Chapter 1870 Profound Nether Palace

“It was really successful. The battle skill can really be used with true essence. Then, in turn, can my Taikoo Tiangong be used? Spirit strength to use it?”

This is definitely a shocking idea. It is widely known that wizards can only use spirit strength to perform witchcraft. They want to use martial arts like martial artists, which is almost The impossible thing, that is, Ye Fei is an exception. He not only has God’s Storehouse, but also Divine Soul.

Not only can you use martial arts, you can also use witchcraft.

Adding to the success of using the true essence to cast the battle skill just now, Ye Fei’s heart naturally also had this thought, “With the grass watching, I am not afraid that the Lord Chen Liang will secretly monitor. It’s worth trying… Tianding Zhenshen!”


Ye Fei condenses spirit strength, suddenly within the body, simulating the path of the real yuan, and soon He displayed his best Taikoo Tiangong, Tianding Zhenshen.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden war cauldron appeared in Ye Fei’s hands. It was just the formidable power of the war cauldron, which was obviously weaker than the use of true essence.

Ling Siqi was also stunned when he saw that Ye Fei could use spirit strength to use martial arts. “Little pot, what you just used, doesn’t seem to be true yuan?”

“Yes, the spirit strength I used just now. By the way, Ling Siqi, you come to try and see the martial arts formidable power that I released with spirit strength.” Ye Fei’s heart moved. Don’t look at Ling Siqi innocent and unaffected, but that is also the Demi-God powerhouse of genuine.

Ling Siqi was not polite when she heard Ye Fei’s words. She was originally a petite body, but when she touched her, she turned from a little girl into a Fairy out of the painting.

This is also the most wonderful place of the Ten Spirits’ natural powers. When Ling Siqi does not fight, she is an innocent and unaffected little girl. Once she fights, she will become a majestic War Goddess. .

“Little pot, be careful, this is my most powerful giant spirit palm!”


Ling Siqi shoots to Ye Fei A huge Zhenyuan palm, as big as a mountain, instantly filled the space of this pagoda, and then fell to Ye Fei’s battle cauldron.

At this time, Ye Fei also moved in his heart. The spirit strength was instantly violent, continuously increasing the formidable power of the golden war cauldron. I saw Ling Siqi’s giant spiritual palm photographed, even the golden rays of light of the war cauldron. Unable to break, it has disappeared.

“Why is this?” Ling Siqi’s eyes widened, Xiaocao also hugged Dragon Tortoise and looked at Ye Fei curiously.

Ye Fei did not speak, but was immersed in the perception of Martial Dao. For a long time, he was the eyes opened, and there was a flash of ecstasy and excitement in his eyes. “My guess is correct. Battle skill and martial arts are interoperable. It’s just that the formidable power is different. For example, if I use real yuan to use battle skill, the formidable power is only 70%, and spirit strength is used for martial arts, formidable. The power is only 70%! But 70% of the formidable power is enough! At least I am in the witch clan, and I can also use martial arts with confidence and boldness. If anyone doubts, I can also infer that this It’s a battle skill!”

Since I learned that the witches and their relatives will only be decided through selection, Ye Fei decided to abandon the plan to assassinate his relatives. After all, the assassination may fail. It is better to become a member of the witch clan and relatives.

It’s just that there are twelve golden palaces of the Witch tribe. In other words, Ye Fei must defeat the young witches in the twelve golden palaces in order to win the final victory. In this case, relying solely on a Blood Sword and a battle skill is far from enough. After all, the young witches who can represent their respective golden palaces are definitely the strongest. Among them, there will definitely be some geniuses who can master four or five kinds of golden witchcraft. If you want to win, among these people To stand out, then Ye Fei must master more witchcraft and possess a stronger battle strength


Unfortunately, Ye Fei currently masters only two golden witchcraft. Even among the golden witches, they are all at the bottom. If he wants to win, the only thing he can rely on seems to be Taigu Tiangong. Up. “The ancient heavenly power is equivalent to the golden witchcraft of the witch race! Even if the spirit strength is used to perform the ancient heavenly power, the formidable power is only 70%, but as long as I can control multiple ancient heavenly powers at the same time, the formidable power can in turn, surpass those golden witches. Fa! It’s just that I have to be careful, I must never expose my Octopus Heavenly Dragon

, and there is nothing to do with it!” Ye Fei’s expression was a bit solemn.

The latter two are both Supreme level cultivation techniques, and even the signature martial arts of his new Human Sovereign. Once displayed, even if he has the battle robe of the hidden god, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the wizard god.

Because it was discovered that martial arts and battle skill can communicate, Ye Fei did not rush to leave the pagoda space in the following time, but began to work hard to use spirit strength, cultivation of various ancient heavenly powers.

It took about a month for Ye Fei to officially leave the customs. At this time, he is already fully familiar with using spirit strength to display martial arts.

This period is also the most miserable time of Gongzhu Dawu. There are constantly other great witches from the Golden Palace. Often if there is nothing wrong, I go to Gongzhu Dawu to make trouble.

What makes Gongzhu Dawu most fearful is that many insidious witches secretly acted out various curses, wishing to curse him to death. Of course Gongzhu knew that this must be Ye Fei’s blatant blackmail, which angered the other golden witches, and angered him by the way. But knowing that Gui knows that the Great Wizard of Gongzhu is having unspeakable bitter suffering. When Ye Fei left the customs, as a good brother, he had to come over quickly, saying congratulations against his will, “Xiao Jiu, congratulations, a Yue masters a gold-level witchcraft, even in our golden palace, you are the first one

.” “What do you say, brother, I can practice the meteorite battle skill like this, that’s also my brother. You generously donated and lent me that many magic crystals. It’s a pity that the number of magic crystals is still too small…” Ye Fei sighed very much. In the pagoda space, he practiced battle skill and used spirit strength again. Taikoo Tiangong, one

ten thousand magic crystals, almost consumed long ago.

So when I saw Gongzhu Dawu monitoring him again in the name of brother, Ye Fei would certainly not be polite. I immediately decided to find an excuse to see if I could borrow more crystals. Of course these borrowed Fa Jing, he will definitely not return it. Gongzhu Dawu’s face was immediately the same as the weather. Whenever it changed, the smile on his face showed a tragic green. “Brother, I don’t want to lend it to you as a brother. It’s really a big brother. There is no magic crystal anymore, and the battle for our twelve golden palaces is about to begin soon

, I came here this time, and I have ordered you to go to the Profound Nether Hall immediately and participate in this. The second selection!”

“What, the selection has already started, OK, take me over immediately!” Ye Fei happily let go of Gongzhu Dawu.

Compared to blackmailing magic crystals, it is more important to destroy the peace between Heavenly God and the Witch. ,

The Great Witch of Gongzhu was relieved, and his green complexion became a lot looser. He quickly took Ye Fei away from the Golden Palace and brought him to the most important palace of the Wu family, Profound Nether Hall!

This is the temple dedicated to the Profound Nether. Profound Nether is militant, and it is the Supreme War God in the minds of the witches. Therefore, all battles held by the witches are usually held in the Profound Nether temple.

Chapter 1871 Golden Arena

When he came to the Profound Nether temple, Ye Fei was surprised to find that this temple is a ten thousand zhang ancestor Divine Idol, This Divine Idol is Profound Nether.

This is a majestic, powerful ancestor who is fighting intent, and the open palms of Divine Idol are two huge battle arenas.

One of them is the witch gods arena, specially built for the witch gods to solve their grievances, called the Profound Nether upper hall, and the other is the golden ring, specially used for the golden witch battles, called the Profound Nether temple.

The two temples, one in the sky and the other in the underground, represent the rigorous level of the witch clan and the huge gap between the witch god and the great witch.

When Ye Fei passed, twelve divine thrones appeared on the palm of the ancestor witch in the Profound Nether Upper Hall. On the divine throne, the twelve witch gods of the witch clan were all sitting with serious faces. On their respective divine thrones, these witch gods are male and female, old and young, and imposing manners are also strong and weak.

It’s just that Ye Fei’s battle intuition tells him that although the imposing manner of these witch gods is very strong, their battle strength barely surpasses the upper Martial God among martial artists, compared to Heavenly God and people. The difference between the two gods is even greater.

“Strange, the witches’ battle skills and martial arts can communicate with each other, and the formidable power is also both equally excellent. How come the witch’s supreme is better than the Human Race supreme, and its battle strength is several times worse?” Looking at those aloof and remote witch gods, Ye Fei couldn’t help but wonder. On the divine throne, the Great Lord Chen Liang saw Ye Fei appear, his eyes flashed with expectation, and he rarely sent Ye Fei slightly nodded and spiritual sound transmission: “Shang Jiu, this time you go Be sure to give full play to the style of my golden palace, and let the deity see the results of your cultivation

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