
When Ye Fei swears loudly, his within the body. There was also a horrible Spiritual Fluctuation, which aroused the power of the ancestor witch that existed in the dark, and it was also an eye of the ancestor witch, staring at Ye Fei’s body. It represents the establishment of Ye Fei’s oath. For the first time, Chen Liang was trembling with excitement. He stared at Ye Fei’s gaze, as if he had found some rare treasure. He held Ye Fei’s shoulders with eager hands and said, “Okay, okay! Shang Jiu, As a teacher, I didn’t misunderstand your discipline. Don’t worry, you are the only one who lives up to me. Being a teacher will definitely not take you down!”

“What the Master said, I am Your discipline, I naturally want to forever, honor your Senior.” Ye Fei showed a very sunny and simple smile. This also made Chen’s conscience very emotional, “This child is a good and honest child! If he is not the right way to fight the witch, and he has a Golden Divine Depository, it would be a good thing to accept such a discipline. However, for the sake of the deity’s breakthrough Heavenly Venerate plan, I can only feel wronged

This child!” A cold severe light flashed in the depths of his eyes. On the surface, Chen Liang looked kindly, said solemnly: “Shang Jiu, since you and I are the master and disciple, you have already let go of the past, it should not be too late. As a teacher, I will take you to the Ancestral God Hall to obtain the origin of Heavenly Venerate! Remember, you only have half a year in it.

Face cultivation, so within half a year, you must breakthrough the witch god! Here you are, this is for the teacher to understand the origin, breakthrough witch god’s experience, you can take it carefully!”

In order for Ye Fei to smoothly break through the witch god, Chen Liang was even more nervous than Ye Fei himself. Not only did he come up with the experience and skills that the witch god would never pass on, but also to comprehend the origin of Heavenly Venerate. Then I worried that Ye Fei cultivation time was too shallow, even if he had Golden Divine Depository, he might also consume excessive spirit strength and wasted this precious six months of time. Chenliang was cruel again, took out a golden crystal, and handed it to Ye Fei: “This is the Divine Source fountain that I learned from some ancient vestige!

equivalent to the second Golden Divine Depository is the most precious treasure for the teacher. You bring it. After half a year, the teacher looks forward to the moment when you break through the wizard god!”

“Master……” Ye Fei was completely shocked. Although he knew that Chen Liang was uneasy and kind to him, but he didn’t expect that Chen Liang would not hesitate to spend so much that he even lent him the most precious treasure.

It can be seen how anxious Chen Liang is for Ye Fei’s breakthrough witch god. Ye Fei was delighted to take over the Divine Source spring, but his face showed a touch of sorry shyness.

Seeing this look, Chenliang felt even more happy. While secretly mocking Ye Fei for being so stupid, on the surface, he looked like a benevolent teacher, grabbing Ye Fei’s arm affectionately and said:” Let’s go, let’s take you to see the most important Ancestral God Temple of my Wu Clan!”


With Chenliang waved his hand, one was ready The teleporting stone gate has appeared in front of Ye Fei. When he crossed the stone gate, Ye Fei found that he had come to a very dark space, and at the end of the space, there was a mysterious and magnificent temple floating.

This temple is 10,000 times larger than the Ancestral Witch Temple, like a floating continent with dazzling golden rays of light blooming at the end.

When Ye Fei and Chen Liang approached the palace, the dazzling golden rays of light converged into a mysterious altar larger than a mountain. Chenliang explained: “This is the Ancestral God Altar! To enter the Ancestral God Hall, you must sacrifice hundreds of the Ancestral God ore veins to Ancestral God before you can open the Ancestral God Hall! In order to gather these hundreds of magic crystals and serve as a teacher The family property is almost empty, Shang Jiu, remember, anyway, in the past six months, you must be in the Ancestral God Hall, the breakthrough wizard, waiting for your good news as a teacher!”

Chapter 1891 Entering the Ancestral God Hall


With the sacrifice of hundreds of magic crystals, the Ancestral God altar flashes a layer of mysterious rays of light, Ancestral The gate of the temple of God, as large as a mountain, is also completely opened at this moment. Ye Fei held back his excitement, and rushed into the palace gate at the fastest speed. Chen Liang also had a loving face, staring at the front until Ye Fei’s back disappeared, and Chen Liang’s expression suddenly became very ruthless and gloomy, “Damn it, this time if it wasn’t for Jin She to break through in advance, how could the deity lose?

So heavy, not only sacrificed hundreds of magic crystals, but also gave Shang Jiu, Shang Jiu, the essence of life-like Divine Source Spring. If this is the case, you will not be able to break through the Sorcerer God, the deity swears , I will torture you better than death! No one is not a ghost!”

Apparently, the sacrifice of hundreds of magic crystals made a shaman like Chenliang feel extremely painful, if not for Ye Fei He had already vowed to hold life and death in his hands, and Chen Liang was also impossible to pay this blood.

However, what Chenliang didn’t know was that when Ye Fei rushed into the Ancestral God Hall and closed the palace gate, Gongzhu had already rushed out of the beast seal space with excitement.

“Oh my God, Ancestral God Temple, I wish this life, I have the opportunity to enter the Ancestral God Temple and get the source of Heavenly Venerate! Big brother, from today, you will be my brother!” The excitement was incoherent.

Ye Fei can also understand Gongzhu’s mood. In this world, Heavenly Venerate has very rare origins. This will inevitably result in only a very small number of people who can enter the Supreme Realm.

If it is as normal. Even if Gongzhu is Chenliang’s confidant, in his entire life, he is impossible to have the opportunity to enter the Ancestral God Temple.

“…Thanks to Gongzhu, hiding on me, this allowed me to successfully make a false ancestral witch vow and deceive Chenliang this old fox, hoping Chenliang will discover the truth After that, you can hold back your anger and not be mad…” Ye Fei glanced at the Divine Source spring in his hand.

You’re welcome, destroying the Spiritual Imprint inside on the spot, and already refining this rare treasure equivalent to the second Golden Divine Depository into his own on the spot.

In the sky outside the palace, Chenliang suddenly felt his anger, and his angry hair burst on the spot, and he roared furiously: “Nie barrier, dare to be like this! This deity is just the Divine Source Spring I will lend it to you. You are a wicked barrier, and you actually took it as your own!” The huge anger caused the impulse to rush into the Ancestral God Hall and kill Ye Fei on the spot. It was only very quickly. He resisted the anger in his heart again, and forcibly comforted himself: “Don’t be angry, the deity can’t be angry for a dying person, anyway, Shang Jiu has already sworn the ancestral witch, not forever

He has to betray the deity, even if he refining the Divine Source Spring, the deity can let him spit out both principal and interest at any time!” The Great Lord Chen Liang really calmed down and sat back in the void again, sitting down like an old monk. Strive to adjust to the best state, wait for Ye Fei for half a year, and at the moment of breakthrough of the witch gods, you can kill pigs and sheep, forcibly devour Ye Fei’s God’s Storehouse, and transform from a weak magic witch into the strongest war witch


In the temple of Ancestral God.

Ye Fei also quickly completed the refinement of the Divine Source fountain in his hand. When he moved in his heart, the fine Divine Source fountain immediately integrated into his Golden Divine Depository. Ye Fei feels that under the action of the Divine Source Spring, his Golden Divine Depository seems to have doubled out of thin air, and the spirit strength is also doubled than before. This is equivalent to, Ye Fei The within the body has two Golden Divine Depository at the same time! This is also more conducive for him to understand

Heavenly Venerate’s origin, the law of refining!

As for the great master Chenliang who took great pains to give Ye Fei the experience and skills of understanding the origin of Heavenly Venerate, Ye Fei didn’t even look at it.

“hmph, no matter how much Chenliang’s experience and skills are, in front of Xiaocao, that is the difference between ants and elephants. Xiaocao, come out to work!” Ye Fei still depends on Xianjing On the small bed, the grass, who refused to get up, grabbed it from the animal print space.


Xiao Cao was taken out very dissatisfied, and he couldn’t help but burp, apparently the work I learned with Divine Beating Whip last time I wish you a great witch Spirit strength, Xiaocao has not had time to sleep and digest.

Only found in Xiaocao, Ye Fei actually entered a space full of Heavenly Venerate’s origin, Xiaocao’s eyes suddenly became extremely bright, the heaven and earth spiritual eyes opened instantly, aiming at those The origin of the Heavenly Venerate of illusory was captured.

The origin of these Heavenly Venerates, just like air, is invisible and intangible. Even if the wizard wants to refining, he can only spend a lot of time, obediently and honestly.

The only exception is Xiaocao. The spiritual eyes of Xiaocao can clearly see the origin of these Heavenly Venerates, and then just like catching fish in the water, hiding these in Heavenly between Heaven and Earth The origin of Venerate is grasped one by one.

咿咿咿咿! Beside Ye Fei, Xiaocao’s happy laughter soon came. It didn’t take long for Xiaocao to grasp the hidden Heavenly Venerate source and happily rolled around on the ground. But Xiaocao didn’t have time to taste it. A certain black tortoise had already leaned forward and licked the grass. By the way, he had bitten the Heavenly Venerate that Xiaocao was holding in half.

That’s it. Dragon Tortoise is still not at ease. He quickly took out the black tank and threw the source of Heavenly Venerate into it. Finally, Dragon Tortoise climbed into the black tank himself and arranged the lower layers of seals to hide inside, as if he was afraid of this. The origin of Tao has disappeared again.

Ye Fei and Ling Siqi’s faces were suddenly dark.

Gongzhu Dawu has a very distressed expression on his face, “A shameless black pig! By the way, little great aunt, anyway, you can’t eat this half-hearted Heavenly Venerate, or give it to I have it.”

Gongzhu pulled down his old face, and pitifully moved to Xiaocao’s side. He only hated that he couldn’t wag his tail like Dragon Tortoise. Seeing Gongzhu’s seemingly pitiful appearance, Xiao The grass generously handed over the remaining half of Heavenly Venerate.

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