Ye Fei took the body of the war witch to its limit, and began to transform into a fierce Dragon Beast, a horrible Dragon Beast with fire wings on its back.


Ye Fei roared, the whistling spirit strength formed a special Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, and also shattered those who were close to him.

The six Holy Sects of the six Holy Sects were urged to their limit by Ye Fei at this time. The Seven Sects Taikoo Tiangong was completed and strikes out at the same time. Even if these Taikoo Tiangong use spirit strength to stimulate, they can only exert 70% of the formidable power, but Seven Sects Taikoo Tiangong is superimposed.

That formidable power is also very scary.

I saw the rays of light in the sky, suddenly compressed rapidly, and at the same time an endless golden divine glow, like a hurricane, like the sun and the moon, erupted from Ye Fei’s body.

Ah! The golden giant of Profound Heaven Transformation had no time to shoot the golden giant arrow in his hand. Ye Fei was comparable to the Azure Dragon of Dragon Beast. The wrath of Azure Dragon had already rushed to this person and punched the golden giant. Ye Fei was unscathed. Comparable to the Fleshy body of Divine Item, in the martial artist, can’t be considered, but in the eyes of the weak fleshy body

, it is an absolute nightmare.

Just a punch, the golden giant of Profound Heaven Transformation body, the entire fist was blown up by Linkong, and then his arm, his chest, and his head.

bang! bang! bang! Ye Fei is surrounded by blazing spiritual light, six ways and seven powers, and constantly blasting at the vital points of the golden giant. When he finishes the Seven Sects Taikoo Tiangong, gold On the arena, Xuantian’s silhouette was no longer found. After youming, another great witch from the Golden Palace was forcibly blown by Ye Fei with double fists.

And Ye Fei is still unscathed!

Six Dao and Seven Skills, plus the battle skill and the golden Blood Sword! The power that Ye Fei mastered is equivalent to the nine ancient powers, although the formidable power of these powers is only 70%.

But the wizard’s body is too far apart from the Martial God of the same realm. Once a war wizard like Ye Fei gets close, no matter how strong the wizard is, it will be a dead end.


It’s not enough to explode Xuantian. To win the final victory and become a family member of the Wu clan, all Ye Fei has to do is to explode all the golden witches in front of him and explode the entire Golden Palace. Then no one dares to oppose him, dare to challenge him.

Ye Fei’s madness, and the terrifying matchless battle strength of the War Witch, also made the Divine Throne above the Divine Throne, all the Witch Gods suddenly became discolored.

“How is it possible that Sect of War Witch is always the weakest. Even with the Golden Divine Depository, this kid is impossible so strong!” Great Venerable Li Huo is both shocked and angry. Trembling.

“Oh my god, nine golden witchcraft, how long did he break through the golden witchcraft, how long he can actually master so many witchcraft, this is close to the Martial God of Human Race Battle strength, war witch, can actually be so strong!”

Looking at the golden arena, slaughter all sides, like Ye Fei who entered the land of no one, many witch gods, their faces changed greatly, and their hearts There was a faint idea that even they could not believe. “Perhaps, the whole wizard, the strongest, is not a magic witch, nor a weapon witch, it just happens to be the war witch we have never paid attention to!”

Chapter 1875 Final candidate

Until now, the witch gods know in their hearts that the power of the witch clan is only temporary. They can not lift their heads in the witching realm, the great witch realm, the Martial Emperor of the oppressive Human Race, and the Demi-God. But once the martial artist breaks through the Martial God and reaches the supremacy, that is the existence that the wizard gods need to look up to.

Even just a high-ranking Martial God can pose a huge threat to the witch gods. For example, at this time, Ye Fei directly blasted all the young witches in the ring with the body of war witches. Good example.

In front of the martial artist’s fleshy body comparable to Divine Item and the terrifying Taikoo Tiangong, the weak golden witch with fleshy body, once he gets close, is the fish on the chopping board. There is simply not much resistance. Ability.

But in this process, the wizards also fully demonstrated the weirdness and horror of the witchcraft. Therefore, even if these wizards were defeated, Ye Fei would not dare to continue the practice for these wizards. opportunity.

In the end, what wizards are not good at is melee combat. If these young golden witches are given enough preparation time and sacrifices to the world, the formidable power erupted by the witchcraft will be extremely terrifying.

“Kill, the witch will block him quickly and give us time to do it. We must launch the witchcraft and directly smash the God’s Storehouse that seals him!”

in the ring There were also sensible people who saw their own strengths and weaknesses, and several sober young magic witches tried to retreat and jointly launched the formidable power huge witch secret technique. But before they really retreat, a huge gap suddenly burst in the cloud of witch insects all over the sky. Ye Fei looked cold and indifferent, holding the blood-stained Blood Sword, raising his hand is a spiritual sword light, teaching the world, On this golden arena, eleven stone pillars were instantly cut to pieces.

The same broken ones, as well as the few golden witches who climbed on the altar and tried to do it.

Their bodies were also cut into two pieces. They fell to the ground in great pain and fear, struggling and wailing, but they were also countless times more lucky than Xuantian and Youming.

After all, Ye Fei has continuously controlled multiple Taikoo Tiangong, and he has to disguise Tiangong as a battle skill. The spirit strength consumed is also very scary. Even if he has the Golden Divine Depository, he cannot sustain it forever.

Therefore, Ye Fei will only cut these wizards into two pieces instead of cutting them into powder. For the wizard, as long as God’s Storehouse is still there, as long as the fleshy body is not completely broken . They can initiate witchcraft and molt.

Now, the three young witches who were cut into two pieces by Ye Fei screamed in terror, while desperately letting their bodies shed their skin, from the severely wounded body within the body, to a complete Fleshy body, of course, in the process, Ye Fei also has a chance to kill these wizards instantly.

But Ye Fei does not intend to do this, “These young great witches are all geniuses of their respective golden palaces. Killing all of them is not good for me. They will offend all the witch gods and even affect my participation. The plan to be married is to accept it as soon as you see it, and give these witch gods a face.”

Ignoring the wriggling golden witch on the ground, Ye Fei retracted the overflowing spirit strength and put it away again. The gold Blood Sword was created. His indifferent pupil light, like the terrifying Dragon Beast, stared at the remaining nine wizards, “Who else, dare to fight with me?”

Ye Fei’s voice was very calm.

But in the ears of these young witches, there is a great fear that is breeding and spreading.

“I, I admit defeat, I would rather give this opportunity to make a marriage to the nine great witches of Shang!” Suddenly, the two young witches who have never made a move, and are also the two weakest young witches, retired in horror. When he reached the edge of the ring, he rushed out.

Flee without a fight.

Unfortunately, no one laughed at them at this time. Everyone was afraid of being beaten by Ye Fei and lost the courage to fight.

Soon, it was two young great witches who gave Ye Fei a bitter face and hurriedly withdrew from the golden ring.

Even the three young witches who just shed their skins are no exception. Soon, the golden ring became extremely quiet. Only Ye Fei stood alone on the only intact stone pillar and raised his eyes. , Looking at a group of shamans on the divine throne.

“Who else, fight with me!” Ye Fei stared at these witch gods without fear, and finally stared at Great Venerable Li Huo.

“hmph, small man intoxicated by success! If we had already reached an oath, we must not interfere in this incident, I can slap you ten thousand times with one hand!” Great Venerable Li Huo Furious, this time he was going to grab Ye Fei’s handle and attack Chenliang Golden Palace incidentally.

In the end, he not only lost the army, but also achieved Ye Fei’s splendor. The flames on the body of Great Venerable Li Huo are like Ghost Fire. Burned into dry bones.

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