Howl ?

Dragon Tortoise is surrounding the grass, rolling around with the grass, and taking the opportunity to get black mouth, steal the mental ability that the grass grabs, suddenly I heard Ling Siqi say that she wants to kill it With his tail, Dragon Tortoise’s face was as frightened as earth, and his black mouth turned white at the speed that naked eye could see.


Dragon Tortoise has retracted his tail into the tortoise shell, and has made up his mind that in the next month, he will definitely not expose his tail.

Ye Fei looked very speechless.

But Ling Siqi’s words also reminded him that since Chenliang had secretly attacked him, if he didn’t want to fight back, then staying in the Wu clan at this time is definitely a very dangerous thing.

“Just how should I fight back…Yes, if I can know what the Lord Chenliang is trying to do with me, I can see the tricks and deal with it!” Thinking hard for a long time, Ye Fei finally thought of a way that was not a way, and that was to once again wish this good brother to Gong, and to inquire about the news. After all, he and Gong wished the great witch, but the good brother of Jinlan, and the good brother, is to be at this time. Difficulty!

Chapter 1878 Cai Mi Xin Qiao

Ye Fei is not at all to act blindly without thinking, but is still silently cultivation in the room. After seeing that Ye Fei is not abnormal, Zhu also secretly relaxed. After all, Ye Fei showed the battle strength. It was too horrible. Even with three golden witches, Gong Zhu was not sure that he would be able to stop Ye Fei.

Ye Fei.

“Fortunately, this kid doesn’t at all run away, huh, as long as he doesn’t run away, I don’t bother to care about him. When I look back, there will be a great master to clean up him…”

Gongzhu Controlling the warship, rushed to Little Witch City at the fastest speed. Knowing that the Great Lord’s warship was coming, the City Lord of Little Witch City, a golden witch, immediately brought his men to the grand reception at the fastest speed. Even after learning that it was not the Great Lord, but the Great Lord’s Disciple, the City Lord of Little Witch City, he did not neglect at the slightest. He was still respectful and invited Ye Fei to the City Lord Mansion of Little Witch City. , And according to Ye Fei’s order, we found the bronze wizards who brought Ye Fei to the Little Witch City.

There are more than 20 wizards in total. When they brought Ye Fei to the Little Witch City, it was purely because their team lacked people that they captured Ye Fei. It was just that these wizards didn’t expect their dreams. The little wizards they brought in. Not only in a short period of time, breakthrough became the gold of their yearn for something even in dreams

the great witch, but also joined the Golden Palace and became the discipline of the witch god.

While these wizards were shocked, they also looked at Ye Fei with envy. Ye Fei also talked with these wizards very cordially. After all, without these people, he would not be able to enter the Little Witch City smoothly and enter the Ancestral Witch Temple.

To some extent, these bronze wizards helped him cover his identity. Ye Fei was simply generous and took out many magic crystals and gave them to them.

Of course, the purpose of Ye Fei’s visit to Little Witch City was originally intended to get rid of the supervision of Chen Liang, but found that he could not get rid of it. Ye Fei also quickly thought of a way, that is, to use force directly to force workers to wish. The confidant of the minister’s conscience confided his secret.

So after receiving these bronze wizards and holding a blooming banquet, Ye Fei secretly pulled Gongzhu aside and said in a low voice: “Brother, come here, I have something I have to tell you something.”

Gongzhu drank the wine, feeling a little contemptuous in his heart to say with a smile: “Brother, you won’t want to tell me again, you are actually the new Human Sovereign…”

Gongzhu has heard this joke twice. He doesn’t feel funny at all. He also has the urge to hit Ye Fei on the ground. “If you want to tell a joke, you can give me back the two thousand magic crystals you owe me!”

Just now Gongzhu can see clearly, Ye Fei thanks those wizards for their magic crystals. Out-of-pocket, that is to say, Ye Fei simply didn’t use the 10,000 magic crystals given by the Great Lord Chenliang, all of them were in his arms.

So after much deliberation, Gongzhu finally decided to ask Ye Fei to borrow the crystal.

Ye Fei was a little speechless at once, but from this he discovered another shortcoming of Gongzhu, that is, greed for money, and ordinary people who are greedy for money are not the hard bones of San Zhen Jiu Lie, so he can Gongzhu’s secret probability will be great.

Ye Fei simply nodded and said: “You are my elder brother, and mine is not yours! How can two thousand crystals be enough? Don’t hide my elder brother, the reason why I stayed Venerable Fajing, I just want to split equally with your elder brother.”

“What, split equally?”

Gongzhu’s eyes brightened, and when he slapped his thigh, the whole person became extremely enthusiastic. I got up and said, “Oh my brother, why didn’t you say it earlier, the big brother did not read the wrong person, and didn’t recognize you brother for nothing!”

“What did the big brother say, no brother took me Bring it to the Golden Palace, can I get the great honor? This is all thanks to you, brother, let’s not disturb other people, first secretly find a place, divide the magic crystal, and say, avoid other big witches jealous.” Ye Fei whispered.

Then secretly pointed at the empty ship. Gongzhu smiled knowingly and understood that Ye Fei didn’t want to attract attention. Gongzhu happily reopened the restrictions on the warship. The two re-entered the warship and walked into Ye Fei’s room together.

Ye Fei very generously said: “Brother, you have helped Brother so much, I have nothing to repay you. I will give you all these ten thousand crystals.”

“What , Ten thousand…” Gongzhu was breathing fast, and his whole body was trembling with excitement. When he took over the magic crystal pagoda, he laughed in his heart: “haha, this kid is really stupid and naive. I sell him. Now, he actually counted the money for this seat…Well, this pagoda looks familiar…”

Ye Fei said with a smile: “Dawu Gongzhu, are you familiar with the pagoda?”

“Shang Jiu, what do you mean…” Gongzhu Dawu suddenly became very angry. He discovered that the magic crystal pagoda was actually lent to Ye Fei, and what made him unbearable was that inside There is no magic crystal, and the seemingly honest silly boy in front of him dares to play him!

In the face of Gongzhu’s anger, Ye Fei was not angry, but showed a very sunny, very simple said with a slight smile: “It’s nothing, it’s just that I want my brother to see someone.”


“Ling Siqi, I have seen Gongzhu Dawu!” In Ye Fei’s room, a little girl the size of a grain of rice suddenly appeared, and she quickly grew bigger. Become a little girl about ten years old.

Gongzhu Dawu turned his head in amazement, “Human Race Demi-God! You are so bold, you dare to enter our Little Witch City, and enter the warship of the Great Lord, wait, this is the Great Lord. How could it be possible that Human Race Demi-God broke in…” Although Gongzhu is greedy for money and has a big mouth, he can become a great witch. He is definitely not a fool. Just after thinking about it, he feels something is wrong. The great witch immediately yelled, and he was dressed in golden witches, all with terrifying golden flames. Apart from anything else, he was about to rush out of Ye Fei’s room

and also escape from this warship.

It’s a pity that Gongzhu’s movements are fast, and Ye Fei’s movements are faster. At the moment when Ling Siqi appeared and attracted Gongzhu, Ye Fei had already let out a low roar, and the Octopus Heavenly Dragon broke out. There are a total of Eight Sects Taikoo Tiangong, and he drives them together and blasts Gongzhu.

Fearing that this would not be a bad job, Ye Fei was heartbroken. At the moment when he played the Octopus Heavenly Dragon, he breathed out again.


Ye Fei’s room, the roar of Tianlong suddenly came, and the rays of light of destruction with no sign of tribulation, continuously bombarding Gongzhu Dawu’s body .

Even if Gongzhu Dawu has the strength of Middle God Peak, he was caught off guard and was severely injured and vomited blood. He staggered. Ling Siqi on the opposite side also exhaled and became a beautiful The young girl, the terrifying fist smashed Gongzhu Dawu’s nose bleeding on the spot.

“Shang Jiu, you dare to collude with Human Race and betray the Great Master…” Gongzhu roared in anger, he was a veteran witch, comparable to the powerhouse of the middle-ranked Martial God, even if he was beaten Ye Fei and Ling Siqi were both shocked. Just when Ye Fei hesitated, would he be more ruthless? When Gongzhu shut his mouth, suddenly, Xiaocao also rushed out of the beast seal space on the Dragon Tortoise, and the Dragon Tortoise became extremely huge, it was terrifying. The weight of it is even more like a bright black star. With a bang, he just sits on the head of Gongzhu Dawu.

pu! Gongzhu couldn’t bear it anymore. He breathed out a mouthful of golden blood, and when his eyes went dark, he was sitting fainted under the tortoise of Dragon Tortoise.

Chapter 1879 I am really Human Sovereign

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