The information recorded on the witch skin is too terrifying. Even if you know that the war witch is very strong, Ye Fei didn’t expect that in the Great Ancient Era, the war witch can be so strong. The degree of horror. Now the strongest magic witch Sect and weapon witch Sect are just the support of war witch. If this news spreads out, it is estimated that it will cause a sensation to the entire Wu clan, and it will also cause a devastating blow to the five Sects of magic witches and weapons!

Chapter 1887 The Minister’s Good Poison Scheme

But after thinking about it carefully, Ye Fei feels that the war witch is powerful and normal. After all, this World is the world respected by Martial Dao. Only Martial Dao is the most Strong!

The so-called battle skill of the so-called war witch is actually another form of martial arts, spiritual martial arts!

Fight against witches. In fact, it is the wizard of cultivation spiritual martial arts!

“It’s just that I don’t know why later, the powerful war witches actually fell completely in the witch clan, but the originally weak magic witch and weapon witch Sect ruled the witch clan…”


However, the power of magic and witchcraft is only reflected in the martial artist before the comprehensive law. Once the martial artist Comprehended Law, it will immediately surpass the magic and witchcraft.

This is the same as Alchemist and Refiner Master in Human Race martial artist. Although they can practice various powerful medicine pill and weapons, their own battle strength is generally very weak and only for The fighting martial artist is totally incomparable.

From this, Ye Fei also inferred that magic witches and weapons witches are actually the Alchemist and Refiner Master among the equivalent to martial artists. Only war witches are the witches, born for battle. battle mage!

Awakening to this point, Ye Fei couldn’t help but have a keen interest in this stone skin scroll. He began to concentrate one’s mind and recognized the words on it very carefully.

These words are the divine symbol words with powerful spirit strength and imprinted by Primordial Wizards. They are very powerful and very difficult to recognize.

If Ye Fei hadn’t had the Golden Divine Depository, the general witch, just reading the text, might dizzy and eyes blurred, and even suffer the backlash of the divine symbol on the scroll.

As a last resort, Ye Fei can only wake up the immortal Sword Soul that has been silent for a long time, and increase his perception infinitely. Only then did he feel that he could barely understand the spiritual meaning hidden in these ancient texts.

That’s it, Ye Fei motionless, just holding the too ancient scroll in his hands, constant research, comprehension, and soon, ten days’ time passed quietly, Ye Fei’s originally calm expression, It also gradually became dignified, then pale, and finally even more iron blue. “So that’s how it is, this scroll was actually written by Great Ancient Era, an ancient magic witch. The last thing this magic witch regrets in his life is that he cannot become a powerful war witch because of his insufficient aptitude. Can be reduced to an unremarkable existence of the witch race, but this person does not have enough aptitude on Martial Dao, but

is a genius of cultivation evil witchcraft!” “So this genius, with his life’s efforts, researched There is a very evil witchcraft called Moving God to Change Tibet. You can actually take possession of the war witch’s body and turn yourself from a witch to the most powerful war witch! And this witchcraft is not about robbing the opponent. God’s Storehouse, but use your own God’s Storehouse

to swallow the other’s God’s Storehouse! In this way, you can not only retain your own cultivation realm, but you can also perfectly transform yourself into The strongest war witch! This is everything Chen Liang wants to do to me…”


After reading this paragraph, Ye Fei suddenly couldn’t help it. A strong murderous intention erupted. Ye Fei had originally guessed that Chen Liang’s attempt might be to seize his Golden Divine Depository, but Ye Fei quickly denied this idea.

After all, the biggest role of the Golden Divine Depository is to allow wizards to have the breakthrough Supreme Realm and become the witch god, and Chen Liang himself is the witch god, and it is simply unnecessary to seize the Golden Divine Depository of others.

Until I saw this ancient scroll, Ye Fei knew that Chen Liang’s real plan was to use his witchcraft to transform from the weakest magic witch to the strongest. War Witch!

When I heard Ye Fei’s words, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were very angry, and Xiaocao was panting with rage carrying Divine Beating Whip, and was going out to find Chenliang to settle accounts.

At this time, Ling Siqi suddenly thought of something. She looked at Ye Fei a little strangely and said, “Weird, since the Great Lord Chenliang wants to take possession of the small pot, why hasn’t done anything, but instead is doing her best Protect us?”

“hmph, this is the place where Chenliang’s most rigorous schemes and deep foresight! This witchcraft recorded in too ancient scroll is evil and strange, but it also has an obvious shortcoming , That is what realm the goal of fusion is, and what realm will the caster become after fusion!” Ye Fei said with a sneer.

Ling Siqi was surprised: “So, the Possessed Little Cauldron, his realm, the Great Lord Chenliang, will also fall back to the realm of the great witch from the witch god?” “Yes, this is also the reason. Liangcai never shot me. He just asked Gongzhu to spy on me secretly. If I expected it well, Chenliang planned to wait for me to break through the witch god before attacking me and forcibly fuse my war witch body, so that he In order not to lose the realm, and smoothly

turn from the magic witch to the strongest war witch!”

Ye Fei becomes more and more angry as he talks about it. After doing it for a long time, Chen Liang was basically planning to fatten him up as a pig! But after understanding Chenliang’s plan, Ye Fei also relaxed, “Since Chenliang is reluctant to part with his witch god realm and intends to wait until I break through the witch god, it means that I am safe in the witch clan during this time. I can drag to represent the Witch Clan and make peace with Heavenly God. Maybe, I

There is still the possibility of getting rid of the court…”


Just When Ye Fei was thinking about it, suddenly, the entire Golden Palace trembled slightly, and Ye Fei’s face changed suddenly. This was a signal that he had agreed with Gongzhu beforehand.

If something abnormal happens outside, or the battle between Zechenliang and Jin She’s witch gods is about to be won, Gongzhu will find an excuse to anger the guards of the Golden Palace outside, and use a big fight to remind It’s time for him to retreat.

At this time, Ye Fei also happened to sneak into the Golden Palace, the tenth day. It’s just that Ye Fei didn’t expect that the battle of the wizard god will end so soon.

“Fortunately, there are workers who have been outside to delay the time, otherwise, I really don’t know, behind the kindness and kindness, there is such a vicious strategy hidden from me!” Ye Fei’s eyes could not help but flash. After a touch of cold light, he took a pity at the stone skin scroll in his hand. This one is too ancient scroll too heavy, and the weight is equivalent to a piece of star. If such a weight is put into the space belt, the space belt will collapse instantly. Even the pagoda space cannot bear it. In the end, this scroll is caused by The leather of the witch god is refined, and it is attached to the spirit strength of a primordial witch.

Ye Fei estimates that this ancient magic witch is likely to be a powerful Heavenly Venerate. Otherwise, the scroll left by him is too ancient, and it will not be so scary, a fine divine symbol. The weight of a star is comparable to a star, tens of thousands of words combined together, that is tens of thousands of stars!

With such a weight, let alone Ye Fei, a shaman like Chenliang is impossible to carry with him, so Chenliang compelled by circumstances and hides such an important too ancient scroll in this underground In the Golden Palace, layers of restrictions have been placed to protect this too ancient scroll!

“It is estimated that Chenliang didn’t expect his dreams. His spiritual restraint, in front of the cooperation of Xiaocao and Ling Siqi, is simply useless, and I clearly understood his conspiracy! Xiaocao! , Dragon Tortoise, let’s go!”

Replace the ancient scroll back to its original position, Ye Fei hurriedly left the underground golden palace with Xiaocao Dragon Tortoise and walked into the pagoda space. Ling Siqi immediately held the pagoda tightly in her palm, and showed the changes of the ten spirits fortune. With a swish, together with the pagoda, she turned into a little girl the size of a rice grain, and quickly moved towards the golden palace and rushed out.

Chapter 1888 Golden Luxury Threat


Outside the Little Witch City, the battle between the two witch gods is still going on, but the intensity is obviously worse than ten. Days ago, especially with the collapse of the warships of both sides, Chen Liang and Jin She both had the intention of giving up. It was just that neither of the two sides could hold back. The first one to give up.

So the situation came to a stalemate, and both parties were waiting, waiting for the moment when the other party first retreated, and the attitude of the two witch gods finally saved the little witch city that was affected.

It’s just that the battle in Little Witch City is gradually fading, but the battle outside the Golden Palace is getting more and more intense. Because of the signing of the ancestral witch oath, he has to become the biggest witch traitor of the Witch clan.

Even if the nosebleeds were long, Gongzhu Dawu could only hold tears in order not to be affected by Ye Fei, and desperately tried his best to abuse him outside the golden palace without daring to give anything. These two golden witch guards have a chance to discover the abnormality of the Golden Palace

In the eyes of the two golden palace guards in these ten days, Gongzhu seems to be like shedding body, exchanging bones, as if they have changed one. people.

Be aware of the previous Gongzhu. Apart from being good at flattery, aptitude is very general. Otherwise, Gongzhu would not embark on the road of combining Dharma and Sect.

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