“Dragon Tortoise, you can actually faint the big witch…” Ye Fei and Ling Siqi are both stared wide-eyed, and Xiaocao looks incredible.

Only Dragon Tortoise was proud. For the first time, I felt that eating too much fat was also a kind of great ability. I could not help but stand up to the sky with my tail shrinking. Ye Fei deceived Gongzhu Dawu onto the warship for a reason. After all, this is the warship of the Wizard God, comparable to the Sun God ship of the Heaven Temple. As long as the restriction is turned on, no matter how fierce the battle is here, it won’t cause other small witches. The Golden Witch’s suspicion, but to be safe, Ye Fei dragged the unconscious worker Zhu Witch from under Dragon Tortoise’s butt and threw it into the magic crystal pagoda at the fastest speed


Then Ye Fei, Xiaocao, Ling Siqi, and Dragon Tortoise rushed in.

“Little pot, what shall we do?” Ling Siqi was a little worried. Their original plan was to catch the dignified golden witch, but they didn’t expect that the dignified golden witch would be Dragon Tortoise. I feel dizzy.

This is also the biggest weakness of the wizard, that is, the melee ability is too poor, and the opponent is Martial God. If Dragon Tortoise dares to sit down like that, it is estimated that the one who is exploded may be Dragon Tortoise. However, the wizard’s defense is poor. As the golden witch, Gongzhu’s resilience is still very strong, but he was in a coma for a dozen breaths. The powerful spirit strength has made Gongzhu awake again. His confused eyes opened, I saw Ye Fei at a glance, as well as the Lingsi around Ye Fei

Qi, her eyes burst with angry fire, “Shang Jiu, what are you going to do! As a wizard, you actually voted for the lower Human Race !”

“Humble Human Race? Gongzhu Dawu, it seems you still don’t know the situation, Dragon Tortoise, palm!” Ye Fei sneered. Dragon Tortoise immediately took out a black jar and smashed it on the face of Gongzhu Dawu. The smashed Gongzhu Dawu once again had a long nosebleed, and tears of anger fell out on the spot, thinking about how noble he dignified the golden witch, What a glorious thing, as a result, a black tortoise could not sit down and was beaten with blood in the nose


Gongzhu’s witch-like eyes burst into flames, and he roared: “Witches can be killed, don’t be insulted, Shang Jiu, you lose me when you are the brother, you are colluding with Human Race, you are plotting me! “

Ye Fei hearing this sneered, said solemnly: “When I am the brother? You will spy on me secretly, when I am the brother, you will know that the Lord Chen Liang will be against me, why not Remind me?”

Dawu Gongzhu was full of horror, “The Great Master asked me to monitor you. That’s a secret. How can you know…who you are!”

” Gongzhu Dawu, who am I? Didn’t I tell you a long time ago, I’m Ye Fei, the new Human Sovereign you are looking for!” Ye Fei thoughts move, lifted the battle robe of the hidden god, and his hidden Divine Soul suddenly weighed Now, his appearance and breath have completely recovered.

“The new Human Sovereign, you are actually the new Human Sovereign…” Gongzhu Dawu was ordered to hunt down Ye Fei. Of course, he had seen the portrait of Ye Fei, and even remembered Ye Fei’s breath.

When I saw this young man wearing a black Purple Gold robe, I thought of Ye Fei twice in a row, saying that he was a joke of the new Human Sovereign, Gongzhu Dawu suddenly felt so aggrieved and annoying. .

After a long time, the new Human Sovereign he was looking for was right in front of him. He didn’t notice it, but he thought that Ye Fei was just telling a joke.

“I hate it!” Gongzhu Dawu let out a roar of regret, and suddenly, a horrible light flashed in his eyes.

But before Gongzhu started the witchcraft, Ye Fei was suddenly coldly snorted, and also mobilized his own Golden Divine Depository. The terrifying divine might formed a mountain of spirit, and suddenly fell to Gongzhu Dawu. Go down. Gongzhu Dawu was seriously injured by Ye Fei. Golden God’s Storehouse is also a level lower than Golden Divine Depository. Under the suppression of Ye Fei’s Golden Divine Depository, he suddenly became unable to move even a little bit, just using cannibalism. Eyes, staring at Ye Fei and roared: “Ye Human Sovereign, killing me, it will not do you any good! Once I die

, the great minister will know immediately, and then come to take you Kill!”

“Don’t worry, as a elder brother, although you are plotting against me, but we have bowed, I will not kill you, as long as you answer a few questions to me!” Ye Fei said solemnly.

A sneer flashed across the face of Dawu Gongzhu: “Do you want to know why the Lord Chenliang let me watch you? Tell you, it is a daydream, I will never betray the Lord , And I will not confide any secrets to you low-slut races!”

“When I die, I dare to swear, and see how I beat you!” Ling Siqi was very angry and suddenly took Dragon Tortoise He also smashed the black tank to Gongzhu.


The black tank forcibly collided with Gongzhu’s head. As a result, there was a horn hidden on Gongzhu’s head. Not only did the black tank fail to break the horn, it also broke a hole in itself. , Watching Dragon Tortoise really hurts.

Ye Fei was also a little surprised, and then he thought of something, coldly said: “so that’s how it is, martial arts and battle skill can be connected, weapons and magic witches can also be connected! No wonder you can bear me The two methods of the supreme cultivation technique are not dizzy. What you have taken is the combination of magic and witchcraft!” “What did you say, martial arts and battle skills can be connected, how can it be…” Gongzhu Dawu was also Ye Fei was startled by what Fei said. Suddenly, he suddenly woke up, “In the golden arena, you are not using battle skill at all, but martial arts. How could it be possible that we, the witches, can actually use martial arts


Gongzhu Dawu was completely blinded.

Ye Fei understands this feeling. When he discovers the secret of the connection between battle skill and martial arts, he also feels unbelievable, but it is true.

“From the perspective of Brother Yi, Gongzhu, I will give you one last chance to tell me what I want. I promise not to kill you. What do you think?” Ye Fei forced.

“You of surnamed Ye just killed me, and I will never bow to you humble Human Race!” Gongzhu Dawu behaved very hard.

Ye Fei did not expect a few words to make a golden witch easily succumb, “Little grass, try your vine whip,”

Xiaocao hearing this eyes shined, She has beaten Martial God, but it seems that she hasn’t beaten Dawu, so Xiaocao was very happy to summon a vine whip, snapped it, and hit Dawu Gongzhu.

The Great Witch of Gongzhu immediately issued an impudent ridicule: “hahaha, are your Human Races no one? It is not a tortoise or a little girl who has grown up. I really laughed at this seat!”



The laughter of Gongzhu Dawu was not over, and suddenly the entire Fajing Pagoda was filled with a violent and colorful spiritual wind. Gongzhu’s words undoubtedly angered the reverse scale of Xiaocao and Ling Siqi at the same time.

Dragon Tortoise couldn’t stop it, so he could only look at Ling Siqi with a heartache, then picked up the black cylinder, moved towards Gongzhu Dawu’s head and smashed it.

I don’t know whether the angle of rage or smashing is right, just listen to ka-cha, the single horn of Chenliang has been smashed off.

But the Great Lord Chen Liang didn’t care about the break of the unicorn at all. After all, no matter how hard it was hit by the black cylinder, it was just a superficial wound. After Xiaocao got angry, the rattan whip that he swung was incomparable. The ultimate weapon of terror.

Although the wizard has no soul and will not feel the deep soul pain brought by the vine whip, the vine whip can not only hurt Divine Soul as simple as that. Xiaocao’s Divine Beating Whip actually has a feature that Ye Fei and Xiaocao often overlook, and that is power extraction!

Chapter 1880 Blood as an Alliance

The Golden Witch, although there is no Divine Soul, can’t feel the pain of Divine Beating Whip, but the power of Divine Beating Whip draws, Still exist.

It would be okay if Dawu Gongzhu could resist, he is now seriously injured, and Golden God’s Storehouse was completely suppressed by Ye Fei’s Golden Divine Depository.

Dawu Gongzhu at this time , Is undoubtedly a huge magic crystal. When the vine whip of the grass drew past with the colorful spirit wind, a layer of majestic spirit strength followed the vine whip and poured into the body of the grass, letting Xiaocao couldn’t help but burped, and looked like he was full.

Dragon Tortoise looked envious.

The Great Witch of Gongzhu screamed in fear: “What are you, how can you absorb my spirit strength? I want to kill you, I want to kill you…”

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