generally speaking, you should retreat honestly if you have been beaten once at the work party , and dare not come to the Golden Palace again to make yourself boring.

But the past few days I don’t know if Gongzhu took the wrong medicine. Even if he was beaten with bloody nose and swollen face, he was even stepped on the ground a few days ago. Fiercely rubbed a few times and lost his old face. In exchange for another great witch, he had already concealed his sleeves after losing such a big face, and was ashamed of seeing people. Gongzhu actually yelled and screamed. When he was kicked, he got up. When he was slapped, he covered his face and rushed. They were the two guards. Finally, they joined hands. Gongzhu screamed and rolled on the ground several times. After falling two front teeth, Gongzhu jumped up again, spraying blood teeth


“Oh my God, what happened to Gongzhu the past few days, it suddenly became so bloody?”

“Could it be that this is the so-called bitter trick, now Gongzhu is beaten The more ruthless you are, the more you can get the sympathy of the great zun when he comes back?”

“Good shameless, I wish you a flattery, such shameless means, you all use it Come out!” Several golden witches around watching the battle scolded, not only did they not sympathize with Gongzhu, they also cast contemptuous eyes continuously. The angry Gongzhu roared even more anger and suppressed in his heart: “You are not angry, you must not be angry, they know what a fart, this is self-help! If people find out, I will not only become a witch, but also Covering the new Human Sovereign into the palace of the Great Lord, the Great Lord will definitely use the witchcraft. The life that tortured me is not as good as the death. How can these bastards understand my difficulties, but this seat is about to be beaten for ten days. It’s a dead dog, why didn’t the surnamed Ye’s come out…

I don’t want to be angry, when I think of Ye Fei’s seemingly simple smile, Gongzhu Dawu is angry The black smoke billowed above his head and roared with extreme anger.

This roar again shocked the two golden guards, and then shouted in anger: “Gongzhu, you have been beaten to death by us, and you dare to bark. If you didn’t say it, continue. Fight, fight to death!” While Gongzhu roared and distracted, these two golden witches kicked Gongzhu to the ground, which was the start of a new round of crazy punching and kicking. Gongzhu who kicked was hit to death. I have a heart, “Impossible, this seat is also a golden witch, for ten consecutive days, he was beaten on the ground, surnamed

Ye’s, this is what you promised. When you become a witch, you can Eat fragrant and spicy, and live a life like an uncle every day! Roar…”

Even if he was beaten, Gongzhu Dawu roared with extreme anger, at this time, far away. In the shadow of the palace, a roar of anger suddenly came.

“You two, dare to beat my good brother…get me off!”

bang! A golden war tripod appeared from a distance and crashed into a golden guard The face gate of the golden witch who smashed on the spot was distorted and bloody, and then another dazzling fist suddenly fell, and the other golden witch, spitting blood backwards, the whole chest

, a deep hole of blood was exploded, and his face was full of horror and fear.

“It’s Shang Jiu!”

“It’s worthy of being a great discipline, the Shang Jiu great witch morality reaching up to the clouds, it really is a true hero of morality!”

“hmph, I wish this flattery spirit good luck, there is such a strong loyal brother!”

Seeing Ye Fei’s appearance, I saved Gongzhu. The golden witches around are all They all gave their thumbs up and praised Ye Fei for his loyalty and responsibility.

It’s Gongzhu. After being beaten for ten days, he suddenly saw Ye Fei dropping from the sky and kicked him back. Gongzhu couldn’t help crying regretful tears: “Brother, you finally It’s coming out… You know how badly I was beaten in the past ten days, and I was almost beaten to death…”

Ye Fei’s face is cold, like Gongzhu rags from the ground He mentioned it, staring at the two golden witches again: “Today’s matter, I won’t just forget it, elder brother, let’s meet the great master first, today’s hatred, we will talk about it later!”

“hmph, in the future, you really treat yourself as the great master’s discipline, you are really an idiot!” The two seriously injured golden guards sneered in their hearts at the same time. Although they did not dare to shoot at Ye Fei, their eyes remained from beginning to end. Ye Fei has never been taken seriously.

In the end, Chen Liang’s absolute confidant can be ordered to guard the Golden Palace, and his status is higher than Gongzhu. Ye Fei took Gongzhu to complain to Chenliang, and they were not afraid.

When the nearby big witches saw that the excitement here had ended, they all turned their heads and refocused on the witch god fighting in the stone gate.

It’s just that the witch god’s battle at this time is far less intense than the previous few days. Compared with the veteran Chen Liang, who just broke through the golden luxury of the witch god, whether in battle strength or the continuation of spirit strength It is a bit weaker. It was another horrible confrontation. Jin She suddenly controlled the golden warship, blasted and retreated, angrily roared: “Chenliang, don’t think you can protect that bastard for a lifetime! The deity doesn’t believe it, how can you help us two witch gods! The enemy is absolutely irreconcilable, the bastard inside, you are waiting for the deity to come and fetch you

The first level!”

If you find that you continue to fight, you will gradually be suppressed, gold luxury He drew back decisively, already driving the golden warship, quickly escaped into the void, and flew directly in the direction away from the fire golden palace.

Obviously, Jin She intends to join forces with Great Venerable Li Huo to deal with Chen Liang and also kill Ye Fei.

Hearing Jin She’s words through the stone gate, Ye Fei’s face suddenly became ugly. Jin She, a witch god, is so terrifying. If he unites with the Lihuo witch god, then he will not immediately Is there a mortal danger?

Gongzhu was even more frightened and slumped on the ground again, almost begging to sound transmission to Ye Fei: “Big brother, let’s run away! You have gotten into a big disaster, and you have offended once. Three witch gods!”

“Where to escape? In front of one’s eyes of the witch god, can we escape?” Ye Fei took a cold glance at Gongzhu. Afterwards, he felt a tyrannical supreme silhouette walk out of the stone gate.

Chapter 1889 Ancestral God Palace

“Shang Jiu, come to the palace and see me!”

I didn’t care about other wizards, the first thing to return to the Golden Palace Regarding the matter, the Great Lord Chenliang directly called the name and asked Ye Fei to go to the Golden Palace.

Ye Fei complexion changed, knowing Jin She’s threat, or let Chen Liang’s determination to protect him with all his strength, was shaken to a certain extent.

“Could it be that this old fox intends to attack me in advance, but it is unlikely. If this old fox is willing to his witch god realm, he would have attacked me a long time ago, and he will not wait until now. To seize my body of the war witch, what should be restricted…”

It’s a pity. The divine symbol, which was too ancient scroll, was too profound. In ten days, Ye Fei could only get a rough idea, and then the battle between Chenliang and Jin She was over.

But when Ye Fei thought that Jin She had just broken through the witch god, he would be able to fight with Chenliang for ten consecutive days and remain undefeated, his heart became very heavy.

Because of Shang Jiu’s relationship, he and Jin She have already become mortal enemies. The stronger Jin She is, the more disadvantaged it is for him.


“Shang Jiu, do you think that this deity is afraid of Jinshe and Lihuo, and intends to hand you over?” On divine Throne, Chen Liang’s eyes were open. A gloomy cold.

Because of the perfect cooperation between Xiaocao and Ling Siqi, as well as Gongzhu’s bitter tricks, Chen Liang did not discover his secret. Ye Fei found out long ago.

Ye Fei hearing this did not hesitate, and said straightforwardly: “Disciple dare not, discipline is just thinking about how to defeat the golden luxury, for the Master, share the worries for my golden palace!”

Chenliang’s eyes flashed with a strange color, and he said slightly nodded, “It seems that I blamed you for the teacher. You can think so, very good, the point is, have you thought of how to deal with the luxury? “

Ye Fei moved in his heart, and suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity to test his minister. I simply went out and said: “To defeat the Golden Luxury, only my breakthrough Sorcerer God, when the time comes, I and Master teamed up, that is, I am not afraid to face Golden Luxury and Lihuo at the same time! Please Master, help me breakthrough Sorcerer God!”

“hmph, the breakthrough witch god, how easy it is, although you have the Golden Divine Depository, you don’t need to spend thousands of years like other wizards, tens of thousands of years to upgrade the God’s Storehouse level, but you have to break through the witch god The most important thing is not Golden Divine Depository, but the origin of Heavenly Venerate!”

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