Gongzhu burst into tears: “It’s still a little girl. It seems that Human Sovereign is not all bad guys!”

After speaking, Gongzhu smiled and held the original Heavenly Venerate. I also found a corner and started to frantically refining. It felt like a vicious dog grabbing food. Ye Fei was puzzled.

“A Heavenly Venerate is just the original source, is it so excited, Xiaocao, continue to catch it, this is not the original temple of our Human Race, we can have as many and catch as many, and there is no need to be polite with the Wu people !”

When I heard that the origin of Heavenly Venerate here can be grabbed casually, Xiaocao’s eyes suddenly become brighter. After all, these Heavenly Venerate origins can also improve the formidable power of the Divine Beating Whip. . So Xiaocao was not welcome, and soon he ran around in the Ancestral God Temple, capturing the origins of the ethereal Heavenly Venerate. Ye Fei and Ling Siqi followed Xiaocao with excitement and were responsible for taking the grass. The original force that I grasped was imprisoned one by one.

Chapter 1892: Breakthrough Sorcerer God

One, two, three, four!

Ten Dao…Twelve Dao!

Under the spiritual eyes of Xiaocao’s heaven and earth, there is no way to hide any energy. Soon, the origin of the Heavenly Venerate of the Ancestral God Temple is all captured by Xiaocao.

This also made Ye Fei very puzzled, “Weird, the origin of Heavenly Venerate of Ancestral God Temple, how come there are only twelve paths? Xiaocao, are you sure you have all caught it?”

Xiao Cao did not speak, but tilted his head, looking around, observing for a while, and then very unhappy gestures to tell Ye Fei that the origin of Heavenly Venerate here, the grass has been grabbed, and no one can be found. Up.

Ye Fei certainly doesn’t doubt Xiaocao’s words, and his mood instantly becomes very bad. “It seems that the witches still keep their backs. This Ancestral God temple should have something special. The prohibition of Heavenly Venerate limits the number of Heavenly Venerate sources that can appear at one time!”

After all, the source of this world Heavenly Venerate is extremely rare. If you enter the Temple of Ancestral God, you can easily understand the source of refining Heavenly Venerate, As long as you are willing to spend the time, any witch god who comes in can devour the origin of Heavenly Venerate here, thoroughly.

So the witch gods of the past have imposed certain restrictions on the Ancestral God Hall. That is the number of origins that the Ancestral God Hall can open at a time. It is estimated that there are only twelve. If this limit is exceeded, the Ancestral God Hall will Heavenly Venerate’s origin is hidden.

This is the same as the origin temple of Human Race, which can only be opened once every 500 years, in order to prevent Heavenly Venerate from drying up and breaking the path of breakthrough supreme for future generations.

“Small pot, twelve tracts, twelve tracts, let’s quickly divide the origin of these Heavenly Venerate…” Ling Siqi is already impatient, with the first looting on her face. Heavenly Venerate’s original excitement and excitement. Obviously, Ye Fei is about to take it away.

Ye Fei suddenly sweated.

Finally after some discussion, Xiaocao elated holding two Heavenly Venerate origins and returned to the beast seal space. It is not that Ye Fei does not want to give more, but Xiaocao has not grown up yet and has limited appetite. . One third, the origin of Heavenly Venerate, is enough for the grass to eat for half a year.

At this time, being able to hold two Heavenly Venerates at the same time and sleep when they are full. Xiaocao is already very satisfied, and Ling Siqi’s situation is similar.

In the end, Ling Siqi is only Demi-God. It is already very reluctant to refining a Heavenly Venerate source, but Ye Fei gave her two. The happy little girl jumps and screams and sings, chirp chirp twitter twitter is just like a bird.

This scene also immediately made Gongzhu Dawu’s eyes redder than rabbits. He knew that Xiaocao could grasp the origin of so much Heavenly Venerate, so why did he pull down his old face and only begged for a while. Heavenly Venerate origin, he feels so angry.

And seeing Gongzhu’s envied eyes flushed, Ye Fei thought for a while, she still couldn’t bear it, she could only pinch Heavenly Venerate for a while and throw it away, and the rest, Ye Fei finally threw it into the big black tank of Dragon Tortoise.

Finally, Ye Fei held the remaining six Heavenly Venerate sources, sat down on the spot, and began to refining these Heavenly Venerate sources.


Following Ye Fei’s refining, within the body of the immortal Sword Soul, at this moment, there is an eager trembling, it seems impatient, wants to make these Heavenly Venerate swallowed all its source.

Ye Fei was so depressed to discover that his within the body and the immortal Sword Soul are also the Great Appetite King who eats the origin. Therefore, regardless of how thoroughly he looted the Ancestral God Temple this time, Ye Fei felt that Heavenly Venerate was not enough.

It’s just that Sword Soul is indestructible. After all, it is his strongest hole card. Even if the source of Heavenly Venerate is not enough, Ye Fei will still bite his teeth and be heartbroken. Directly put the origins of the two Heavenly Venerates into the vortex formed by the immortal Sword Soul.

hong long!

When the two Heavenly Venerate origins were swallowed, Ye Fei clearly felt that the breath of the immortal Sword Soul became more and more violent, and even made him have a A feeling of being out of control.

Ye Fei’s face suddenly changed, and then I understood why the Sword Spirit in Sword Soul told him that only by reaching the Heavenly Venerable Realm can he truly open the Immortal Sword Soul.

In addition to lifting the seal of Sword Soul, Heavenly Venerate is needed. The most important thing is the hidden destructive power of Sword Soul, which is too terrifying.

Ye Fei just caused the immortal Sword Soul to swallow two Heavenly Venerate origins. The formidable power of the immortal Sword Soul increased from 1/10000th directly to 0.1%, which destroyed the energy contained in the Destruction Sword Energy is equivalent to a blow to the earth respect!

And Ye Fei is only a golden witch at this time, Martial Dao Realm, and even the poor Demi-God, at such a low level, he has to control this world, the strongest supreme power, Ye Fei will naturally feel extremely strenuous.

“It seems that the most important thing at the moment is to Comprehend Law as soon as possible, breakthrough the wizard god!” Ye Fei had a clear comprehension in his heart, he no longer paid attention to the desire sent by the immortal Sword Soul, Forcibly suppress the immortal Sword Soul within the dantian.

After that, Ye Fei also began to frantically refining. The four Heavenly Venerates left behind in his hands. The time is in Ye Fei refining, constantly passing by. Soon, three months have passed. .

Four months have passed. Seeing that when the time has come to the fifth month, I was sitting still, like a golden Divine Idol’s Ye Fei. Within the body, there was a terrifying roar. Then, Ye Fei refining four Source Power. , All turned into violent energy, crazily poured into the Golden God


The wizard is different from the martial artist. The martial artist has to break through the realm, requires a long cultivation, and has to experience terrifying Heavenly Tribulation. Every step forward, you need to walk the heavens-defying road, nine deaths and still Alive can get the most powerful force.

While wizards have no souls, the cultivation of wizards does not need to experience Heavenly Tribulation. As long as God’s Storehouse reaches the level of God’s Storehouse, and the corresponding level of wizardry is practiced, the realm of wizards can be naturally improved.

Ye Fei is like this at this time. He already possesses the Golden Divine Depository, which is comparable to the witch gods, and also possesses the strongest way of witch warfare under Shang Jiu.

So, Ye Fei does not need to spend thousands of years, even over 10,000 years, like other wizards, to condense the Golden Divine Depository, the twelve powerful cultivation witchcraft.

As long as the source of Heavenly Venerate is sufficient and you can comprehend the four Heaven and Earth Laws, Ye Fei will naturally be able to make your own body of war witches from 3rd floor, breakthrough to 4th floor!

Also let one’s own fleshy body strength, from Divine Item, reach the level of semi-sovereign body!

The half-sovereign weapon is the body of the war witch comparable to the human race earth-sovereign! It is also the key to let Ye Fei emerge from the golden witch, breakthrough witch god.

Therefore, when Ye Fei successfully comprehend the Four Principles and integrated them into the body within the body, and stepped into the 4th floor of the body of war witches, Ye Fei’s realm officially changed from gold Da Wu, stepped into the wizard god level. ,

Like Jin She, when Ye Fei stepped into the Supreme Realm, the moment he broke through the wizard god, the whole world made a violent roar.

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