“What, sugar bottle gourd, why didn’t you say it earlier!” Ling Siqi eagerly grabbed it, and ate the elated, showing that it was easier to buy than Xiaocao.

Ye Fei is completely speechless.

Then the blood demon felt something again. He kept rubbing his thigh and looked down, only to find that it was Dragon Tortoise. He actually raised a dragon claw. The dragon eyes contained infinite admiration. And expectations.

The blood demon’s heart was furious: “This black pig, which suffered from the sky plague, was it last time. It ate this Majesty’s dragon meat, and now it dares to profit from somebody’s misfortune… here is one. Dragon Ball, you take…”


There is no word here, a black mouth has appeared with lightning, swallowing that dragon pearl, the black mouth appears again instantly Beside Xiaocao, ka-cha screamed, and then dropped the unnecessary Spirit Stone sculpture of Xiaocao, biting down half of it.

The blood demon was shocked, “This black pig has become a demon saint…”

“Blood demon, you are wrong, don’t look at Dragon Tortoise It’s delicious, in fact, it usually has a very hard cultivation!”

Ye Fei’s face is really uncontrollable.

Heaven knows, except for Ling Siqi, Dragon Tortoise is the same as Xiaocao. Basically, it just sleeps and eats, eats and sleeps. Just saying this is too shameless. Ye Fei naturally wants to help cover up. Fan.

Then, he asked the blood demon in detail and asked about what happened in the Human Race Xiongguan in the past few years. Ye Fei did not expect that Heavenly God and Human God, simply don’t know about Heaven Temple, In fact, it is hidden in the long river of time and space, and naturally it is impossible to catch the trace of the Human Sovereign Temple.

“…On the Heavenly Martial Continent side, there used to be two lower Martial Gods sent by Heavenly God and Human God… But don’t worry, the two lower Martial Gods have been called by yours. Zhao Divine Sword’s friend, we have solved it!” said the blood demon cautiously.

Ye Fei’s face changed drastically in an instant, “It’s Divine Sword Zhao again! Is this person real or fake? The Hermitage, and what purpose do you plan to use me to achieve!”

Ye Fei’s heart is heavy. The more he understands the hidden temple, the more he feels the weird and mysterious of this hidden temple.


At the same time, when Heavenly God sent envoys to the witch clan, he also gave a lot of treasures to each witch god. Out of etiquette, these witch gods also Send an envoy to the Human Race Xiongguan, give gifts back, and explore the reality of the Human Race Xiongguan.

In this way, the identity of Ye Fei was quickly passed into the ears of Heavenly God and God of Humanity. When I heard that the Lord Chancellor had died, Heavenly God was naturally started. You must know , The promotion of witchcraft and marriage was planned by Heavenly God and Chenliang.

Of course, marriage is only secondary. It is the main purpose of Heavenly God and Chenliang to further promote the alliance between the wizard god and the earth, breaking the barrier and entering the Heaven Realm.

Hearing that Chen Liang died in battle, Heavenly God couldn’t help but feel a little worried. Until I heard that the person who succeeded Chen Liang this time was actually a witch god supreme, and this supreme was about to become his After the son-in-law, Heavenly God turned from worry to joy, and he couldn’t help but laugh upright on the spot.

“hahaha, very good, although the deity and Chenliang are friends, but Chenliang rigorous schemes and deep foresight, at the critical moment, you must also be careful of the embankment, but this Ye Zhizun, he is not only the wizard god, but also This deity’s future son-in-law, united in this way, the deity feels much more relieved!”

“What, the relatives of the witch group are actually a witch god supreme!” News soon spread to people. God’s ears.

The shocked eyes of the gods and humans were red on the spot. You must know that the current Human Race Xiongguan is a situation where the human temple and the heaven temple are divided into two parts.

If Heavenly God suddenly has a son-in-law of the witch god, especially this Ye Zhizun, he also made it clear that he will come to Human Race to develop, which will definitely have a huge impact on the human temple.

“Surnamed Ye, or supreme? Damn, this title, how can I get more annoyed when I listen to it!” The Son of God was by his side at this time. When he heard the surnamed Ye of the witch god on the opposite side, he had an instinctive vigilance in his heart. Later, when he heard that the witch god was titled supreme, the son of human god suddenly felt an unfathomable mystery anger: “It is said that the leaf demon, Zeng Jin In Heavenly Martial Continent, there is the title of Supreme. Ye Zhizun and Ye Mo, shouldn’t they be the same person?”

Human God hearing this sneered: “hmph, How can Ye Fei’s demon who is impossible to tell good from bad compare to this Ye Zhizun? Three years ago, Ye Fei was nothing but Half-God Realm. Now three years later, that kid can break through Martial God, Even if he walked the lucky dog ​​excrement!”

“Master said, a Demi-God, a witch god, that Ye Fei is the mud on the ground, and Ye Zhizun is the Divine Dragon in the sky There is simply no comparability!” The Son of Man and God also chuckled, feeling that his suspicion was too ridiculous. At this time, the human god suddenly mood grave, “The Ye Fei is of course not to worry, but in the end he is playing the banner of Human Sovereign, if this person is not removed, it will be a threat to my human temple. This matter is handed over to the teacher. You, you immediately publicized Ye Zhizun’s upcoming marriage to Zhao Yu and Lu Qing. It is said that the new Human Sovereign is a kind of love. If he finds out that his woman will marry another woman, he will definitely appear. Yes!”

Chapter 1908 and the beginning of marriage

“Master, didn’t you say that Ye Zhizun just married the daughter of Heavenly God, why would he still marry Lu Qing?”

The complexion, the son of God and Human, greatly changed.

As the disciples of Gods and Humans, Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, the sons of Gods and Humans, have seen them. They are both devastatingly beautiful peerless beauty. Unfortunately, Zhao Yu is not only the daughter of Heavenly God, but also early He was used by Heavenly God as a tool for marriage with the Witch Clan, and the Son of God could not get involved. However, although he could not climb Zhao Yu high, he was only from Lu Qing from a declining mainland. The Son of God is very confident. With his status, he can marry Lu Qing. That is definitely a blessing that Lu Qing could not cultivate for eight lifetimes. These three years Here, the son of the god of humanity has enough strength and only waits for breakthrough Martial God to ask a teacher

to come forward and help him to ask Heavenly God to come to Lu Qing. At this time, once I heard that Ye Zhizun would not only marry an alluring woman like Zhao Yu, but even Lu Qing would not let go. When he enjoyed the blessings of the Qi people, the son of man and god would be furious. Ye Zhizun, who has never met before, has even more intense jealousy and hatred

, and even this hatred faintly overlaps with his hatred of Ye Fei.

At the same time the body of the son of man and god. A terrifying martial might broke out. Obviously, in the past three years, this god child has also made great progress, and more recently, breakthrough Martial God!

“Master, the discipline has something to ask for!” “No need to ask, women are more important, or is the status of the temple of humans more important? Besides, it is just a guess for the teacher. Heavenly God is ruthless, in the end Zhao Yu is also the Emperor Ji Reincarnation Body. With the very ruthless of Heavenly God, it is also impossible to let her daughter be robbed of her position by other women! I estimate it as a teacher

, Heavenly God asked Lu Qing to act as a dowry maid, The probability of marrying with Zhao Yu is even greater!”

The eyes of the gods flashed with the light of wisdom, and then they stared coldly at their discipline, the two gods of the Human Race battlefield. , Different personalities

Heavenly God is the heaviest bloodline! The most important identity of man and god!

It’s okay if Lu Qing is an ordinary Martial God, if it’s just the dowry maid beside Emperor Ji, the human god will definitely not let his discipline marry him. Of course, the Son of God understands this. While his face is deathly pale, he feels inexplicably sad and humiliated. Why is Ye Zhizun able to take Emperor Ji and gift a beauty in the city as a dowry maid, and he dignified Holy Child of Divine Temple, but he can only stare at it, and dare not even say anything that he has resisted for a while!

The most important thing is that Ye Zhizun and Ye Human Sovereign are actually surnamed Ye! ,

So when he knew that he could not retaliate against Ye Zhizun, the son of man and god naturally angered Ye Fei with all his embarrassment and jealousy. “Damn, this god son cannot afford to offend surnamed Ye’s Martial God supreme, can’t he still step on surnamed Ye’s new Human Sovereign? Ye Fei, wait for this god son, no matter where you hide in the starry sky, this god son will You pulled it out and stepped on your head personally to let you know that the difference between me and you is now

how huge!”

Holding Ye Fei underfoot With determination and confidence, the Son of Man and God really turned his suffocation into motivation, and began to make great efforts to publicize Ye Zhizun’s upcoming marriage to Emperor Ji.

This also caused an uproar in the entire Human Race battlefield.

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