Ca n’t find a way to enter Heaven Realm! “

“If that’s the case, can you still find it?” “Human God suddenly asked indifferently. Heavenly God was silent suddenly, and his face became extremely ugly. After a long time, he took a deep breath and clenched his fists and said: “Always try it. Instead of dying in the boundary, Why not, while we still have time, go crazy! “

Chapter 1905 The Shame of Human Sovereign

“Sovereign, we have received news that the envoys sent by Heavenly God have arrived at the Profound Nether Hall. The other ten elders have already Waiting in the Profound Nether Hall! “

After conquering the hundred thousand wizards and annexing the Lihuo Golden Palace, Ye Fei left all other things to Gongzhu to take care of, just hiding in Chenliang’s secret golden palace, assisted cultivation. It’s just that Ye Fei cultivation is no longer witchcraft, but martial arts. In the end, he has a breakthrough in witchcraft, but on Martial Dao, he is currently only a small Demi-God. And Ye Fei is the best. The strong one is not witchcraft, but martial arts. Therefore, Ye Fei thought of using this rare free time to work hard to cultivation martial arts, and strive to make himself a breakthrough in martial arts

The realm of Martial God.

Just want to breakthrough Martial God, he will inevitably attract Martial God Heavenly Tribulation, this time makes Ye Fei a little entangled, I don’t know if I should ignite the divine fire now and try breakthrough, also Have more cards to face God and Heavenly God.

But Ye Fei’s entanglement is not very long, but the impatient Heavenly God. After learning that the Witch’s and relatives have been determined, I hurriedly I sent an emissary again to contact Chen Liang.

Heavenly God did not know at this time. Chen Liang died long ago. It was Heavenly God and the Wu Clan who dug the ground three feet to replace him. The new Human Sovereign Ye Fei has not been found.

In this regard, Ye Fei also said that he was very speechless. When he heard that the envoy sent by Heavenly God was actually the blood demon Martial God, Ye Fei Suddenly became even more speechless.

However, Ye Fei’s biggest purpose is to rescue Zhao Yu when entering the Witch Clan. Since Heavenly God has taken the initiative to send someone to contact him, Ye Fei will of course set off immediately, directly with Gong Zhu, and ten Several new golden witches, through the stone gate, came to the Profound Nether hall in an instant!

The Profound Nether hall is still the same, divided into two halls.

The golden witch is the arena for the battle of life and death. The Shangdian is the chamber where the witch gods decide the major event of the witch tribe.

It’s just different from last time, last time Y e Fei stands on the ring of the lower hall, fighting for life and death. He can only look up to the shaman in the upper hall.

Now, Ye Fei is able to sit directly on the divine throne of the upper hall, sitting on an equal footing with many witch gods, enjoying countless golden witches and looking in awe and respect.

“Why isn’t the Great Venerable Li Huo? The Great Venerable Li Huo didn’t show up either?” The blood demon looked at the new Ye Fei curiously, always feeling very familiar, but the blood demon couldn’t tell where he was familiar. Come.

But there is one blood demon that can be determined, that is, Ye Fei is sitting, and it is actually the divine throne that the great minister can sit. The original 12 witch gods of the witch clan can only appear in ten. This Make the blood demon feel very confused. “Blood demon, you don’t have to guess, Chenliang and Lihuo are dead. This is our new owner of the Golden Palace, Ye Zhizun! From now on, the Supreme will replace our Golden Palace and establish the closest connection with Heavenly God. I forgot to tell you, the Supreme is our witch race, the chosen family member,

He will replace our witch race and marry the daughter of Heavenly God!”

divine throne on Ye Fei did not speak, and Gong Zhu, who was familiar with the situation, came forward to explain all this. The other witch gods did not speak to rebut, instead they wished to send Ye Fei away, the blood demon dumbstruck on the spot.

“Surnamed Ye, or the witch god? Does it still look so familiar? I must be suspicious. Even if Ye Mo is not dead, it is estimated that Ye Mo would have been hunted and killed by the Witch Clan. In just a few years, no matter how talented the Ye Mo is, it is also impossible to break through the witch god!”

The blood demon shook his head vigorously, and tried to put the Ye Fei smile in his mind and threw away.

The action of the blood demon angered Gongzhu, “Bold blood demon, do you think that with the supreme reputation, is not worthy of the daughter of Heavenly God?”


The other witch gods were furious at the same time, and now they are eager for Ye Fei to roll up the quilt and leave quickly. If Heavenly God suddenly changes, without Ye Fei’s action, these witch gods can join hands to fight Human Race Xiongguan, directly beat Heavenly God to death.

Only then did the blood demon react. He actually made a rude behavior in front of the powerful witch god, and the blood demon’s face turned pale.

On the contrary, the person sitting on the divine throne, Ye Zhizun, said with a smile to him very kindly: “It’s okay, after all, the new Human Sovereign surnamed Ye, I also surnamed Ye, we are still like this. Young, in fact, to tell you, I sometimes feel that I am the new Human Sovereign!”

“What, Ye Zhizun, you are the new Human Sovereign? hahaha…… The Supreme is too good at joking……” All of the witch gods were amused by Ye Fei’s words. Only Gongzhu did not smile, and his eyes showed sympathy.

Once upon a time, he thought that Ye Fei was joking, but only later did he find out that the man who stood in front of him was serious and joking, and he was really the new Human Sovereign!

At this time, the witch gods, just like the original Gongzhu, thought that Ye Fei was just using a joke to help the blood demon rescue. The blood demon also laughed awkwardly. He handed over to Ye Fei: “Ye Zhizun joked. In our Human Race, the new Human Sovereign is a clown that’s all, that is, you are not worthy of shoes for the Supreme! Heavenly God If you know that you can be a son-in-law, I want Heavenly God Adults, you will laugh in dreams.

Wake up!”

Ye Fei complexion sank, coldly said: “I don’t care about Heavenly God, but it’s the new Human Sovereign. I’m very interested. By the way, I heard that Heavenly God is also catching the new Human Sovereign, did he catch it? And the Human Sovereign Hall of the Human Race Xiongguan, are they all eradicated?”

“Yes, others can ignore it, All Human Sovereign must die!”

The other witch gods are full of anger. There is no way, Wang Bai has made the reputation of Human Sovereign too stinky, even if hundreds of thousands of years have passed, for the previous generations of Human Sovereign, the sorcerers are full of malice.

This also made the blood demon’s face even paler, for fear that he would surrender to the Human Sovereign Hall and become a gangster, and then see Ye Fei in the witch gods, who looks the most kind and talkative. The blood demon immediately bowed his head and patted his horse desperately.

“Sovereign, please rest assured, Human Sovereign Palace, we have completely eradicated! Those remnants of Human Sovereign Palace, we have all killed, as for the new Human Sovereign Ye Fei, it has long been in Heavenly God and People and gods chase down; they become stray dogs, running around!” “Don’t hide from the Supreme, this generation new Human Sovereign, it’s really not very long, it’s ugly and ugly, not as good as the Supreme 1/10000th Temperament, but this person is also shameless, specializing in imitate the dog and steal chicken, it is the shame of Human Sovereign, the scum of evil spirits! The strength is not as good as your ten 1/10000th!

“It’s also fortunate that this person didn’t meet my blood demon, otherwise, I can make the new Human Sovereign kneel on the ground with a single finger, begging for my forgiveness! Of course, if it’s your Senior, you If you take a shot, just blow your breath, you can scare the new Human Sovereign scared witless, horrified to death…”

The blood demon is indeed an envoy sent by Heavenly God. He can say that he can blow and see Ye Fei Listening very seriously, the blood demon even used 100% boosting ability to degrade the new Human Sovereign Ye Fei in a trick, and by the way raise the position of a certain Ye Zhizun on the divine throne.

Ye Fei’s face suddenly became very weird. Gongzhu even watched the blood demon blowing wildly there with a 100% sympathetic gaze. “Poor guy, originally his flattery filmed so well, I was still a little worried, but now it seems that I have been worrying about it. This flattery has been photographed on the dragon’s leg. He hasn’t noticed it yet…”

Chapter 1906 Monster Race, the first bossing king

The blood demon did not notice that he accidentally flattery did not photograph the horse’s legs, but it photographed the dragon’s legs, but Human Sovereign in the end It’s a public enemy of the Witch tribe.

When seeing the blood demon representing Human Race so hard to belittle the new Human Sovereign, and wishing to put the new Human Sovereign on the ground for a few feet, the Witch Gods were very satisfied. He Yan Yueshen began to inquire about the specific process of Heavenly God destroying the Human Sovereign Hall, and by the way, I also inquired about the specific strength of Human Race Xiongguan.

The blood demon has also given full play to its ability as the first bossing king of Monster Race. If you can blow it, you must change the topic and continue to blow it.

During the period, Ye Fei was also very interested. He listened with other witch gods. Of course, he could hear that the blood demon was just running around carriage, boasting everywhere, what Heavenly God had already wiped out the Human Sovereign Hall, then Simply is a fictional thing.

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