Ye Fei said with a sneer: “boast shamelessly! If you and I are in the same realm, I will kill you like a dog!”


The dignified witch god was so confronted that Great Venerable Li Huo couldn’t hold back his murderous heart, but he didn’t wait for him to vent his anger.

Seeing that Ye Fei can show invincible posture with the body of warring witches, Chen Liang has already stood up in ecstasy, and also blocked Great Venerable Li Huo from staring at Ye Fei and said: “Lihuo, Shang Jiu is the deity’s discipline, you’d better not go too far!”

The other witch gods complexion changed, they also got up to persuade: “Lihuo, Chenliang, everyone calm down , Don’t break our Witch’s major event because of small grievances!”

“So, my discipline and Heavenly God married and married Heavenly God’s daughter. You all agreed to this matter. “Chen Liang seized this opportunity and asked further.

The complexions of other eleven witch gods suddenly became very ugly, but there was no way. They decided to fight with their loved ones by mutual agreement.

Although the witches are cruel, they value the vows very much. Even the witch gods do not dare to violate it easily. Although Great Venerable Li Huo is extremely angry, he can only look nodded and nodded in the end. said: “Okay, okay, Chenliang, you will be ruthless this time! Let’s walk and see, hmph!” Great Venerable Li Huo furiously went away, simply too lazy to look at Ye Fei again. The other witch gods also smiled bitterly at the same time, helpless, the outcome was divided, and they could only be nodded together, said solemnly: “Since the battle was won by Shang Jiu, this time my witch family and relatives are naturally not Shang Jiu is none other than!

“Great Lord Chenliang, congratulations, I said how did you accept a war witch as a discipline, it turns out that you have known the real war witch for a long time. The power of the witch!” There are also witch gods who looked at Chen Liang enviously. They knew that the potential of the witch was so amazing. They would definitely take Ye Fei as a discipline before Chen Liang.

But now it is obviously too late to regret.

When the eleven witch gods announced together that Ye Fei will represent the witch clan and also represent the golden palace of Chenliang, and when married with Heavenly God, many of the wizards who fought in the Profound Nether temple were crazy Cheers, most of these cheering wizards are war witches.

They are usually in the Witch clan, their status is low, and the whole war witch Sect is almost forgotten; but with the rise of Ye Fei, they even used the posture of war witch to blow up all the young witches in the Golden Palace. This undoubtedly greatly encouraged these cultivation wizards. It’s just that these war witches don’t know that Ye Fei’s defeat of the opponent is not the battle skill, but the martial arts!

Chapter 1876 old fox

Due to the decline of the war witch Sect, even the witch gods on the divine throne don’t know that martial arts can use spirit strength as well. !

Maybe, this is also the reason why the War Witch Society has fallen in the Witch Clan! After all, if a wizard knows both witchcraft and martial arts, that is undoubtedly a very scary thing.

When the time comes, the superiority of the Human Race against the witch gods of the human race will disappear. The Wu Clan will not be able to break through the Human Race for several 100,000 years.

“Shang Jiu, come forward, let me introduce a few elders to you.” Just stepping off the ring, above the divine throne, a happy voice came from Chen Liang.

Obviously, this time Ye Fei can defeat the group of heroes, and it also made the great minister a long face. At the same time, the huge might of Ye Fei battle skill also made other witch gods feel very impressed. Interest, this is the joint request of Chenliang, let Ye Fei come over.

Ye Fei can only go there, one after another salutes these witch gods: “Little witch has seen you all!”

“haha, you are welcome to Shang Xiaoyou, since ancient times It’s a family, since you are Chen Liang’s discipline, that’s our Martial Nephew!” The black robe witch god standing next to Chen Liang is very talkative. If Ye Fei knows that Xuantian he killed, It is the discipline of this wizard god, who will definitely be more surprised.

After all, he only killed Xuantian. This black robe witch god is not only not angry, but also puts down the air and has friendship with him, which shows the depth of the witch god’s city. After the relationship, black robe’s divine glow appeared, staring at Ye Fei closely, and asked: “Little friend Shang, there is something unclear about the deity. The other war witches are useless except for the defense of the fleshy body. Why do you fight? Skill, but one is stronger than the other, and can release that many in one go. Is this related to your Golden Divine Depository?”

Although the other wizard gods did not speak, they did not speak. Both eyes were staring at Ye Fei closely, and Ye Fei suddenly felt an invisible pressure. Knowing that he lied a little at this moment, with the strength of these witch gods and the weirdness of witchcraft, it would definitely arouse their suspicion.

“Fortunately, these witch gods only asked questions about war witches, and did not ask me the origin of the battle skill, otherwise it would be more difficult to explain.”

Ye Fei sighed in his heart, face Shang has naturally revealed his honest smile, “Senior, I don’t know whether other war witches are strong or weak, but I only know that in the memory that Shang Jiu passed to me, he is the strongest, not witch. It’s a battle skill!”

Indispensable, Ye Fei can only selectively talk about Shang Jiu, and the divine throne witch gods are also secretly nodded.

When Ye Fei was speaking, they all secretly activated the witchcraft and monitored Ye Fei’s every move. Even if Ye Fei said half a word to deceive them, they could not hide their witchcraft induction.

“What this kid said is true!”

“Unexpectedly, our guess is actually true. Among our witches, the strongest is not magic witches, weapons witches, It’s the war witch!”

“Strange, since the war witch is so powerful, why is the war witch Sect so declining? It’s like someone deliberately didn’t want us to have a powerful war witch!”

Those who can become witch gods are not simple generations. These witch gods just asked Ye Fei a question. In their hearts, countless questions soon emerged. These questions also made some witch gods look different. It’s unprecedented dignity.

This also made Ye Fei’s heart secretly nervous, for fear that these witch gods would ask him the source of the battle skill again, that would be unexplainable. Moreover, an explanation is not reasonable, it may cause the shaman to doubt his identity.

So instead of waiting for the witch gods to continue to ask questions, Ye Fei has clenched the teeth and decided to give these witch gods a ruthless one, lest the witch gods ask all sorts of questions and let him accidentally show his feet.

I saw Ye Fei quickly use spirit strength and a series of golden words to say: “Masters, Junior dare not hide it. This is my cultivation strategy. I also invite seniors to take a look. Is this war witch different from other war witch cultivation!”

“What, war witch, show us it…”

Unsurprisingly When Ye Fei took out the war witches passed to him by Shang Jiu, all the witch gods had their faces moved, but the other witch gods were ecstatic, Chen Liang was complexion changed, and his tone implied angrily and yelled: “Naughty , The way of war witches, how can it be easily spread!”

“Great forgiveness, I don’t want to spread it, but Shang Jiu Senior said that the biggest regret in his life was his failure to revitalize war witches. Sect, so he told me, if there is an opportunity, I must spread the real way of witchcraft!” Ye Fei’s excuse was very high-sounding.

Even Chenliang was speechless. If he opposed him, he would have become a sinner of the Witch Clan. But that’s it, there are still witch gods who refuse to let Ye Fei go.

The black robe witch god said abruptly: “This war witch seems to have only the upper part, no lower part! The lower part, why not hand it over together?”

Ye Fei asked whether he was humble or not. Said: “Hand over the upper war witch, that is to revive the war witch, and keep the lower war witch, that is to settle down! Dare to ask the Great Lord, would you just pass on the things you have set up your life?”

“You…” Black robe’s face was flushed, and he was angry, but he really couldn’t find an excuse to be angry. The great minister on one side was also secretly relaxed. Immediately looked towards Ye Fei’s eyes, an indifferent flash of indifference flashed through, shouted in a deep voice: “Making a fool, don’t be rude to the Great Jade Dragon! You now

return to the Golden Palace with me, I have something to ask you as a teacher.”

As a teacher, Chenliang deliberately emphasized his tone, which not only revealed his majesty, but also made Ye Fei unable to refuse his orders.

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