” Have you heard that Shang Jiu is back…that terrifying witch! He is coming for revenge again…”

“What, Shang Jiu, my God , That demon is not dead yet, he is still alive! Our tribe that he killed back then was almost destroyed, is it going to perish our tribe!”

Lost in the Heavenly Wind Unit, Shang Jiu is definitely better than the demon. A more terrifying existence, as a half-witch, condense the Golden Divine Depository, and with one person, killed a powerful tribe with hundreds of great witches, almost exterminating the clan!

Such battle strength, even if it is separated by tens of thousands of years, still makes many elder golden witches feel shocked and fearful.

Then everyone’s eyes looked towards the same direction, the palace where the patriarch was located, which was the place where Heavenly Wind Unit fell to the contemporary patriarch and golden luxury retreat.

All clansman knows that the blood flowing into a river back then was completely caused by Golden Luxury. If it weren’t for Golden Luxury to be arrogant and conceited, Shang Jiu would not be forced to become a witch or a Ling. The entire Heavenly Wind Unit has become terror-stricken at the news.

As for Jin She’s father, after discovering Shang Jiu’s powerful talent, he died amidst endless regret and pain.

In other words, the only thing that can stop Shang Jiu’s revenge is the golden luxury. If even the golden luxury cannot stop the Heavenly Wind Unit, the only thing waiting for the Heavenly Wind Unit to fall is complete Destruction.

So, although privately, people are very dissatisfied with Jin She’s persecution of Shang Jiu back then, but at this time, there are still many old golden witches kneeling on the golden dome in fear. Outside the palace, pray in panic.

“Ancestral God bless, must let the golden luxury breakthrough Supreme Realm become a witch god! Don’t let Shang Jiu come back again, he is a lunatic, he is a witch who will only bring destruction…”


Maybe it was prayers that played a role, maybe Jinwu’s death in battle, the news of the return of Shangjiu, gave Jin She a huge stimulus, there were still several decades In order to step into the golden luxury of Supreme Realm, on this day, the entire palace suddenly burst out a terrifying matchless Spiritual Fluctuation.

Afterwards, this Spiritual Fluctuation went deep into the heavens and the earth, into the stars, and into countless Wu Clan continents.


Heavenly Dao feels that at this time, it made a huge roar, and then a straight golden beam of light broke through the dome of the palace and broke through the whole world!

On the broken between Heaven and Earth, there is a brilliant golden silhouette standing proudly. It is a handsome, fair-haired youth,

tens of thousands of years Time did not leave any traces on him, and the ruthless years did not wipe away the arrogance in him. “Shang Jiu, it’s just a lowly slave! What if you have the Golden Divine Depository? Back then, I could trample under your feet like a dog. Back then, I could humiliate and humiliate your loved one to death. In your face, step on her tombstone. Now, I can trample you under your feet, and let

you, a bastard, know the huge gap between you and me!” “Husband, Jin Wu died It’s so miserable, you must avenge him!” Following the Jin She breakthrough witch god, rushed out of the palace, and outside the palace, a woman in a palace costume suddenly appeared, crying and rushing into Jin She’s embrace, this woman was bloated. , Her size is terrifying, and her face is very

old, densely wrinkled,

tens of thousands of years, she can’t beat Jin She, but she beat this Woman.

This also made Jin She’s heart suddenly a huge boredom. Just after leaving the customs, when she heard that his only son was killed, Jin She felt even more angry.

A loud slap in the air drew the woman’s face, “get lost! What did I say, I didn’t break through the witch god, don’t let Jin Wu go out to get into trouble, it’s better now, he actually died In the hands of my nasty big brother, it is really the shame of my golden luxury!” The woman covered her face and looked at her husband who had missed her for thousands of years in disbelief. Suddenly she roared hysterically, “Jin She, You are cold and ruthless, if I didn’t fall in love with you back then, my father would train you? Teach you witchcraft and help you become a witch god? Now that your son is killed, you are indifferent.

Heart, my year The old look is bad, you actually abandoned me!”


The answer to the woman was another resounding slap. This slap was extraordinarily heavy, and the beating woman’s mouth His blood teeth were sprayed out. Jin She looked indifferent and looked at the woman in disgust: “Jin Wu’s hatred, I will naturally retaliate! But since you know you are old and declining, what are you doing in embarrassment! Now I am breaking through the wizard god, the future is long, do you want me? As before, looking at your ugly old face all day long? Give you ten breaths, roll back to your room, this life and this life, don’t let me see your face again! Shame! “Speaking vicious words, the look of gold luxury, but he became more noble and arrogant, just like the noble Young Master who was not interested in mundane affairs, he walked gracefully, with beckoned, a golden warship that was built long ago. , Has flown over quickly, and carrying Jin She, directly to Little Witch City!

Chapter 1882 Meet the old enemy

At this time, under Ye Fei’s constant monitoring, Gongzhu Dawu finally signed a contract with Ye Fei to sell his body in tears. , Officially announced to join the Human Sovereign Palace, and became the biggest witchcraft in Chenliang Golden Palace.

Of course, the other golden witches who are still holding banquets in Little Witch City do not know this at all. They are still immersed in the worship and praise of countless wizards. I don’t even know that the Great Witch Gongzhu, who was ordered to monitor Ye Fei, has long since defected.

Not to mention that a huge golden warship has already passed through the layers of starry sky, and suddenly, it entered into a dead silence. Ling, appeared again in the sky above Little Witch City.

“Who, dare to use the golden warship, is there another witch god here?”

“It is not the witch god, but the Heavenly Wind Unit, with the special golden Wolf Totem on it! “

Different witch tribes have different Totems. Among them, the Totem of the Heavenly Wind Unit is a huge golden wolf head. Therefore, the golden warship of Golden Luxury has also followed this habit. On the front of the warship, a martial God wolf with golden light flashing is carved.

When such a warship entered the Little Witch City, it immediately reminded many wizards of the scene of Ye Fei beheading Jin Wu in the Ancestral Witch Temple a year ago.

“Heavenly Wind Unit is here to retaliate?”

“It is ridiculous, now the Young Master of Shang, but he joined the Golden Palace, and then became the Lord Chen Liang Disciple, Heavenly Wind Unit, how dare you to retaliate against Shang Jiu?”

Although the appearance of the golden warship is very surprising. But most wizards, not at all seriously, the few golden witches who came with Gongzhu, even more sneered, suddenly joined forces and walked towards the void and also towards the golden warship.

“Heavenly Wind Unit fell and retreated quickly. Now Shang Jiu is a great master’s discipline, and it is not something you can provoke!”

These great witches are very indifferent. Like Gongzhu, they are all powerful subordinates of the great minister, and they are all secretly ordered to monitor Ye Fei.

Although they don’t know as much as Gongzhu, at this time, they will never watch the Heavenly Wind Unit fall and easily find Ye Fei to seek revenge. That will inevitably make Chenliang Golden Palace. Damaged reputation.

These golden witches immediately took the strongest attitude and stepped onto the golden warship to drive away those who fell into the Heavenly Wind Unit.

Just before they really landed on the golden warship, suddenly, inside the warship, an extremely terrifying Spiritual Fluctuation came.

“What, Shang Jiu actually worshipped Chenliang’s old bastard as his teacher? Humph, the cheap seed is the cheap seed. He thought that if he took refuge in Chenliang, he could fight against me?”

“Impudent, dare to be disrespectful to the Great Lord, Heavenly Wind Unit has fallen, you are tired of living!” Several golden witches were very angry.

The witch gods have a lofty status in the wizard clan. Except for the witch gods of the same level, if other wizards use their names directly, it is the greatest disrespect to the witch gods.

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