“…But it’s okay. The more fierce the blood demon blows, the more explanatory that Heavenly God and the human god are not at all found in Heaven Temple, Demon Sovereign and Supreme Master They are still safe now!”

Forced to flee into the Witch Clan, Ye Fei’s most worried thing is the safety of Demon Sovereign and the others. Now that Heaven Temple has not been exposed, it is Wei Wei relaxed in his heart.

I was patient again, after listening to the blood demon bragging about it, and contacting other witch gods a little bit, Ye Fei took the blood demon and returned directly to the Golden Palace.

The other wizard gods didn’t stop either, they all watched Ye Fei go away with a smile.

“Very good, this Heavenly God and the envoy came too soon, I can finally send the plague god away!”

“Yes. This surnamed Ye’s It’s too strong. If you stay in the Witch Clan, he will surely become our scourge in the future, such a plague god, let him harm Human Race!”

“hmph, smelly brat, what’s so great, hear Being able to take the daughter of Heavenly God is so positive. For the past few days, the old lady left the door crack, waiting for you to come in…”

Da Zun Huang Qiu is full of discomfort, with her status, but very It’s ugly to look at a man, especially as she hinted so obvious. As a result, she repeatedly invited Ye Fei to her Golden Palace late at night to discuss witchcraft together but was refused.

Suddenly Huang Qiu Dazun has the urge to cut Ye Fei out of love because of hatred.

“Strange, how come I feel a little bit cold behind my back…” Ye Fei walked into the teleportation stone gate, unexpectedly unfathomable mystery, and felt a chill.

“Big brother, are you cold? There is…”

“My lord, Heavenly God specially ordered me to give it to the Supreme Fire Dragon cloak, but It’s not invaded by the cold and heat, and only the most noble deity can be worn!”

The ability of Gongzhu to observe words and colors is indeed strong, but the blood demon’s ability to slid and beat horses is even better. Originally this cloak, Heavenly God intended It was given to the Great Lord Chen to consolidate the friendship between the two sides, but the blood demon didn’t blink, so he said it was specially given to Ye Fei by Heavenly God.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but nodded secretly, knowing that Heavenly God sent the blood demon to the witch clan twice in a row, and it is estimated that he also valued the blood demon’s ability.

Seeing Ye Fei’s expression of approval for him, the blood demon’s face flushed with excitement, and he hurriedly slapped his horse.

“Damn, I have never seen such a demon to have no shame!”

Gongzhu was furious, you know, among the Witch Clan, Gongzhu is a slapstick The ability is also very strong. If he thinks he is second, no one dares to recognize the first. Gongzhu didn’t expect, and now he has encountered such a strong opponent.

Gongzhu’s heart suddenly felt a great crisis: “No, you can lose everything, but you can’t lose it! Damn it, bloody Flood Dragon, can’t you blow it? Let me put some eyedrops on you!”

He felt fiercely fiercely, but smiled on the surface. Gongzhu didn’t give the blood demon a chance to continue to slacken his beard and pat on horses. He was already eager to say to the blood demon who came to the Golden Palace: “Brother Blood Demon Dao, what did you say just now? You said that the new Human Sovereign is the shame of Human Sovereign, the evil demon scum?” “No! That damn new Human Sovereign, he is lucky, he didn’t meet me , Otherwise, I’m sure to beat him to kneel and beg for mercy, even the Human Sovereign Hall dare not return!” The blood demon thought that he was beaten by Xiaocao Qu, compelled by circumstances as the insider of Heaven Temple, the blood demon was furious. , Hate it

Can point to Ye Fei’s nose and yell.

Ye Fei’s brows can’t help but fiercely pick it up. Gongzhu continued to say with a smile: “Brother Blood Demon Dao is really proud of ten thousand zhang! By the way, I can’t agree with you. My big brother is clearly wise and martial, and the deeds made for Human Sovereign are even more sufficient. It has been handed down for generations. There is no one before and no one afterwards! Human Sovereign in the past, not equal to me big brother!

“What, your big brother is the new Human Sovereign Hahaha, Gongzhu Dawu, your joke is really funny… You said that your big brother is Human Sovereign, and Ye Zhizun also said that you are Human Sovereign. Wait… Your big brother, Supreme, and surnamed Ye…”

The blood demon suddenly stiffened and turned his head mechanically, looking towards Ye Fei in amazement. Ye Fei didn’t say anything, just showed a clean smile,

And this smile also immediately made the blood demon’s mind, the same clean smile, that smile is so simple, so Kindness, at first glance, it looks like an honest person is easy to bully.

In the end, these two smiles unexpectedly overlapped strangely in the blood demon’s mind at this moment, and the blood demon finally realized why he saw Ye Zhizun in front of him at the first glance. It feels very familiar.

After that, throughout the Golden Palace, there was a scream that the bleeding demon was worse than the killing pig, “Oh my God, you surnamed Ye, you still have the same smile, you, you, you… “

“What are you, blood demon, you dog, see clearly, my big brother is Ye Fei, Ye Human Sovereign, and also the only supreme of my Wu clan, you dog, you just scolded Isn’t it cool? What should you do!” Gongzhu has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He was about to flex his hands and avenged the blood demon. When he looked back, there was still a blood demon in front of him. On the ground, there was a huge bloody Flood Dragon lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and he was shocked and fainted on the spot. Gongzhu was immediately embarrassed. If he wanted to do it, he wouldn’t do it, and he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t.


Ye Fei is also very speechless. Xiaocao and Ling Siqi who asked by touched the chin asked: “Why, is my appearance terrifying?”

“Eh! “Xiao Cao shook his head resolutely, jumped onto Ye Fei’s shoulder, and kissed Ye Fei’s face.

“Little pot, I want too!” Ling Siqi saw Xiaocao kiss Ye Fei, she didn’t know what she thought of, and her face was blushing, she stood on her toes, and suddenly kissed Ye Fei. a bit.

Ye Fei has a strange feeling inexplicably, but before he wants to understand what this feeling is, suddenly there is another scream, which is ten times more miserable than the sound of killing pigs. , Sounded in the Golden Palace,

But the blood demon fainted for a while, then suddenly woke up, and then he saw Xiaocao, also saw Ling Siqi, and squatted on the ground, curious Looking at him, the black and round Dragon Tortoise looks like a pig and a dragon. Without a word, the blood demon spouted a big mouthful of foam again from the mouth of the Flood Dragon, and fainted on the spot for the second time. The dragon body was still upright, like dried fish.

Chapter 1907 Gods plot against

The blood demon who frightened for the second time, the first thing he woke up was weeping bitter tears, and knelt on Ye with excitement. In front of Fei, “Ye Human Sovereign, Your Highness Ye, the little demon thinks about it day and night, I finally saw your Highness Senior, I am so excited, I fainted with excitement…”

It deserves to be the first bossing king of Monster Race, so I can continue to blow, Ye Fei and Xiaocao are also speechless. Gongzhu refused to let go of the blood demon, and interjected indifferently: “Do you miss my big brother so much? Then you still abused the new Human Sovereign like that?”

“You know what a fart! You don’t understand anything!” The blood demon still doesn’t know at this time, Gongzhu Fen has deliberately punished him. If Ye Fei were not present, the blood demon would definitely swallow the flattery of Gongzhu.

Then, the blood demon just blushed under his eyes and blushed with a thick neck and loudly defended: “For Your Highness, I curse in my mouth and awe in my heart. Although my blood demon is in the enemy camp, I His heart always belongs to His Royal Highness, to the Human Sovereign Palace…”

This remark makes Xiaocao and Ling Siqi both stared wide-eyed in surprise, and Gongzhu is even more impressive. The enemy felt that he had encountered the strongest opponent in his life and was about to fight back. But as a messenger who can serve the witch clan twice in a row, the blood demon’s resilience is not covered. It is not enough to give Ye Fei a Fire Dragon cloak. The blood demon immediately took out a lot of Spirit Stone fairy crystals. The decorations are all shiny, and I push my brain to the grass, and the grass swaying on the spot

The eyes are all shining.


Xiaocao quickly rushed into the pile of Spirit Stone fairy crystals, and rolled around happily holding a shiny object.

“Blood demon, don’t think you can buy us like this!” Ling Siqi akimbo, full of contempt for such obvious buying behavior of the blood demon. She is not like Xiaocao. How can child be easily bought?

Seeing that Ling Siqi was not moved by treasure, the blood demon bit her teeth, and again revealed the killing move, respectfully said: “Ling Young Lady, these sugar bottle gourd, I deliberately passed the Human Race Brought out…”

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