spirit strength is the source of wizarding power. It is the same as the blood essence of martial artist. Once the blood essence wears too much, the martial artist will age and die.

For the same reason, if the wizard’s spirit strength is too much worn out, not only will the wizard fall into the ranks of God’s Storehouse, but it may even collapse and become an ordinary person. This is definitely more uncomfortable than killing him for the Great Witch of Gongzhu who has reached the Golden Witch and is still comparable to the middle Martial God.

“Xiaocao, he actually said that you are something, unforgivable, and must be beaten fiercely!” Ling Siqi said in an embarrassment for Xiaocao.

“Eh!” Xiaocao hiccuped. It means that Xiaocao is also very angry now, and once Xiaocao is angry, the consequences are quite serious.

bang! Throughout the space of the pagoda, a violent spiritual wind whistled past was heard. Xiaocao has already used all his strength, and a vine whip in his hand has turned into a dozen vine whips. Finally, these vine whips condense to form a special, emerald green illusory shadow, continuous pa pa pa

Working on Dawu Gongzhu.

That kind of feeling is no different from a mortal encounter with Five Thunderbolts. Even if the wizard does not have Divine Soul, the Great Witch Gongzhu couldn’t help screaming in pain. What he felt was not physical. Pain, but great grief in my heart.

Because the Divine Beating Whip produced by Xiaocao’s total summon, it turned out a clearly visible crack in God’s Storehouse of Gongzhu Dawu. Such an injury immediately made Gongzhu Dawu. From the strength comparable to the median Martial God, he quickly fell to the lower Martial God.

If Xiaocao hits another whip, I am afraid that Gongzhu Dawu will fall from the lower Martial God to the most ordinary silverskin wizard.

This discovery was also what made Gongzhu Dawu scream in fear. “This little girl is too terrifying. She can actually break my God’s Storehouse. I think it took 300 years for this seat to change from the lowest little witch to today’s great witch! How much suffering did the middle seater endure and endure Humiliation and tribulation… This seat cannot let God’s Storehouse shatter, and this seat must never turn back into silver skin

The wizard, brother Ye, Ye Human Sovereign, little great aunts, black turtle brother, please, Let me go…” As expected by Ye Fei, people who are greedy for money like Gongzhu are definitely not hard bones that regard death as home. They are not even as good as blood demon, at least the blood demon insisted on being beaten. One hour before surrendering. But Gongzhu Dawu was only beaten with two whips and had decisively betrayed the Great Lord Chenliang.

At this time, Ye Fei didn’t have to ask for a confession. For fear of falling into the Great Witch Realm, Gongzhu had already poured beans in a bamboo tube. He told him all about Ye Fei’s supervision.

“That’s all I know. As for why the Great Master wants me to monitor you, I really don’t know, Brother Ye, Lord Human Sovereign, for the sake of our worship Come on, just let me go…” Gongzhu Dawu looked at Ye Fei almost pleadingly with a frightened face.

He is not a person who regards death as home. He is also the famous big mouth and flattery of Chenliang Golden Palace. At this time, he naturally tried his best to survive.

“By the way, I still have more than 4,000 magic crystals on my body. If you are willing to let me go, brother, I will dedicate all these magic crystals to you!”

“I borrowed 2,000 from you, but you still have more than 4,000?” Ye Fei was surprised.

Dragon Tortoise’s eyes widened sharply, and he hurried over to persuade Xiaocao, so that Xiaocao must not fight anymore. If Gongzhu Dawu was knocked out of the great witch realm, this person would be angry. , I can’t think of finding a short-term view, the loss is too heavy.

Xiaocao took back the vine whip. It was not after the advice of Dragon Tortoise, but the mental ability of the great wizard was too majestic. Xiaocao only used Divine Beating Whip twice. There is already a feeling of support. “Chenliang, since you don’t treat me as a discipline, don’t blame me for not treating you as a Master! Gongzhu, it’s easy for me to let you go. I want you to return to Chenliang and find out why Chenliang wants you to monitor me. , You are his confidant, if you speak, he will definitely show some words!” Ye Fei touched his chin, and soon thought of how to use Gongzhu.

That’s the opposite!

Directly instigate Gongzhu to wish this confidant of Chenliang, and let Gongzhu go to monitor Chenliang and obtain information.

Gong Zhu’s face suddenly changed tragically: “The plan I revealed to you is already very dangerous, you actually want me to be a witch!”

Ye Fei coldly told the worker Zhu, with a simple smile, “Anyway, you have betrayed once, and you don’t care about the second time. By the way, if you betrayed the minister just now, I recorded it all with the sound transmission mirror. You said, if I bring this thing back , Leave it to the Great Master…” “You are not a Human Sovereign, you are a devil! What kind of evil my Gongzhu has done, will actually become a brother with you, and succumb to this seat…” Gongzhu vomited blood on the spot. I couldn’t help leaving tears of regret, and reluctantly compromised: “What you said, betrayed once, and I don’t care about doing it.

The second time, I am willing to be your internal response, but Ye Human Sovereign, don’t you abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal and sell me.”

“Don’t worry, brother, I’m an honest man! If you don’t believe me, I can swear or sign an ancestral witch’s oath! “Ye Fei looked serious, and he also lifted part of his suppression of Gongzhu Dawu.

Gongzhu smiled miserably, and stood up and said solemnly: “Ye Human Sovereign, you don’t want to make a joke!”

Who doesn’t know the Wu clan, Human Sovereign’s pledge is to fart , It is absolutely unbelievable that the dead witch does not pay for his life.

“This seat will formally bow to you, with heaven and earth as evidence, blood as an alliance! Whoever repents, who can’t die!” Gongzhu Dawu gave up. In order to survive, even if he was a witch, he would admit it!

Ye Fei was speechless, he was obviously an honest man, why is no one believes him? Of course, this is also to blame for Wang Bai, who has defeated the reputation of Human Sovereign too thoroughly, and now it is still affecting him.

Just considering that in the Witch tribe, there are still many witches who need to cooperate with the witchcraft. Ye Fei is not easy to refuse, and can only nodded and said: “Okay, just ashamed of blood, but this Brother, I have to do it!”

“haha. That would be great. I can recognize Ye Human Sovereign for the sake of my brother, my brother, I am happy from the heart!” Gongzhu smiled. , But inwardly roared: “surnamed Ye’s bullying is too much! When this seat became the golden big five, when you brat is majestic, you brat is still bare buttocks, squatting on the ground and playing in the mud, you actually have a cheeky face. Brother…”

Chapter 1881 Jin She went out of the customs

The curse returns to the curse. All his life was pinched in Ye Fei’s hands, Gongzhu Dawu could only force a smile, and formally burned yellow paper with Ye Fei, celebrated his birthday, and bowed down to the world and formally formed a brother.

Then the two cut their own fingers together and flowed out Life Source Blood Essence, holding an ancient and solemn blood pledge.

Although this vow does not have the Divine Soul vow, nor the ancestral witch vows such as the first Heavenly God spirit restraint, but the Gongzhu Great Witch has a miraculously relaxed feeling.

Ye Fei also feels very speechless, binding vows not to believe, but believes that there is no binding force as an alliance.

It can be seen how thoroughly Wang Bai has defeated the reputation of Human Sovereign. But ask yourself, although the blood is not at all, it is absolutely binding, but as long as Gongzhu doesn’t do anything I’m sorry for him, with Ye Fei’s character, there is really no way to deal with Gongzhu.

“However, Second Brother, let’s return to our affection. The Ancestral Witch’s Oath that should be signed is still not sloppy!” After the blood was completed, Ye Fei naturally assumed the posture of his brother. Gongzhu Dawu is a few hundred years old, and he has suffered a lot from bowing to Ye Fei. He is still the second child. He is very angry, but when he sees the grass burping, his eyes are looking at him brightly. After treating him as a man-shaped magic crystal, Gongzhu Dawu could not help but show fear, and hurry up

Frankly, very solemnly issued an ancestral witch vow, promising not to betray Ye Fei, and willing to be the second child Body, for Ye Fei as a horse. Ye Fei still didn’t dare to rest assured, and repeatedly checked this vow, and immediately pointed out a few slippery points in the Oath of Gongzhu Dawu: “Second Brother, bullying me is an honest person? You only said that you would not betray me, but there is no deadline. This can be explained as, you will not betray me now, but in the future, you will still

may betray me, and, if you betray me, what punishment should you have, you still haven’t written it clearly. You are very insincere…”

Every time Ye Fei pointed out a point, Gongzhu’s face turned pale. When Ye Fei finished speaking, Gongzhu had collapsed on the ground. Only then did I know that the most terrifying thing in this world is not the black Heavenly Venerable An, but an honest person like Ye Fei.


Heavenly Wind Unit is down.

Countless wizards panicked and talked.

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