Somewhere in the city of trials, when he heard this news, a certain young girl was surprised to put down the gnawing spirit melon in her hand: “What, Zhao Yu is going to marry someone. I’m going to marry the Wu Clan! This is a good thing, no, this Fairy has to prepare a generous gift!”

“No, Shangluo, you can’t go out yet! The Temple of Human Beings publicizes this, and the purpose is certain It’s to attract our old people of Human Sovereign to appear!”

Until Shangluo’s charge ahead, soon, several majestic silhouettes appeared in the yard, the first one, black hair, demon eyes, and fierce aura. Ashamed as a demon. It’s daunting.

But soon, a piece of Linggua peel was thrown on his head: “Fu Renjie, you dare to stop the great aunt and try it. You really think that the great aunt is a gift for Zhao Yu’s fierce woman. , The great aunt is to save the sister Lu Qing!”

Fu Renjie took off the skin of the spirit melon on his head, complexion ashen, and was about to go crazy, Zhao Qianjun and Jing Wushou next to him were quick and smart, and hurry up together. Hold down Fu Renjie and say: “Brother Fu, calm down! Keep your demeanor!”

“Yes, keep your demeanor! You young people, if you can have the uncle and half of me calmly, you will have a breakthrough Martial. God, hey, it’s really unforgettable, the world is going down!”

“Courting death, who would dare to be an uncle in front of the uncle!”

Daqingshi said nothing, outside the house Suddenly, a bucket of paint flew over, and the big bluestone that was smashed on the spot fell from Zhao Qianjun’s head. Unable to move even a little bit, Zhao Qianjun was surprised to see the stone puppet walking in alone, “Uncle Master, why are you? One, where’s my Master?”

“Hey, don’t mention it, uncle, I was strolling with the old gangster… Well! It’s a restaurant! Suddenly there came a not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth kid, what do you say about the imperial decree, there is our name, no, the old gangster ran to chase that brat!”

The stone puppet shook his head and didn’t forget to move towards the big blue stone. When he stepped on his foot hard, Da Qingshi was full of grief and indignation, “Good shameless! I am the precious Dao Comprehension Stone. Even if Ye Xiaozi was in front of me back then, I had to be respectful and treat me like an uncle.

“Okay, let’s just say a few words, let’s find a way as soon as possible and inform Demon Sovereign about this matter!”

The calmest Zhao Qianjun stood up, With a shout, the entire courtyard suddenly became quiet.

In the Golden Palace, Ye Fei stared at the blood demon with a weird expression, “Heavenly God, what idea is this? He asked Zhao Yu to marry it. Also treat Lu Qing as a dowry maid and give it to me together?”

“Your Highness, this is a great thing. As long as you marry Zhao Yu Emperor Ji, you can rescue Lu Qing by the way. This is not your Highness. Did you always hope for it?” The blood demon trumpeted.

But what he said is not unreasonable. After all, Ye Fei’s original plan was to rescue Zhao Yu and Lu Qing together, but when he thought of him marrying Zhao Yu, it doesn’t count, since there are more A dowry maid, this somewhat makes Ye Fei feel awkward.

The point is that Lu Qing is not someone else, but the granddaughter of the Heavenly Punishment. If the Old Senior who is not inferior to Heavenly God in the conspiracy knows, his granddaughter has suddenly become a dowry maid. Ye Fei feels very difficult to explain!

“Sovereign, all great lords come to worship! I also sent the supreme wedding gift!”

When Ye Fei was struggling whether he should agree to Heavenly God’s kindness, other The sorcerer god did not give Ye Fei a chance to hesitate.

Heavenly God just set the time for the marriage, and the ten witch gods who received the wind have come together, urging Ye Fei to get out of the house under the pretext of sending gifts.

After all, Ye Fei was in the witch clan for one day, and these witch gods were sitting on pins and needles for a day, for fear that Ye Fei would make some shocking behavior, which would break everyone’s rules and understanding of hundreds of thousands of years.

Ye Fei is also very depressed about this, but his purpose in coming to the Human Race battlefield was to rescue Zhao Yu and Lu Qing. Now that he has this opportunity, Ye Fei finally decided. Let’s save people first. “Tell the witch gods that the people are gone and the gift is left, but each golden palace cannot be less than hundreds thousand magic crystals. If I can’t do it, then I will stay in the witch clan and not leave!”

Chapter 1909 Return to Xiongguan again

Heaven Temple, as the wedding period approaches, Heavenly God finally stepped into the imprisoned Zhao Yu’s Shenfeng Terrace again. This pavilion was once the residence of Emperor Ji, the daughter of Heavenly God.

I was only conspired by the hidden god. When Emperor Ji was breaking through Martial God, he was robbed and died. Only a trace of Remnant Soul was paid by Heavenly God. He invited the great minister to perform Witchcraft can be reincarnated.

This is also the beginning of the cooperation between Heavenly God and Chen Liang. Of course, Chen Liang still deceived Heavenly God, that is, Emperor Ji is not really reincarnated, but will only be fused by another soul.

And the one who integrated the Emperor Ji Remnant Soul is Zhao Yu.

Therefore, even though Heavenly God has thought of countless ways, he cannot turn Zhao Yu back into Emperor Ji, and he cannot let Zhao Yu listen to him. When he felt the approach of Heavenly God Aura, the entire pavilion suddenly burst into flames. Zhao Yu, with red hair, like a raging flame Goddess, stood between the attic and stared at the approaching Heavenly God indifferently: “You still What are you doing here? I’ve said many times, I’m Zhao Yu, I’m not yours

Daughter! Either you let me go, or you kill me! There is nothing else to say between us That!” Heavenly God looked up with regret and sigh, looking up at Zhao Yu’s silhouette on the attic. This silhouette is so familiar, yet so strange. The face of this earthly respecter shows a rare trace of pain. “Daughter, it’s me who is a bad father. If it weren’t for me to be in the dark

forget it, you wouldn’t have died. In fact, Chenliang initiated the witchcraft to let you When Remnant Soul of Remnant Soul was reincarnated, I knew he was lying to me, but I was willing to let him lie. Do you know why?”

“Why?” Zhao Yu didn’t speak in the attic. Behind her, another woman in Tsing Yi appeared like a Goddess.

Because of being familiar with Zhao Yu, Lu Qing was also affected by bad luck and was imprisoned in the Heaven Temple, unable to leave. What makes Lu Qing depressed is that she is also Goddess anyway, but in Heaven Temple. , But was forcibly arranged by Heavenly God to be a personal servant girl, specially serving Zhao Yu.

Like Zhao Yu, every time he saw Heavenly God, a strong anger surged in Lu Qing’s heart, but Lu Qing and Zhao Yu didn’t mean to act. The sky full of fire source spread to a place close to Heavenly God ten meters. It was suppressed and completely extinguished. Heavenly God didn’t care. “Since Emperor Ji was calculated by the hidden god and fell unexpectedly, the deity was here and arranged. Countless prohibitions, even the respect of the earth, can’t break in for a short time, Zhao Yu,

Although you are not my daughter, you have merged with my daughter’s Remnant Soul. Therefore, you must replace her. , Accomplish what she didn’t do!”

“Do you want me to marry the witch race? When you marry the tool, when you sell the Human Race tool!” Zhao Yu looked at Heavenly coldly God.

Heavenly God also looked at Zhao Yu, with a hint of apology and determination in his eyes: “Yes! Entering Heaven Realm, breakthrough Heavenly Venerate, is the deity’s greatest wish, and you, and you, must Help the deity, fulfill this wish!”

Lu Qing’s face suddenly changed, “It is enough to let Zhao Yu go with my relatives, why do you even count me?”

She suddenly There is an urge to cry.

Heavenly God did not explain this time. He accommodated Zhao Yu. It is Zhao Yu’s remnant soul that integrates Emperor Ji. This does not mean that Heavenly God will care about Lu Qing, even if Lu Qing is also one An alluring beauty.

Heavenly God silently walked to a place ten steps away from the attic, with a soft expression and indifference, said solemnly: “Whether you like it or not, this matter is already set! If. You guys If you don’t want Ye Fei to die, then obey the deity’s orders obediently!”


Following Heavenly God’s words, a crystal wall suddenly appeared in front of him. On the wall, a hellish scene soon appeared. In that hell, a silhouette wearing a black Purple Gold robe was screaming in pain in the endless fire of hell.

“Ye Fei!”

“How is it possible!”

Zhao Yu and Lu Qing both recognized the suffering at first sight With the tormented silhouette, Lu Qing couldn’t help but his face changed horribly, and he shook his head and said: “I don’t believe it, that guy has a hard life, how could he be caught so easily?”

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