! “

“Yes, the Great Lord can rest assured, I will go all out for this battle, and never let the Great Lord down! “Ye Fei looked respectful, but he didn’t call Chenliang Master.

Chenliang didn’t care about Ye Fei either. Although he forcibly recognized Ye Fei as a discipline, he didn’t just throw it to Ye Fei. The battle skill of the god of death, Chen Liang has always ignored Ye Fei, and even the work of Ye Fei is ordered to monitor him, and he doesn’t know what Chen Liang thinks.

The other wizard gods present. , It’s even harder to guess, but this does not mean that they will not pay attention to Ye Fei, especially the news that Ye Fei owns the Golden Divine Depository, which shocked many witch gods.

” Chenliang, is he the kid who owns the Golden Divine Depository? “

“It’s a pity. With such a good talent, he actually embarked on the weakest way of warring witches. It was a waste of his talent! “

These witch gods are very sorry. After all, the witches of war are in the witch race, and they have long since fallen. Unless those desperate wizards, there are very few wizards who will choose the road of war witches.

The Great Lord Chenliang smiled, but his face expected Ye Fei nodded, indicating that Ye Fei could enter the golden ring.

Ye Fei also performed the wizard’s etiquette again to show respect to the wizard gods , Only then took a step forward and stepped onto the golden ring.

The twelve stone pillars on the ring were also brushed immediately, projecting eleven sharp eyes. The owners of these eyes are all They are young and powerful golden witches. Many of them are the disciplines of the witch gods. They are also a group of young people who are most likely to break through the witch gods in the future.

Ye Fei was only disappointed that he glanced at these The young great witch discovered that besides himself, everyone else was either a magic witch or a weapon witch. The war witch was the only one.

“It seems that the status of the war witch in the witch tribe is very low. , But also right, because of the decline of Sect, no one has discovered that battle skill and martial arts can actually communicate with each other! “

Strictly speaking, the witches can also cultivation Martial Dao, but the power they use is different.

I didn’t care about the attention of these young witches, Ye Fei raised his foot and moved towards his own gold On the stone pillars of the palace, there is an altar. This is where the shamans are sacrificed.

Unlike martial artists, shamans seldom fight face to face. They use the method of climbing the altar. The power of heaven and earth, call the wind and summon the rain, killed the enemy invisible.

After that, Ye Fei became angry again.

He discovered that in the golden palace belonging to Chenliang On the stone pillars, the altar had been occupied long ago. It was not the golden witch, but an ancient wild beast that occupies the altar. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a very rare three-headed lion king beast, as well as many witches. I really like captive animals.

“What’s the matter, why is there a strange animal sitting there on the stone pillar of our Golden Palace! “After seeing the scene on the ring through the golden light curtain, Gongzhu Dawu suddenly became furious. Although he has regarded Ye Fei as a mortal enemy, he also knows that Chen Liang has another plan for Ye Fei.

But in the end, Ye Fei also represented Chenliang’s Golden Palace. Suddenly someone put a lion king beast on a stone pillar belonging to Chenliang’s Golden Palace. This is no longer an insult to Ye Fei, but an insult to the minister. Liangdazun’s entire golden palace is now.

“What the hell is going on! “

“Who is it, so courageous, do you think that our Golden Palace is no one, and let an animal sit on the stone pillar that belongs to our Golden Palace!” “

“The lion king beast I recognize is a mount belonging to the Lihuo Golden Palace, Great Venerable Li Huo! “

“What, Great Venerable Li Huo? Hiss…”

The golden witches who were clamoring just now, all shut up, looking towards the divine throne in horror. On the divine throne, a red-faced old man with red clouds all over, this old man , Is Great Venerable Li Huo, another witch god in the Twelve Golden Palace.

Ye Fei also stopped, looked towards Great Venerable Li Huo in doubt, and finally looked towards Great Venerable Li Huo.


“Lihuo, you’re too much this time, why should we intervene in young people’s affairs? “

The Great Lord Chenliang was also a little displeased. On the surface, Ye Fei is still his discipline; like Lihuo, secretly arranged a beast to occupy the stone pillar. This is not only an insult to Ye Fei, but also It hurts his Chenliang’s face.

Faced with the questioning, Li Huo’s face was completely indifferent, “Chenliang, look at your face, the deity will let you this discipline, so understand it, Jin Wu , Is the grandson of the deity! Since he has the guts to kill Jin Wu, he must pay a sufficient price! “

“What, Jin Wu is your grandson, your daughter, and the person you marry is actually Jin She…No wonder, this time I miscalculated…” Take a deep look at Li Huo, then gloomy face sits down and stops talking.

Many of the other wizard gods still have shocked expressions, even though they know that Great Venerable Li Huo has a daughter. But no one has seen it, and no one thought that there is such a relationship between Lihuo and Jin She. “I should have thought of it. Jin Wu could sacrifice a hundred Human Race Martial Emperor in one breath. Dare to defy the prohibition, cultivation evil witchcraft, if no witch god supports him behind his back, how can he be so bold! “Dawu Gongzhu’s face suddenly turned pale. He was not worried that Ye Fei had offended Great Venerable Li Huo, but lamented the two thousand magic crystals he lent Ye Fei. I am afraid that he has no chance to come back.

Chapter 1872 Destroying Youming

Great Venerable Li Huo’s method is undoubtedly very brilliant. He is avenging Jin She for revenge, but it is only secondary. His main purpose is actually to use this matter. , Suppressed the Great Venerable Chen, and eliminated a competitor ahead of time.

Those who can become witch gods are all discerning people. Naturally, they also see the real plan of Great Venerable Li Huo. They are secretly happy. After all, there can only be one golden palace that can be married to Heavenly God. It is also a great advantage for them to suppress the golden palace of the court in advance. Therefore, the shaman gods present collectively remained silent, just looking at this with joking eyes. Everything, in the golden arena, those young golden witches are also mostly like this. When the lion king beast is just staring at Ye Fei without any specific actions, the youth from the Lihuo Golden Palace is even more so.

Angrily shouted on the spot: “What are you waiting for, today he is your food, you eat him, his Golden Divine Depository, I want it! “,

roar! The three heads of the lion king beast also roared in anger at this time. Seeing that there was no witch god to stop the scene, the lion king beast’s ferocity was completely aroused, a black shadow, Instantly jumped off the stone pillar and swooped towards Ye Fei. But what surprised many golden witches was that in the face of this terrifying lion king beast’s attack, Ye Fei didn’t seem to feel it. Striding forward to the altar where the Chenliang Golden Palace is located.

Only in the process of walking, Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst out with a terrifying matchless murderous intention and anger. Behind him, A handful of scarlet Blood Sword emerged, with clenched fists in his hand, flashing a layer of golden fist.

Witchcraft, golden Blood Sword!

battle skill, perish God!


Ye Fei held the Blood Sword in one hand and punched the golden fist in the other. His footsteps never stopped, just as the lion king beast rushed forward. The sword cut off the lion head in the middle of the lion king beast. Immediately, both fists broke out at the same time, as if a war witch slaughtered the gods and demons.

Many wizards only saw a brilliant golden light, emitting a dazzling and dazzling look. The bright radiance, followed by the soaring blood glow, swayed the entire golden arena.


Ye Fei walked forward and walked onto the altar on the stone pillar. Behind him is The lion king beast comparable to Martial God Realm, the broken corpse, and Ye Fei’s hand, also holding a huge lion head, suddenly moved towards the yelling Youming just now and lost it.

” Just now, you said that you want to seize my Golden Divine Depository? “Ye Fei asked politely.

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