to shoot the flattery of the great master!”

“Gongzhu, This ledger is written down, that Shang Jiu is Da Zun’s discipline, we cannot afford to offend him, but you are just a dog beside Da Zun, can’t we still afford to offend you!”

“Don’t scold me, I will directly initiate the witchcraft to turn that Gongzhu into a pig…”

Ye Fei was just in the Golden Palace, and he went door to door. Suddenly, the Golden Palace became resentful, and there really was a golden witch. He couldn’t bear this tone. The sneaky way of climbing the altar, secretly prepared to give a black hand to Gong.

It is said that a certain Witch Witch who suffered the most serious loss also deliberately placed many evil witch insects in Gongzhu’s palace, hoping that Gongzhu would be killed by these witch insects alive. Of course, these things have nothing to do with Ye Fei. After successfully borrowing 10,000 crystal veins and discovering the great minister, there is still no response. It seems that he really treats him as a discipline and tolerates him even more. Ye Fei sneered in his heart, but at the same time he was not polite and went straight back to the palace

and took out the pagoda full of magic crystals.

This pagoda is very similar to the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, except that one is equipped with spirit vein and the other is equipped with magic crystal, but whether it is magic crystal or Spirit Stone, it is Xiaocao’s favorite food .

So after feeling that Inside the palace was not under surveillance, Xiaocao immediately ran from the beast seal space into the magic crystal pagoda, and immediately held a mental ability hidden in the crystal interior. Just rolled around on the ground happily.

At this time, Xiaocao’s side suddenly stretched out a black mouth, and with a ka-cha, the mental ability that Xiaocao grabbed from the crystal interior of the law was bitten in half.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s face suddenly turned black.

Ling Siqi was full of entanglement, “What to do, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise have both begun to eat magic crystals. If I don’t eat it, it seems that I am not very gregarious…” When she said, The little girl also glanced at Ye Fei secretly, and saw that Ye Fei didn’t respond. She stretched out her little hand with a little twist and secretly grabbed a few pieces of spiritual crystal. Seeing Ye Fei still didn’t respond, Ling Siqi was so courageous, she finally couldn’t resist the temptation of the magic crystal, and ran over

to begin to refining the magic crystal on the edge of the pagoda.

Ye Fei has always pretended not to see it.

Although a martial artist does not have a God’s Storehouse and cannot actively cultivate spirit strength, if some heavenly materials and earthly treasures are used, the spirit strength of the martial artist can also be passively increased, but the effect is not as good as the active cultivation.

Ye Fei also knows the role of magic crystals, so he decides to blackmail so many magic crystals at once. One is that he wants to pass this matter to test what kind of attitude the minister Liang Dazun has towards him. Ye Fei will also need these magic crystals to improve the strength of the Human Sovereign Hall when he returns to the Human Race Grand Pass. “Now it seems that either I am so careless, and the Great Lord Chenliang really treats me as a discipline, or the Great Lord Chenliang’s plot against me far exceeds the level of 10,000 magic crystals! But no matter what it is, if I want to survive in this golden palace, I must become stronger

! Strong enough to be afraid of even the Gongzhu Dawu and the minister, In this way, no matter what conspiracy the other party has, I can solve it with absolute strength!”

Ye Fei closed his eyes and suddenly opened his Golden Divine Depository again, suddenly, a layer of pale-gold spirit The strength soon shrouded a strip of magic crystals, and quickly refining became a part of the Golden Divine Depository, and with the refining of a large number of magic crystals.

In Ye Fei’s mind, he also began to constantly deduce the battle skill of the gods. In the dimness, Ye Fei’s entire spiritual consciousness entered a wonderful spiritual space during the cultivation battle skill. This space is much like a special Martial Practice Stage.

Just here, it is not Ye Fei’s fleshy body that displays martial arts, but Ye Fei’s spirit! This is also the biggest difference between martial arts and battle skill. Cultivation martial arts relies on Divine Soul and true essence, while cultivation battle skill relies on God’s Storehouse and spirit strength. However, despite the different strengths, Ye Fei has a faintly strange feeling, that is, battle skill and martial arts. It seems to be connected, as if the battle skill he trained in the spiritual space can not only be used with spirit strength, but it also seems to be used with true essence?

“Strange, how can I have such a weird feeling, is it because I am in an enemy camp and I am too nervous?” Ye Fei couldn’t help but eyes opened and looked towards Xiaocao, until he found that Xiaocao was there. Fighting with Dragon Tortoise and Ling Siqi for the magic crystal, the heaven and earth spiritual eyes on his forehead are also open, and he is always alert for the abnormality of the palace. Ye Fei puts down his worry and understands that there is a grass, even if it is a wizard god, don’t even want to peep at him. Secret


Ye Fei is the cautiously disarming the battle robe of the hidden god. Suddenly, Ye Fei’s Divine Soul reappears within the body, and at the same time, a majestic true essence also floods Ye. Fei’s body.

“Death to God!”

Ye Fei drank low, and suddenly spurred the majestic essence of Divine Soul, and punched a bright fist forward. This fist, It’s perish!

strictly speaking, this battle skill is called Shenshen Fist! Swire Tiangong in equivalent to Martial Dao! But God of Death is fundamentally different from other Primordial Heavenly Arts.

“Weird, this dead god battle skill can actually be activated with true yuan, but the formidable power is a bit worse than using spirit strength…”


After using the true essence to urge the god of death, Ye Fei thought, and suddenly used spirit strength to punch the god of death again. Suddenly, his two fists burst out brightly The golden rays of light shook the space inside the pagoda violently, as if to blow up. Ye Fei was also frightened and quickly stopped using the God of Death, and once again activated the hiding function of the battle robe of the hidden god, and then looked at his fists uncertainly.

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